William h MOORE

Abt 1820
New York, both parents born in NY
Aft 1880
in or around Iowa?
Abt 1848
New York?
User Submitted
Hannah (UNKNOWN)
Abt 1857
possibly near Portland, Michigan
24 Feb 1849
Andover?, Allegany Co., New York
5 Jul 1899
Hayes Center, Hayes Co., Nebraska
14 Apr 1869
Hartland, Worth Co., Iowa 
                   Edwin G. Moore fell 256 feet into a well and met
instant death.
The village was startled on Friday morning last
when word when word was brought in that E.G.Moore,
residing 6 miles northwest, had fallen into his well
from which he was pulling the pump.  A number of our
citizens repaired to the place immediately, and found
the story only to true.  It appears that the well
needed cleaning out and Mr. Moore had engaged Will
Thompson, a well repairer, to do the work.  The work
was to be done on Friday and on that morning Thompson
had a few hours work to do before going to Moore's, so
the latter thought to hasten the work by pulling the
pump and 256 feet of inch and a half pipe before
Thompsonarrived.  He had succeeded in raising the
pipe by means of pulleys until threejoints 18 feet
long had been uncoupled and taken out.  As the pipe
was beingraised to remove the 4th section the chain
around the pipe began to slip andthe pipe to disceed.
Moore standing on the platform stooped over to
tighten the pipe-tongs, but the pipe was going ro
fast.  When it slipped down to the knuckle joint at
the end of the peipe it was going rapidly and the
weight of the pipe broke the pulley fasteneing loose
at the top and the whole weight of about 200 feet of
one and a half inch iron pipe was brought to bear on
the platform on which Moore was standing, smashing it
in and carrying Moore with it into the well.  This
occurred at about 10 o'clock in the forenoon, but it
was quite 1 o'clock before arrangements were perfected
to remove the body.  Then itwas discovered that the
well had caved in places and it was thought to
dangerous an undertaking for any man to  risk his life
in going down into the well.Preperations were made
to curb the dangerous places, but along in the
afternoon Dan Christner arrived at the scene of the
accident and volunteered to godown and examine the
condition of things.  lBeing experienced in such work
hewas lowered to the bottom of the well attached a
rope to the lifeless body ofMoore and was soon drawn
safely to the top.  The death of Moore must have been
instantanious soon after falling in and it is beleived
that it occured within 50 feet of the top as the
indication that he struck on the end of the 200 feet
of lead standing in the well, his head and face being
split open as if done by the end of the rod.
Edwin G. Moore was born February 24, 1849 in Allegheny
County, New York.  His parents moved to Portland
Michigan when he was 5 years of age, and his mother
died when he was about 8 years of age.  The father
then moved to Freeborn, Minnesota where the deceased
grew to manhood.  He wasmarried April 14, 1869 to
Miss Electa M. Towne, at Hartland, Iowa and in 1885
they removed to Cambridge, Neb, locating a homestead
6 miles northwest of Hayes Center in 1886, where they
have since resided,  Deceased leaves a widow and six
children to morn his loss.  He was an energetic
citizen and a large manphysically being over 6 feet
and weighing more than 200 pounds.  The funeralwas
held from the ME Church of Hayes Center and the remains
consigned to thefamily lot in the village cemetery on
Sunday afternoon, followed by lthe largest funeral
procession ever seen here.  The sermon preaced by Rev.
James and the obsiquies conducted by the Odd Fellows,
of which order deceased but recently become a member.
[Northwood, Iowa and Marquette, Nebraska papers please
FamilyCentral Network
William h Moore - Hannah (Unknown)

William h Moore was born at New York, both parents born in NY Abt 1820.

He married Hannah (Unknown) Abt 1848 at New York? .

They were the parents of 1 child:
Edwin Gershianham Moore born 24 Feb 1849.

William h Moore died Aft 1880 at in or around Iowa? .

Hannah (Unknown) died Abt 1857 at possibly near Portland, Michigan .