William COMBS

St Mary's, Maryland
Bef 20 Dec 1742
St Mary's, Maryland
Bef 13 Aug 1722
St Mary's, Maryland
William COMBS, Sr. (thought to have been a son of Enoch & Barbary COMBS I) deposed in 1721 in the Brent Nuthall suit (below) that he was age 50 (born ca 1671).

Combs, William, gent. St Mary's Co., 13th Oct., 1742; 20th Dec., 1742.
To daus. Mary Waughop, Elianor Medley and son Enoch, 1s and 1 slave.
" wife Mary, extx., 1/3 estate.
" 5  child. viz., Thomas Hatton, Susannah, William, Jr., James and Philip and hrs., residue of estate.
Test, desires that his five younger child. remain with their mother until they become of age and gives her the handling of their estates until that time.
Test: Thomas Breaden, Charles Dillon, Luke Cusacke. 22. 529.

William Combs 27.372    SM  £419.16.1    Jan 5 1742  Mar 18 1742/43
Appraisers: R. Hammett, Thomas Breding.
Creditors: Thomas Breding as assignee of Luke Cassacke, William Cartwright.
Next of kin: Enoch Combs.
Administrators/Executors: Joseph Inking and his wife Mary Inking.

William COMBS who d 1740-2 in St Mary's Co MD, had a daughter, Elianor COMBS who had married a (William?) MEDLEY at the time William's will was written (see below). Was this William's daughter, in which case, she was born bef 1718 (presumably 16 to receive payment in her own right).

George ROGERS of St Mary's Co. 20th March 1739-40; 17th Nov., 1740.
To daus. Darcus and Dorothy, personalty.
To son George, lands in Turtola [Tortola?] and Anquila [Antigua?].
To wife Elizabeth, 1/3 personal estate.
Exs.: Wife Elizabeth and James WAUGHOP.
Test: Thomas WAUGHOP, James COAMES, James TAYLOR. 22. 279. Maryland Calendar of Wills: Volume 8)
The above witness seems unlikely to be James, s/o William and Mary HATTON Combs since he would have still been in his minority with a minimum of four years to majority based on 1742 will of his father.

13 Oct 1742-12 Dec 1740 [sic] (St Mary's Co MD TA1:116) The Last Will of William COMBS. In the name of God Amen the thirteen day of October in the year of Our Lord one thousand seven hundred, and forty two I William COMBS of St Marys County Gent. Being sick and weak of body but of perfect mind and memory thanks be given unto God therefore calling unto mind, the mortality of my body and that it is appointed for all men once to die, so make and ordain this my last will and testament in manner and form following, that is to say first and principally, I give my soul unto the hands of God my Creator who gave it to me, and for my body I commend it to the earth to be buried in Christian & decent manner by my Executrix hereafter mentioned nothing doubting but at the general Resurrection. I shall receive the same again by the mighty power of God, and as touching such worldly Estate, where with it hath pleased God to bless me in this life, I give device bequeath and dispose the saim in manner and form following vizt._ Impuin is I give & bequeath unto my daughter Mary WAUGHOP one shilling sterling sterling, money to be paid in silver by my Executrix hereafter mentioned in full for said Mary WAUGHOPS part of my Estate, together with sundry other valuable goods & chattells, she had of me these twenty years last past and upwards to the value of above a good niger. Item I give and bequeath unto my daughter Eleanor MEDLEY. One shilling sterling money to be paid as the former in full for her part of my estate, together with a niger wench she had of me a about thirteen years ago called nell. Item I give and bequeath unto my son Enoch one shithing sterling to be paid as aforesaid in full for his part of my Estate together with a niger wench he had of me about the said time of thirteen years ago called Flora. Item I give will and bequeath of all the rest of my Estate the one third part unto my dearly beloved wife Mary COMBS after the debts legacys and funeral expences are paid and discharged. Item I give will and bequeath the remaining part of my estate to be equally divided and distributed between my now younger children Vizt. Thomas Hatton COMBS, Susanna COMBS, William COMBS Junior, James COMBS, and Philip, and also I will that if any or either of these of the said five children, should dye, before he she or they come to age to enjoy or receive their several, and respective portions. That then if child or childrens so deceaseds part or portion of my Estate, shall & may be equally devided, and shared between the living of any or either of the said five younger children or the longer liver of them or any or either of them any thing therin contained to the contrary notwithstanding, and it is also my will and desire, that my son Hatton COMBS do remain and live with my loving wife Mary COMBS aforesaid until he shall arrive at the age of twenty one years with all his lands and other his estate, and portion, to be and continue in her possession & hands until that time. And also I will and desire, that my other four younger children vizt._ Susanna, William, James, and Philip COMBS, may live along with their mother the said Mary COMBS, and be instructed ruled and go bound by her during their minority, with their several respective portions and share of my Estate to remain bound and continue in her hands till they or any or either of them come to arrive to their life age as aforesaid. Lastly and finally of this my last will and testament I make and ordain constitute and appoint my dear and well beloved wife Mary COMBS aforesaid my full and sole Executrix and do hereby utterly disallow revoke and annull, all and every other Testaments wills legacys bequest and Executors by me in any way before this time, named willied & bequeathed; ratifying and confirming, this and no other to be my last will and Testament in witness, whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal the day and year above written. William [His Mark] COMBS. seal. December the 20th 1740. Signed sealed published pronounced and declare by the said William COMBS as his last will & Testamen
  t in the presence of us Thomas BREADING Charles DILLON, and Luke CUSACKE. the three subscribing witnesses to the foregoing will being duly & solemuly sworn on the Holy Envangels of Almighty God dispose and say that they saw the testator William COMBS sign the foregoing will and heard him publish and declare the same to be his last will and testament that at the time of his so doing he was to the best of there apprehensions of sound and disposing mind and memory. Sworn before me Tho. AISGUITH Deputy Commissioner

The day above the deceased Widow made of St Marys County her Election, and accepted of the devise in the will Certified by me Tho. AISGUITH Depty Comiss of St Marys County. (Transcribed by Combs-Clark Researcher Jerry Clark who adds that although the date signed was written out 1742, the latter date appears to be 1740. See also transcription by Fannie Combs Gough (ms.) and the "Maryland Calendar of Wills,' Volume 8, pp. 191-2, Liber 22, folio 529, which both indicate will signed 13 Oct 1742, proved 20 Dec 1742. The will preceding this one was proved 29 Jan 1742/3 and that following on 13 Jan 1742/3. Both Fannie and Jerry show Thomas was BREADING, but MD Calendar of wills shows BREADON)

5 Jan-18 Mar 1742/3 (Inventory Liber 27, fol. 372, Jan. 5, 1742/3, Annapolis). The inventory of the estate of William COMBS, late of St Mary's County L419. 16 s. and 1 d. Kin: Enoch COMBS. Creditors Thomas BREEDEN and Luke CUSACKS and William CARTWRIGHT.
"March 18, 1742/3 came Joseph JENKINS and Mary his wife and made oath that above was correct." Before Thomas AISQUITH, Depty. Commr." (Fannie Combs Gough ms.)

5 Jan-18 Mar 1742/3 MD Prerogative Court Records. 27.372. Inventory. William COMBS. L419.16.1. Appraisers: R. HAMMET, Thomas BREDING. Creditors: Thomas BREDING, as asignee of Luke CASSACK, William CARTRIGHT. Next of kin: Enoch COMBS. Administrators/Executors: Joseph INKING and his wife Mary INKING. [sic] (Skinner...)
Mary HATTON Combs, d testate 1788, St Mary's MD, m next Joseph JENKINS. William's daughter, Eleanor COMBS, m William(?) MEDLEY who d testate in St Mary's Co MD in 1752 (See Below) His daughter, Mary, appears to have married James(?) WAUGHOP who d in St Mary's Co MD in 1750. According to the Fanny Combs Gough Manuscript, however, Eleanor m John MEDLEY and Mary m Thomas WAUGHOP (records needed). This source also states that William COMBS' eldest three children were by an unidentified first wife and that he m 2nd Mary Tribelly HATTON who, following his death, m John JENKINS. (research in progress) Question: Is the given name Philip significant in reference to the early Philip COMBS of St Mary's Co MD, "overseer to Mr. GERARD" in the 1650s?
Abt 1702
Bef 30 Sep 1788
St Mary's, Maryland
Mary JENKINS. Liber J.J. No. 1. fol. 453, Leonardtown. Sept. 30, 1788,
Granddaughter, Susannah SPALDING,
granddau. Susannah COMBS, Dau. of Philip COMBS,
grandson Robert COMBS, brother of Susannah,
also two other brothers of Susannah,
grandau. Treasy COMBS,
sons John JENKINS, Joseph JENKINS, Augustus JENKINS and Edmund Courtney JENKINS,
dau. Susannah COOPER,
granddaus. Anne COMBS and Elizabeth COMBS.
Legacy to Rev. John BOARMAN.
Executors; John JENKINS and Edmund C. JENKINS.

MD Tercenary history says this was Mary Hatton, but can find no Mary Hatton, of either Thomas or anyone else in right age range. Thomas Hatton's will does not mention a Mary, and if she was born of his wife, who was pregnant at his death, she was too young to marry William Combs.
(Per Jerry Clarke) Mary Hatton was the unborn child mentioned in her father's will. The 200 ac. "Grapenall" and 300 ac. "Wilderpoole" matches nicely with the 500 ac. devised by Thomas Hatton to his unnamed daughter in 1701. William COMBS mentions no land in his will. It is possible that he married a daughter of James JOHNSON and in that way his son Enoch came in possession of the two tracts of land, which were surveyed by James JOHNSON in 1637 (who went to Virginia), 200 acres of "Grapenall" and 300 acres of "Wilderpool". We find no conveyance of them, but as we have seen, the Debt Books show Enoch COMBS' heirs in possession of them in 1766.Mary Jenkins named her daughter Susanna Cooper in her will in 1788. I believe this is Susanna who married HENRY Cooper. They had three children--Mary, b. 1749; William, b. 1751; and Henrietta, b. 1754 all of whom were baptized at St Andrew's Epis. Church.

Thimbellby, Thimbellbee, John, 2nd Dec, 1659; 19th Dec, 1659.
To the Roman Catholic Church, to John Brown, Margaret Brown, wife of William Brown, John Bryan's child. John Shertcliffe, his wife Anne and sons John and William Shertcliffe, and godson Robert Call, personalty.
To goddau. Mary Brown, all land in MD.
Exs.: Wm. Brown, John Sherteliffe.
Test: Jennet Frissell, Jean Giraugh. 1. 80.

Makarell, Mekarell, Peter, 3rd Apr., 1648; 8th May, 1648.
Thomas Deniard and John Thembleby, exs. and sole legatees of estate, real and personal, including plantation.
Test: John Medley, Philip Arther. 1. 14.
No Children Recorded
FamilyCentral Network
William Combs - Mary Hilton

William Combs was born at St Mary's, Maryland 1672. His parents were Enoch Combs and Barbara .

He married Mary Hilton Bef 13 Aug 1722 at St Mary's, Maryland . Mary Hilton was born at Abt 1702 .

William Combs died Bef 20 Dec 1742 at St Mary's, Maryland .

Mary Hilton died Bef 30 Sep 1788 at St Mary's, Maryland .