
User Submitted
Bef 26 Apr 1676
Calvert, Maryland
Abt 1665
Calvert, Maryland 
Mill, William, Calvert Co., 13th Mar., 1675/76; 26th Apr., 1676.
To wife Tibitha, execex., life interest in estate.
" eld. son William and hrs., "Dunbarre" and "Faddington."
" 2nd John and hrs., and unborn child, if male, "Trenent."
In event of death of any of afsd. sons, survivor or survivors to inherit deceased's portion equally.
" daus. (unnamed), personalty.
Overseers: Alex. Magrouder, Saml. Tayler, Ninian Bell.
Test: Robt. Lindsay, Robt. Fowkes, Richd. Chafey. 5.23.

William Mills 2.211 I CA £29559 Jul 31 1676
Appraisers: Arthur Ludford, Peter Archer.

William Mills 5.146 A CA £29559 £29559 Jun 13 1678
Payments to: James Guthrey & John Guthrey, Samuel Darley & Co., Richard Rickson, Andrew Tennahill, Thomas Cosden, John Abington, Henry Jowles, Robert Linsey, Michall Tawney, Christopher Rowsby, Peter Arenes.
Distribution to: Tabiatha Blanford, orphans (unnamed).
Executrix: Tabiatha Blanford (relict), wife of Thomas Blanford.

In a deposition he gave in 1658, William gave his age as 30 (Archives of Maryland 41:219). He was living on the Patuxent River in 1659 when a dispute arose over the land on which he resided (41:329).
He often sat on the jury for the court of Calvert County as recorded in the Archives of Maryland. He was a witness for several wills in which he signed with his mark "W".
He patented his first tract of land called "Trennt" in 1663 (Patents 7:517).
In the will of John Boage (1:301), written July 8, 1667, a legacy was left to his countryman William Mills. William became the possessor of "Dunbar" and "Haddington" which had been patented to John Boage in 1663. These tracts adjoined William's own tract called "Trenent". The property is marked today by a point on the Patuxent Bay called "Milltown Landing" (Patuxent River Park). Milltown Landing Road runs through his original property. William's will was written in Calvert County (5:23) on March 13, 1676, and was probated April 26, 1676. In his will the tracts of land above mentioned went to his sons after the death of his wife. Tabitha (Mills) Willett, wife of Edward Willet, is the unborn child named in his will. William's property was inventoried and accounted (5:146) by Thomas Blanford. The estate was valued at 29,559 Pounds (a man servant, a boy servant and a woman servant amounted to 6,200) with 11,313 owed to debts. His widow Tabitha received 6,082, her third, and the unnamed orphans received 12,164.
After his death his wife married Thomas Blandford whose will was probated in April 1698. After Tabitha Mills Blandford died in 1700, one item in the disbursements, 1,000 pounds of tobacco, was made to Edward Willett, part of the portion of Tabitha Mills and in full of the same; as Tabitha Mills' husband was paid her portion of her mother's estate on March 10, 1703/4 (Bond 1:19); Tabitha making her mark "T".

Magruder Family Genealogy Forum
Speculation on the birth family of Sarah, wife of Samuel Magruder (son of Alexander)
Posted by: Peter McManus (ID *****7688) Date: June 18, 2003 at 05:59:50
Speculation on the birth family of Sarah, wife of Samuel Magruder (son of Alexander the immigrant)
Official records show a close relationship between the Magruder, Mills and Willett families in colonial Maryland.
1. At William Mills death in 1676, his will (Calvert County) names wife Tabitha, sons William Jr. and John and unnamed daughters. Overseers of the estate were Alexander Magruder, Samuel Tayler and Ninian Beall. One of the witnesses to the will was Richard Chaffey.
2. In 1677 when Alexander Magruder died his will named almost the same set of overseers: Samuel Taylor, Ninian Beall and Nathaniel Truman.
3. Tabitha, widow of William Mills, remarried to Thomas Blanford. Thomas Blanford's will of 1698 (Prince George's County) names as overseers: Samuel Magruder, William Mills (Tabitha's son), and Edward Willett (husband of Tabitha's daughter, Tabitha Mills).
4. Richard Chaffey, a witness to the will of William Mills Sr. has his will proved in 1698 (PGC). Overseers were Samuel Magruder and Edward Willett.
5. Samuel Magruder, Edward Willett and a John Smith were asked in the will of Thomas Sprigg Sr. to divide the residue of his estate in 1704 (PGC) Connections here somehow. Thomas Sprigg's daughter, Eleanor, married Thomas Hilleary. When Thomas Hilleary died, William Mills Jr signed the inventory as next of kin.
6. Samuel Magruder's own will of 1711 (PGC) was witnesses by Edward Willett, Tabitha Willett (Edward's wife) and an Ann Smith
7. Benjamin Berry, in his will of 1719 (PGC) named as overseers: Samuel Magruder Jr., Thomas Hilleary Jr., Edward Willett and John Clagett. Benjamin Berry's wife was Mary Hilleary, brother to Thomas Jr.
9. Anchovie Hills, the home plantation of Alexander Magruder, bordered Trenant, the home plantation of William Mills Sr.
10. Samuel and Sarah named a son William and had a grandson by their son Samuel, named William Mills Magruder.
To play devil's advocate, both Samuel Magruder and Edward Willett were PGC officals. It might be expected that they would be asked to witness county documents. Still, all wills where they were overseers together seem to have a family connection and neither acted as overseer alone in the probate records of the county.
So, I think, but can not prove, that Sarah, wife of Samuel Magruder, was the daughter of William Mills Sr. and his wife, Tabitha

Re: Speculation on the birth family of Sarah, wife of Samuel Magruder (son of Alexander
Posted by: Fredric Z. Saunders (ID *****6091) Date: June 20, 2003 at 21:35:42
In Reply to: Speculation on the birth family of Sarah, wife of Samuel Magruder (son of Alexander) by Peter McManus
Interesting thoughts.
In doing an Internet search, I found that Ann Whalen in a copyrighted 2000 article at:
in approaching from the Willet side speculated the same thing. For children of William Mills and Tabitha Hilleary she listed: "Sarah Mill who married Samuel McGruder (not proven)."
To add a couple pieces to what you listed:
In his will, Samuel Magruder named as overseers his brother Alexander Magruder, brother Nathaniel Magruder, and brother John Pottinger. Now, if Samuel's wife Sarah was Sarah Mills, the most likely way that he would call John Pottinger (Pottenger) "brother" is if Pottinger's wife Mary was a sister to Sarah. For the other theoritical possibilities, Samuel Magruder had no sister Mary to be the wife of John Pottinger. While John Pottinger did have a sister named Sarah in England, there is no evidence that she ever went to America to be Samuel Magruder's wife.
If Sarah was a Mills, then it would also be likely that John Pottenger's wife Mary was a Mills.
1. When Thomas Blanford's inventory was taken, the appraisers were Samuell Magruder and John Pottenger. Under the theory, Blanford would have been the step-father of both their wives. [MD Inventories and Accounts 16:108]
2. William Mills, Jr.'s administration account in 1706 showed a payment to "John Pottinger for the use of Martha Blanford." [MD Inventories and Accounts 26:136] If the children of Thomas Blanford were named in order in his will, Martha was the youngest. If the children were born about every two years after Tabitha (widow Mills) married Thomas Blanford, then Martha was probably born about 1686-1690. One implication of the payment to John Pottinger for Martha Blanford would be that Martha was living with his family. With both her parents dead, a logical place that Martha, a single age 16-20 year old female, would live would be with one of her [half]-sisters under this theory.
For your #10, I have not followed the Magruder family. Can you tell me the document which shows the grandson of Samuel and Sarah with the middle name Mills? Thanks
Rick Saunders

Re: Speculation on the birth family of Sarah, wife of Samuel Magruder (son of Alexan
Posted by: Peter McManus (ID *****7688) Date: June 21, 2003 at 07:13:37
In Reply to: Re: Speculation on the birth family of Sarah, wife of Samuel Magruder (son of Alexan by Fredric Z. Saunders
Rick, thanks for your response. I've read your article on Ninian Beall, and as a descendant (through George) I appreciate your work.
I have two sources for the name William Mills Magruder. They are, however, both from transcripts.
1) The will of Samuel Magruder (son of Samuel and Sarah, husband of Eleanor Wade) was written Jan. 30, 1739 (no double year notation in the transcript) and proved in Montgomery County on Feb. 9, 1779. He is called a planter of Prince George's County and many people give his death date as in 1779. Myself, I wonder if he died sometime soon after writing his will in 1739, before the creation of Frederick or Montgomery Counties and his will was not recorded at the time. Forty years is a long time to leave a will untouched. In the will he names wife Eleanor, sons Elias, Alexander, Josias, William Mills, Samuel, Zachariah and daughters Eleanor, Lucey and Elizabeth Spencer. Liber A, folio 81.
2) The will of Robert Magruder (son of Samuel Magruder and Eleanor Wade, husband of Sarah Crabb) was written Mar. 2, 1735/36 and proved in Prince George's County Jun. 23, 1736. He names wife, Sarah, daughter Eleanor, brother Elias, nephew Samuel Magruder. The witnesses to the will were: Samuel Magruder (prob. brother), Andrew Scott, John Haswell (brother Samuel married Jane Haswell) and William Mill Magruder. Folio 262.
I've seen people use the statement in Samuel Sr.'s will "brother John Pottinger" to prove two unreconcilable facts at the same time: that Sarah and Mary, wife of John Pottinger were sisters (and lots of people still assign them to Ninian. Why do people think they're Bealls?) and that John married second to Samuel's sister, Elizabeth named in his father's will (under 14 years of age in 1677). I haven't found any indication that John remarried to an Elizabeth yet. I've been checking deeds for a dower release. There is no recorded deed surviving but Elizabeth's inherited property ended up with her brothers. I think Elizabeth probably died unmarried. My post previous to this one has to do with Samuel and his siblings ages.
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