Abt 1638
The Fanny Combs Gough Manuscript, http://www.combs-families/~combs/ms/ms-fcg.htm
Enoch witnessed the will of Richard Preston 16 Sep 1669.

Archives of Maryland, Volume 57, Provincial Court Proceedings, 1666. Page 26; Att a Provinciall Court held att St Marys The 3d day of Aprill 1666; Enoch Combes aged 28 yeares or thereabouts: Examined & saith That Tho: Martin sould to Timothy Gooddridge one man servant by name Roger Williams to serve the said Gooddridge the full & Compleate terme of five yeares & further saith not  Sworne in open Cort Philip Calvert         Enoch Coomes

20 Mar 1664/5 Maryland. Sept 1663 Enoch Combs "demanded land for transportation of his wife Barbara, his son Enoch, and his servant, Ann Hawtin. Sworn before Thomas Truman, Deputy Commissioner, "Upon the aforegoing assignment George Lingan issued warrant for 300 acres dated the 8th day of April, 1665, returned 19th day of October, 1665."

A number of early published reports exist in regard to Enoch Combs and his descendants; however, most do not include any sources, and the few records located thus far have been insufficient to document this line.
Among those published reports is the following, submitted by Fanny Combs (b bef 1899), widow of Ignatius Pike Goff, and published in 1938 in the Register of Maryland's Heraldic Families:
Combs of Old Stratford, Warwickshire, England
Enoch Combs-Immigrated to Maryland in 1664 with wife Barbara, son Enoch and servant Ann Hawtin. Sur. of 350 acres of Park Hall Manor. Patent Sept 1663
Son William, born in MD. 1672, d-1740 in St Mary's Co m-Mary (Tribelly Hatton), who m-Joseph Jenkins after death of Wm Combs.
Their son Enoch Combs 2nd b-__, d-1756, m-1740 Mary Manning, who d-1769
Their son Ignatius Combs, b-1740, d-1790, m-1660-1-Mary Fenwick, dau-of John Fenwick, b-1746,d-1813. Ignatius Combs, Member of Committee of Safety and Association of Freemen. Chairman of Committee to settle boundaries of confiscated lands. 1st Lieut., Revo. War, Archives Vol. 16, page 346. Commission issued Aug 26, 1777.
Their son Lewis Combs, b-1781, d-1819, m-Margaret Ford, 1804, dau-of Capt. Philip Ford and wife, Eleanor Thompson. Capt. P. Ford with Geo Washington's Army in retreat across Deleware, said to have caused the retreat. Judge, Orphans' Court, St Mary's Co., 1804-5.
Their son Lewis Cornelius Combs, b-1818, d-1899, m-1848-Mary Eliz. Coad, dau-of Col. Wm Coad of Cherry Fields, St Mary's Co., and his wife Eliz. Rodman Smith of Philadelphia, gr. dau-of Hon. Rich. Smith, Member from New Jersey of 1st Continental Congress.
Their daughter-Registrant-Fanny S. Combs, widow of Ignatius Pike Gough.
(Source-Series II of Register of Maryland's Heraldic Families by Alice Norris Parran, copyright 1938, pages 124-125)
Abt 1658
Calvert, Maryland
Bef 8 Mar 1725/26
Prince George, Maryland
Enoch Combes 11,783    PG  £252.10.3    Mar 8 1726  Mar 10 1726
Appraisers: William Mordant, John Pratt.
Creditors: Edward Sprigg, Thomas Willson.
Next of kin: Sarah Combs, John Peerce.

Enoch Combt     9,162   A PG  £252.4.11    £115.4.9   May 23 1728
Received from: Mr. Bradly of London, Sarah Beall, John Soper, John Pearce.
Payments to: Dr.  John Haswell, Edward Sprigg, Robert Tyler, Thomas Brooke, Jr., Sarah Combt.
Administrator: James Magruder.

I don't think this statement is true. See the next after this.
Enoch Coombes patented Largoe, which lyeth on the north side of southwest branch of the Patuxent River, before it came into possession of Alexander Beall. Enoch had a daughter named Elizabeth Coombes. Her godmother was Joane Lawson, Reade, Mounten, Tyler, Beall, wife of John Beall, immigrant of 1670. Joane left Elizabeth a legacy in her will of 1675.

Tracts Layed Out In Calvert County Prior To April 23, 1696, Before The Formation Of Prince George's County
Beale, Capt. Ninian / Largo T-11/ June 26, 1685/ L22 f 178
http://searches1.rootsweb.com/usgenweb/archives/md/pgeorge/court/LandR ec.txt

22, Jan 1717. From Daniel Danielson, planter and Thomas Sprigg, Gent. Both of Prince George's County, to Enoch Coombs of Prince George's County a parcel of land called Norway, part of a larger tract called Largo; bounded by land belonging to Robert Wells called Westphalia and land of Thomas Sprigg; containing 250 Acres /s/ Daniel Danielson (seal), Tho. Sprigg (seal). Wit:: Tho. Claggett. Jos. Belt, Tho. Sprigg, Sr., Ja. Haddock. Enoch Combs paid £102/10/0 on date of purchase. Acknowledged by Thomas Sprigg, Daniel Danielson and his wife Elizabeth; recorded 22 Apr 1718. (PGLR, 1726-1730, liber 51 folio 583)
St Mary's, Maryland
Bef 20 Dec 1742
St Mary's, Maryland
Bef 13 Aug 1722
St Mary's, Maryland 
William COMBS, Sr. (thought to have been a son of Enoch & Barbary COMBS I) deposed in 1721 in the Brent Nuthall suit (below) that he was age 50 (born ca 1671).

Combs, William, gent. St Mary's Co., 13th Oct., 1742; 20th Dec., 1742.
To daus. Mary Waughop, Elianor Medley and son Enoch, 1s and 1 slave.
" wife Mary, extx., 1/3 estate.
" 5  child. viz., Thomas Hatton, Susannah, William, Jr., James and Philip and hrs., residue of estate.
Test, desires that his five younger child. remain with their mother until they become of age and gives her the handling of their estates until that time.
Test: Thomas Breaden, Charles Dillon, Luke Cusacke. 22. 529.

William Combs 27.372    SM  £419.16.1    Jan 5 1742  Mar 18 1742/43
Appraisers: R. Hammett, Thomas Breding.
Creditors: Thomas Breding as assignee of Luke Cassacke, William Cartwright.
Next of kin: Enoch Combs.
Administrators/Executors: Joseph Inking and his wife Mary Inking.

William COMBS who d 1740-2 in St Mary's Co MD, had a daughter, Elianor COMBS who had married a (William?) MEDLEY at the time William's will was written (see below). Was this William's daughter, in which case, she was born bef 1718 (presumably 16 to receive payment in her own right).

George ROGERS of St Mary's Co. 20th March 1739-40; 17th Nov., 1740.
To daus. Darcus and Dorothy, personalty.
To son George, lands in Turtola [Tortola?] and Anquila [Antigua?].
To wife Elizabeth, 1/3 personal estate.
Exs.: Wife Elizabeth and James WAUGHOP.
Test: Thomas WAUGHOP, James COAMES, James TAYLOR. 22. 279. Maryland Calendar of Wills: Volume 8)
The above witness seems unlikely to be James, s/o William and Mary HATTON Combs since he would have still been in his minority with a minimum of four years to majority based on 1742 will of his father.

13 Oct 1742-12 Dec 1740 [sic] (St Mary's Co MD TA1:116) The Last Will of William COMBS. In the name of God Amen the thirteen day of October in the year of Our Lord one thousand seven hundred, and forty two I William COMBS of St Marys County Gent. Being sick and weak of body but of perfect mind and memory thanks be given unto God therefore calling unto mind, the mortality of my body and that it is appointed for all men once to die, so make and ordain this my last will and testament in manner and form following, that is to say first and principally, I give my soul unto the hands of God my Creator who gave it to me, and for my body I commend it to the earth to be buried in Christian & decent manner by my Executrix hereafter mentioned nothing doubting but at the general Resurrection. I shall receive the same again by the mighty power of God, and as touching such worldly Estate, where with it hath pleased God to bless me in this life, I give device bequeath and dispose the saim in manner and form following vizt._ Impuin is I give & bequeath unto my daughter Mary WAUGHOP one shilling sterling sterling, money to be paid in silver by my Executrix hereafter mentioned in full for said Mary WAUGHOPS part of my Estate, together with sundry other valuable goods & chattells, she had of me these twenty years last past and upwards to the value of above a good niger. Item I give and bequeath unto my daughter Eleanor MEDLEY. One shilling sterling money to be paid as the former in full for her part of my estate, together with a niger wench she had of me a about thirteen years ago called nell. Item I give and bequeath unto my son Enoch one shithing sterling to be paid as aforesaid in full for his part of my Estate together with a niger wench he had of me about the said time of thirteen years ago called Flora. Item I give will and bequeath of all the rest of my Estate the one third part unto my dearly beloved wife Mary COMBS after the debts legacys and funeral expences are paid and discharged. Item I give will and bequeath the remaining part of my estate to be equally divided and distributed between my now younger children Vizt. Thomas Hatton COMBS, Susanna COMBS, William COMBS Junior, James COMBS, and Philip, and also I will that if any or either of these of the said five children, should dye, before he she or they come to age to enjoy or receive their several, and respective portions. That then if child or childrens so deceaseds part or portion of my Estate, shall & may be equally devided, and shared between the living of any or either of the said five younger children or the longer liver of them or any or either of them any thing therin contained to the contrary notwithstanding, and it is also my will and desire, that my son Hatton COMBS do remain and live with my loving wife Mary COMBS aforesaid until he shall arrive at the age of twenty one years with all his lands and other his estate, and portion, to be and continue in her possession & hands until that time. And also I will and desire, that my other four younger children vizt._ Susanna, William, James, and Philip COMBS, may live along with their mother the said Mary COMBS, and be instructed ruled and go bound by her during their minority, with their several respective portions and share of my Estate to remain bound and continue in her hands till they or any or either of them come to arrive to their life age as aforesaid. Lastly and finally of this my last will and testament I make and ordain constitute and appoint my dear and well beloved wife Mary COMBS aforesaid my full and sole Executrix and do hereby utterly disallow revoke and annull, all and every other Testaments wills legacys bequest and Executors by me in any way before this time, named willied & bequeathed; ratifying and confirming, this and no other to be my last will and Testament in witness, whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal the day and year above written. William [His Mark] COMBS. seal. December the 20th 1740. Signed sealed published pronounced and declare by the said William COMBS as his last will & Testamen
  t in the presence of us Thomas BREADING Charles DILLON, and Luke CUSACKE. the three subscribing witnesses to the foregoing will being duly & solemuly sworn on the Holy Envangels of Almighty God dispose and say that they saw the testator William COMBS sign the foregoing will and heard him publish and declare the same to be his last will and testament that at the time of his so doing he was to the best of there apprehensions of sound and disposing mind and memory. Sworn before me Tho. AISGUITH Deputy Commissioner

The day above the deceased Widow made of St Marys County her Election, and accepted of the devise in the will Certified by me Tho. AISGUITH Depty Comiss of St Marys County. (Transcribed by Combs-Clark Researcher Jerry Clark who adds that although the date signed was written out 1742, the latter date appears to be 1740. See also transcription by Fannie Combs Gough (ms.) and the "Maryland Calendar of Wills,' Volume 8, pp. 191-2, Liber 22, folio 529, which both indicate will signed 13 Oct 1742, proved 20 Dec 1742. The will preceding this one was proved 29 Jan 1742/3 and that following on 13 Jan 1742/3. Both Fannie and Jerry show Thomas was BREADING, but MD Calendar of wills shows BREADON)

5 Jan-18 Mar 1742/3 (Inventory Liber 27, fol. 372, Jan. 5, 1742/3, Annapolis). The inventory of the estate of William COMBS, late of St Mary's County L419. 16 s. and 1 d. Kin: Enoch COMBS. Creditors Thomas BREEDEN and Luke CUSACKS and William CARTWRIGHT.
"March 18, 1742/3 came Joseph JENKINS and Mary his wife and made oath that above was correct." Before Thomas AISQUITH, Depty. Commr." (Fannie Combs Gough ms.)

5 Jan-18 Mar 1742/3 MD Prerogative Court Records. 27.372. Inventory. William COMBS. L419.16.1. Appraisers: R. HAMMET, Thomas BREDING. Creditors: Thomas BREDING, as asignee of Luke CASSACK, William CARTRIGHT. Next of kin: Enoch COMBS. Administrators/Executors: Joseph INKING and his wife Mary INKING. [sic] (Skinner...)
Mary HATTON Combs, d testate 1788, St Mary's MD, m next Joseph JENKINS. William's daughter, Eleanor COMBS, m William(?) MEDLEY who d testate in St Mary's Co MD in 1752 (See Below) His daughter, Mary, appears to have married James(?) WAUGHOP who d in St Mary's Co MD in 1750. According to the Fanny Combs Gough Manuscript, however, Eleanor m John MEDLEY and Mary m Thomas WAUGHOP (records needed). This source also states that William COMBS' eldest three children were by an unidentified first wife and that he m 2nd Mary Tribelly HATTON who, following his death, m John JENKINS. (research in progress) Question: Is the given name Philip significant in reference to the early Philip COMBS of St Mary's Co MD, "overseer to Mr. GERARD" in the 1650s?
Abt 1633
Bef 30 Jan 1684/85
St Mary's, Maryland
8 Jul 1654
St Alban's, Hertford, England 
Combe, Abraham, St Mary's Co., 26th Dec., 1684; 30th Jan., 1684.
To wife Margaret, execx., and dau. Sarah Clarke, entire estate.
Test: Clement Hill, Henry Paine, Thos. Wailes, Peter Mills. 4. 87.

Abraham Combs 8.289 I  £36.8.0 Feb 3 1684 (filed in Charles County)
Appraisers: William Roswell, Mr. Stephen Goph.

COMES or COOMBS, Abraham, of St, Mary's Co., immigrated with Sarah, his daughter (JJ:198 Film No.: SR 8207; Transcript. 12:571 [SR 7354]; WC2:47 [SR 7340]; MSA SC 4341-5675, Gibb's A Supplement to Early Colonial Settlers of Maryland)

Abraham Combs of St Mary's assigns to Clement Hill of St Mary's Co. (Gent) the right of 100 acres due him for transporting myself and my daughter; Sarah Combe. 9-1-1679. witness Richard Gardiner, Luke Gardiner.

Clement Hill and the Gardiners are also of record in Old Rappahannock, but no records have been found in association with the Combs other than peripherally; i.e., (1) Elizabeth Weire, daughter of John and Honoria Weire, married Richard Gardiner, son of Luke Gardiner, and after the death of John Weire, Honoria m. Geo. Jones who was a co-executor of the Est. of Col. John Catlett, third Husband of Elizabeth Underwood, sister of Col. Wm. Underwood whose widow, Elizabeth, afterward m. Archdale Combs; and (2) there were Combs-Hatton intermarriages in St Mary's Co, MD.

Abraham Combs is next found in the records of MD in 1680:

In 1683, Abraham Combs is found for the last time in the records of Old Rappahannock Co, VA:
16 Oct 1683 (Old Rap Co., VA DB 7:155) Whereas I, Abraham Combe of the Province of Maryland, Gent., did formerly put in the hands & possession of my late Brother in Law John Meador, dec'd., one heifer for the use and Acct. of my Godson John Meador, Son of John Meador the Elder deceased wch the said John Meador, the Son deceased in his minority Now Know all men by these presents that I Abraham Coombe do by these presents give Mary Meador Daughter of the said John Meador the Elder deced and sole Sister of the said John Meador the Son, two cowes and two calves...And in case of the death of sd Mary without issue of her body lawfully begotten then I do hereby give the cowes and calves with all their future increase unto Richd. Meador son of John Meador of Rappa. Co. now liveing...
Wit:: Henry Aubrey, John Almond /s/ Abra: Coombe (Old Rappahannock County Deed Book, 1652-1656, Ruth and Sam Sparacio, Antient Press, McLean, VA, 1990.)

How John Meador and Abraham Combs were brothers-in-law remains unknown: Was John Meador's wife Joan nee Combs, as many researchers believe? Or were John and Abraham married to sisters? Or Abraham to a Meador? Likewise, the identities of Richard Meador and his father "John Meador now liveing" are not yet determined. Could "John Meador now living" have been the son of Thomas & Sarah Meador?

Apr 1684 Abraham Combs of St Mary's Parish, had married Margaret, widow of Thomas Bassett and Edward Fishwick:

Edward Fishwick, 08 Apr 1684 (St Mary's Co MD Estate Accounts, Liber 8:247, #7639) £181.1.7.
Payments to: Abraham Blagge of Virginia paid Mr. Richard Gardiner (attorney), Richard Walker, Richard Gary, Richard Browne, William Rosewell, Nicholas Sylvester, Michael Thompson, Richard Edelen, paid to James Ellis.
   Administratrix: Margaret Combe, wife of Abraham Combe. (Abstracts of the Inventories and Accounts of The Prerogative Court Of Maryland, 1679-1686 Libers 6, 7a, 7B, 8, V. K. Spiller)

The above Richard Gardiner married Elizabeth Weire, daughter of Maj. John and Honoria ----- Weire of Old Rappa. VA. His brother-in-law, Abraham Blagg of Old Rappa. Virginia was the 2nd husband of Margaret Weire, also a daughter of Maj. John and Honoria ----- Weire, and widow of John Watts. Abraham Blagg III, grandson of Margaret Weire Watts Blagg is found over 50 years later owning property in King George County adjacent to that owned by the grandchildren of John Combs, son of Archdale Combs I of Old Rappa. who probably died in 1684, as did Abraham Combs in St Mary's

During the remainder of 1684, Abraham Combs continued to appear in the records of St Mary's County:

Abraham Combs. 26 Dec 1684 - 30 Jan 1684/5 (St Mary's Co, MD)
In the name of God amen, The twenty sixth day of December Anno Domini one Thousand six hundred eighty & foure. I Abraham Coombs of St Maries County in the province of Maryland Govt. being sick and weake in body but of sound and perfect memory. (Thanks be to God for the same), and calling to mind the uncertain state of this transitory life & that all flesh must ---- unto death when it shall please God to call, and being desirous to settle things in order do make this my last will & testament wherein is contained my last will and testament in manner & form following. Revoking and anulling all former will and wills by me made, and this only to be taken for my last will and testament & use other -------- I bequeath my soul unto Almighty God, my Maker & to Jesus Christ, my Redeemer, and to the Holy Ghost, my Sanctifier. And my body to the earth from whence it came to be buried in such decent and Christian manner. As to my dear & loving wife shall seeme meete and convenient. Secondly, I give and bequeath to my dear & loving wife all my servants, being two boys and one woman servant together with all my stock of hoggs. Thirdly, my will is that after my debts and funeral expenses are first paid, that the remainder of my estate except what is before bequeathed unto my wife, Margaret Coombs, shall be divided equally into two parts, one half whereof I give and bequeath unto my said wife and the other half, I give unto my daughter, Sarah Clarke.
Fourthly, I do hereby order, nominate, and appoint my dear and loving wife, Margaret Coombs, executrix of this, my last will and testament and witness whereof I have hereunto
sett my hand and affixed my seal the day and year first above written.
Abraham Coombs
Sealed, signed, published and declared in the presence of Clement Hill; Henry Payne; Thomas Swale; Peter Mills
The 30th day of January anno 1684, then came before me Henry Paine, Thomas Swailes, and Peter Mills witnesses to the within written will and took their oaths upon the holy Evangelist that they saw the within named, Abraham Coombs sign, seal, publish & declare the within written will to be his last will and testament sworne before me the day and year above written. Clement Hill (signature)

Only four days after the proving the will of Abraham Combs, an estate inventory was filed for Abraham Combs in Charles Co, MD. The Charles Co MD inventory of Abraham COMBS included a horse, plates and other household items indicating that either Abraham or someone using his personal property was residing in Charles Co MD at the time of his death. Presumably, the personal property was located somewhere near to the residences of William ROSWELL and Stephen GOUGH.

Abraham Combs 03 Feb 1684/5 (Charles MD Inventories, Liber 8:290) £336.80.
Apraisers: William Roswell, Mr. Stephen Gough (Abstracts of the Inventories and Accounts of The Prerogative Court Of Maryland, 1679-1686 Libers 6, 7a, 7B, 8, V. K. Spiller)

In July of 1685, the estate records of Abraham Combs identify the Husband of his named daughter, Sarah Combs Clarke, as Robert Clarke:

(MD Prerogative Court, Testamentary Proceedings Book 13, p. 243) 10 Jul [1685]. "Mr. Ca.... Pray ... a Citacion... and ... to the Sheriffe of St Mary's County agt. John Reswick and Margaret his wife Executrix of the last Will and Testament of Abraham Combes her late Husband.... be ... this ....of Robert Clarke and Sarah his wife Daughter of the Said Abraham. Lett it bee made .... the .... day of August... the Judges have appoyntd to writ. /s/ Ro. Carvile. This upon Citationi ... as a Gov. Direct... (Maryland State Archives No. SM15,
Roll 76, Transcribed by C. Hammett, 1998) Note: This document is difficult to read. It will be uploaded as a graphic shortly so as to permit other researchers to assist in determining missing/partial words.

July 18, 1685 (St Mary's Co, MD. Book 13, page 243, Prerogative Court Testamentary Procedings) July 18, 1685. John [VAn] Reswick and Margaret his wife named executers of the last will of Abraham Combs. Robert Clarke and Sarah his wife daughter of the late Abraham Combs. (Provided by Combs-Clark Researcher Jerry Clark)

In November of 1685, a Mr. Abraham Combs is listed as a payee on the Estate Accounts of one Daniel Heally:

Daniell Heally.30 Nov 1685 (?? Co MD Liber 9.3, #1818) Estate Accounts.
Payments to Dr. John Wynne, Mr. Abraham Combs, William Husband.
Distribution to administrator.
Administrator: Robert Cole (Abstracts Of the Inventories And Accounts of the Prerogative Court of Maryland, 1685-1701, Libers 9, 10, 101c, 11a, 11b, V. K. Spiller)
FamilyCentral Network
Enoch Combs - Barbara

Enoch Combs was born at England Abt 1638.

He married Barbara . Barbara was born at Calvert, Maryland Abt 1658 .

They were the parents of 4 children:
Enoch Combs
William Combs born 1672.
Abraham Combs born Abt 1633.