Matthew HOWARD

Abt 1600
Bef 4 Sep 1659
Anne Arundel County, Maryland
Abt 1630
Lower Norfolk County, Virginia
Mathew Howard received a Grant/Patent for Land in 1638 in Lower Norfolk Co., VA. In 1638 was granted 150 acres for the transport of himself, his wife, and 2 other persons to Virginia. He received a Grant/Patent for Land on 3 Jul 1650 in Anne Arundel Co., MD. A tract of 650 acres called "Howard" was surveyed 3d July 1650 for Matthew Howard on the south side of Severn River. In the 1707 rent rolls, the comment was made that it could not found that this land was ever patented, but ye Survey Supposed to be alteredby Howard into others. He died before 1659. Matthew Howard was in Virginia 8 February 1637/38 when he was located in the Upper County of New Norfolk on the western branch of the Elizabeth River. This information comes from a land patent granted to Robert Taylor, which describes the land grant boundaries as on the West Branch of the Elizabeth River bounded on the west with Matthew Howard running nearly into the woods and Sly. It is known that Matthew and Anne had children by 1640, for in the court records there is apparently a slander case where Simon Peeter age 26 stated that Edy Hanking said that Mathew Howard's wife went walking with Wdward Lloide and left the children crying and her husband had to quit his work and quiet the children.
Mathew Howard was the executor of the will of Richard Hall in 1648. This will left Anne Howard a cow calf and a barrow shote, Elizabeth Howard two cows and their increases, to Mathew Howard the younger a sow shote, to Cornelius Howard a sow and y hat, to John Howard my wiff and new clothes, to Samuel Howard, my money and tobacco, and to old Mathew one yearling Stear calf and my best paor of breeches. This will was proved 15 Nov 1648 by Mathew Howard.
15 June 1649, Mathew witnessed the will of Edward Hodge of Lower Norfolf Co. There are continuing references to Mathew Howard, in Lower Norfolk Co., VA up through 1652. It is not known if this was Matthew the elder or his son. These references include a court order in Lower Norfolk County for a 100# tob. bounty for killing a wolf and in 1652 Matthew Howard is listed in the tax listings on the Western Branch of Elizabeth River and at court 21 Dec 1652 in Lower Norfolk Co., Robert Woody was ordered to pay Matthew Howard a debt of 500# tob.

Posted by: Fredric Z. Saunders Date: October 28, 2001 at 22:11:46
Can anyone provide documentation that Matthew Howard of Anne Arundel Co., Maryland had a daughter named Mary who married John Hammond?
In MD Testamentary Proceedings 10:315 on 1 Nov. 1678 (Family History Library microfilm 0,012,933) it was stated that Thomas ROPER of Anne Arundel County in his will requested if his wife should marry, then his child's estate was to be secured. Since that time his widow married John HAMMON of said county, who was likely to embezzle the estate and therefore Mary HAMMON, the relict of Thomas ROPER was to render an account. [Harry Wright Newman in his quote spelled it Hammond, but there are no D's on the name in this record.]
Thomas ROPER wrote his will 19 Sep. 1677 and probated 26 Oct. 1677. Harry Wright NEWMAN in Anne Arundel Gentry, 2nd Ed. stated that John Hammond, Sr. evidently had a first wife as he had married sons by 1690, within 13 years of this marriage.
Since John Hammond married Mary, widow of Thomas ROPER in 1677-1678, she would be John's widow Mary who wrote her will and died in 1721, and not an alleged Mary Howard as claimed by Maryland & Virginia Colonials by Sharon J. Doliante.
Regarding the claim that John Hammond married a daughter of Matthew Howard named Mary, the earliest mention I have seen is by Warfield in 1905 in *Founders of Anne Arundel Counties* where he said that John Hammond married Mary Howard, daughter of Matthew, based on the will of Samuel Howard.
The Maryland Calendar of Wills 3:25 has an incorrect abstract of Samuel Howard's will, implying that John Hammond, Jr. was called a "cousin" [nephew] to Sameul Howard. The abstract states he left to "cousins John Howard, Eliza: NORWOOD, Sarah BRICE, Hannah Hammond, Cornelius and Joseph Howard and John Hammond, Jr., personalty," and later states that trustees were "cousins John Howard and John Hammond, Jr., afsd."
The actual copy of Maryland wills 11:397-399 on Family History Library microfilm 0,012,844 states:
"I Give to my Cousin John Howard Twenty Shillings to buy a Ring.
I Give to John Hammond Junior Twenty Shillings to buy a Ring.
I Give and bequeath to my Cousin Eliza: [Howard crossed out, written above is] NORWOOD fiveteen Shillings.
I Give to my Cousin Sarah Brice fifteen Shillings to buy a Ring.
I Give to my Cousin Hanh: Hammond fifteen Shillings to buy a Ring.
I Give to my Cousin Cornelius Howard Tenn Shillings.
I Give to my Cousin Joseph Howard Tenn Shillings."
While the others are called "cousins" [nephews and nieces] John Hammond, Jr. is not.
Later the will book copy states:
"I leave my Cousins John Howard and John Hammond, Junr. as my Trustees."
Maryland & Virginia Colonials by Sharon J. Doliante, had a transcription of Samuel Howard's will. She cites the will book copy above but I would think she was reading a different version of the will. She capitalizes words in her transcription that are not capitalized, does not capitalize words that are capitalized, and has different spellings of numerous words than from what is in the will book copy. Her transcription totally omits the bequest to John Hammond, Jr. Her transcription variously spells the word as "Cozin," "Cozen," and "Cozon," in the various bequests, while the will book copy is "Cousin" in all.
Most importantly, while the will book copy says "my Cousins" [plural] John Howard and John Hammond, Junr. are trustees, her transcription says "my Cozon" [singular] John Howard and John Hammond, Junr. are trustees.
Does an original will for Samuel Howard exist, and is this what she transcribed, while citing the will book copy? If so, does it indeed say "Cozon" [singular] implying only John Howard, and not John Hammond, Jr. is a "cousin" [nephew] to Samuel Howard? If so, what evidence is there for John Hammond, Sr.'s first wife being a Howard?
Is there any evidence other than that one "s" on "cousins" of the will book copy of Samuel Howard's will (and is that "s" on an original will?) for John Hammond, Jr. being a nephew to Samuel Howard? Is there any other evidence for John Hammond, Sr.'s first wife being a daughter of Matthew Howard? IF there is evidence for her being a Howard, what evidence is there that her given name was Mary? It seems the name "Mary Howard" has its origin from Warfield's book, but he was unaware of the record showing that it was John Hammond's second wife, widow of Thomas Roper, who was named Mary. What records show a given name for John Hammond's first wife?

In Reply to: Re: Howard line traced to William I The Conq by Philip Knecht
This is another theory on Matthew Howard's ancestry. It was first proposed by James E. Moss in "Providence, Ye Lost Towne at Severn in Maryland" (Washington, D.C.: by author, 1976)
His theory:
Thomas Howard (son of Thomas Howard, Duke of Norfolk, and second wife. Thomas also had a son Thomas by his first wife.) and Margaret Douglas (granddaughter of King Henry VII, niece of King Henry VIII) had a son Robert born about Jan. 1537 that was secreted away to live with relatives.
He bases this on a pedigree from the College of Arms that lists a Robert Howard born ca. 1530 of Brockdish, Norfolk, and wife Philippa BUXTON. This pedigree lists 11 children for Robert, two of them being John Howard who married ----- Lock and had 8 children (not named) and Matthew Howard who married Margaret ARTHUR and had sons named Matthew and Samuel. In 1714 Matthew and Richard Howard, great-grandsons of Matthew Howard and Margaret ARTHUR were granted arms, that were the basic arms of the Ducal Howards with the inclusion of a mullet (Star). The mullet/star is the basic symbol of the Scottish clan Douglas. He believes this shows that Robert is a child of Lord Thomas Howard and Lady Margaret Douglas.
Because of the use of the names Matthew and Samuel in the Brockdish line, he feels that Matthew of Virginia who named a son Samuel "must" be connected to them.
Moss lists that John, son of Robert Howard of Brockdish was baptized 1 Dec. 1578 and married 26 Nov. 1606 and that they then had baptized at Thorpe Abbots, Norfolk:
1. Robert Howard bap. 27 Nov. 1608
2. Daniel Howard bap. 25 Feb. 1610
3. John Howard bap. 30 Jan. 1612
4. Thomas Howard bap. 4 Apr. 1614
5. Grace Howard bap. 15 Apr. 1616
6. Mary Howard bap. 5 Mar. 1618
He believes that Matthew and Henry of Virginia must be children, as the Robert Howard pedigree chart listed 8 children.
He does not list whether the dates for children 2, 3 and 8 are from the Julian Calendar, as probably recorded in the parish register, or whether he changed them to the modern Gregorian Calendar. From the spacing, I suspect the latter.
One thing which Moss does not address, and I have not seen anyone else mention, is that this would mean that Matthew Howard could not have been born before about mid to late 1619, more likely the first half of 1620. Another thing Moss does not mention is whether all records of the Howard family cease in the Thorpe Abbots register after the 1618 baptism. If there are burial records for any of the 6 children in the 1620s or marriage records in the 1630s, signs that John was still living there, then you have to wonder why they would fail to record the births of two more children (Matthew and Henry). OR could it be that the pedigree chart was incorrect and there were only 6, not 8 children of John, since none are named on it.
Matthew Howard can be documented in Lower Norfolk Co., VA prior to 26 Oct. 1637 when he is mentioned in a court record. According to Warfield in "The Founders of Anne Arundel and Howard Counties," Matthew Howard was involved with a Mr. EVANS in a law suit in 1635. Noone seems to know Warfield's source.
If Warfield's date is accurate and could be verified, that would make Matthew only age 15 (at the most) and highly unlikely that he was a son of John Howard and Elizabeth Lock. The 1637 record means Matthew at most could have been just been turning 18, and since he would had to have been in VA for several months couldn't have been over 17 when he arrived.
Also consider that Richard Hall's will written 16 Nov. 1648 mentioned 6 of Matthew's children. If one had just been born, then (without twins) you have children born ca. 1648, 1646, 1644, 1642, 1640, and 1638. Note also the 6 July 1640 court deposition of Simon Peeter that Matthew Howard's wife went walking and left the CHILDREN (not child) crying, so there were apparently at least 2 children by this date. If a first child was born ca. 1638, then they had to have married by ca. 1637, when again Matthew was probably not yet 18. Possible, but that adds one more IF for those that accept this theory.
IF Thomas Howard and Margaret Douglas had a child, and
IF that child is the same as Robert Howard of the pedigree chart, and
IF the pedigree chart is correct that Robert's son John had 8 children, and
IF one of those children was named Matthew, and
IF THAT Matthew moved to Virginia and married when he was about 17 years old (at most), then you can believe the theory.

Name: Matthew HOWARD
Birth: 1606 in Wardour Castle, , England 1
Death: Apr 1659 in Norfolk, Lower Norfolk, Virginia 1
Spouses: Anne HALL (Wife) 1
Marriage: 1635 in , , , England
Henry Howard
Philip Howard
Samuel Howard
John Howard
Cornelius Howard
Anne Howard
Matthew Howard

Matthew Howard was among the first settlers of Anne Arundel Co. He came with many Puritan and Independent families from Virginia to "Providence" about 1650. One of the compiled genealogies on the Howard Family is in "Anne Arundel Gentry Vol 2" by Harry Wright Newman. Another source is the 1909 "Founders of Anne Arundel and Howard Counties Maryland" by J. D. Warfield. It is suggested that you check these books for more details about the Howard family. Some information on the Howards is also in "Providence Ye Lost Towne at Severn in Mary Land" by James E. Moss. Moss provides information sugesting that Mathew Howard might be a decendant of Lord Thomas Howard and Lady Margaret Douglas.
The premise of the HOWARD-ARUNDELL theory is that Matthew HOWARD of Virginia is identical to Matthew, baptized 19 June 1609 at St. Andrew's, Holborn, Middlesex, England, son of Thomas ARUNDELL, 1st Baron Arundel of Wardour.
Thomas ARUNDELL was married to Ann PHILIPSON, the widow THOROUGHGOOD/THURGOOD. Thomas ARUNDELL was the son of Matthew ARUNDELL, and grandson of Sir Thomas ARUNDELL and wife Margaret HOWARD. Sir Thomas ARUNDELL was beheaded by King Henry VIII. Another premise of the theory was that both the elder  Matthew and his son Thomas, later 1st Baron of Wardour due to embarrassment used the HOWARD name of their mother/grandmother while on the European continent.

Appearing in print as early as 1919, the theory has little foundation.

The burial record of that Matthew ARUNDELL was recorded at St. Andrew's Holborn, Middlesex, England as: "Matthew ARUNDELL, son of Thomas Lo: ARUNDELL out of Castill Yard in holborne was buried in the Chancell under the Table the 2 June 1620." (Church of England, Saint Andrew Holborn Parish Register, Register of Burials, 1556-1623, M.S. 6773/1, unpaginated, entry number 63 for the year, overall entry number 6810, Guildhall, London, England, Family History Library microfilm 374389, Salt Lake City, Utah)

The burial record alone is enough to invalidate the HOWARD-ARUNDELL theory, but there are also other flaws in the theory. No one has ever supplied evidence that the elder Matthew ARUNDELL or his son Thomas, 1st Baron of Wardour ever used the HOWARD surname. There is also evidence that this is not true. Thomas ARUNDELL had gone to Europe with an introductory letter from Queen Elizabeth, in which she referred to him as her "dearest cousin Thomas Arundel." While there, due to bravery in battle, the Emporer of Germany gave him as Thomas ARUNDEL the title of "Count of the Empire."  [Edward Doran Webb, "Notes by the 12th Lord Arundell of Wardour on the Family History", (London: Longmans, Green and Co., 1916), 32-41 and John Pym Yeatman, "The Early Genealogical History of the House of Arundel," (London: Mitchell and Hughes, 1882), 274-277., FHL microfilm 496545, item 4]

It is interesting also that some have cited the above book by YEATMAN as showing how Thomas ARUNDELL went to Europe, changed his name to HOWARD, and had a son Matthew who faked his death and went to Virginia. The book contains no such statements.

YEATMAN does contain statements regarding Thomas ARUNDEL receiving from Emperor Rudolf the title of Count of the Holy Roman Empire. Through improper citations, some researchers have made it appear that the whole theory is listed in YEATMAN. As listed above YEATMAN does quote from letters of Queen Elizabeth introducing Thomas ARUNDEL to Emperor Rudolph. That also would invalidate parts of the theory that Thomas was operating in Europe incognito under the HOWARD name.

The ancestry of Matthew HOWARD is unknown. One theory of his ancestry, the HOWARD-ARUNDELL theory has been found to have no validity. Another theory, the HOWARD-DOUGLAS theory, is that Matthew was a great grandson of Thomas HOWARD and Margaret DOUGLAS (niece of King Henry VIII). While it cannot be disproved, as that would involve proving negatives, the number of speculations involved over 3 generations makes it highly improbable.

Matthew HOWARD and wife Anne had children:
1. Ann HOWARD1 b. ca. 1637;2 m. James GRENEFFE;4 living 16864
2. Elizabeth HOWARD1 b. ca. 1639; m. Henry RIDGELY;5 d. 16696-16727 Anne Arundel Co., MD
3. Matthew HOWARD1 b. ca. 1641;2 m. Sarah DORSEY;8 d. between 3 Oct. 1691 and 12 Jan. 1692 Anne Arundel Co., MD3
4. Cornelius HOWARD1 b. ca. 1643;2 m. Elizabeth;9 d. between 15 April and 15 Oct. 1680 Anne Arundel Co., MD9
5. John HOWARD1 b. ca. 1645;2 m.1. Susanna (NORWOOD) widow of Charles STEVENS;10 m.2. Eleanor,12 widow of John MACCUBIN;11 d. between 30 Dec. 1695 and 13 May 1696 Anne Arundel
Abt 1610
Aft 1651
Anne Arundel County, Maryland
Richard HALL
Abt 1636
Bef 15 Oct 1680
Annapolis, Anne Arundel, Maryland
Abt 1662
Howard, Cornelius, A. A. Co., 15th Apr., 1680; 15th Oct., 1680.
To wife Eliza:, execx., home plantation during life.
" son Joseph at 18 yrs. of age, "Howard's Hope" on s. side Severn R., and "Howard's Hardship"
" son Cornelius at 18 yrs. of age, "Howard's Hills" and tract on Hockly Ck.
" dau. Sarah, 250 A. at Tuckahoe on Choptanke R.
" " Mary, 200 A., part of "Howard and Porter's Range."
" " Eliza:, personalty,
Overseers: Jno. Hammond and brother Samuel Howard.
Test: Abraham Childe, Chas. Stevens, Lancelott Todd, Jno. Howard. 2. 107.

Cornelius Howard 7A.307 I #53515 Oct 28 1680
Appraisers: Lancelott Todd, John Davisie.
List of debts: Thomas Baker, Henry Wellden, William Petticote, Andrew Norwood, Olliver Beattene, Charles Stevens, William Gambell, John Fuller & Peeter Barnet, Richard Burnatt, William Yeldhall, Richard Rawlings, Henry Jones, Peeter Bond, James Gruniffe, Henry Pearpoint, Philip Howard, Henry Kettelwall, John Rockhould, Adam Shiply, Richard Wharffeld, Richard Ewerwhare, John Medcalfe, James Smith.

Cornelius was an ensign under Capt. Besson. Later held rank of Captain in Anne Arundel Co., MD. He moved to Severn River, MD on 1650-1658 as part of "Puritan Exodus".
Received 450 acres called "Howard's Heirship".
MD Assembly 1661-1675.
Was on expedition on 1678 against Nanticoke Indians.
Justice of peace in 1679.

Archives of Maryland; Volume 3, Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, 1661-1675. Page 444;
given vnder the greate Seale of our said Province of Maryland this ninth Day of December in the thirtyth yeare of our dominion over the said Province of Maryland Annoq domini 1661 Wittness our Deare sonne Charles Caluert Esqr our Leuietennt of our said Province
Comon to Captaine Thomas Besson to comand all the forces on the South side of Anne Arrundell riuer vp to the head thereof and the North side of South riuer up to the head there of mutatis mutandis ut in folio: 23.
Comon to Leiuetennt Dauid Steward to be Leiuett under Capt Besson.
Comon to Cornelius Howard to be Ensigne under Capt Besson. mutatis mutandis Ut in folio 23
Abt 1638
Aft 26 Sep 1694
Annapolis, Anne Arundel, Maryland
Abt 1667
Anne Arundel County, Maryland 
Abt 1640
Lunenburg County, Virginia
9 Aug 1695
Annapolis, Anne Arundel, Maryland
23 Sep 1664
Anne Arundel County, Maryland 
Abt 1642
Anne Arundel County, Maryland
Bef 12 Jan 1691/92
Anne Arundel County, Maryland
Anne Arundel County, Maryland 
Howard, Mathew, A. A. Co., 3rd Oct., 1691; 12th Jan., 1691/92.
To son John and hrs., 160 A., "Howard's First Choice," commonly called "Howard's Quarter Plantation;" ½ of 500 A., "The Adventure," and ½ of 500 A., "Poplar Plain."
"  son Mathew and hrs., residue of "The Adventure" and of "Poplar Plain" afsd.; also part of "Hopkin's Plantation," and 22 ½ A. of "Howard's Addition."
To dau. Sarah Worthington and hrs., 276 A., "Howard's Range;" 200 A,, "Howard's Pasture," on s. side Magothy R., and 130 A., dwelling plantation (unnamed).
" son John Worthington, to grandsons, John Worthington, John and Matthew Howard, and to 3 brothers, viz., John, Samuel, and Philip Howard, and their wives, personalty.
Son Mathew and dau. Sarah Worthington residuary legatees of estate, real and personal. Sd. Mathew to be of age at 21 yrs.
Exs.: Dau. Sarah Worthington and her husband.
Test: Rich'd Horner, Patrick Murphey. 2. 222.

Mr. Matthew Howard 11A.28 W AA Oct 23 1691 Jan 12 1691/92
Bequests: son John Howard, son. Matthew Howard, daughter Sarah Worthington, grandson John Worthington, grandson Matthew Howard, grandson John Howard, brother John Howard, brother Samuell Howard, brother Philipp Howard.
Mentions: Mr. Richard Beard, servant Elisabeth Boome.
Witnesses: Nicholas Greenberry, John Howard, Sr., Richard Hornner, Pattarick Murfey.
Date of inventory: July 15, 1692.
Appraisers: Mr. Morris Baker (also Maurice Baker), Mr. Thomas Browne.
Mentions: Mr. Greenberry, Mr. Morris Baker, John Worthington, John Dodderidge, John Smith (Irish), Steven Handcock, Capt. William Hill, Mr. William Hopkins, Richard Hoggskinns.
Witnesses: M. Devoren, Thomas Brown.

Mathew Howard, Sr. 25.54 A AA £150.7.1  £179.14.5 Feb 26 1704
Mentions: first husband of the executrix as Col. John Worthington, Mrs. Susannah Crouch (late Susannah Howard (executrix of John Howard (administrator of Mathew Howard))).
Payments to: wife (unnamed) of ---- Murry, Abell Browne, Otho Holland, Richard Jones, Robert Jones, William Chew, Henry Ridgley, Henry Bonner, Thomas Reynolds, Richard Owings, John Milner, John Howard for Mr. Crauford, Patrick Murphy, Robert Proctor, William Smith, ---- Brooks, Capt. Hanslap, John Pettit, Mr. Howard left to 2 grandsons his 2 sons Math. & John, Col. Edward Dorsey for Mr. Taylor.
Legatees: John, Samuell & Philip Howard, Sarah Worthington, John Howard, Mathew Howard, John Worthington, John Worthington (grandson).
Distribution to: Mathew Howard (son), Sarah Brice (daughter).
Executrix: Sarah Brice, wife of John Brice.
Abt 1644
Lower Norfolk County, Virginia
Bef 13 May 1696
Anne Arundel County, Maryland
Aft 1686
Howard, John, Sr., A. A. Co., 30th Dec., 1695; 13th May, 1696.
To son John and hrs., 90 A. (unnamed) at hd. of Round Bay, Severn R., 200 A., "Timber Neck" at hd. of Middle Branch, Balto. Co., and ½ of tract of 200 A. lying on Little Falls.
" grandson Orlando Griffith and hrs., residue of sd. tract of 200 A. lying on the Little Falls. In event of his death land to pass to his mother, Sarah Griffith, and hrs.
" brother Samuel Howard and Catherine, his wife, brother Philip Howard and Ruth, his wife, personalty.
Wife Ellinor, extx. and residuary legatee of estate, real and personal, including 50 A., part of 150 A,, " The Wood-yard," and 50 A., "Howard's Shekel."
Test: Amos Pierpont, Edw. Rumley, Henry Wriathealy, Jas. Layler. 7. 164.

John Howard (gentleman)      14.113  A AA  £193.10.8    112405     May 15 1697
Payments to: Thomas Reynolds, Isaac Wilde, Samuell Howard due to Richard Johns, Mr. John Price, John Hamond due to Thomas Yoakly, Joseph Hill due to Hth Brily (?), John Howard due to Mr. Charles Carroll.
Mentions: "no orphans but what is paid".
Executrix: Mrs. Elenor Howard.
Lower Norfolk County, Virginia
Bef 9 Nov 1703
Anne Arundel County, Maryland
Abt 1658
Anne Arundel County, Maryland 
Howard, Samuel, A. A. Co., 28th Feb., 1702; 9th Nov., 1703.
To wife Catherine, dwelling plantation (unnamed) and "Brushy Neck" during widowhood.
" son Philip and hrs., plantation (unnamed) where he now lives and 120 A. adjoining thereto; also dwelling plantation and land afsd. at marriage or decease of wife.
" grandchild., viz., John, Samuel and Eliza: Macubbin, cousins John Howard, Eliza: Norwood, Sarah Brice, Hannah Hammond, Cornelius and Joseph Howard and John Hammond, Jr., personalty.
" 3 child., viz., Philip afsd., ex., Susan and Ruth, residue of estate.
Trustees: Cousins John Howard and John Hammond, Jr., afsd. Test: Jno. Howard, Andrew Wellplay, Geo. Slocium. 11. 397.

Mr. Samuell Howard 25.55 A AA £531.0.9 £531.0.9 Sep 26 1704
Payments toi Joseph Howard for use of Patrick Deare, Robert Hooper, Samuell Meek, Edward Hunt, Mr. Abraham Child, Robert Hooper per William Taylard, William Robertson for wife's (unnamed) wages.
Legatees: Hannah Hamond, John Howard, Joseph Howard, Cornelius Howard, Sarah
Brice, John Hammond, Jr., Elisabeth & John & Samuell Mannobin (grandchildren).
Distribution to: executrix, Ruth (no surname given), Philip (no surname given), Susanna (no surname given).
Executrix: Katherine Howard.

A more comp[lete version of the will abstract:
To son Philip the plantation on which he was then seated with the adjoining 120 acres, also the parental dwelling-plantation upon the death or marriage of the widow.
To his grandchildren: John Maccubin and Samuel Maccubin £20 at day of marriage or age of 21; Elizabeth Maccubin a slave and £20 at marriage.
To cousin John Howard 20s for a ring; cousin Elizabeth Norwood 15s for a ring; cousin Sarah Brice 15s for a ring; cousin Hannah Hammond 15s for a ring; cousin Joseph Howard 10s for a ring.
To friend John Hammond Jr. 20s for a ring.
Residuary estate after wife's thirds to be divided equally among three children: Philip, Susan and Ruth.
Overseers: Cousin John Howard and John Hammond Jr.
Executor: son Philip Howard.

The Maryland Calendar of Wills 3:25 has an incorrect abstract of Samuel HOWARD's will, implying that John HAMMOND, Jr. was called a "cousin" [nephew] to Sameul HOWARD. The abstract states he left to "cousins John HOWARD, Eliza: NORWOOD, Sarah BRICE, Hannah HAMMOND, Cornelius and Joseph HOWARD and John HAMMOND, Jr., personalty," and later states that trustees were "cousins John HOWARD and John HAMMOND, Jr., afsd."
The actual copy of Maryland wills 11:397-399 on Family History Library microfilm 0,012,844 states:
"I Give to my Cousin John HOWARD Twenty Shillings to buy a Ring.
I Give to John HAMMOND Junior Twenty Shillings to buy a Ring.
I Give and bequeath to my Cousin Eliza: [HOWARD crossed out, written above is] NORWOOD fiveteen Shillings.
I Give to my Cousin Sarah Brice fifteen Shillings to buy a Ring.
I Give to my Cousin Hanh: HAMMOND fifteen Shillings to buy a Ring.
I Give to my Cousin Cornelius HOWARD Tenn Shillings.
I Give to my Cousin Joseph HOWARD Tenn Shillings."
Maryland & Virginia Colonials by Sharon J. Doliante had a transcription of Samuel HOWARD's will.24 She cited the will book copy, but it is apparent that she read a different version of the will. She capitalized words in her transcription that were not capitalized in the will book copy, did not capitalize words that were, and had different spellings of numerous words than from what is in the will book copy. Her transcription omitted the bequest to John HAMMOND, Jr. Her transcription spelled the word as "Cozin," "Cozen," and "Cozon," in the various bequests, while the will book copy was "Cousin" in all. Her transcription stated "my Cozon" [singular] John HOWARD and John HAMMOND, Junr. were trustees.
Harry Wright Newman in his abstract of Samuel HOWARD's will, stated it was from the original.25 His abstract stated that the overseers were "Cousin John Howard and John Hammond, Jr." In that the original as abstracted by Newman (and Maryland & Virginia Colonials by Sharon J. Doliante?) lists singular "cousin," the implication is that in naming the overseers, only John HOWARD and not John HAMMOND, Jr. was a "cousin" [nephew] to Samuel HOWARD.
Abt 1648
Lower Norfolk County, Virginia
Bef 24 Feb 1701/02
Anne Arundel County, Maryland
Abt 1669
Anne Arundel County, Maryland 
Howard, Philip, Severn R., A. A. Co., 29th July, 1701; 24th Feb., 1701.
To orphan, boy James Hoskins living with testator, 40 A,, "The Maiden" between South and Severn Rs. In event of his death without issue to pass to extx., Ruth Howard
" dau. Hannah Hammond and hrs., 150 A., "Howard's Hills" at hd. of South and Severn Rs. In event of her death without issue to revert to her mother Ruth.
" child. of dau. Hannah, viz., Charles and Philip Hammond, and any child. which may hereafter be born, 150 A., "Howard's and Porter's Range"; 200 A., "Green Springs," 70 A., "Howard's Addition," 50 A., part of "Solomon's Hills," 160 A., "Howard's First Choice," and 110 A., "The Marsh," equally.
In event of death of dau. Hannah's child. without issue, lands afsd. to pass to cousins Philip and Joseph Howard equally.
Test: Amos Pierpont, Jno. Marriat, Philip Howard, Jr., Jno. Medcalfe. 11. 153.

Capt. Phill. Howard         21.259  I AA  £148.16.0    Mar 24 1701
Appraisers: Amos Pierpoint, John Marriott.
List of debts: Mr. Charles Hammond, William Jones, Mr. Gabriel Parrot, James Barnes, Capt. John Hide, John Munday.

Capt. Philip Howard        22.37   A      £448.16.0    £96.10.7   Jul 25 1702
Payments to: William Taylard, Elisabeth Kent, Thomas Aldwick, Mr. Thomas Shater, Mr. Jacob Regnier for fees against William Jones (baker), Lawrence Tod.
Legatees: Hanah Hammond.
Executrix: Mrs. Ruth Howard.
Abt 1650
Lower Norfolk County, Virginia
Bef 8 Mar 1683/84
Anne Arundel County, Maryland
Howard, Henry, A. A. Co.,31st Dec., 1683; 8th Mar.,   1684.
To Sarah, wife of Joseph Dacey, 200 A., "Collingborne."
"    Richard Guin, Hugh Meriking, Edward Jones, John Bennett and his wife Sarah, John Townsend, John Howard of A. A. Co., Mary Cousens, Henry Chappell, John and Matthew Howard, and John Kelee, personalty.
Theophilus Hackett, ex., Edward Michael, Samuel, and Eliza: Skidmore, residuary legatees.
Test: Jas. Floyd, Richd. Howard, Francis Winnington. 4.25.
FamilyCentral Network
Matthew Howard - Anne Hall

Matthew Howard was born at England Abt 1600.

He married Anne Hall Abt 1630 at Lower Norfolk County, Virginia . Anne Hall was born at England Abt 1610 daughter of Richard Hall and .

They were the parents of 8 children:
Cornelius Howard born Abt 1636.
Anne Howard born Abt 1638.
Elizabeth Howard born Abt 1640.
Mattthew Howard born Abt 1642.
John Howard born Abt 1644.
Samuel Howard born 1646.
Phillip Howard born Abt 1648.
Henry Howard born Abt 1650.

Matthew Howard died Bef 4 Sep 1659 at Anne Arundel County, Maryland .

Anne Hall died Aft 1651 at Anne Arundel County, Maryland .