Thomas ODELL

Abt 1660
Bef 11 Apr 1721
Prince George, Maryland
Apr 1691
O'dell, Thomas,29th April, 1717; 11th April, 1721.
To wife Sarah, extx., 500 A. dwelling plantation ---- during life; at her decease to youngest son Bignell and hrs., he dying without issue, to Thomas and Henry, equally. Also £28, a legacy from her father ----.
" son Thomas and hrs., 250 A. where he now dwells, bou. of John and Joseph Brewer.
" son. Henry, residue of tract ---- and £10, a legacy from his grandfather ----.
" dau. Ann and youngest dau. Sarah, personalty.
Daus. to be of age at 16 or marriage, sons Henry and Rignall to remain with their mother until 21 yrs.
" 3 sons afsd., residue of estate equally.
Shd. wife die before child. attain respective ages, son Thomas and son-in-law Ninion Magruder to act.
Test: Thomas Durdin, John Purcluner, Eliza. Wine. 17,152.

Thomas Odell 8.118   £6.6.0  Jan 19 1722
Appraisers: John Pottinger, William Offutt.

Thomas Odell 5.147m A PG £780.5.2  £219.9.9 May 9 1722
A second inventory was cited in the amount of £6.6.0. Folios 147m, 148m, 149m, 150.
Received from: Mr. James Bradley (merchant in London), Mr. Jonathon Scarth, Mr. Joseph Addams, Thomas Odell, Jr., Mr. Thomas Clagett.
Payments to: Richard Land, William Ducker, Thomas Dorset, Thomas Orm, Dr. Patrick Hepburn, Mr. Ralph Crabb, John Mason, Rev. Jacob Henderson, Jane Javet, Fran. Douset for building house for Henry Odell (son), Thomas Applegate, Capt. Thomas Clagett, Mr. Philip Lee, Mr. Thomas Brooke, Jr.
Legatees: accountant as so much given her by her father (unnamed), sons (unnamed), 3 sons (unnamed).
Executrix: Mrs. Sarah Odell.

Odell, Henry, Prince George's Co., 19th May, 1738; 10th July, 1738.
After debts due to bros. Thomas and Regnall are discharged 150 A. dwelling plantation is left to son Thomas and hrs., and personalty.
To son Rignall and hrs., residue of sd. tract.
" daus. Elizabeth and Ellinor, personalty at age of 16 or day of marriage.  Residue of negroes to 4 children, viz: Thomas, Rignall, Elizabeth and Ellenor.
" bros. Rignall and Thomas, personalty. Wife Ann to have use of estate during life, shd. she marry to have her thirds.
Test: Robert Wheeler, Alexander Falconar.
Note:  Hr.-at-law under age. 21.889
28 Jun 1727
Sarah Odell  12.129    PG  £165.5.11    Jun 28 1727  Jun 28 1727
Appraisers: William Offutt, John Child.
Creditors: Richard Pile, Patrick Hepburn.
Next of kin: Joseph Newton.
Administrators/Executorsi Thomas Odell, Henry Odell, Rignall Odell.
7 Jan 1691/92
All Hallows Parish, South River Hundred, Anne Arundel, Maryland
Aft Aug 1763
South Carolina
p. 274, Early Families of Southern Maryland, Volume VI
children possibly not in order of birth (Family History):
1-1 William Odell, 1714 1-2 Rachel Odell, 1716 1-3 Thomas Odell, b. ca 1718 1-4 Sarah Odell, b. ca 1721 1-5 James Odell, 1725 1-6 Mary Odell 1-7 John Odell
1-1    William Odell, b. ca 1714; d. ca 1749 Baltimore Co.; m. Elisabeth Talbot; children (Baltimore County Families, Barnes):
11-1 Mary Odell, b. ca 1736
11-2 John Odell, b. ca 1738
11-3 William Odell, b. ca 1740
11-4 Walter Odell, b. ca 1742
11-5 Eliza Odell, b. ca 1744
11-6 Richard Odell, b. ca 1745
11-7 Rignall Odell, b. ca 1746
11-8 Talbot Odell, b. ca 1748
William Odle (sic), Baltimore Co.; £184.18.3; 7 Feb 1748; 21 Jul 1749; admnx. Elisabeth Odle (I 40.70)
1-2   Rachel Odell, b. ca 1716; d. 1784 Montgomery Co.; m. John Prather
1-3  Thomas Odell, b. ca 1718
1-4   Sarah Odell, b. ca 1721; d. 16 Apr 1815 SC [believed to be her tombstone in Duckett Cem., Newberry Co., SC "Sarah Odell who died Apr 16 1815, age 94 years" (Maryland & Virginia Colonials, Sharon Doliante)]; m. Jacob Duckett, b. 11 Nov 1714 Queen Anne Parish; d. ca 1764 Frederick Co.; s/o Richard Duckett and Charity Jacob; children from his will (see Marylanders To Carolina, Peden):
14-1   Ann Duckett; m. William Boteler
14-2 Thomas Duckett
14-3  Jacob Duckett
14-4 Joseph Duckett
14-5   Richard Duckett
14-6 Josiah Duckett
14-7   Margaret Duckett; m. Notley Masters, b. Frederick Co.
14-8   Mary Duckett
14-9  Elizabeth Duckett
14-10 Charity Duckett
Will of JACOB DUCKET, Frederick Co., planter; written 24 Apr 1764; probate 23 Jun __
To wife Sarah Ducket, 1/3 of personals (sic) To son-in-law William Boteler, land called Oversight, 85 acres To dau. Ann Botelar, cattle To son Thomas Duckett, land called Flagg Pond, 654 acres, on condition that son Thomas shall pay his 4 bros., Jacob, Joseph, Richard and Josiah, each £25 money of Maryland when they reach age 21 Other tracts, Grubby Hollow, 35 acres, and Mountain Tract, 28 acres, to be sold by exs. to best bidder; money divided between sons afed. Balance of estate to be divided between 4 daus., Margaret, Mary, Elizabeth and Charity Exs:  Wife Sarah and son Thomas Wit: Joseph Johnson, Newton Chiswell, Ignatius Simms (MCW XIII.29; Wills, 32.191)
Jacob Duckett, Frederick Co.; £320.0.10; 16 Aug 1764; 21 Nov 1764; exs. Sarah Duckett, Thomas Duckett (I 86.73)
Jacob Duckett, Frederick Co.; dist.; £333.14.5; 31 Oct 1765; legatees: Ann Botelar (dau.), 5 sons (unnamed); dist. to Widow (unnamed, 1/3); residue to 4 daus (unnamed, equally); exs. Thomas Duckett, Mrs. Sarah Duckett (ABB 4.148)
1-5    James Odell, b. ca 1725; d. b/f 1763 Frederick Co.; m. Martha Prather, b. 20 Apr 1730 Queen Anne Parish; d/o John Smith Prather and Elizabeth Nutwell [Nuthall]; [see Nuthall family in Vol. II of this series]
1-6    Mary Odell; may have m. Hilleary Williams, b. 27 Dec 1719 Queen Anne Parish; s/o Baruch Williams, Jr. and Eleanor Nuthall; 22 Apr 1741 he released claim to his father's estate (PGLR #4.372); he is mentioned in inv. of Richard Ward 10 Apr 1751 Frederick Co. (I 50.92); will of Sarah Haswell leaves cattle to great-grandchildren:
13-1   James Williams 13-2   Sarah Williams
A document dated 20 Apr 1745 mentions Negroes sold by Thomas Odell, Mary's father, which were in the possession of Hilleary Williams, Jacob Duckett and James Odell (PGLR BB#1.302).
The last document found for Hilleary Williams of Frederick Co. was when he sold Figure of Eight in Prince George's Co. to Jeremiah Berry on 22 Apr 1752; ack. by Hilleary, his wife Mary and his mother Eleanor (PGLR NN.18); no land holdings located in Frederick Co.; may have moved to South Carolina.
1-7    John Odell; d. ca 1794 Newberry Co., SC; m. Eleanor Hendrix who was living in Mar 1809 in Laurens Co., SC; descendants in South Carolina and Florida.
15 Apr 1694
All Hallows Parish, South River Hundred, Anne Arundel, Maryland
Bef 8 Apr 1754
Prince George, Maryland
Abt 1730
Rignall Odell  57.430    PG  £592.8.4     Apr 8 1754  Oct 31 1754
Appraisers: Mordecal Jacob, Richard Duckett.
Creditors: James Wallace, Thomas Lancaster.
Next of kin: Thomas Odell, Jr., Rignall Odell.
Administratrix: Sarah Prather (late Sarah Odell).
Author Name: Michael Author Email: Added: 19 Dec 2005Note: Merry Xmas 
I know this does not go here, but this record was also probated in Prince George's Co., Md. Note that Rachel's Husband is Ignatius Wheeler. (egad not another one). Rachel is the daughter of Joseph Newton & Ann Odell.
Thanks for the note on the Marlow family. on review it appears there may have been another generation we were missing in the early years.
All the best,
Folio 550 RACHEL WHEELER, of Fairfax County, Va. 11/03/1798 04/05/1803
"being Sick and weak in Body ..." Bequeaths to:
1. Nathaniel Newton --brother -to have 2 Negro boys "Ossy" and "Tilberry" for his natural life and after his death, then the Negroes are entitled to a new suit of clothes and to be free
2. Mary --sister
Rebecca --sister
Susanna --sister
-each to have 1 guinea
3. Ann Marbury --niece (daughter of John Brewer
-to have 1 guinea, a stone ring, a pair of gold sleeve buttons and 1 bed and covering
4. Rachel Chesil --niece (daughter of Stephen Chesil)
-to have 1 stone ring, 1 pair of silver shoe buckles, a woman's saddle and after the death of testatrix's husband Isaac Wheeler, to have 1 bed and covering
5. Wife of nephew Joseph Burch
-to have 1 guinea
6. Henrietta Wheeler
-to have 1 plain gold ring
7. Joseph Brewer --nephew (son of William Brewer)
-to have 1 plain gold ring
8. Doritha Marlowe --old friend and acquaintance
-to have 1 guinea to be made into a ring and also to have a suit of wearing apparel
9. Ignatius Wheeler --husband -after testatrix's decease to have Negroes: "Scipio" "Mial" "Wat" "Will" "Little Sam" "Luce" "Lenna" "Henny" "Vina" "Priss" "Anna" and "Margery" for his natural life and at his decease they are to be clothed and entitled to their freedom along w/ their issue and also stock is to be sold and the money from the sale to be applied to the use of testatrix's above named Negroes in such a way as testatrix's brother Nathaniel sees proper
Witnesses: William Marshall
Ozbom Bryon
Then came: the two above named subscribers to the will
Note: the testatrix signed the will in her own hand
Abt 1709
Prince George, Maryland
9 Nov 1727
Queen Anne's Parish, Prince Ge 
FamilyCentral Network
Thomas Odell - Sarah Ridgely

Thomas Odell was born at Abt 1660.

He married Sarah Ridgely Apr 1691 . Sarah Ridgely was born at 1667 daughter of Henry Ridgely and Elizabeth Howard .

They were the parents of 6 children:
Thomas Odell born 7 Jan 1691/92.
Henry Odell born 15 Apr 1694.
Rignall Odell
Sarah Odell born Abt 1709.

Thomas Odell died Bef 11 Apr 1721 at Prince George, Maryland .

Sarah Ridgely died 28 Jun 1727 .