23 Feb 1610
Salcombe Regis, Devon, England
21 Feb 1610
Colyton, Devon, England
27 Oct 1659
Dorchester, Suffolk, Massachusetts
Devonshire, England
Seaton & Beer Parish Records, FHL 933395
                   Seal to Parents:  SUBMITTED
Abt 1604
Salcombe Regis, Devonshire, England
2 Aug 1668
Dorchester, Suffolk, Massachusetts
                   The History of Marlborough page 464 gives us George and Jane, of thefirstsettlers of Dorchester as the parents of Amiel Weeks.  Research inEnglandsays that George was born there and Jane's last name isClapp. G2278 Fiche (Carlsbad) Genealogical outline of the Cram, Weekesfamilygives the following info.  Jane Clap (name originally Claps cametoDorchester Mass in 1636-7 From Salcombe Regis, Devonshire.  WifeofGeorge Weekes.  The Clap family had been in England from a remoteperiod;of Danish extraction.  Burke's Heraldic Register contains thefamily record and a description of theirarms.

G2576 says Jane was lineal descendant from Osgod Clapa, a Danish noble atthe court of King Canute or Knut. (King of England 1017-1036) The Clappfamily long possessed the estate of Salcombe Hill, at Salcombe Regis,Devon. Among the nobles at the court of Canute )or Knute) king of Denmark,whoconquered the South of England and reigned from AD 1017 to 1035 wasOsgodClapa (or Osgood Clapp) to whom he gave an estate at Salcombe Regisin the southeastern part of Devonshire.  A part of this estate is nowheld and occupied by a descendent.  All of the Weeis blood are descendedfrom Osgod Clapa, through Jane Clapp, wife of GeorgeWeekes.

Jane is sister of Roger Clap who came in the "Mary & John" abt 1630toDorchester, Mass.  Roger wa born 6 Apr1609

From Weekes Genealogy book in Exeter library - Jane Clap or Clapp wifeofGeorge Weekes was a lineal descendant from Osgod Clapa, a Danish nobleatthe court of King Canute or Knut.  The Clapp family long possessedtheestate of Salcombe Hill, at Salcome Regis, Devon 16 miles southeastfromExeter.  This estate was held in the present century by SarahClappKestell (daughter of Sarah Clapp and Dr.l James Kestell of OtterySt.Mary, Devon and wife of George Cornih, Esz.) his mother having beentheonly daughter and heir of John Clapp, Esq., whose younger brotherRobertm. Mary, d. of George Hunt and Mary Weekes, sister of John Weekes,thelast male heir of the manor of North Wyke, Devon.  The Right Rev.RobertKestell0Kestell Cornish, D. D., bishop of Madagascar, is now lordof themanor of Salcombe Hill, which is the residence of his sister,MissCornishl.

The oriinal home-lot of George Weekes has been recently 1888 identifiedbyMrl James Hl Stark, of Savin Hill avenue (Dorchester) Boston, ashavingbeen what is now the NE corner of Dorchester ave and Savin Hillavenue.It was visited by the author, in August 1888.  George Weekes mayneverhave resised on the Harvard streetlot.

Jonas Humphrey who m Jane, widow of George Weekes, was fromWendover,Bucks, England:  he landed at Dorchester, September, 1637.  Theauthor,in 1887 dined with Dea. Henry Humphreys, a descendant, thenresiding onthe original homestead, at the corner of Humphreys street andthe NY andNER Road.

The Will of Jane Humphrey formerly Jane Clap and wife of Goerge Weekes -a copy in Weeks book in Exseter made 29 Jan 1666-7.  It is signed byRoger Clap and Samuell Paull
Thomas WEEKS
Abt 1626
Abt 1626
of Dorchester, Suffolk, Massachusetts
9 Sep 1667
Dorchester, Suffolk Co., Massa 
of Devonshire, England
13 Dec 1677
Dorchester, Suffolk, Massachusetts
                   "Admitted to ffreedome and tooke his oath" 03 May 1665 - Land granted tohim by town, 1652 - Fence Viewer in 1652 and others - 1664 he andbrothers Ammiel ajnd Joseph and @ a hundred others signed a petitiontothe "General Court" (i.e. Legislature) - 1674 chosen "Clerk oftheWrits," & Register of Births, Marriages & Deaths:  & was the"boldinnovator" restored practice of designating months by "heathen"hamesinstead of numbers.  Made Freeman in1665.

There is no record of his admission to the church;  his wife wasadmittedat the same time with his brother Ammiel and wife on May 18,1656.  Landwas granted him by the town in 1652 in the same year he waspaid forcertain writing done for the town.  He was a fence-iewer in 1653and inothrer years.  In 1664 he, with his rothers Ammiel and Joseph andabout ahundred others signed a petition to the "General Court requestingthatmeasure be taken to have the rights and privileges of thepeopleconfirmed.  In 1674, he was chosen "Clerk of the Writs andRegistrar ofBirths, Marriages and Deaths; and was the "bold innovator"who restoredthe practice of designating the months by the "heathen" namesinstead ofnumbers. On 17th of Sept 1680 his widow Elizabeth (who married Timothy Mather ashis second wife, March 20, 1678-9, conveyed certain lands to Capt.RogerClap to satisfy a claim held by him against the estate.  She diedFeb 20,1709-10 aged 79 years.
Thomas WEEKS
Abt 1629
                   Other notes in Exeter say born in 1612  or Huntington Long Island
6 Nov 1631
Seaton & Beer, Devon, England
20 Apr 1679
Dorchester, Suffolk, Massachusetts
                   The passenger book for the "Mary and John"  lists Amiel Weeks marryingAbigail Trescott.  pg. 21.  Abigail is the daughter of Elizabeth Dyer andWilliam Trescott.  Elizabeth is the daughter of George Dyer and Abigailwho are listed in Bold print (probablypassengers) The History of Marlborough  lists Supply Weeks as the first person namedWeeks in Marlborough and as the son of Amiel and Abigail Trescott Weeksof Dorchester.   This can't be right. My previous work with no sources lists Amiel as having been born inSeaton and Beer, Devon, England  6 Nov  1631  and died 29 Apr 1679 inDorchester, Mass.  Ammiel's son Ammiel may have married AbigailTrescott. MORE RESEARCH NEEDED - Who was Abigail Trescott marriedto? Genealogy of the Family of George Weekes  G7019 Carlsbad #2page 69   Ammiel was born in England in 1633 and was admitted to the church inDorchester with his wife Elizabeth May 18, 1656 and was made free andtook his oath the  May 6, 1657.   The earliest mention in the townrecords of his holding land is in 1657.  He was a constable in 1673againin 1674 and 1678; he held other positions of trust at differenttimes.It would appear from the inventory of his estate that he inheritedthe profession of land surveyor from his father. Made freemn 06 May1657 When he died aged 46, his wife Elizabeth was administrator of hisestate.

The gravetones of Ammiel and his wife now standing in the southwest partof the old graveyard in Stoughton street near Upham's corner, Dorchester.A tract including "Weekes Hill agianst which Thomas Davenport's landabutted is supposed to have belonged toAmmiel. The location of the land of Ammiel Weekes has not been ascertained.Atract including "weekes' Hill next to Thomas Davenport's land issupposed to have belonged to Ammiel.

Another source says Ammiel died 20 Mar 1679 and was born 1633.  Dying atage 46 years makes more sense.  Buried in Dorchester MA on SW ptofGraveyard on Stoughton Street , near Upham's corner.  Admitted tochurchin Dorchester with wife 18 May 1656.  Constable 1673; one ofcommission to run town line in 1673, 1674 and 1678.

Elizabeth was the first child names Elizabeth, recorded as born inBoston, although no the first child bornthere. Amiel Weeks served on the Annapolis Royal expedition in 1710(Massachusetts Officers and Soldiers 1702-1722 Queen Anne's War toDummer's War (1980) Also listed in Massachusetts Officers and Soldiers in theSeventeenth-Century Conflicts.
Biddenham, Kent, England
Jun 1679
7 May 1635
of Winstanley, Wigan, Lancshire, England
13 Oct 1690
Dorchester, Suffolk, Massachusetts
9 Apr 1667
Dorchester, Norfolk, Massachus 
                   Born in this country

Died age 56.  Made freeman in 1673
7 Mar 1652
Elizabeth WEEKS
18 Sep 1653
FamilyCentral Network
George Weekes - Jane Clapp

George Weekes was born at Salcombe Regis, Devon, England 23 Feb 1610. His parents were William Weekes and Grace Ballymond.

He married Jane Clapp 1625 at Devonshire, England . Jane Clapp was born at Salcombe Regis, Devonshire, England Abt 1604 daughter of William Clapp and Johana Channon .

They were the parents of 9 children:
Thomas Weeks born Abt 1626.
Joseph Weeks born Abt 1626.
William Weekes born 1628/29.
Thomas Weeks born Abt 1629.
Ammiel Weeks born 6 Nov 1631.
Jane Weekes born 1633.
Joseph Weeks born 7 May 1635.
John Weeks born 7 Mar 1652.
Elizabeth Weeks born 18 Sep 1653.

George Weekes died 27 Oct 1659 at Dorchester, Suffolk, Massachusetts .

Jane Clapp died 2 Aug 1668 at Dorchester, Suffolk, Massachusetts .