Supply WEEKS

26 Aug 1671
Dorchester, Suffolk, Massachusetts
31 Dec 1671
Dorchester, Suffolk, Massachusetts
22 Sep 1755
Marlborough, Middlesex, Massachusetts
4 Jun 1699
Marlborough, Middlesex, Massachusetts
Vital Records of Marlborough,Middlesex,MA, FHL 974.44/M5 V2s
Dorchester Births, Marriages, Deaths to end of 1825 aka 21st Report oftheRecord Commissioners
                   Supply Weeks, the first of the name in Marlborough, was the son of  Amieland Abigail Trescott Weeks according to the History of Marlborough andpossibloy wrong and was born 26 Aug 1671.  Amiel Weeks was son of Georgeand Jane, of the first settlers of Dorchester.  Supply married SusannaBarnes, an adopted daughter of Deacon John Barnes and a daughter ofThomas Barnes of Marlborough.  He was married as of Marlborough and hencewas in the place before that date.  She died 15 Jan 1712 and he marriedMary Holland of Framingham.  He died 22 Sep 1755 at age84.

Farmer and Shoemaker.  At the time of his birth there was a greatscarcity of provisions because of a drought;  on the night of his birth avessel with supplies arrived  so in commemeration of the timelyrelief,the child was named Supply.  Relocated to Marlborough in1697. Baptized by Rev. Mr. Flint 31 Dec 1671.  Returned to Marlboroughabout1697. Susanna his wife died Jan 15 1712 four days after the birth of heryoungest child;  he then married Mary Holland, twin with Martha born Aug16, 1697. His homestead is now owned and occupied by a descendant  Dea. WilliamLyman Weeks and a part of the house built by him is now standing andinuse as a part of the present dwelling.  There is in the house achestmarked as elow in woord   SW 1697.
Susanna BARNES
2 Feb 1676
Marlborough, Middlesex, Massachusetts
15 Jan 1712
Marlborough, Middlesex, Massachusetts
                   The History of Marlborough did not have a birthdate for Susanna BarnesbutI had one in other notes with no source.  I used this date and placeofbirth. She was the adopted daughter of Dea. John Barnes and a daughter ofThomasBarnes of Marlborough - from the History of Marlborough.  HerfatherThomas died in 1679 which is probably why she was adopted beingonly 3years of age. An assumption on my part questions whether the following information onaJohn Barnes from Marlborough could have been that adoptive father.Pg.319 (History of Marlborough) asfollows: "John Barnes was in Marlborough early and married Johanna in 1664.Shedied 29 Oct 1712 and he died 8 Sep 1715.  I have not been able totracehis lineage with certainty.  His will mentions William Barnes ofHaddam,Ct and John Barnes Jr. of Marlborough as his "kinsman"  Heprobably hadno children as we find no record of any and none arementioned in hiswill.  As he refers to the children of Thomas Barnes ashis "kinsmen" hewas probably a brother or cousin of Thomas.  He alsoremembers thechildren of Supply Weeks, who married a dauther of ThomasBarnes.  JohnBarnes was a deacon and probably one of the first deacons ofthe churchof Marlborough.  Having no children, his family becameextinct. The families of Rich and Thomas Barnes as far as we can ascertain,werenot connected."
5 Sep 1700
Marlborough, Middlesex, Massachusetts
                   After marriage moved to Shrewsbury Mass. near Worcester.  While there hebecame one of the "forty proprietors" purchased from the Indians a'Hassanamisco" (the place of small stones) became town of Grafton.Returned to Marlborugh before 1732.  Lived in Brookfield short time:  atWilliangford, Conn, 1734 returned to Marlborough and remained until about1771.  Returned to Hrdwick there as late as 1777.  No death recordfound.Hannah:  Moved to Shrewsbury, Mass near Worcester.
23 Feb 1702
Marlborough, Middlesex, Massachusetts
19 May 1730
Westborough, Middlesex, Massac 
Abigail WEEKS
26 Jan 1704
Marlborough, Middlesex, Massachusetts
13 Oct 1705
Marlborough, Middlesex, Massachusetts
21 Sep 1739
3 Mar 1708
Marlborough, Middlesex, Massachusetts
11 Feb 1787
Marlborough, Middlesex, Massachusetts
Marlborough, Middlesex, Massac 
                   John died at age 79.  He was a man of considerable note, and rose to therank of colonel (In History of Town of Marlborough) He also held acommission of justice of the peace and was a sheriff.  In 1734 entered acovenant with father-in-law, Thomas Keyes, "housewright" to take care ofhim and his wife as long as they lived, to give them proper Christianburial and follow the business of housewright or carpenter on conditionof receiving immediate possession of all property of said Thomas Keyes, R& P except carpenter's tools

"Col" John Capt. J. Weeks served as captain of one of the town's two alarm companiesin 1757 during the French and Indian War.  The alarm companies weresimilar to the late concept of minutemen - they were not called to activeservice at the time but were prepared to answer any pressin need for menin the colony, in the event of any emergency.  Two of John's sons,Francis (a Corporal) and John Jr. were members of his company.  Johnrendered service as a Selecftman in the Town of Marlborough.  John alsoserved as LOieutenant Colonel in Colonel Artemas Ward's Regiments in July1762.
Elijah WEEKS
4 Feb 1710
Marlborough, Middlesex, Massachusetts
                   Admitted to full communion at Dorchester 12 Jan 1727-8;  living atRye,Westchester Co,  N. Y. in 1747 in which year he conveyed to his bro.Johnhis own share of his father's estate.  There is no trace of him ineitherthe town or county records there.  He may have been the ancester ofafamily of the name in Virginia. One reference says that George, Joseph, and Alderson are his sons.Anotherman in internet says those sons arenot Elijahs but belong to a William born 1704 Westmoreland Countyt, VAdied1775 King George County, VA and his wife Mary Alderson, daughterofGeorge Alderson.  This refernece had definite proof so it's morelikelyright.
11 Jan 1712
Marlborough, Middlesex, Massachusetts
13 Jun 1740
30 Jan 1734
Marlborough, Middlesex, Massac 
FamilyCentral Network
Supply Weeks - Susanna Barnes

Supply Weeks was born at Dorchester, Suffolk, Massachusetts 26 Aug 1671. His parents were Ammiel Weeks and Elizabeth Aspinwall.

He married Susanna Barnes 4 Jun 1699 at Marlborough, Middlesex, Massachusetts . Susanna Barnes was born at Marlborough, Middlesex, Massachusetts 2 Feb 1676 daughter of Thomas Barnes and Abigail Goodenow .

They were the parents of 7 children:
Thomas Weeks born 5 Sep 1700.
Jemima Weeks born 23 Feb 1702.
Abigail Weeks born 26 Jan 1704.
Ammiel Weeks born 13 Oct 1705.
John Weeks born 3 Mar 1708.
Elijah Weeks born 4 Feb 1710.
Susanna Weeks born 11 Jan 1712.

Supply Weeks died 22 Sep 1755 at Marlborough, Middlesex, Massachusetts .

Susanna Barnes died 15 Jan 1712 at Marlborough, Middlesex, Massachusetts .