Maurice "the Resolute" BERKELEY
?? Line 8219: (New PAF RIN=5217) 1 NAME Maurice "the Resolute" De /BERKELEY/ ?? Line 8220: (New PAF RIN=5217) 1 TITL [LORD OF BERKELEY] ?? Line 8228: (New PAF RIN=5217) 1 BURI 2 PLAC St Augustine'S Abbey Near Bristol
?? Line 5582: (New PAF RIN=5007) 1 NAME Thomas "the Wise" De /BERKELEY/ ?? Line 5590: (New PAF RIN=5007) 1 DEAT 2 PLAC St Augustines Abbey, Bristol, Gloucestershire, England
He married Isabella de Chilham Abt 1242 at of Chilham Castle, Kent, England . Isabella de Chilham was born at of Chilham Castle, Kent, England Abt 1218 daughter of Richard Fitzroy and Rohsia (Rose) Dover .
They were the parents of 5
Maurice de Berkeley
born Abt 1243.
Thomas "the Wise" Berkeley
born 1245.
Robert de Berkeley
born Abt 1247.
Simon de Berkeley
born Abt 1249.
Maud de Berkeley
born Abt 1251.
Maurice "the Resolute" Berkeley died 4 Apr 1281 .
Isabella de Chilham died 7 Jul 1276/77 .