Thomas (L or S.) HOLDEN

15 Jan 1804
Harrison, Virginia
2 Apr 1858
Putnam, Ohio
Abt 1834
of Champaign Co, Ohio
                   CK and see it Jemina and Thomas are sealed to correct mother.....Believe they may originally have been sealed to Benjamin and last wife, Margaret....Later research revealed that she was not the mother....

Will Bk 4, Pg 430  Harrison Co.,W.Va. listed Thomas. (Benjamin's will)

Old letter from T.L.Holden to P.B. Holden at Kalida,Ohio 14 Jan 1857.Original in my files.  Asks for him to come visit him, pay taxes for Mathew Mason's land; speaks regarding preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ.  Mentions a Brother in church, Brother Runkle...(Baptist or United Brethren Congregation.)

Possible:1850 Census  Champaign Co.,Ohio 28 August 1850
Thomas S. Holden 46  Farmer Bn: VA
Nancy       "    40             VA
John             14  M          OHIO
Mariah J.        12 F           OHIO
James C.          7 M           OHIO
Chilester         5 M            "
Worthington       2 M            "
Malon Holden     46 M Farmer     VA  (note he's there farming w/relative.)
Note:  In Licking County, Ohio Probate Records..
Listed will for Alexander Holden (possible brother of Benjamin) 29 Oct 1832
W/Wife Sally.  Listed also a Mahlon and Wilson Holden (possibly their sons)and mentions a Jacob Swisher (possibly a son-in-law).
note: What I'm seeing in this 1850 Census is a Malon Holden 46 (Bn:1804 in Va)  who could very well be the Mahlon mentioned in Alexanders will.  He would be farming with Thomas S. Holden, an uncle, the brother of Pearson B. Holden, my 2nd great, grandfather.

2)Ann Lambert...married a Benjamin Holden 1802. Harrison County, Virginia Marriage Records;  also a deed in Green County,Ohio naming some children, heirs of Ann Lambert (deceased).

e-mail  3-12-00
Ellie for wrote:
> I am supposedly descended from Benjamin thru his son  Thomas m Nancy Lee moved  to Champaign County, OH.
   Their son Thomas b 1848.  They were both stone  masons as was Thomas son  Elmer, my great grandfather.
   I am trying to get data on Thomas b 1804  and his  wife Nancy Lee
Scott Kendall
   Date:        Sun, 12 Mar 2000 23:00:14 -0800 (PST)
   From:        Charles and Ellie Johnson   | Block address
   Subject:        Re: Thomas Holden/Nancy 

Dear Scott,
       I'm always happy to help where I can on the Holden line. I do have some information for you regarding Thomas L. Holden and Nancy Lee. 
       Jane Hodgson, another cousin, has much of the Holden information on-line.  I'll try and find her web-site for you soon.
Eleanor L. Johnson

Thomas L. Holden
b 15 Jan 1804
Harrison Co,Virginia (now W.Va)
d 2 Apr 1858
Putnam Co.,Ohio

Nancy Lee

Children:  John 1836; Mariah 1838; James C. 1843;
Chilester Holden 1845; Worthington Holden 1848.
Note:  These dates are approximated from census record below.  There may be other children listed on other
census records.

Then I added all my notes on Thomas L. Holden....that I have in this file
.My notes on Thomas L. Holden:
   From:  | Block address
   Date:        Mon, 13 Mar 2000 09:55:02 EST
   Subject:        Re: Thomas Holden/Nancy 
Where did we get the death date?  Was there any probate records?  

Heres what I have now:
Descendants of Thomas S Holden
      1   Thomas S Holden b: 1804 in VA   d: 02 April 1858 in Putnam, OH
.       +Nancy Lee  b: 1810 in VA   m: 1830 
....    2   John Holden b: 1836 in Ohio     
....    2   Mariah Jane Holden  b: 1838 in Ohio     
........        +Jacob Andrew Klinger           
....    2   James C Holden b: 1843 in Ohio      
....    2   [1] Franklin Holdridge Chilchester Holden   b: 29 April 1845 in Champaign, OH       d: 22 March 1929 in Van Wert, Van Wert, OH
........        +Sarah Catherine Young  b: 10 July 1860 in Putnam County, Ohio    m: 06 March 1879 in Van Wert, Ohio d: 18 October 1940 in Van Wert County, Van Wert, Ohio
....        *2nd Wife of [1] Franklin Holdridge Chilchester Holden:         
........        +Mary Adeline Klinger b: 27 March 1844 in Hocking County, OH 
m: 19 March 1865 in Van Wert, Van Wert, Ohio d: 26 March 1874 in Washington Township, Van Wert, OH
....    2   Thomas Worthington Holden   b: 04 September 1848 in Rush,  Champaign, OH       d: 25 December 1932 in Waverly, Coffey, KS
........        +Ellen Melvina Wood b: 04 August 1852 in Barry, MI  m: 28 January 1872 in Burlington, Coffey, KS d: 29 December 1934 in Waverly,  Coffey, KS

I sent him another e-mail:
    Date:        Thu, 16 Mar 2000 22:47:31 -0800 (PST)
    From:        Charles and Ellie Johnson   | Block address
   Subject:        Holden/Klinger information
       To:        Scott Kendall 

Hi Scott,
      Here is some information I pulled up in on Andrew J. Klinger, (possibly the Jacob
Andrew Klinger that married into the Holden family according to the information you sent me).
      Can you tell me more about your grandparents on Holden line?
      Did you know that Benjamin was also a stonemason
      Ellie Johnson
(Eleanor Law Johnson)                                                  
Search > Record Type > Ohio Census, 1790-1890 > Search
March 16, 2000   
Search Results
Search Terms: KLINGER (98), ANDREW (19342)
Database: Ohio Census, 1790-1890
Combined Matches: 1 
Year      1860
Surname   KLINGER
Given Name ANDREW J.
County    Darke County                     
State     Ohio
Page      116
Township or Other Info   Twin Township
Record Type  Federal Population Schedule
Database OH 1860 Federal Census Index                 
ID#  OH446100852           
   Search > Record Type > Ohio Census, 1790-1890
Search Results                        March 16, 2000   

   Search Results
   Search Terms: HOLDRIDGE (28), HOLDEN (355)
   Database: Ohio Census, 1790-1890
   Combined Matches: 1                                                                                                  
Year:                   1860
Surname:             HOLDEN
Given Name:       HOLDRIDGE  C.
County:               Putnam   County
State:                    OH
Page:                     412
Township:            Jackson
Record Type        Federal Population Schedule                                                                                                                Database             OH 1860   Federal Census Index
    ID#                     OH15361271                                                
Date: Mon, 20 Mar 2000 02:25:21 -0800
   To:, Charles Johnson 
     From:  | Block address
   Subject:     Thomas S. Holden
Hi Scott,
          Ellie Johnson wrote to say that you are descended through Thomas, son of Benjamin Holden. I am not sure if
we ever corresponded, but I did have you in my database, so someone close to you had contacted me.
          Anyway, here are the notes I have for Thomas S. Holden. I found S. as the middle initial on 3 different
         Thomas S. Holden

1804 Jan 15 Born Harrison County, VA to Benjamin Holden and Anna Lambert
1810 Census Harrison County, VA with father
1831 Nov 9 Father died and Thomas inherited the lower half of the farm with the  responsibility to look after his unmarried sister Jemina
1833 Feb 23 Baptized and received at Baptist Church called Centre  Branch
1833 Dec 12 Thomas and mother Anna Lambert mentioned in Greene County, OH    deed
1833 Greene County, Ohio Deed Amos Lambert to Aaron Lambert QC Vol 15  Page 263 Lot 4 
          Fairfield Town Consideration 166 66%
1833 Greene County, Ohio Deed Hannah Davis to Aaron Lambert QC Vol 26  Vol. 10 Page 263
          Acres 4 Fairfield Consideration 166.66
1833 Greene County, Ohio Deed Robt Parks to Aaron Lambert QC Vol 26  Vol. 10 Page 263
          Acres 4 Fairfield Consideration 166.66
1833 Greene County, Ohio Deed Lucinda Parks to Aaron Lambert QC Vol 26  Vol. 10 Page 263
          Acres 4 Fairfield Consideration 166.66
1833 Greene County, Ohio Deed Wm Parks to Aaron Lambert QC Vol 26 Vol.  10 Page 263
          Acres 4 Fairfield Consideration 166.66
1833 Greene County, Ohio Deed Thos S. Holden to Aaron Lambert QC Vol 26 Vol. 10 Page 263
          Acres 4 Fairfield Consideration 166.66
1833 Greene County, Ohio Deed Isaac Stout to Aaron Lambert QC Vol 26  Vol. 10 Page 263
          Acres 4 Fairfield Consideration 166.66
1833 Greene County, Ohio Deed Jeremiah Holden to Aaron Lambert QC Vol  26 Vol. 10 Page 263
          Acres 4 Fairfield Consideration 166.66
1833 Greene County, Ohio Deed Hannah Stout to Aaron Lambert QC Vol 26  Vol. 10 Page 263
          Acres 4 Fairfield Consideration 166.66
1833 Greene County, Ohio Deed Thom S. Holden Et al. to Aaron Lambert QC  Vol 26 Vol. 10 Page 263
          Acres 4 Fairfield Consideration 166.66
1834 Abt Married Nancy Lee 
1836 John Holden born 
1838 Mariah Jane born
1840 Census Coshocton or Erie Co or Washington Co OH?
1843 James C. born 
1848 Franklin Chitester born Champaign County, Ohio
1848 Sep 4 Thomas Worthington born Rush Township, Champaign County, Ohio 
1850 Census Champaign County, Rush Township, Ohio P 251

Descendants of Thomas S. HOLDEN

Generation No. 1
          1.  Thomas S.2 HOLDEN  (Benjamin *1) was born 15 January, 1804 in  Harrison County, Virginia, and died 02 April, 1858 in Putnam County, Ohio.  He married Nancy Lee Abt. 1834.
          Children of Thomas HOLDEN and Nancy Lee are:
          2       i.      John3 HOLDEN, born 1836 in Ohio.
          3       ii.     Mariah Jane HOLDEN, born 1838 in Ohio.
          4       iii.    James C. HOLDEN, born 1843 in Ohio.
          5       iv.     Franklin Chitister HOLDEN , Sr., born 1845 in Champaigne County,
Ohio; died 24 March, 1929 in Van Wert, Van Wert County, Ohio.  He  married
(1) Mary Adeline KLINGER 19 March, 1865 in Van Wert, Van Wert County, 
   He married (2) Sarah C. YOUNG 06 March, 1879 in Putnam County, Ohio.
          6       v.      Thomas Worthington HOLDEN, born 04 September, 1848 in Rush 
Township, Champaign County, Ohio; died 25 December, 1932 in Waverly, Coffey  County, Kansas.  He married Ellen Melvina WOODS 28 January, 1872 in Burlington, Coffey county, Kansas. _____________________________________________________________________

1833 Feb 23 Father left the lower half of the farm together with the  house, the black horse and cow bed and bedding desk a pair of geese two hoes  in consideration that he keep his sister Jemina until she marries.

IGI Holden, Thomas m Sarah E. Griffin 18 Oct 1861, Harrison County, WV

E-mail Irma Jean Morgan 3/13/93 Prodigy SNNJ37A
Following data from Greene Co, OH Deed Records. The 1st item was on  page 505 & unfortunately I didn't copy pg 504 to get everything I needed, but can check again at the local library & will let you know what preceded the 
John Lambert, Amos Lambert, Hannah David late Lambert, Robert Parks &  Lucina his wife late Lambert, THOMAS HOLDEN, JEMINA HOLDEN, Isaac Stout and  Hannah his wife late Hannah Fullens children and heirs of ANNA HOLDEN of which said John, Amos, Hannah Davis, Lucina Parkes and ANNA HOLDEN are and were brothers & sisters and the true heirs of William Lambert, dec'd, late of Greene Co., OH to Aaron Lambert of Greene Co., OH - 12-12-1833 - $166.00 - Lot #4 in Fairfield Deed Book 15, pages 263.4 ____________________________________________________________________

1810 Virginia Census Virginia, Harrison County
Holdin, Benjamin
________ Thomas?  Male under 10
________ Benjamin Male 10-16
________ Peter    Male 10-16
________ Alex     Male 10-16
________ Charles  Male 16-26
________ Benjamin Male 45+
________ Jemina   Female under 10
________ Grace    Female 16-26
________ Arominer Female 16-26
________ Anna     Female 45+

Holden to Holden  Harrison County Courthouse Book  Page 155-157
This Indenture made this 22nd day of January in the year of our Lord  eighteen hundred and twenty five between Benjamin Holden Sen. of the County of  Harrison & State of Virginia in of the one part, and Peter W. Holden and Joseph Barnett Junr of the same place of the other part Witnesseth that the said  Benjamin for and in consideration of his respect & attachment to the regular Baptist  church and of the sum of one dollar to him in hand paid by the said Peter W. Holden and Joseph Barnett the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, hath  given granted bargained sold, atained & em   gged by these presents doth give, grant bargain sell, alien & enfroff to the said Peter W. Holden & Joseph barnett Jr a certain tract or parcel of land lying and being in the said County of  Harrison situate on the North & East sides of Turkey Run a branch of Elk Creek, beginning at a Hickory and running thence, N6 1/4 W 11 ps 4 links to a  Small White Oak N62 1/2 & 13 poles of links to a Syckamore, N48 E 11 poles of  links to a sycamore S47 1/4 E14 poles to a white ash stump, S50 1/4 W16 poles  to a Stone, N81 1/2 W 8 poles 43 links to the Beginning, containing one acre & threefourths of an acre & 16 poles being the same land on which the Baptist
church called Center Branch now Stands; to have and to hold the said tract a parcel of land to the said Peter W. Holden & Joseph Barnett and the  survivors and the heirs of such survivor that he will warrent & defend the said 
tract of land with the appurtenances against all persons claiming by through or  under him, the said Benjamin but the foregoing conveyance is made by the said Benjamin to the said Peter W. Holden and Joseph Barnett Jr. and the 
survivor and the heirs of such survivor in trust for the sole use of the regular Baptist Church of Jesus Christ called the Center Branch Church, and holding the principles contained in the Philadelphia baptist confession of faith, 
and the said Peter W. Holden and Joseph Barnett Jr. during their Joint lives,  and that the survivor and the heirs of such survivor will permit the members of  said church holding the principles aforesaid to use the said property & to 
erect buildings, make repairs thereon and to do all other acts which a  majority of the members as aforesaid may think necessary for the more complete  enjoyment of the property aforesaid without any hindrances or molestation on the part of the said Peter W. Holden and Joseph Barnett, or either of them or the survivor or the heirs of such survivor and the said Peter W. Holden and Joseph  do furtherso account for themselves and the survivor and the heirs of such survivor to and with the said Benjamin & his heirs that they the said  Peter W. and Joseph during their Joint lives and that the survivor and the heirs of such survivor will at any time on the request of the majority of the members of said Church holding the principles aforesaid convey the said tract of land  with its appurtenances to such person or persons as the said member shall direct upon the same uses and Trusts as are contained in this conveyance, and upon any additional uses and trusts which a majority of the said members may seem necessary to ensure the complete enjoyment of said property, according to the true intent and meaning of the conveyance but before any such conveyance is made the request of the members of said church or of a majority of such members
holding the principles aforesaid shall be made in writing for under the hands & seals of such members or a majority thereof In tes
Nancy LEE
Information From Jane Hodgson Regarding Full Name.
                   1850 Census..Champaign Co,Ohio
From email attachment....Holden/Klinger
From: | Block Address  | Add to Address Book 
Date: Fri, 17 Mar 2000 11:12:03 EST  
Subject: Re: Holden/Klinger information  
To:  from Scott..........
Attachment View -- Powered by  
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   Ancestors of Elmer Lloyd Holden 
Generation No. 1 
1. Elmer Lloyd Holden, born 06 April 1904 in Waverly, Coffey, KS; died 01 February 1972 in Topeka, Shawnee, KS. He was the son of 2. Elmer Worthington Holden and 3. Maud May Butterfield. He married (1) Dorothy May Elkins 12 January 1927 in Topeka, Shawnee, KS. She was born 09 August 1908 in Topeka, Shawnee, KS. She was the daughter of Charles Elkins and Estella Maud Slaybaugh. 

More About Elmer Holden and Dorothy Elkins:

Marriage: 12 January 1927, Topeka, Shawnee, KS 

Generation No. 2 

2. Elmer Worthington Holden, born 22 September 1875 in Clay, Indiana; died 16 December 1964 in Topeka, Shawnee, KS. He was the son of 4. Thomas Worthington Holden and 5. Ellen Melvina Wood. He married 3. Maud May Butterfield 12 January 1898 in Garnett, Anderson, KS.

3. Maud May Butterfield, born 17 December 1880 in Waverly, Bremer, IA; died 16 January 1964 in Topeka, Shawnee, KS. She was the daughter of 6. James H Butterfield and 7. Lucinda Jane Grover. 

More About Elmer Holden and Maud Butterfield:

Marriage: 12 January 1898, Garnett, Anderson, KS 

Children of Elmer Holden and Maud Butterfield are:

i. Bertie Thomas Holden, born 12 November 1898 in Waverly, Coffey, KS; died 06 December 1898 in Waverly, Coffey, KS.

ii. Bertha Bell Holden, born 10 March 1901 in Waverly, Coffey, KS; died 24 March 1901 in Waverly, Coffey, KS.

1 iii. Elmer Lloyd Holden, born 06 April 1904 in Waverly, Coffey, KS; died 01 February 1972 in Topeka, Shawnee, KS; married Dorothy May Elkins 12 January 1927 in Topeka, Shawnee, KS.

iv. Marlin Holden, born 24 December 1915 in Meriden, Jefferson, KS; died 24 December 1915 in Meriden, Jefferson, KS. 

Generation No. 3 

4. Thomas Worthington Holden, born 04 September 1848 in Rush, Champaign, OH; died 25 December 1932 in Waverly, Coffey, KS. He was the son of 8. Thomas Holden and 9. Nancy Lee. He married 5. Ellen Melvina Wood 28 January 1872 in Burlington, Coffey, KS.

5. Ellen Melvina Wood, born 04 August 1852 in Barry, MI; died 29 December 1934 in Waverly, Coffey, KS. She was the daughter of 10. Marzena Wood and 11. Sarah K Preston. 

More About Thomas Holden and Ellen Wood:

Marriage: 28 January 1872, Burlington, Coffey, KS 

Children of Thomas Holden and Ellen Wood are:

i. Nancy Belle Holden, born 14 June 1873 in Burlington, Coffey, KS; died 15 November 1874 in Burlington, Coffey, KS.

2 ii. Elmer Worthington Holden, born 22 September 1875 in Clay, Indiana; died 16 December 1964 in Topeka, Shawnee, KS; married Maud May Butterfield 12 January 1898 in Garnett, Anderson, KS.

iii. William Hearst Holden, born 10 November 1877 in Burlington, Coffey, KS; died 05 May 1958 in Waverly, Coffey, KS; married Mattie Della Hardesty 19 October 1904 in Burlington, Coffey, KS; born 26 August 1884 in Osage City, Osage, KS; died 25 February 1957. 

More About William Holden and Mattie Hardesty:

Marriage 1: 19 October 1904, Burlington, Coffey, KS

Marriage 2: 19 October 1904 

iv. Elva Ellen Holden, born 26 March 1880 in Burlington, Coffey, KS; died 17 December 1918; married Nathaniel E Wolfley; born 1874; died 1965.

v. Effie Jane Holden, born 24 April 1884 in Lebanon, Laclede, MO; died 22 July 1972 in Bolivar, Polk, MO; married Leonard Ross Howard 10 April 1900; died 05 October 1943. 

More About Leonard Howard and Effie Holden:

Marriage: 10 April 1900 

vi. Thomas Franklin Holden, born 12 May 1887 in Coffey, KS; died 21 June 1940 in Waverly, Coffey, KS; married Della Cunningham 02 September 1915 in Topeka, Shawnee, KS; born 1894. 

More About Thomas Holden and Della Cunningham:

Marriage: 02 September 1915, Topeka, Shawnee, KS 

vii. Mintie May Holden, born 03 May 1889 in Coffey, KS; died 17 September 1890 in Coffey, KS.

viii. James Blain Holden, born 17 December 1892 in Coffey, KS; died 14 July 1973 in Winfield, Cowley, KS; married Leota Marie Stine in Ottawa, Franklin, KS; born 1900 in Ottawa, Franklin, Kansas. 

More About James Holden and Leota Stine:

Marriage: Ottawa, Franklin, KS 

6. James H Butterfield, born 13 November 1845 in Pierrpont, St Lawrence, NY; died 25 March 1925 in Topeka, Shawnee, KS. He was the son of 12. William Butterfield and 13. Hulda Booth. He married 7. Lucinda Jane Grover 21 May 1871 in Andrew, MO.

7. Lucinda Jane Grover, born 1856 in IL; died 1888 in Topeka, Shawnee, KS. She was the daughter of 14. Grover and 15. . 

More About James Butterfield and Lucinda Grover:

Marriage: 21 May 1871, Andrew, MO 

Children of James Butterfield and Lucinda Grover are:

i. William F Butterfield, born June 1870 in Springfield, Greene, MO; married Eva M Kershner.

ii. Edith Butterfield, born May 1875; married Bert Wilson.

iii. Nora Eldora Butterfield, born 03 March 1877 in Waverly, Bremer, IA; died 30 May 1954; married David Crockett Hoofer; born 1875.

iv. Albert Butterfield, born 03 March 1879; died November 1967 in Osage City, Osage, KS; married Clara Adolph; born 1880.

3 v. Maud May Butterfield, born 17 December 1880 in Waverly, Bremer, IA; died 16 January 1964 in Topeka, Shawnee, KS; married Elmer Worthington Holden 12 January 1898 in Garnett, Anderson, KS.

vi. N A Butterfield, born 1883 in IA; died 1886. 

Generation No. 4 

8. Thomas Holden, born 1804 in VA; died 02 April 1858 in Putnam, OH. He was the son of Benjamin Holden and Anna Lambert. He married 9. Nancy Lee 1834.

9. Nancy Lee, born 1810 in VA. 

More About Thomas Holden and Nancy Lee:

Marriage: 1834 

Children of Thomas Holden and Nancy Lee are:

i. John Holden, born 1836 in Ohio.

ii. Mariah Jane Holden, born 1838 in Ohio; married Jacob Andrew Klinger.

iii. James C Holden, born 1843 in Ohio.

iv. Franklin Holdridge Chilchester Holden, born 29 April 1845 in Champaign, OH; died 22 March 1929 in Van Wert, Van Wert, OH; married (1) Sarah Catherine Young 06 March 1879 in Van Wert, Ohio; born 10 July 1860 in Putnam County, Ohio; died 18 October 1940 in Van Wert County, Van Wert, Ohio; married (2) Mary Adeline Klinger 19 March 1865 in Van Wert, Van Wert, Ohio; born 27 March 1844 in Hocking County, OH; died 26 March 1874 in Washington Township, Van Wert, OH. 

More About Franklin Holden and Sarah Young:

Marriage: 06 March 1879, Van Wert, Ohio 

4 v. Thomas Worthington Holden, born 04 September 1848 in Rush, Champaign, OH; died 25 December 1932 in Waverly, Coffey, KS; married Ellen Melvina Wood 28 January 1872 in Burlington, Coffey, KS. 

10. Marzena Wood, born 1823 in Genesse, NY; died 16 October 1871 in Burlington, Coffey, KS. He was the son of Wood. He married 11. Sarah K Preston 13 December 1849 in Grass Lake, Jackson, MI.

11. Sarah K Preston, born 03 April 1831 in Gains, Orleans, NY; died October 1875 in Brazil, Clay, IN. She was the daughter of Aaron Preston and Sarah Hix. 

More About Marzena Wood and Sarah Preston:

Marriage: 13 December 1849, Grass Lake, Jackson, MI 

Children of Marzena Wood and Sarah Preston are:

5 i. Ellen Melvina Wood, born 04 August 1852 in Barry, MI; died 29 December 1934 in Waverly, Coffey, KS; married Thomas Worthington Holden 28 January 1872 in Burlington, Coffey, KS.

ii. Troy Wood, born 1855 in MI; died 1874.

iii. Frances Isabelle Wood, born 10 December 1858 in MI; married Jessie H Church; born 1855.

iv. Sidney Cyrous Wood, born Bet. 1859 - 1868.

v. Franklin Oral Wood, born 23 April 1869 in Clinton, MI; died 14 September 1955 in Miami, Ottawa, OK; married Cora Ida Weaver 13 April 1892 in Clay City, Clay, IN; born 09 October 1877 in Washington, Daviess, IN; died 04 December 1976 in Miami, Ottawa, OK. 

More About Franklin Wood and Cora Weaver:

Marriage: 13 April 1892, Clay City, Clay, IN 

12. William Butterfield, born 03 May 1820 in Canton, St Lawrence, NY; died 06 September 1913 in Stuart, Holt, NE. He was the son of Ephraim Butterfield and Mehitable Lewis. He married 13. Hulda Booth 1843.

13. Hulda Booth, born Bet. 1814 - 1820 in PA; died Bet. 1848 - February 1850 in NY. 

More About William Butterfield and Hulda Booth:

Marriage: 1843 

Children of William Butterfield and Hulda Booth are:

i. William Butterfield, born 1842.

6 ii. James H Butterfield, born 13 November 1845 in Pierrpont, St Lawrence, NY; died 25 March 1925 in Topeka, Shawnee, KS; married Lucinda Jane Grover 21 May 1871 in Andrew, MO.

iii. Alice Butterfield, born 1847; married Joseph Axtell; born 1844.

iv. Edgar Butterfield, born 1849 in NY; married Ida Mae Creamer; born 1853 in WI. 

14. Grover, died in 73 years. He married 15. .

15. , died in 48 years. 

Child of Grover and is:

7 i. Lucinda Jane Grover, born 1856 in IL; died 1888 in Topeka, Shawnee, KS; married James H Butterfield 21 May 1871 in Andrew, MO.
Jane Hodgson's Lambert Ancestry
Entries: 1446    Updated: Sun Sep 29 07:51:01 2002    Contact: Jane Anne Hunter Hodgson  
Jane Hodgson's Lambert Ancestry
Index | Descendancy | Register | Add Post-em
ID: I07228 
Name: Nancy LEE 
Sex: F 
Birth: 1810 in Virginia 
Reference Number: 7228 

418 429
Thomas S. Holden 46 M Farmer 1000 VA
Nancy 40 F VA
John 14 M Ohio
Mariah F. 12 Ohio
James C. 7 M Ohio
C hitester 5 M Ohio
Worthington 2 M Ohio
Malon Holden 46 M Farmer VA
Submitter: Scott Kendall 
Subject: Lee Family in VA and OH 
Message: Looking for the parents of Nancy Lee b ca 1810. In a newspaper article written before 1932 concerning her son, Thomas Holden, it stated she was a "full cousin" to General Robert E Lee. Nancy married Thomas Holden before 1835. He was from Harrison County, Virginia. They moved to Champaign County, Ohio by 1850 and are listed there in 1850 & 1851. Thomas died in 1858 in Putnam County, Ohio. I have found three of their five children in Van Wert and Putnam Counties Ohio in the 1860 census. But have been unable to locate Nancy and her sons, John and Thomas. Thomas the younger moved to Ks by 1872. I am attaching a chart for review. If anyone has information on Nancy Lee and her parents or sibling please contact me at

Descendants of Thomas Holden

1 Thomas Holden b: 1804 in VA d: 02 April 1858 in Putnam, OH
. +Nancy Lee b: 1810 in VA m: 1834 in VA or OH 
.... 2 John Holden b: 1836 in Ohio 
.... 2 Mariah Jane Holden b: 1838 in Ohio d: 1924 in Paulding, OH
........ +Jacob Andrew Klinger b: 27 March 1839 in Hocking County, OH m: 03 September 1860 in Van Wert County, OH d: 10 October 1918 in Paulding, OH
.... 2 James C Holden b: 1843 in Ohio 
.... 2 [1] Franklin Holdridge Chilchester Holden b: 29 April 1845 in Champaign, OH d: 22 March 1929 in Van Wert, Van Wert, OH
........ +Sarah Catherine Young b: 10 July 1860 in Putnam County, Ohio m: 06 March 1879 in Van Wert, Ohio d: 18 October 1940 in Van Wert County, Van Wert, Ohio
.... *2nd Wife of [1] Franklin Holdridge Chilchester Holden: 
........ +Mary Adeline Klinger b: 27 March 1844 in Hocking County, OH m: 19 March 1865 in Van Wert, Van Wert, Ohio d: 26 March 1874 in Washington Township, Van Wert, OH
.... 2 Thomas Worthington Holden b: 04 September 1848 in Rush, Champaign, OH d: 25 December 1932 in Waverly, Coffey, KS
........ +Ellen Melvina Wood b: 04 August 1852 in Barry, MI m: 28 January 1872 

Marriage 1 Thomas S. # HOLDEN b: 15 JAN 1804 in Harrison County, Virginia
Married: ABT 1834
   John HOLDEN b: 1836 in Ohio
   Mariah Jane HOLDEN b: 1838 in Ohio
   James C. HOLDEN b: 1843 in Ohio
   Franklin Chitister AKA Holdridge # HOLDEN , Sr. b: 29 APR 1845 in Champaign County, Ohio
   Thomas Worthington HOLDEN b: 4 SEP 1848 in Rush Township, Champaign County, Ohio
of Champaign, Ohio
                   1850 Census Champaign Co.,Ohio  John 14  Born Ohio.
Jane Hodgson database
       ID: I07229 
       Name: John HOLDEN 
       Sex: M 
       Birth: 1836 in Ohio 
       Reference Number: 7229 
       Note: ___________________________________________________

       Father: Thomas S. HOLDEN b: 15 JAN 1804 in Harrison County, Virginia 
       Mother: Nancy LEE b: 1810 in Virginia
Abt 1924
Paulding, Ohio
                   1850 Census Champaign Co.,Ohio  12 yrs old bn. Ohio
Jane Hodgson database

       ID: I07230 
       Name: Mariah Jane HOLDEN 
       Sex: F 
       Birth: 1838 in Ohio 
       Reference Number: 7230 
       Note: ___________________________________________________

       Father: Thomas S. HOLDEN b: 15 JAN 1804 in Harrison County, Virginia 
       Mother: Nancy LEE b: 1810 in Virginia
                   1850 Census Champaign County,Ohio  James 7 yrs old bn. Ohio
Jane Hodgson database

       ID: I07231 
       Name: James C. HOLDEN 
       Sex: M 
       Birth: 1843 in Ohio 
       Reference Number: 7231 
       Note: ___________________________________________________

       Father: Thomas S. HOLDEN b: 15 JAN 1804 in Harrison County, Virginia 
       Mother: Nancy LEE b: 1810 in Virginia
29 Apr 1845
Champaigne, Ohio
24 Mar 1929
Van Wert, Van Wert, Ohio
6 Mar 1879
Putnam, Ohio 
                   Obituary from Van Wert Daily Bulletin, Monday, March 25, 1929    Van Wert, Van Wert  County, possession of Elaine Holden Deeley, 23893 Greenhaven Lane, Ramona, CA  92065  
Researched by Eleanor L. Johnson 23 Jan 2003
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   Name  Relation Marital Status Gender Race Age Birthplace Occupation Father's Birthplace Mother's Birthplace 
   F. C. HOLDEN   Self   M   Male   W   34   OH   Farmer   VA   VA  
   Sarah HOLDEN   Wife   M   Female   W   30   OH   Keeping House   OH   OH  
   Frank HOLDEN   Son   S   Male   W   6   OH      OH   OH  
   Americas HOLDEN   Dau   S   Female   W   5M   OH      OH   OH  
Source Information:
    Census Place Washington, Van Wert, Ohio 
    Family History Library Film   1255074 
    NA Film Number   T9-1074 
    Page Number   424B 
Researched by Eleanor Law Johnson 2-14-02
Ohio 1910 Census Miracode Index  
Viewing records 1-1 of 1 Matches      

Franklin Holden 
    Age: 64 State: OH 
    Color: W Enumeration District: 0097 
    Birth Place: Ohio Visit: 0050 
    County:  Van Wert, Van Wert 
    Relation:  Head of Household 
    Other Residents: Relation Name Color Age Birth Place 
Wife Sarah C  49 Ohio 
Daughter Becce  22 Ohio 
Daughter Zenia  16 Ohio 
Son Vincent  13 Ohio 
1850 Census Champaign Co.,Ohio

Ancestors of Jane Hunter Hodgson & Daniel Archie Hodgson

                              30834 total entries, last updated Fri Aug 25 10:06:25 2000
                            All questions, comments or suggestions regarding information on
                    this page should be addressed to: Jane Anne Hunter Hodgson 

       ID: I07333 
       Name: Franklin Chitister HOLDEN , Sr. 1 
       Sex: M 
       Birth: 29 APR 1845 in Champaigne County, Ohio 2 
       Death: 24 MAR 1929 in Van Wert, Van Wert County, Ohio 2 
       CEME: Woodlawn Cemeter, Van Wert County, Ohio 
       Reference Number: 7333 
       Medical Information: Intestinal gangrene 

            Franklin Chitester Holden        ___________________________________________________________________
       Father: Thomas S. HOLDEN b: 15 JAN 1804 in Harrison County, Virginia 
       Mother: Nancy LEE b: 1810 in Virginia

       Marriage 1 Mary Adeline KLINGER b: 27 MAR 1844 in Hocking County, Ohio

            Married: 19 MAR 1865 in Van Wert, Van Wert County, Ohio 

                 17 Mar 1865
                 Van Wert Co OH
                 Franklin C. Holden m Mary A. Clinger
                 H. Wible JP
          1. Joseph Thomas HOLDEN b: 1 JAN 1867
          2. William David HOLDEN b: 7 APR 1868
          3. Thomas Joseph PETERS HOLDEN b: 28 JUL 1869
          4. Mary Arneta Nettie HOLDEN b: 26 MAR 1871 in Van Wert County, Ohio
          5. Franklin Chitister HOLDEN , Jr. b: 15 SEP 1873 in Van Wert, Van Wert County, Ohio

       Marriage 2 Sarah C. YOUNG b: 10 JUL 1854 in Kalida, Putnam County, Ohio

            Married: 6 MAR 1879 in Putnam County, Ohio 2


          1. Americus RICE HOLDEN b: 26 DEC 1879 in Van Wert, Van Wert County, Ohio
          2. Arla Belle HOLDEN b: 16 JUL 1881 in Van Wert, Van Wert County, Ohio
          3. Maude Climena HOLDEN b: 2 SEP 1885 in Van Wert County, Ohio
          4. Besse Ellese HOLDEN b: 14 OCT 1888 in Van Wert County, Ohio
          5. Hzemia Zemma HOLDEN b: 3 NOV 1893 in Van Wert County, Ohio
          6. Richard Vincent HOLDEN b: 5 JAN 1897 in Van Wert County, Ohio


          1.Title: Civil War Documents
            Text: Parents of Franklin C Holden 
          2.Title: Civil War Documents
Jane Hodgson's Holden Ancestry
Entries: 1405    Updated: Sat Sep 28 04:53:03 2002    Contact: Jane Anne Hunter Hodgson  


Jane Hodgson's Holden Ancestry


Index | Descendancy | Register | Pedigree | Ahnentafel | Add Post-em


ID: I07333 
Name: Franklin Chitister AKA Holdridge # HOLDEN , Sr. 1 
Sex: M 
Birth: 29 APR 1845 in Champaign County, Ohio 2 
Death: 24 MAR 1929 in Van Wert, Van Wert County, Ohio 2 of Lobar pneumonia 
CEME: Woodlawn Cemeter, Van Wert County, Ohio 
Reference Number: 7333 
Medical Information: Intestinal gangrene 

Franklin Chitester Holden

1845 Apr Born Champaign Co OH to Thomas S. Holden and Nancy Lee
1850 Census with parents Champaign Co Rush Twp OH with parents
1860 Census with Alpheus Algire family
1862 Aug 4 Enrolled Grand Army of the Republic Co. F 57th Reg OVI at Findlay, Ohio
1862 Dec 2 In hospital 
1865 Jan 10 Discharged Grand Army of the Republic
1867 Jan 1 Joseph Thomas born and died in Van Wert, OH
1868 Apr 7 William David born and died in Van Wert, OH
1869-1872 In Kansas
1869 July 28 Thomas Joseph born in Kansas
1870 Apr 6 Thomas Joseph died in Kansas
1870 Census alone in Greenwood Co Kansas
1871Mar 26 Mary Arneta born in Van Wert, Ohio
1873 Sep 15 Franklin Chitister born in Van Wert, Ohio
1874 Mar 26 Wife Mary died at Middlepoint, Ohio
1879 Mar 6 Married Sarah C. Young Putnam County, OH
1879 Dec 26 Americus Rice born in Van Wert, OH
1880 Census Van Wert County, Washington Twp, OH
1885 Sep 2 Maude D. born
1888 Oct 14 Bessie D. born
1893 Nov 3 Zenia born
1897 Jan 5 Richard Vincent S. born
1900 Census Van Wert County, Pleasant Twp, OH
Was blind late in life
1910 Census?
1920 Census?
1920 July 20 Applied for Civil War Pension
1929 Mar 24 Died Van Wert County, OH Lobar pneumonia and intestinal gangrene

Descendants of Franklin Chitister HOLDEN, Sr.
Generation No. 1

1. Franklin Chitister3 HOLDEN , Sr. (Thomas S.2, Benjamin *1)1 was born 29 April, 1845 in Champaigne County, Ohio2, and died 24 March, 1929 in Van Wert, Van Wert County, Ohio2. He married (1) Mary Adeline KLINGER 19 March, 1865 in Van Wert, Van Wert County, Ohio. He married (2) Sarah C. YOUNG 06 March, 1879 in Putnam County, Ohio2.

Children of Franklin HOLDEN and Mary KLINGER are:
2 i. Joseph Thomas4 HOLDEN, born 01 January, 1867; died 01 January, 1867.
3 ii. William David HOLDEN, born 07 April, 1868; died 07 April, 1868.
4 iii. Thomas Joseph PETERS HOLDEN, born 28 July, 1869; died 06 April, 1870.
5 iv. Mary Arneta Nettie HOLDEN, born 26 March, 1871 2; died in Michigan. She married STEINBRENNER.
6 v. Franklin Chitister HOLDEN , Jr., born 15 September, 1873 in Van Wert, Van Wert County, Ohio2; died 10 May, 1953 in Lima, Allen County, Ohio. He married Clara Catherine BINKLEY 31 December, 1893 in Van Wert, Van Wert County, Ohio.

Children of Franklin HOLDEN and Sarah YOUNG are:
7 i. Americus RICE4 HOLDEN, born 26 December, 1879 in Van Wert, Van Wert County, Ohio2; died 1940 in Van Wert, Van Wert County, Ohio.
8 ii. Arla Belle HOLDEN, born 16 July, 1881 in Van Wert, Van Wert County, Ohio2.
9 iii. Maude Climena HOLDEN, born 02 September, 1885 in Van Wert County, Ohio2.
10 iv. Besse Ellese HOLDEN, born 14 October, 1888 in Van Wert County, Ohio2.
11 v. Hzemia Zemma HOLDEN, born 03 November, 1893 in Van Wert County, Ohio2.
12 vi. Richard Vincent HOLDEN, born 05 January, 1897 in Van Wert County, Ohio2.


1. Civil War Documents, Parents of Franklin C Holden.
2. Civil War Documents.

Civil War Record: Vet flag staff (b Champaign Co., OH d 24 Mar 1929
Served in Civil War Army as a Pvt Co. F 57th Reg OVI 4 Jan 1862-10 Jan 1865)
Above information shown on Woodlawn Cemetery Record and forwarded by Van Wert
County Probate Court

Holden Franklin 2 Indpt. Batt'y Ohio Light Art'y Private Private Union 

Marriage to Mary Adeline Klinger was performed by J.P.H. Wible


418 429

Thomas S. Holden 46 M Farmer 1000 VA
Nancy 40 F VA
John 14 M Ohio
Mariah F. 12 Ohio
James C. 7 M Ohio
C hitester 5 M Ohio
Worthington 2 M Ohio
Malon Holden 46 M Farmer VA


283 283
Alpheus Algire 24 M Farmer 1600 476 O
Elizabeth 20 F O
Eva A Algire 2 F
Holdridge C. Holden 15 M

Secured Civil War Pension Records indicated that his birth name was "Holderidge
Chitister Holden" and evidently changed to "Franklin" up returning to civilian
life. Affadavits were provided that attested to this fact.

Holden Franklin 2 Indpt. Batt'y Ohio Light Art'y Private Private Union 

Franklin C. Holden, (known as); Holdridge C. Holden View Image Online 
Images Online #: 170 State Filed: Ohio 
Widow: Sarah C. Holden Relative: 
Minor: Comments 
Holdridge C. Holden; Franklin C. Holden, (known as) View Image Online 
Images Online #: 94 State Filed: Ohio 
Widow: Sarah C. Holden Relative: 
Minor: Comments: 



HOLDEN, FC 28 M W Farmer Ohio 1 Col 19
Living in household of John and Cassandra Klinger of Ohio with daughters Arminta and Lucretia and 60 yo Mary Downing

396 406
HOLDEN F.C. W M 34 Farmer Ohio VA VA
Sarah W F 30 Wife Keeping house OH OH OH
Frank W M 6 Son OH OH OH
Americas W F 5/12 Daug OH OH OH

VOL 150 ED 87 SH 4 LN 7

HOLDEN F.C. W Apr 1845 55 OH
S.C. W July 1860 39 OH
Rice S Dec 1879 20 OH
Maud D Sept 1885 14 OH
Bessie D Oct 1888 11 OH
Zenia D Nov 1893 6 OH
Vincent S Jan 1897 3 OH

VOL 178, ED 97, FAMILY 50

Sarah C W 49 Ohio
Becce D 22 Ohio
Zenia D 16 Ohio
Vincent S 13 Ohio

Database: Ohio 1910 Census Miracode Index
Combined Matches: 1 

Franklin Holden 
Age: 64 State: OH 
Color: W Enumeration District: 0097 
Birth Place: Ohio Visit: 0050 
County: Van Wert, Van Wert 
Relation: Head of Household 
Other Residents: Relation Name Color Age Birth Place 
Wife Sarah C 49 Ohio 
Daughter Becce 22 Ohio 
Daughter Zenia 16 Ohio 
Son Vincent 13 Ohio 

VOL 205, ED 129, SH 2, LN 27

HOLDEN, Franklin C. W 46
Clara C. W 43 Ohio
Irene D 20 Ohio
Madalene D 15 Ohio
Vera D 14 Ohio

HOLDEN, Franklin C. W 74
Sarah C W 50 Ohio
Aurnd Knuth BO 17 Ohio

Father: Thomas S. # HOLDEN b: 15 JAN 1804 in Harrison County, Virginia 
Mother: Nancy LEE b: 1810 in Virginia

Marriage 1 Mary Adeline KLINGER b: 27 MAR 1844 in Hocking County, Ohio
Married: 19 MAR 1865 in Van Wert, Van Wert County, Ohio 
17 Mar 1865
Van Wert Co OH
Franklin C. Holden m Mary A. Clinger
H. Wible JP
   Joseph Thomas HOLDEN b: 1 JAN 1867
   William David HOLDEN b: 7 APR 1868
   Thomas Joseph PETERS HOLDEN b: 28 JUL 1869
   Mary Arneta Nettie HOLDEN b: 26 MAR 1871 in Van Wert County, Ohio
   Franklin Chitister HOLDEN , Jr. b: 15 SEP 1873 in Van Wert, Van Wert County, Ohio

Marriage 2 Sarah Catherine YOUNG b: 10 JUL 1860 in Kalida, Putnam County, Ohio
Married: 6 MAR 1879 in Putnam County, Ohio 2
   Americus RICE # HOLDEN b: 26 DEC 1879 in Van Wert, Van Wert County, Ohio
   Pearlie Belle HOLDEN b: 16 JUL 1881 in Van Wert, Van Wert County, Ohio
   Maude Climona HOLDEN b: 2 SEP 1885 in Van Wert County, Ohio
   Bessie Ellen HOLDEN b: 14 OCT 1888 in Van Wert County, Ohio
   Zemia Mae HOLDEN b: 3 NOV 1893 in Van Wert County, Ohio
   Richard Vincent HOLDEN b: 5 JAN 1897 in Van Wert County, Ohio

Title: Civil War Documents
Text: Parents of Franklin C Holden 
Title: Civil War Documents 

4 Sep 1848
Rush Twp, Champaign, Ohio
25 Dec 1932
Waverly, Coffey, Kansas
28 Jan 1872
Burlington, Coffey, Kansas 
                   1850 Census Champaign County, Ohio  Worthington 2 yrs bn. Ohio
Ancestors of Jane Hunter Hodgson & Daniel Archie Hodgson

                              30834 total entries, last updated Fri Aug 25 10:06:25 2000
                            All questions, comments or suggestions regarding information on
                    this page should be addressed to: Jane Anne Hunter Hodgson 

       ID: I07233 
       Name: Thomas Worthington HOLDEN 
       Sex: M 
       Birth: 4 SEP 1848 in Rush Township, Champaign County, Ohio 
       Death: 25 DEC 1932 in Waverly, Coffey County, Kansas 
       CEME: Halls Summitt, Coffey county, Kansas 
       Reference Number: 7233 

            Thomas Worthington Holden

       Father: Thomas S. HOLDEN b: 15 JAN 1804 in Harrison County, Virginia 
       Mother: Nancy LEE b: 1810 in Virginia

       Marriage 1 Ellen Melvina WOODS b: 4 AUG 1852 in Barry, Michigan

            Married: 28 JAN 1872 in Burlington, Coffey county, Kansas 
            Note: __________________________________________________


          1. Nancy Belle HOLDEN b: 14 JUN 1873 in Burlington, Coffey, Kansas
          2. Elmer Worthington HOLDEN b: 22 SEP 1875 in Clay, Indiana
          3. William Hearst HOLDEN b: 10 NOV 1877 in Burlington, Coffey, Kansas
          4. Elva Ellen HOLDEN b: 26 MAR 1880 in Burlington, Coffey, Kansas
          5. Effie Jane HOLDEN b: 24 APR 1884 in Lebanon, Laclede County, Missouri
          6. Thomas Franklin HOLDEN b: 12 MAY 1887 in Coffey, Kansas
          7. Mintie May HOLDEN b: 3 MAY 1889 in Coffey, Kansas
          8. James Blain HOLDEN b: 17 DEC 1892 in Coffey, Kansas
Jane Hodgson's Lambert Ancestry
Entries: 1446    Updated: Sun Sep 29 07:51:01 2002    Contact: Jane Anne Hunter Hodgson  
Jane Hodgson's Lambert Ancestry
Index | Descendancy | Register | Pedigree | Ahnentafel | Add Post-em
ID: I07233 
Name: Thomas Worthington HOLDEN 
Sex: M 
Birth: 4 SEP 1848 in Rush Township, Champaign County, Ohio 
Death: 25 DEC 1932 in Waverly, Coffey County, Kansas 
CEME: Halls Summitt, Coffey county, Kansas 
Reference Number: 7233 

Thomas Worthington Holden

1848 Sept Born Champaign County, Rush Twp, OH to Thomas S. Holden and Nancy Lee
1850 Census with parents
1860 Census with parents
1870 Census
1872 Jan 28 Married Ellen Melvina Woods Burlington, Coffey County, Kansas
1873 June 14 Nancy Belle born in Kansas
1875 Sep 22 Elmer Worthington born in Clay, Indiana
1877 Nov10 William S. born Kansas
1880 Census
1880 Mar 26 Ellen born
1884 Apr 24 Effie Jane born
1887 May 12 Thomas Franklin born Kansas
1889 May 3 Mintie Jane born 
1892 Dec 17 Blaine S. born Kansas
1900 Census
1910 Census
1920 Census
1932 Dec 25 Died Waverly, Coffey County, Kansas

Descendants of Thomas Worthington HOLDEN
Generation No. 1

1. Thomas Worthington3 HOLDEN (Thomas S.2, Benjamin *1) was born 04 September, 1848 in Rush Township, Champaign County, Ohio, and died 25 December, 1932 in Waverly, Coffey County, Kansas. He married Ellen Melvina WOODS 28 January, 1872 in Burlington, Coffey county, Kansas, daughter of Marzena WOODS and Sarah Preston.

Children of Thomas HOLDEN and Ellen WOODS are:
2 i. Nancy Belle4 HOLDEN, born 14 June, 1873 in Burlington, Coffey, Kansas; died 15 November, 1874 in Burlington, Coffey, Kansas.
3 ii. Elmer Worthington HOLDEN, born 22 September, 1875 in Clay, Indiana; died 16 December, 1964 in Topeka, Shawnee County, Kansas. He married Maud May BUTTERFIELD 12 January, 1898 in Garnett, Anderson County, Kansas.
4 iii. William Hearst HOLDEN, born 10 November, 1877 in Burlington, Coffey, Kansas; died 05 May, 1958 in Waverly, Coffey, Kansas. He married Mattie Della HARDESTY 19 October, 1904.
5 iv. Elva Ellen HOLDEN, born 26 March, 1880 in Burlington, Coffey, Kansas; died 17 December, 1918. She married Nathaniel E. WOLFLEY.
6 v. Effie Jane HOLDEN, born 24 April, 1884 in Lebanon, Laclede County, Missouri; died 22 July, 1972 in Bolivar, Polk County, Missouri. She married Leonard Ross HOWARD 10 April, 1900.
7 vi. Thomas Franklin HOLDEN, born 12 May, 1887 in Coffey, Kansas; died 21 June, 1940 in Waverly, Coffey, Kansas. He married Della CUNNINGHAM 02 September, 1915 in Topeka, Shawnee County, Kansas.
8 vii. Mintie May HOLDEN, born 03 May, 1889 in Coffey, Kansas; died 17 September, 1890 in Coffey, Kansas.
9 viii. James Blain HOLDEN, born 17 December, 1892 in Coffey, Kansas; died 14 July, 1973 in Winfield, Cowley County, Kansas. He married Leota Marie STINE.


418 429

Thomas S. Holden 46 M Farmer 1000 VA
Nancy 40 F VA
John 14 M Ohio
Mariah F. 12 Ohio
James C. 7 M Ohio
C hitester 5 M Ohio
Worthington 2 M Ohio
Malon Holden 46 M Farmer VA


Thomas W. Holden 23
Ellen M. Woods 19
Burlington, KS
m 28 Jan 1872
Rev. John M. Rankin Christian


1880 FEDERAL CENSUS Census Place: Hampden, Coffey, Kansas
Source: FHL Film 1254377 National Archives Film T9-0377 Page 368C 
Relation Sex Marr Race Age Birthplace
Thomas HOLDEN Self M M W 31 OH
Occ: Laborer Fa: VA Mo: VA
Allen M. HOLDEN Wife F M W 27 MI
Occ: Keeps House Fa: NY Mo: NY
Elmer W. HOLDEN Son M S W 5 IN
Fa: OH Mo: MI
William H. HOLDEN Son M S W 3 KS
Fa: OH Mo: MI
Elva A. HOLDEN Dau F S W 3M KS
Fa: OH Mo: MI
Cyrous S. WOOD BroL M S W 14 MI
Fa: NY Mo: NY


HOLDEN, Thomas W Sept 1848 51 Ohio
HOLDEN, Ellen L W Aug 1852 47 Mich
William S Nov 1877 22 KS
Blaine S Dec 1892 7 KS


HOLDEN, Thomas W 61 OH
Ellen M W 57 Michigan
Thomas F. S 22 KS
Blain J S 17 KS

Buried Halls Summit Cemetery
Coffey County, KS

Father: Thomas S. # HOLDEN b: 15 JAN 1804 in Harrison County, Virginia 
Mother: Nancy LEE b: 1810 in Virginia

Marriage 1 Ellen Melvina WOODS b: 4 AUG 1852 in Barry, Michigan
Married: 28 JAN 1872 in Burlington, Coffey county, Kansas 



Thomas W. Holden 23
Ellen M. Woods 19
Burlington, KS
m 28 Jan 1872
Rev. John M. Rankin Christian

   Nancy Belle HOLDEN b: 14 JUN 1873 in Burlington, Coffey, Kansas
   Elmer Worthington HOLDEN b: 22 SEP 1875 in Clay, Indiana
   William Hearst HOLDEN b: 10 NOV 1877 in Burlington, Coffey, Kansas
   Elva Ellen HOLDEN b: 26 MAR 1880 in Burlington, Coffey, Kansas
   Effie Jane HOLDEN b: 24 APR 1884 in Lebanon, Laclede County, Missouri
   Thomas Franklin HOLDEN b: 12 MAY 1887 in Coffey, Kansas
   Mintie May HOLDEN b: 3 MAY 1889 in Coffey, Kansas
   James Blain HOLDEN b: 17 DEC 1892 in Coffey, Kansas
FamilyCentral Network
Thomas (L or S.) Holden - Nancy Lee

Thomas (L or S.) Holden was born at Harrison, Virginia 15 Jan 1804. His parents were Benjamin Holden and Anna Lambert.

He married Nancy Lee Abt 1834 at of Champaign Co, Ohio . Nancy Lee was born at Virginia 1810 .

They were the parents of 5 children:
John Holden born 1836.
Mariah Jane Holden born 1838.
James C. Holden born 1843.
Franklin Chitister Holden born 29 Apr 1845.
Thomas Worthington Holden born 4 Sep 1848.

Thomas (L or S.) Holden died 2 Apr 1858 at Putnam, Ohio .