Richard Clement LAW

1 Apr 1895
Mark Center, Defiance, Ohio
17 Jun 1990
Nampa, Canyon, Idaho
Ivy Lawn Cemetery, Ventura, Ventura, California
18 Feb 1917
Detroit, Wayne, Michigan
1880 Census Ohio Defiance Co.,Milford Twp.
Bible Record
Register of Birth,Probate Court Defiance County, Ohio Index, Film: 1977636
                   Time Line:
1895         April 1   birth Mark Center, Defiance County, Ohio
1900         Census Ohio
1910         Census Ohio
1911         Father Jason dies
1917         Feb. 18   Marries Ethel Near
                   Detroit City Directory (FHL/Film: 1611515)     Richard C. Law    autoworker    217 Euclid Ave.
1917         Nov 21    Birth of Clement Ralph Law
1919-20    Detroit City Directory (FHL Film:1611518)      Richard C. Law    Salesman        471 Gladstone Ave.
1923-24    Detroit City Directory (FHL Film:1611526)      Richard C. Law    asmblr             105 Highland Ave.
1925-26    Detroit City Directory (FHL Film:1611528)      Richard C. Law    auto mech        105 Highland Ave.
                                                                                                 Ethel                    opr Mich Bell Tel Co.   "
                   Working for Ford Motor Company...Detroit, Michigan till retired
1950         Los Angeles part of time
1958         Los near shop....
1959         Jan. 14   Detroit, Michigan....Ethel dies of cancer
1960         Apr. 16  Detroit, Michigan...Marries Ottilie Dorothy Herbst
1980         Apr. 23  Detroit, Michigan...Ottilie dies
1980-89    Lived with my father in Inglewood, Ca
1990         17 Jun 1990...Death in Napa, Idaho Rest Home

Register of Births...Defiance County, Ohio pg 94
Law,Richard C.   Year:  1895   Month:  Apr   Day:  1   State:  Ohio    County: Defiance    City,Town or Tp: 
Mark Twp.
Male   White   
Parents:  Law, Jason A.     Mother:  Hulbert, Edna C.    Residence of Parents:   Mark Twp  C&R Vol 8

Family records and personal knowledge of Richard C. Law and his 2nd wife, Otillie. 

Personal interview by phone 1976...with, Eleanor Law Johnson,c/o 530 S.4th St.,Las Vegas, NV 89101
Letters from Richard C. Law regarding family information to Eleanor Law Johnson.
Personal interview with Richard C. Law in 1980, in Las Vegas, Nevada.

Occupation: Automobile industry in Detroit, Michigan.

Death Certificate: State of Idaho, copy in my possession (ELJ).
State of Idaho, Dept. of Health & Welfare, Coop. Center for Health Statistics-Vital Statistics, 450 W. State St., Boise, Idaho 83720.
File: #90-03184  Soc.Sec.:#362-0102236  Death: Nampa, Idaho  Age 95 yrs.
Mortuary: Alsip Funeral Chapel, Mortician: Craig Morrison;  Certifying M.D.
Eric C. Boysen,MD;  Cause of death:1) Pneumonia 2) Dementia,Alzheimers type disposition;  Cremation; Autopsy: No  Interval  2 Weeks.
Burial: Ashes buried with his mothers grave.#.D-3-234d   8-17-90 #34929.
Clement, Richard's son, also buried with Edna Law grave..#D-3-234C  11-3-88  #33713.
Ivy Lawn Cemetery, Ventura,Ventura County, California.

Birth:   1 Apr  1895
Death: 17 Jun  1990
Soc.Sec.#      362-01-2236                                      
Issued:  MI  (before 1951)                                                
Gene Pool Individual Record Database (This information was picked up from information I sent to the church)
Richard  Clement  Law
1 April  1895
Near Mark  Center, Defiance, OH
16 April 1960                                                
                           Ottilie Herbst  Carrell
                           Jasen  Andrew  Law
                          Edna Celestia Hulbert
1920 United States Federal Census  
Viewing records 1-1 of 1 Matches    

Law, Richard   View Image Online 
    Age: 24 Year: 1920 
    Birthplace: Ohio Roll:  T625_801 
    Race: White Page:  9A 
     State: Michigan ED:  723 
    County: Wayne Image:  1146 
    Township: Highland Park 

Ethel Mae NEAR
9 Nov 1894
Erin Twp, Wellington Co, Ontario, Canada
14 Jan 1959
Detroit, Wayne, Michigan
                   Notes by Eleanor Law Johnson....niece of Ethel Mae Near
Aunt Ethel was one of my favorite aunts.  They had a home in Los Angeles for a period of time near Southwest Drive, very near Republic Tool and Die, my fathers business.  I used to go over there and visit them when I was about 13,14,15 when we were in Los Angeles.  I know when I was in 8th grade we spent time at their home.  She was jovial and fun.  Uncle Richard would play the mandolin and sing.  They were a wonderful couple 
Soc.Sec.Death Index database...Nil for her  Michigan
Clement was married a second time to Josephine Lucia (I believe she lives in Chicago area.  No children from marriage.)
Death certificate in my possession:  Eleanor Law Johnson
   Cremated..28 Feb 1985               c/o 530 S. 4th St.,Las Vegas, Nevada  89101

State of Illinois....Medical Certificate of Death  84146
Registration District No. 46.1
Registered Number 164
Clement Ralph Law;  male;  Death: Feb. 25, 1985
White; Descent: American  age 67  Date of birth: Nov.20, 1917; Co of death: Kankakee
Town: Kankakee;  Hospital: St. Mary's Hospital
State of Birth: Ohio;  Citizen: USA;  Divorced;  Soc.Sec:  382-03-6185; Musician; Self Employed 
Residence: RR #1 Box N 2 Chabanse; Otto Twp;  Inside; County: Kankakee  State: Illinois
Father: Richard Law    Mother: Ethel Near
Informant Name: Josephine Lucia
Relationship: Friend
Mailing Address  RR #1 Box N 2 Chebanse Illinois 
Death Caused by:  Cardopulmonary Amcor?
Large Stroke and   etc.
Death hour:  2:45PM
Cremation    Park Crematory....Park Forest, 28 Feb 1985
Clancy Funeral Home  1151 East Court St., Kankakee, Illinois 60901

Soc.Sec.Death Index
   20  Nov  1917
   Feb  1985
60922  Chebanse,
Iroquois, IL                                     
MI     (Before 1951)                                                                     
Discrepancy with information I have in the records.

3-14-96 I visited Ivy Lawn Cemetery in Ventura,Calif.  to visit my grandmother's grave (Edna Law) and William Matthews grave.  I went through the records at the office there at the cemetery.  I was amazed when they told me that Clement's ashes were buried in Edna's grave.  I knew that Richard's ashes were there but I had no idea that Clements ashes had been flown out to California.  My father had never told me.
Xerox copy of letter to Ivy Lawn Cemetery from Clancy Funeral Home, 1151 E. Court Street.,Kankakee, Illinois 60901..Regarding getting permits from California to bury him in family property in Ventura.  Dated  19 Oct 1988.
Burial in Ivy Lawn Cemetery, Ventura, Ca  Section d-3-234C 11-3-1988 #33713

Talents:  Helen Swindler Rennell said he had a gift for music.  He played the banjo and also played in a band. 
Helen also stated that he fell out of the car and had head injuries.....

Eleanor Law Johnson.....I was told by Aunt Ethel that he was hit by a car out in front of their home when he was a child.

Veronica said he didn't know how to read.....Josephine told her that he couldn't read......

She went to the funeral of her father.....

lived in govt housing in Detroit, Mich.....
My aunt liked country music and that's how they met....Clement and his wife.....
                   Information from Uncle Richard Law....He said the child was stillborn.
FamilyCentral Network
Richard Clement Law - Ethel Mae Near

Richard Clement Law was born at Mark Center, Defiance, Ohio 1 Apr 1895. His parents were Jason Andrew Law and Edna Celestia Hulbert.

He married Ethel Mae Near 18 Feb 1917 at Detroit, Wayne, Michigan . Ethel Mae Near was born at Erin Twp, Wellington Co, Ontario, Canada 9 Nov 1894 daughter of James Smith Near and Mary Elizabeth Lambert .

They were the parents of 2 children:

Richard Clement Law died 17 Jun 1990 at Nampa, Canyon, Idaho .

Ethel Mae Near died 14 Jan 1959 at Detroit, Wayne, Michigan .