Richard Andrew LAW

2 Apr 1832
Mercer, Pennsylvania
14 Dec 1906
Edgerton, Williams, Ohio
17 Dec 1906
Maple Grove Cemetery, Edgerton, Williams, Ohio
1 Oct 1852
Kalida, Putnam, Ohio
1850 Census, Bokes Creek Twp.,Logan Co,Ohio
1832         2 April Born in Mercer Co., Penn (obituary information).
1836         Moved to Logan Co., Ohio with parents (obituary information..that would have been w/mother & step                  father, Richard & Elizabeth Clarkson.
1849         Moved to Putnam Co., Ohio (information from obituary).
1850         Census.  Bokes Creek Twp., Logan Co., Ohio.  18 yrs. old.
1852         1 Oct  Married Sarah Jane Holden, daughter of Pearson B. Holden &             Nancy Knisley
1852-55    Moved to Van Wert Co., Ohio sometime in these years.
1856         1st child born:  Jason Andrew Law born Van Wert Co., Ohio 
1858         2nd  child born:  Genova Ann Law,   Van Wert Co., Ohio.
1860        Census.  28 yrs.   Van Wert Co., Ohio
1870        Census...Putnam Co., Ohio  Perry Twp.
1880        Census..Williams Co., Ohio  Jefferson Twp. 48 yrs old.
1890        no census available to my knowledge.
1900        Census..WIlliams Co., Ohio  Pulaski Twp.   68 yrs old.
1906        Death   14 Dec. 1906  


Mercer County Historical Society  724-662-3490

Research Trip...June 2001 with cousins;

Main Sources: Copy of Bible record; Census Records; Marriage Record; Death Certificate; Copy of Obituary notice from newspaper; Will; etc.


We are pretty sure that this line goes back as stated in pedigree information regarding who Richard's parents were.  I feel quite sure that his mother was Elizabeth Clarkson, age 60 in the Bokes Creek Twp. Logan County, Ohio 1850 Census where Richard A. Law was listed with her, he being  age 18 born Penn.    She was an  Elizabeth or Betsy Baker before marriage to Richard Clarkson in Mercer County, Pennsylvania, according to Richard Clarkson's statement in divorce petition....he did not mention a Law name.  The divorce of Richard Clarkson and Elizabeth in Logan County, Ohio, was finalized in Nov.1852.   
       Years earlier my father handed me a small piece of paper that had hand written in pencil: 11 children by Baker, 1 child by Law.  I have found evidence of Baker children being in Logan County, Ohio...which I believe to be connected to Elizabeth Clarkson.  William Baker who married a Malvina Cline  and Sarah Baker who married a Samuel Cline.  Research is on-going in checking out Cline names as a back door approach to finding more regarding the mother, Elizabeth Clarkson.  Also, William Baker who was in 1850 Census, Logan Co., Ohio right next to Elizabeth Clarkson.   
       Uncle Richard Law stated that Richard Andrew Law's father died when he was young (Richard Andrew Law was only about 2 or 3 yrs old when the mother remarried to Richard Clarkson in Mercer County,Penn about 1835) and that he didn't know much about the Law ancestry.  He said there were half  brothers and sisters, which is indicated by another male child besides Richard and older than Richard  in the 1840 Census of Logan County, Ohio Census (Richard Clarkson as head of household....I believe that the other male child in the 1840 Census may be the William Baker, possible son of Elizabeth,  listed next to Elizabeth in 1850 Logan Census.)
        In all the years of searching, we have no direct evidence of  Richard Andrew Law's father.  However,  Colleen Johnson has made a through search and has come up with a conclusion that it is very possible that his fathers name was Richard and that his parents were Richard Law and Ann Hunter who imigrated from County Tyrone, Ireland in 1819 (Naturalization Papers from Mercer County, Penn).  Although this is circumstantial evidence, this line has been researched by myself and more recently by Colleen Johnson (Mrs.J.McRay Johnson, a professional researcher, of Bountiful, Utah)(also by Ruth Mannes and Wilma Atkins of the Family History Library). Until we have more definite proof, she thinks we should go ahead with what has been gathered....she has done a through job of trying to put it all together and so have I and so has the other researcher I had hired.
Conclusion:  That Richard Andrew Law's father was Richard Law, the son of Richard Law and Ann Hunter, from County Tyrone, Ireland and that his mother was Elizabeth (maiden name not known)who was married to a 1)Baker 2)Law 3)Richard Clarkson.  (as yet Elizabeth's maiden name not known...she is stated as being born in Virginia about 1790...according to 1850 Census..Logan County, Ohio).

BIRTH:  Census, Family records,death record  and obituary notice.
Which Richard is this..........The older or his son, Richard.....
Law, Richard   View Image Online 
    State: Pennsylvania Year: 1820 
    County: Mercer Roll:  M33_107 
    Township: Mahoning Page:  141 
    Image: 60     
CENSUS: 1850 Census, 18 years old:
1850 Census of Bokes Creek Township, Logan County, Ohio 22 Aug 1850: CLARKSTON,Elizabeth  60  F    Born: Virginia  (Believe this is his mother).
LAW, Richard         18  M    Born: Pennsylvania      Farmer
   ..Richard Law was in the same household as ELIZABETH CLARKSTON. I believe she is his mother as she was formally an Elizabeth Baker or Betsy Baker according to divorce record stated by Richard Clarkson.  On the 1880 Census he stated that his mother was born in Virginia.  In family records there was a note: 11 children by Baker, one child by Law.  She evidently remarried after her Law husband died according to Uncle Richard's letter filed in Law folder and obituary. That is verified in the divorce record of Nov 1852 Logan Co.,Ohio.
1860 Federal Census Van Wert County, Jackson Township, Ohio
Richard Law 28 M Farmer born Pennsylvania,
Sarah 25 F OH
Susan 3 M OH
Joana 6/12 F OH
(note:  Joana is Genova Law
Jason would be the 3 yr old.
CENSUS: 1870 Census, Perry Township, Putnam County, Ohio.  Post Office: Cascade p.425:
Richard A.LAW, Age 37, Farmer Born: Pennsylvania.
Sarah Jane Law 34 Keeping house Ohio
Jason A. Law 13 Ohio
Genova A. 10 Ohio
1880 Federal Census, Williams County, Jefferson Township, Ohio p.522B
LAW, Richard A.  W M 48 Farmer PA PA VA
Sarah J.        W F 47        OH VA VA
Jasen A.        W M 23        OH PA OH  (note:  this is Jason A. Law)

New on internet at  24 Oct 2002  1880 Census
Individual Record  1880 United States Census 
    Search results |  Download                         Next Individual  
    Richard A. LAW Household 
   Household Record  1880 United States Census     
Search results |  Download  Previous Household    Next Household  
   Name  Relation Marital Status Gender Race Age Birthplace Occupation Father's Birthplace Mother's Birthplace 
   Richard A. LAW   Self   M   Male   W   48   PA   Farmer   PA   VA  
   Sarah J. LAW   Wife   M   Female   W   47   OH   Keeping House   VA   VA  
   Jason A. LAW   Son   S   Male   W        23   OH   Farmer   PA   OH  
   Jenora A. LAW   Dau   S   Female   W   20   OH      PA   OH  
   Robert BROWN   Other   S   Male   W   13   ---      ---   ---  
Source Information:
    Census Place Jefferson, Williams, Ohio 
    Family History Library Film   1255077 
    NA Film Number   T9-1077 
    Page Number   522B 

1900 Census..
Line 82  Richard A. Law      Head      Apr 1832      68     47 y married       Penn     ------    Virginia    farmer   3  yes yes yes   R  
Sarah J. Law                         Wife       Apr 1835      65     47 yrs                 Ohio    Virginia     Virginia   yes yes yes

MARRIAGE:   Original document in possession of Eleanor Law Johnson, Las Vegas, NV.
Church:  Joined United Brethren when 21 years old.  His father-in-law (Pearson B. Holden) was a
Baptist, then United Brethren (Circuit Riding) Minister, then Christian Union minister Putnam County, Ohio.

CHURCH:  Old Ledger, p.68,69  1st Church of Christ, 129 North Walnut Street, Bryan, Ohio  43506....
"Law, R.A.  and Law, Mrs. Sarah J.   Listed under Gains:  by baptism: Oct. 13, 1889
Listed under Loses:  By Letter Sept 1, 1902 "  No other remarks.....

July 2001
Melissa, church sec. wrote:
From: "First Church of Christ"  
To: "The Johnsons"  
Subject: Re: Law relatives 
Date: Tue, 3 Jul 2001 09:40:58 -0400 
   I found an old book that looked like another financial ledger, but when I opened it, I found that it contained membership information. All the other membership books dated back to 1924, so I was surprised to find this book that had 1800's and early 1900's. And sure enough their names were listed.

I assume that since the record indicates that they were "lost" by "letter" (I take that as a letter of transfer) that they transferred to another congregation.  Unfortunately it doesn't indicate where they may have gone.
You will see that there are marginal notes for other entries indicating death or moving away, but nothing is written by the Law names.

   First Church of Christ  wrote:
   Hi Mrs. Johnson
   I am glad to report that I have finally found some information  on  Richard Andrew Law and Sarah Jane Law. It is scant, but it is  something.  They both joined this church by baptism on October  13,  1889. They transferred (by letter) on September 1, 1902. I will  send you a copy of the page. I hope this helps you a little.

Researched by Eleanor L. Johnson 2001....
Church Record:
First Church of Christ
129 North Walnut Street
Bryan, Ohio 43506
July 2001    xerox copy
p.68-69 Old  ledger
Law, R.A.   Gains:  by Baptism  13 Oct 1889    Losses:  by letters  Sept 1, 1902
Law, Mrs. Sarah J.  (same information as above).....
Note by Eleanor Law Johnson
They were found in census in Pulaski, Williams, Ohio in 1900 Census
He died before 1910 Census
She is found in

CHURCH Research.......July 6, 2001  called and left message.  Received message to call Jennie Suffol
Church of Christ
Edgerton, Ohio
Tel:  Jennie Suffol     419-298-2710  
CIVIL WAR:  Uncle Richard Law said that Richard Andrew Law was drafted in Civil War but didn't serve as he gave some of his land to a man so that he would  substitute for him.  
   March 3, 1863 - The U.S. Congress enacts a draft, affecting male citizens aged 20 to 45, but also exempts those who pay $300 or provide a substitute. "The blood of a poor man is as precious as that of the wealthy," poor Northerners complain. 
Ken Nelson, Family History Library SLC said:  The Civil War was " a rich mans war, poor mans fight."
94% of Union Army that were drafted didn't go.  6% of Union that served were drafted. The rest were volunteers or substitutes.
Ken said to write to National Archives....I need Congressional District Richard A. Law was in when he was drafted.
Get Military Research Outline p.22  Group 110.
Provost Marshal Gernerals Bureau
1863-1866, Record Group 110 are the records that relate to the draft.
Book in library that may help me:   973E4 uc
LETTER from National Archives, Old Military and Civil Records...700 Pennsylvania Avenue,NW, Washington, DC 20408-0001
August 17, 2000         Reply to NWCTB-200-9175-RJ
Ms. Eleanor Law Johnson
...........Las Vegas, NV 89134
Dear Ms. Johnson:
This is in response to your request July 31, 2000, requesting the Civil War draft record for the individual Richard Law.
The principal Civil War draft records in the National Archives, the consolidated enrollment lists, give the following information about the men enrolled for draft:  name, place of residence, age as of July 1, 1863; race, occupation; marital status; the state, territory or country of birth; previous military service; and pertinent remarks.  They do not include any other information about the individual, County or the city ward in which the individual was living in 1863, and the time or the first enrollment.
We examined Record Group 110, 5th Congressional District, Class One, in Van Wert County, Ohio, but were unable to locate an entry for Richard A. Law.
Old Military and Civil Records....
NARA"s web site is
DEATH:   Copy of certificate in possession of  Eleanor L. Johnson, c/o 530 S.
4th St., Las VEGAS, Nv  89101.

OBITUARY:  The Earth Newspaper, Edgerton, Ohio....Copy of obituary in my possession:  Eleanor L. Johnson, c/o 530 S.4th St.,Las Vegas, Nevada 89101.
note: #1313 and A#448.
Obituary details:
The obituary appeared in Friday, Dec. 21, 1906 Issue:  Obituary R.A.Law

Richard A. Law was born in Mercer County, Penn.,Apr.2,1832.  He moved with his parents to Logan County (Ohio) in 1836, thence to Putnam County (Ohio) near Kalida in 1849.  In 1852 he was married to Sarah Jane Holden, who has been the companion of his joys and sorrows for the past fifty-four years.  Two children and ten grandchildren, along with his aged companion live to mourn his loss. He united with the United Brethren church when he was 21years old and afterwards with the Church of Christ in Bryan in 1888 where he moved in 1876. Since 1902 he resided in Edgerton until the date of his death which occured last Friday evening at 6:30 o'clock.
       He was a faithful Christian and a noble man and we deeply mourn his removal from among our midst, fully realizing that in his death we have indeed sustained a great loss.

J.H.O Smith, of Valaparaiso, Indiana, officiated.  Mr.Smith spoke words of comfort in loving kindness and sympathy to the wife, children and grandchildren, whom mourn the absence of a loving husband and father.

This is a true copy by P. Mildred Steckley....Donald W. Houk, Editor

4-20-91 Uncle Dewey Law is visiting with my father here in Las Vegas and he is very old but says he believes the name of Richard Andrew Law's father was Andrew.  We have not found that to be true in our research but may need to check it out. There is an Andrew Law, son of the Richard Law from County Tyrone, Ireland. But, I've ask numerous time for information on the family and this is the first time he ever said that in all these years of asking.

Richard Law and Sarah Jane Holden was married October the 1 in the year of our Lord 1852, on Friday.
Marriage Index:
Putnam County Marriage Index
Sarah Jane Holden m Richard Law Vol. A pg 123
Oct. 1, 1852

CENSUS: 1860 Federal Census Van Wert County, Jackson Township, Ohio
Richard Law 28 M Farmer PA
Sarah 25 F Ohio
Susan 3 M Ohio
Joana 6/12 F Ohio.

CENSUS: 1870 Federal Census Putnam County, Perry Twp, Ohio
Richard Law  ,Sarah Jane Law 34 Keeping house Ohio >Jason A. Law 13 Ohio Genova A. 10 Ohio.

CENSUS: 1880 Census, Williams County, Jefferson Twp., Ohio page 522B
LAW, Richard A.  W M 48 Farmer PA PA VA.
Sarah J.        W F 47        OH VA VA.
Jusew A.        W M 23        OH PA OH.  (note:  this is Jason A. Law).
Jenora A.       W F 20        OH PA OH.  (note:  this is Genova Law).
BROWN, Robert   W M 13        OH PA OH.

PICTURES: Picture of Law Family 1903   Picture in my possession (Eleanor Law Johnson
(Ellie)Las Vegas,Nv).
1. Jason Andrew Law b 1856 47 picture.
2. Dewey Law (son) 3 years.
3. Richard Andrew Law (father of Jason) 71 years.
4. Orpha Ellen Law (daughter) 12 years.
5. Jason Nathan Law (son) 6 years.
6. Sarah Jane Holden Law (mother of Jason) 68 years.
7. Theodore T. Law (son,baby on lap of grandmother) 6 months.
8. Opal Edith Law (daughter) 10 years.
9. Edna Celestia Hulbert Law (wife of Jason) 41 years.
10. Richard Clement Law (son) 8 years.

Richard Andrew Law Time Line:
1832 Apr 2  Born Mercer County, PA
1852 Oct 1 Married Sarah Ann Hol
Sarah Jane HOLDEN
2 Apr 1835
Trenton, Butler, Ohio
11 Jun 1914
Edgerton, Williams, Ohio
Maple Grove Cemetery, Edgerton, Williams, Ohio
Pierson B. Holden Family Bible Records
Main Sources:  Bible Records; Census Records; Marriage Record; Death Certificate; Copy of Obituary Notice; Ohio Death Index; letters; etc.

AFN:   3X5Z-RH

BIRTH:  Family records and death certificate.
Bible Record states:   "Sary Jane Holden was born April the 2 day in the year of our Lord  1835."
PEARSON HOLDEN FAMILY BIBLE in possession of Mary C. Sayers (Samuel), Dunn Loring, Virginia.  Book in very fragil condition.  Copy in my possession.
MARRIAGE: Bible Record states:   "Sary Jane Holden was born April the 2 day in the year of our Lord  1835."
"Richard Law and Sarah Jane Holden was married October the 1 in the year of our Lord 1852, on Friday 5 o clock."

DEATH:  Death Certificate in possession of Eleanor Law Johnson, c/o 530 S. 4th St.,Las Vegas, NV 89101
Ohio Death Index...On-line
   Basic Search Results
1 - 1 of 1 Last Name First Name Middle
County Name: WILLIAMS Date of Death: 6/11/1914  
Volume Number: 1403 Certificate Number: 36860 


FUNERAL HOME RECORDS:  Krill Funeral Home, Edgerton, Ohio....My personal research in Edgerton in February 1963 on way west after living in Washington area (Arlington...while Charles in George Washington Law School).
SARAH JANE LAW...Age 79 -2-9    (79Y 2M 9 D)
Died June 11, 1914.
Buried:  June 14, 1914.
Ordered by Genova Law, address: Edgerton, Ohio.  Date June 12, 1914.
Cost:   $90.00
At funeral home, director took us, in snow, to the cemetery and showed us exactly where the graves were the tombstones were located in the Edgerton Cemetery.

   Edgerton Earth Newspaper, Box 445, Edgerton, Ohio 43517
In Memoriam
The death of Mrs. R. A. Law, which occurred Thursday removes a good woman and highly respected citizen from life's activities.  Though quiet an unassuming in her ways and in her public and private conduct, she was a woman of firm convictions and devoted to principles of life which she felt were right and true.  She was a devoted and most considerate mother and will be deeply missed in the home.  She lived a consistent Christian life and was faithful in the performance of each duty.
      Sarah Jane Holden was born in Trenton, O. (Ohio), April 2, 1835, and moved with her parents to Kalida, Putnam County, Ohio, in 1837.
       October 1, 1852, she was united in marriage with Richard A. Law.  To this union were born two children, a son and daughter. 
       She became a Christian at the age of 14, lived a true and faithful life until the last.
       She passed away Thursday evening June 11, at 10:30 o'clock, having attained the age of 79 years, 2 months and 9 days.  One daughter, Mrs. G.A. Boos, two brothers, ten grandchildren, two great grandchildren survive.
       The funeral was held from the Church of Christ Sunday afternoon conducted by the Rev. H. F. MacLane and was largely attended.
      The floral offerings were profuse and beautiful.

       The sympathy of friends so generously extended to us in the great grief which has befallen our home, we beg that this public recognition be accepted as a grateful acknowledgment of a kindness that has been most helpful through the days of our irreparable loss.
                                                                               The Law Family                    
Old picture of family:  In my possession.

Sarah Jane Holden Time Line
1835    Apr 2  Born Trenton, Butler County, Ohio to Pearson B. Holden & Nancy Knisely 
1840    Census Putnam County, Ohio Child with parents
1848    Feb 26 Mother died  
1850    Census Putnam County, Ohio age 15
1852    Oct 1 Married Richard Andrew Law
1856    Dec 13 Jason Andrew born
1859    Dec 8 Genova Ann born
1860    Census Van Wert County, Ohio with Richard Andrew Law and Susan & Joanna (Jason & Genova)
1867    Mar 24    Father died Putnam County, Ohio
1870    Jan 23 Recd letter from George W. Holden
1870    Census Putnam County, Ohio with  husband and 2 children 
1880    Census Williams County, Jefferson Twp., Ohio with husband & 2 children 23 and 20
1906    Dec 14    Husband died Williams County, Ohio
1911    Aug 5 Son Jason m Mary Elvira Back
1914    June 11 Died Edgerton, Williams County, Ohio
1.  JASEN ANDREW LAW (13 Dec 1856 - 5 Aug 1911) m. Mary Elvira Back 
                   m. Edna Celestia Hulbert 
2.  GENOVA ANN JOANA LAW (8 Dec 1859 - 14 Mar 1937) m. John H. Stewart


From Jane Hodgson:
Ohio Online Death Certificate Index,
This is a prototype searchable index for death records 1913-1917, the first from the                             
OVIL Center
This is a prototype -- only about 90% of the death records for the years 1913-1917 are in this database. Eventually the database will span the years 1908-1944. Read about what other projects are in store for the OVIL project
You may also read About Birth & Death Records in Ohio. This information includes OHS holdings and dates.
Prototype Searchable Form Use the following fields and pick lists to search through the Death Certificate Index. Enter as much information as possible so that you limit the amount of data you receive and speed up the search.
First Name and Last Name are required fields and can only contain up to 7 and 11 characters, respectively, because the paper source material from which this index was created truncated these>fields as such. You may also search on partial names, by adding an asterisk ('*') to your search field, (e.g. 'len*' would return names like 'lenahan', 'lenarsic' and 'lencavich' while 'len*vich' would return names like 'lencavich').

   Search Parameters:

First Name:
Middle Initial:
Last Name:  
Choose a County:
Choose a Year:

Last Name: LAW, First Name: SARAH, Middle Initial: J,  Date of Death:
City: , County: WILLIAMS, Volume: 1403, Certificate #: 36860, Code: 86,  
Guidelines for offsite reference requests, see

OHS Home Page || Index to the OHS website || last updated 31 July 1996 
for questions or comments on OHS's website, email

       ID: I00240 
       Name: Sarah Jane HOLDEN 
       Sex: F 
       Birth: 2 APR 1835 in Trenton, Butler County, Ohio 1 
       Death: 11 JUN 1914 in Edgerton, St Joseph Twp, Williams County, Ohio 
       CEME: St. Joseph Cem, Edgerton, Williams County, Ohio 
       Reference Number: 10.5 

            Sarah Jane Holden

       Father: Pearson * B. Rev HOLDEN b: 22 DEC 1802 in Clarksburg, Harrison County, Virginia 
       Mother: Nancy * KNISELEY b: 20 DEC 1806 in Pennsylvania
       Marriage 1 Richard Andrew LAW b: 2 APR 1832 in Mercer County, Pennsylvania
            Married: 1 OCT 1852 in Kalida, Putnam County, Ohio 
          1. Jason Andrew LAW b: 13 DEC 1856 in Van Wert County, Ohio
          2. Genova Ann Joana LAW b: 8 DEC 1859 in Van Wert, Van Wert County, Ohio
*My Note adding to this record:  Genova Ann Law was listed as Joana in one of census records....but I believe that was a typo father always referred to her as Genova .
          1.Title: Pearson B. Holden Family Bible for Birth of Sary Jane Holden
            Text: Sary Jane Holden
            was born April the 2 day
            in the year of our Lord
            Note: Pearson B. Holden Family Bible for Birth of Sary Jane Holden, 
            Sary Jane Holden
            was born April the 2 day
            in the year of our Lord
15 Dec 1856
Van Wert, Ohio
5 Aug 1911
Defiance Twp, Defiance, Ohio
2 Feb 1882
Bryan, Williams, Ohio 
                   DEATH & GRAVE:: Certificate......  Place of death stated as Defiance Twp.
Krill Funeral Home Records, Edgerton,Ohio...personal research in person, Feb. 1963.
(Now Maple Grove Cemetery)...Fountain Grove Cemetery, Edgerton, Williams, Ohio.
..Stone read: Jason A. LAW         Born 12/15/1856
         Died  8/5/1911

Certificate of Death...
State of Ohio Bureau of Vital Staistics. 
Place of Death
County of Defiance
Township of Defiance     Registration District No. 320    File No. 42509   Primary Registration District No 4479
Registered No. 118
Full Name:  Jason A. Law              
Personal and Statistical Particulars                          Medical Certificate of Death
Sex   M   Color or race   White                                 Date of Death:  Aug 5, 1911
Date of birth:  12 month 15day 1856 year                I hereby certify, That I attended deceased from  7-5-1911 (note
age 54yrs, 7 months, 20 days.                                 should be 8-5-1911) to 7-5-1911 that I last saw him alive on 7-5-
Married                                                                     1911 and that death occurred, on the date stated above, at 5PM
Birthplace: Ohio                                                       The Cause of Death was as follows:
Occupation:  Farmer                                                 Lacerations and hemorraging due to dynamite explosion.
Name of Father: Richard Law                                  Contributory:  Carelessness
Birthplace of father:  Don't know                              Duration:  1 day
Maiden Name of Mother: Jane Holden                     G.E. Minn    M.D.  Aug 7, 1911  Defiance, Ohio
                                                                                   Place of burial:  Edgerton, Ohio  Date of Burial:  Aug. 8, 1911
                                                                                   Undertaker  E.W.Hoffman, Defiance Ohio
Birthplace of mother: Don't know
Informant:  Chas Holden
address: Quincy, Mich
filed Aug 5, 1911


Law Family Bible in possession of Herbert Law, 7425 Drew Ave.North,
Brooklyn Park, Minnesota 55443....Copy in possession of Eleanor Law Johnson, 530 S.4th St.,Las Vegas, Nevada 891081

1860 Census Van Wert County, Jackson Township, Ohio with Richard Law & Sarah: 
2 children Jason 3  and  Joana 6/12 F  (note:  the Joana is Genova).

1860 Federal Census Van Wert County, Jackson Township, Ohio.
Richard Law 28 M Farmer PA
Sarah 25 F OH
Susan 3 M OH
Joana 6/12 F OH

1870 Federal Census Putnam County, Perry Twp, Ohio
Sarah Jane Law 34 Keeping house Ohio; Jason A. Law 13 Ohio; Genova A. 10 Ohio

1880 Census, Williams County, Jefferson Twp.,Ohio Page 522B.
LAW, Richard A.  W M 48 Farmer PA PA VA
Sarah J.        W F 47        OH VA VA
Jusew A.        W M 23        OH PA OH  (note:  this is Jason A. Law)
Jenora A.       W F 20        OH PA OH  (note:  this is Genova Law)
Brown, Robert   W M 13        OH PA OH
1880 Census on 24 Oct 2002....
Jason A. LAW Household 
      Male     --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    Other Information: 
      Birth Year <1857>  
      Birthplace OH  
      Age 23  
      Occupation Farmer  
      Marital Status S  
      Race W  
      Head of Household Richard A. LAW 
      Relation Son  
      Father's Birthplace PA  
      Mother's Birthplace OH  
     Source Information: 
      Census Place Jefferson, Williams, Ohio  
      Family History Library Film 1255077 
      NA Film Number T9-1077 
      Page Number 522B 
1900 Census, Defiance County, Mark Township  ED #14  sheet 13  line 99,100,  lines 1-8 on pg 203A Sheet 14
Jason A. Law    head  white  male   Dec 1856  43  Married  number of years married 10 
   Born Ohio  Father: Penn   Mother: Ohio  Farmer  months not employed 0  Can read,write,speak English  
   Rent -Farm   183(number of farm schedule)
Edna Law   wife  white  female  Aug 1862 age 37  married 10yrs   number of children 5  living 5    Born: Ohio
Father:Ohio   Mother: Massachusetts        Can read,write,speak English
Orpha E.  daughter  white  female  Feb 1891  age 9  single  Ohio/Ohio/Ohio   occupation: school  attended 7 mo
can read,write,speak English
Opal E.   daughter  white  female  Mar 1893  age 7  single  Ohio/Ohio/Ohio           "                "            "       "   "
Richard C.  son       white     male  Apr 1895  age 5  single  Ohio/Ohio/Ohio           "                "            "       "   "
Jasen N.     son       white     male   Sept 1897 age 2  single  Ohio/Ohio/Ohio
Dewey D.  son       white     male   May 1900 age 0/12 single  Ohio/Ohio/Ohio
Sulivan, Bertha  servant  white  single   Mar 1898  22  Ohio
Bradford,Sam W. hired man  white  Mar 1868  32  Indiana/Virginia/Indiana  farm labor
Boyles,Dennis B. hired man  white Oct 1850 33  Ohio                                 farm labor

1910 Census Ohio...Paulding County, 
Search Results
Database: Ohio 1910 Census Miracode Index 
Jason A Law 
    Age: 54 State: OH 
    Color: W Enumeration District: 0050 
    Birth Place: Ohio Visit: 0075 
    County:  Paulding 
    Relation:  Head of Household 
    Other Residents: Relation Name Color Age Birth Place 
Wife Edna C  47 Ohio 
Daughter Opal E  17 Ohio 
Son Richard C  15 Ohio 
Son Jason F  12 Ohio 
Son Duye D  09 Ohio  (note:  this is Dewey)
Son Troy D T  07 Ohio (note:  this is Ted)
Record extracted from Marriage Records, Williams County,Ohio for Jason A.Law and Mary E. Back  2 Feb 1882.  FHL/SLC IGI
Marriage record for Jason & Edna Celestia Hulbert, copy in my possession.

Family history in possession of Eleanor L. Johnson, c/o 530 S.4th St., Las
Vegas, Nevada  89101
By 1888 Divorced from Mary Back in Williams County, Ohio.....Divorce Records in my possession.

History 9-26-1990.  My father, Ted Law, told me that his father died at Ashwood,Ohio...6 miles from Defiance after an accident where he was using dynamite to clear tree stumps from farm land.  His eyes were blown out, and his body broken.  He was carried to a farm house near the scene of the accident and only lived a short time.

Letter written Oct. 29, 1959 Box A, Camarillo, California by Orpha Law Matthews
"Dewey hasn't a birth certificate and I know why.  I remember I was 9 years and most 3 months of age.  Papa was running for Sherriff in Defiance at that time"   This would have been 1900 when Dewey was born..May 15th.

HERLOOMS: Crystal bowl....belonging to my my possession.
Family Bible in possession of Herbert Law, in Minnesota.  

1856        Birth: 15 Dec  in Van Wert County, Ohio
1860        Jackson Twp, Van Wert County, Ohio Census......Jason  3 years old.
1870        Perry Twp., Putnam County, Ohio Census...........Jason 13 years old
1880        Jefferson Twp., Williams County, Ohio Census....Jason 23 years old    
1882        2 Feb   Marriage to Mary Back Williams County, Ohio.
1883        14 May  Grace Estell Law born to Jason & Mary Williams County, Ohio.
1885        5 April   Robert Andrew Law born to Jason & Mary...Camden, Michigan.
                  Camden, Michigan....joins I.O.O.F Lodge at Camden (source: obituary)
1886        3 Aug  Jay William Law born to Jason & Mary Williams County, Ohio    
1888        By this time....Divorced from 1st wife.....She received custody of the three children.
                  Divorced in Williams County, Ohio       
1889        7 Sept  Marriage to Edna Celestia Hulbert
1891        18 Feb  Orpha Ellen Law born to Jason & Edna
1893        24 March  Opal Edith Law born to Jason & Edna
1895        1 April  Richard Clement Law born to Jason & Edna
1897        6 Sept Jason N. Law born to Jason & Edna
1900        15 May  Dewey D. Law born to Jason & Edna
1900        Census Ohio Defiance County, Mark Twp.  
1903        15 January  Theodore T. Law born to Jason & Edna...(Trusty T.)
1910        Census Ohio...Paulding County, 
1911        Death:    5 August....Death of Jason Andrew Law due to dynamite explosion while clearing tree stump.

Large picture of Jason in possession of Elaine Law Mannino (Mrs.James).  Huntington Beach, California.
Picture of Law Family in 1903 ...   Picture in my possession (Eleanor Law Johnson (Ellie) Las Vegas,Nv)
Names in picture:
1. Jason Andrew Law b 1856 47 years
2. Dewey Law (son) 3 years
3. Richard Andrew Law (father of Jason) 71 years
4. Orpha Ellen Law (daughter) 12 years
5. Jason Nathan Law (son) 6 years
6. Sarah Jane Holden Law (mother of Jason) 68 years 
7. Theodore T. Law (son, baby on lap of grandmother) 6 months 
8. Opal Edith Law (daughter) 10 years
9. Edna Celestia Hulbert Law (wife of Jason) 41 years >10. Richard Clement
Law (son) 8 years

DEATH & GRAVE:: Certificate......  Place of death stated as Defiance Twp.
Krill Funeral Home Records, Edgerton,Ohio...personal research in person, Feb. 1963.
(Now Maple Grove Cemetery)...Fountain Grove Cemetery, Edgerton, Williams, Ohio.
..Stone read: Jason A. LAW         Born 12/15/1856
         Died  8/5/1911

Certificate of Death...
State of Ohio Bureau of Vital Staistics. 
Place of Death
County of Defiance
Township of Defiance     Registration District No. 320    File No. 42509   Primary Registration District No 4479
Registered No. 118
Full Name:  Jason A. Law              
Personal and Statistical Particulars                          Medical Certificate of Death
Sex   M   Color or race   White                                 Date of Death:  Aug 5, 1911
Date of birth:  12 month 15day 1856 year                I hereby certify, That I attended deceased from  7-5-1911 (note
age 54yrs, 7 months, 20 days.                                 should be 8-5-1911) to 7-5-1911 that I last saw him alive on 7-5-
Married                                                                     1911 and that death occurred, on the date stated above, at 5PM
Birthplace: Ohio                                                       The Cause of Death was as follows:
Occupation:  Farmer                                                 Lacerations and hemorraging due to dynamite explosion.
Name of Father: Richard Law                                  Contributory:  Carelessness
Birthplace of father:  Don't know                              Duration:  1 day
Maiden Name of Mother: Jane Holden                     G.E. Minn    M.D.  Aug 7, 1911  Defiance, Ohio
                                                                                   Place of burial:  Edgerton, Ohio  Date of Burial:  Aug. 8, 1911
                                                                                   Undertaker  E.W.Hoffman, Defiance Ohio
Birthplace of mother: Don't know
Informant:  Chas Holden
address: Quincy, Mich
filed Aug 5, 1911

OBITUARY NOTICE:  Copy in my possession
1885:  In Jason A. Law's Obituary, it said that he joined the I.O.O.F Lodge in Camden, Michigan in they (Jason and his 1st wife, Mary Back) were probably residing there when their 2nd chid, Robert was born.
8 Dec 1859
Van Wert County, Ohio
14 Mar 1937
Oakland, Alameda, California
16 Nov 1880
Williams, Ohio 
1860 Federal Census Van Wert County, Jackson Township, Ohio
Richard Law 28 M Farmer PA
Sarah 25 F OH
Susan 3 M OH (This would be Jason not Susan.)
Joana 6/12 F OH (this would be Genova).

1870 Census, Putnam County Perry Twp., Ohio  Post Office:Cascade. Pg.425
Richard A. LAW, Age 37, Farmer, Bn:Penn.
Sarah Jane Law 34 Keeping house Ohio
Jason A. Law 13 Ohio.
Genova A. 10 Ohio.

1880 Census, Williams,Jefferson Twp., Ohio Pg 522B
LAW, Richard A.  W M 48 Farmer PA PA VA.
Sarah J.        W F 47        OH VA VA.
Jusew A.        W M 23        OH PA OH.  (note:  this is Jason A. Law).
Jenora A.       W F 20        OH PA OH.  (note:  this is Genova Law).
BROWN, Robert   W M 13        OH PA OH.

1900 CENSUS WILLIAMS CO. OHIO (St.Joseph Twp.(Edgerton Corp) p.11...
Genova A.,wife,white,female,Bn: Dec 1859, 40 Yr old, Married 3 yrs. Born: Ohio.  Fathers birthplace: Pennsylvania;  Mothers birthplace: Ohio.  Occupation: Millinery.

Search Results

Database: Ohio 1910 Census Miracode Index
Combined Matches: 1 
Mrs Genova Boos 
Age: 50 State: OH 
Color: W Enumeration District: 0131 
Birth Place: Ohio Visit: 0038 
County:  Williams 
Relation:  Daughter 
    Other Residents: Relation Name Color Age Birth Place 
Head of Household Mrs Sarah Lan   White  (note:  should read  Mrs. Sarah Law) 
1930 Census....California   Alameda, Alameda Co.,CA
Genova Law
Hi Bev,
      I found Marvel in the 1930 census with her husband Charles L. Taff in Alameda, Alameda Co.,CA  on 1823 Harvard Drive......
Genova Law   71 yrs old  bn. Ohio/Ohio/Ohio   was living with them.
Love, Ellie

MARRIAGE:  Married twice
IGI Extraction....Sealing to 1st husband  1981  Los Angeles Temple. 

Divorced from first husband, John Stewart, Van Wert County, Ohio about 1886.

HERLOOMS: Nancy Dill (cousin in Florida...see e-mail addresses)  told me that she inherited an old clock that had belonged to Aunt Genova.  If she ever decides to get rid of it....I hope that I can bid on it.

9-18-00  Beverly Law Tobler told me that Genova lived with her daughter, Marvel in Alameda, Ca
in the 1930's.....

Searched CA deaths on internet but they only cover 1940 on....would have to send for death record.

Search Results

Database: Gene Pool Individual Records
Combined Matches: 1 
Name Birth Date Birth Place Death Date Death Place Marriage Date Marriage Place Spouse Father Mother 
Genova Ann Law   December 1859 Vallier, Wert, OH (note: should be Van Wert County,Ohio) 14 March 1937  ,  ,  ,          ,  ,   Genova Ann Law Richard Andrew Law Sarah Jane Holden
FamilyCentral Network
Richard Andrew Law - Sarah Jane Holden

Richard Andrew Law was born at Mercer, Pennsylvania 2 Apr 1832. His parents were Richard Law, Jr. and Elizabeth .

He married Sarah Jane Holden 1 Oct 1852 at Kalida, Putnam, Ohio . Sarah Jane Holden was born at Trenton, Butler, Ohio 2 Apr 1835 daughter of Pearson Bunyon Holden and Nancy Kniseley .

They were the parents of 2 children:
Jason Andrew Law born 15 Dec 1856.
Genova Ann Law born 8 Dec 1859.

Richard Andrew Law died 14 Dec 1906 at Edgerton, Williams, Ohio .

Sarah Jane Holden died 11 Jun 1914 at Edgerton, Williams, Ohio .