James Smith NEAR
7 Feb 1862
Guelph, Wellington, Ontario, Canada
28 Feb 1942
Detroit, Wayne, Mich
1 Jul 1891
Erin Twp, Wellington, Ontario, Canada
Letter from Richard C. Law, husband of Ethel Near....1974...He stated the death dates of his in-laws from his own family records. James Near died in Richard Law's home.. 7-8-89 Olive Near Nelson said that James and Mary Near were from Canada...lived in Guelth and Acton Canada..
Mary Elizabeth LAMBERT
of Wellington, Canada
12 Jun 1951
Detroit, Wayne, Mich
Letter from Richard C. Law, husband of Ethel Near....1974...He stated the death dates of his in-laws from his own family records. James Near died in Richard Law's home.. 7-8-89 Olive Near Nelson said that James and Mary Near were from Canada...lived in Guelth and Acton Canada. Also information from Linda Nelson Little in Michigan by e-mail 11-14-99. Picture of Mary Lambert Near.....
Abt 1892
Detroit, Wayne, Michigan
4-5-01 Went to dinner with Mel & Nancy Near while they were in Las Vegas to attend son's wedding. He said that Thomas Edward Near was run over by a trolley in Detroit when his Dad (Robert) was about 3 yrs. old. That would be about 1924-25.... He said that was told to him by his father, Robert Near......a story passed down to him. QUESTION ON THIS STORY......Doesn't fit with other information so it may have been someone else in the family..... 4-8-01 I wrote to Olive's daughter, Linda and she has a different story. From:To: "The Johnsons" Subject: Re: Hi from Ellie Date: Sun, 8 Apr 2001 09:05:52 -0400 Hi Ellie, This is what I was told about my Mom's Dad. He died from a brain hemorrhage - I thought my Mom said unexpectedly. Grandma and Grandpa did get a divorce (Thomas Edward Near and Orpha Law). Mom said that Grandma left Mom (Olive) and Uncle Bob alone and unfed or clean - for another man. My Mom would not talk much about Grandma. I remember writing to her in California when I was little - but Mom would not write to her - I was very small and did not understand why Mom could not forgive her. I think now that .....Mom was also very young and believed whatever she was told happened to her and carried those thoughts with her - her whole life. I felt very badly about that. Mom lived with Great Grandma Near... I think she died in the early 50's -Grandpa died I think just before I was born - like maybe 3-4 months before -Mom was very sad about that I remember her saying. Grandpa never saw me I was born 6/28/47. This is what I remember hope that helps. ----- Original Message ----- From: "The Johnsons" To: "Linda" ; "Gail Nelson McCrate" Sent: Saturday, April 07, 2001 10:00 AM Subject: Hi from Ellie Hi, I've been having computer problems this week but hopefully the worst is over. Met Mel & Nancy Near on Thursday. They were in Las Vegas for a son's wedding at the Treasure Island Hotel on Friday. They believe that they have a copy of Roberts Obituary and will send it. When I get it, I'll be sure to share with you. Mel said that he was told that Thomas Edward Near (your grandfather) was killed by a trolley car when Robert was about three years old. (That would be about 1923/24). Have you any recollection of hearing that? That makes me wonder if Orpha and Thomas Edward divorced or was she left a widow with two children???? That's a new slant to the story. I do suppose that we could look for divorce records (index) in the court house in Detroit and see what can be found. Do we know the year he died....is that in the family Bible? There's probably something in an old newspaper about that time too if he was killed by a trolly. Does any of this information sound familiar to you? I guess I'll always have a little detective in me.ha Love you.... Ellie Gails letter From: "McCrate, Gail (G.A.)" | Block Address | Add to Address Book To: "'elliejohn@yahoo.com'" Subject: Thomas Edward Near Date: Tue, 10 Apr 2001 07:07:14 -0400 Hi Ellie, Sorry I haven't answered your note concerning mom's dad, Thomas Edward Near. Mel and Nancy must be referring to someone other than Mel's father's dad. Mom's dad died at the age of 50 from a heart attack. He was getting ready to go to work, he died at home while shaving. Mel must be confused with maybe his mother's father -- or maybe mom's grandma and grandpa who raised mom and Uncle Bob. Family records from Ted Law /////////////////// CENSUS 1920 Soundex Michigan Soundex Code: N600 Michigan Vol 107 ED 203 Sheet 1 Line 75 Wayne County, Michigan Putnam Ave House 305 Detroit Near, Thomas 28 B: Canada Citizenship NA 1908 " Orpha wife 27 B: Ohio " Helen Dau 1 4/12 B:Mich (note: This would be Olive Helen Near) /////////////////// SOCIAL SECURITY DEATH INDEX Soc.Sec.Death Index: Nil ....Edward Near....Michigan Nil.....Thomas Near...Michigan /////////////////// abt. 2000 while talking with Helen Rennell. She said that Ed & Orpha lived with Richard and Ethel...... /////////////// Date: Thu, 15 Feb 2001 22:27:36 -0800 (PST) From: The Johnsons | Block address | Add to Address Book Subject: From Ellie To: Linda , Gail Nelson McCrate Hi, I was wondering.....Do you have any information on Thomas Edward Near? I believe he was born in Canada but I don't know where or when. Do you have his birthdate & place also his death date and place. Did he marry again after he and Orpha divorced? I wonder what year Orpha and Edward divorced? Why did she leave? So many questions? I have his parents names as James Smith Near and Mary Elizabeth Lambert. Is that correct? The following is pretty much all I have as far as notes on Thomas E. Near: /////////////////////////////////////// 1920 Soundex Michigan Soundex Code: N600 Michigan Vol 107 ED 203 Sheet 1 Line 75 Wayne County, Michigan Putnam Ave House 305 Detroit Near, Thomas 28 B: Canada Citizenship NA 1908 " Orpha wife 27 B: Ohio " Helen Dau 1 4/12 B:Mich Let me know if you can help me out with this. Love & hugs, Ellie
9 Nov 1894
Erin Twp, Wellington Co, Ontario, Canada
14 Jan 1959
Detroit, Wayne, Michigan
Notes by Eleanor Law Johnson....niece of Ethel Mae Near Aunt Ethel was one of my favorite aunts. They had a home in Los Angeles for a period of time near Southwest Drive, very near Republic Tool and Die, my fathers business. I used to go over there and visit them when I was about 13,14,15 when we were in Los Angeles. I know when I was in 8th grade we spent time at their home. She was jovial and fun. Uncle Richard would play the mandolin and sing. They were a wonderful couple ancestry.com Soc.Sec.Death Index database...Nil for her Michigan
FamilyCentral Network
James Smith Near - Mary Elizabeth Lambert
James Smith Near
was born at Guelph, Wellington, Ontario, Canada 7 Feb 1862.
He married Mary Elizabeth Lambert 1 Jul 1891 at Erin Twp, Wellington, Ontario, Canada .
They were the parents of 2
Thomas Edward Near
born Abt 1892.
Ethel Mae Near
born 9 Nov 1894.
James Smith Near died 28 Feb 1942 at Detroit, Wayne, Mich .
Mary Elizabeth Lambert died 12 Jun 1951 at Detroit, Wayne, Mich .