Abt 1670
Londonderry, Ireland
Bef 20 Feb 1729
Donnegal Twp, Chester, Pennsylvania
User Submitted
Ireland or Scotland
27 Aug 1739
Lancaster, Pennsylvania, Colonial America
Abt 1715
                   From records of Don Robert Allison, 3201 Castle Dr., Plano, Texas 75074-2941  (H)  972-509-1809

General notes:  Will Abstracts....Lancaster County.   Will Bk A-1, A-36
William Allison of Derry Twp.  "Very sick and weak"
Wife Grise mentions his children....(not named)

Executors:  brother, James Allison and brother-in-law, Charles  REE...Witnesses:  James Ree, James Allison (also Alliston)and Charles Ree.....
Will dated 8 Aug 1739;  proved 18 Aug 1739...
Testator signed with his mark....

He had an estate probated on 18 Aug. 1739 in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania
He signed a will on 8 August 1739 in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania.....

William married Grizzell Wray about 1715 in Ireland......
Entries: 1847    Updated: Mon Jan 26 10:46:43 2004    Contact: Elizabeth Rodriguez

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ID: I556868405 
Name: William ALLISON 
Given Name: William 
Surname: Allison 
Sex: M 
Birth: 1690 in Ireland/Scotland 1 
Death: Abt 27 Aug 1739 in Lancaster County,Pennsylvania 1 
Emigration: 21 Sep 1746 Servant on the ship Rundell sailing from Ireland 1 
Will: 8 Aug 1739 Lancaster County,Pennsylvania 1 
Probate: 27 Aug 1739 Lancaster County,Pennsylvania 1 
Change Date: 18 Jan 2004 2 
Will Abstracts, Lancaster County, N.C. Will Book A-1,A-36, WILLIAM 
ALLISON of Derry Twp. "Very sick and weak." Wife Grise. Mentions his 
children (not named). Executors: brother, James Allison and 
brother-in-law Charles REE. Witnesses: James REE, James ALLISON (also 
Alliston), and Charles REE. Will dated 08/08/1739; proved 08/18/1739. 
Testator signed with his mark.
Will probated 08/27/1739, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, Colonial 
America, Lancaster Co., PA, page 36:
"In the name of God amen the 8th day of August in the year of our Lord One Thousand Seven Hundred thirty nine William Allison in the township of Derry and County of Lancaster and Provenceof Pennsylvania being very sick and weak in Body bot of perfit mid and membry thanks be Given unto God therefor calling into mind the mortality of my Body and knowing that it is Appointed for all men once to dye make and ordene this my last will and testament that is to say principally, and first of all I give and recommend my Soul unto God that Gave it And for my Body I Recommend it to the Earth to be Bourid in a Christian Like and Decent manner att the Descration of my Executors nott doting bot at the General Resurrection I shall Receive the same again by the Mighty Power of God 
and as touching such Worldly Estate where with it hath pleased God to Blis me with in the Life I devisand Dispose of the Same in the following manner and form it my Will and and order that in the first place all my 
Just Debts and Fineral Charges be Paid and Satisfyed. I Give and 
Bequeath to Grisel my well Beloved Wife one third part of my Estet and Movebels I alow that two thirds that Remens to be EquallyDivid amongst my Children for the Schooling and Brining up of them and if itShould 
Pleas God to Call Eny of them hence befor that thy are privid for I alow ther part to be Equly Divid amongst the Rest of my Children. Lickwise I counstout inacsis and alows my Brouther James Allison and my Brouther in 
law Charils Ree Executors Houle and Sole for this my Last Will and Testment to him his heirs and assigns four Ever. I confirrming this and now other to be my Last Will and Testment, In Witness whereof I have 
Signed and Sealed in thePresence his of us James Ree, James Allison, 
William Allison Charles Ree. "Mark" [Note: William Allison's mark 
looks like a covered dish with handles.]

The Allisons were strict Presbyterians from Londonderry, Ulster, Ireland. They were instrumental in forming the Donegal Presbyterian Church, about 1723, in Lancaster/Chester County, PA.
Marriage: Page 281, states William Wray married Mary Galbreath (no date) they were related to Grisel Wray, wife of William Allison PAGE Presently, it is not known the name of either husband of Grizzell, but some researchers are investigating the possibility the 1st husband was William Allison of Lancaster County, Pennsylvania. The reason for this search is the record found in this book on page 177. It says that "James Maxfield assigns Martha Hamilton (a servant from Ireland on the ship Rundell)to William Allison of Lancaster County yoeman for four years from Sept. 21, 1746. Consideration 14,15 pounds customary dues."

Father: John ALLISON b: in Londonderry,Ireland 
Mother: Unknown JANNET

Marriage 1 Grizzell WRAY b: Abt 1698 in Prob. Scotland or Ireland
Married: Abt 1715 in Ireland 1
   Margaret ALLISON
   Patrick ALLISON
   Robert ALLISON
   Mary ALLISON b: 1718
   John Robert ALLISON b: Bet. 1720 - 1725 in Ireland
   Joseph ALLISON b: 1722

Title: copeland.FTW
Title: GEDCOM File : 657663-Allison.ged
Date: 23 Jul 2000 
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FamilyCentral Network
John Allison - Blocked

John Allison was born at Londonderry, Ireland Abt 1670.

He married Blocked .

They were the parents of 1 child:
William Allison, Sr. born 1690.

John Allison died Bef 20 Feb 1729 at Donnegal Twp, Chester, Pennsylvania .