
User Submitted
Abt 1575/85
Cantabury, Kent, England.
18 Jun 1666
Plymouth, Plymouth, Mass.
30 Jun 1603
Leiden, Zuid Holland, Netherla 
Ordinance Record FamilySearch International Genealogical Index v5.0 
    British Isles 
Search Results  | Download | Pedigree  
      Hester Mahieu  
    Female   Family   
   Birth:  About 1575   Canterbury, Kent, England  
LDS Ordinances: 
     Baptism:  22 JUL 1999   SLAKE  
     Endowment:  23 DEC 1999   SLAKE  
     Sealing to Parents:  30 SEP 1999   SLAKE 
   Jacques Mahieu / Jennie Le Mahieu     
    Father:  Jacques Mahieu  Family 
    Mother:  Jennie Le Mahieu     
    Spouse:  Francis Cooke  Family 
    Marriage:  09 JUN 1609   Leiden, Zuid Holland, Netherlands   
Hester Mahieu  
    Female   Family 
   Birth:  1585   Canterbury, Kent, England 
   Death:  18 JUN 1666     
LDS Ordinances: 
     Sealing to Spouse:  CLEARED    
    Frances Cooke 
    Spouse:  Frances Cooke  Family 
    Marriage:  04 JUL 1603   Leyden S, , , Netherlands 

Ancestral file....19992 1999

Mayhieu spelling also....    4-9-00
Plymouth Colony: Its History and People 1620-1691
            Part Three: Biographical Sketches
            Biographical Sketches
            Cooke, John

            xxx A 1620 Mayflower passenger, Francis Cooke married Hester Mayhieu at Leiden 30 June
            1603, the records there describing him as a woolcomber, unmarried, from England (MD 8:48). Thus he
            was in Holland before the arrival of the Clyfton/Robinson Separatists. He was probably born no earlier
            than 1583, for he must have been under sixty in 1643 when he was on the ATBA for Plymouth, and
            yet not much after 1583 if he married in 1603. He appears frequently in Plymouth records on grand
            and trial juries, as a surveyor of the highways, on various ad hoc committees, and in a number of land
            transactions. (See Bowman's "Francis Cooke and His Descendants," MD 3:95.) He came to Plymouth
            with son John, and Francis's wife and their daughter Jane and son Jacob arrived on the Anne in 1623.
            Two more children, Hester and Mary, were born at Plymouth. Jane married Experience Mitchell;
            Hester married Richard Wright; and Mary married John Thompson. Francis's son Jacob married
            Damaris Hopkins, daughter of Stephen. Dawes-Gates, 2:239-57 gives a good account of both father
            Francis Cooke and son Jacob Cooke. Another good account of the Francis Cooke family can be
            found in Small Descendants, 2:601. Francis died 7 April 1663 (PCR 8:23). Son John Cooke has a
            separate entry below. See also Walter J. Harrison, "New Light on Francis Cooke and His Wife Hester
            Mayhieu and Their Son John," MD 27:145. Some confusion about the marriage of Francis Cooke's
            son Jacob's daughter Mary Cooke, is cleared up by Stratton, "Which John Rickard Married Mary
            Cooke?," MQ 49:122.
            View full context

Plymouth Colony: Its History and People 1620-1691
            Part Three: Biographical Sketches
            Biographical Sketches
            Mendlove, Mark

            xxx The wife of Mayflower passenger Francis Cooke, Hester came to Plymouth in 1623 on the
            Anne. She was a Huguenot who had lived in Canterbury and Leiden. See G. Andrews Moriarty,
            "Hester Le Mayhieu, Wife of Francis Cooke," NEHGR 107:61, for information on her background.
            Winslow said she was of the French Walloon (Huguenot) Church and took communion with the
            Separatist Church (Hypocrisie Unmasked, p. 64). Her admission to the French Reformed Church in
            Leiden in 1603 is shown in MD 27:147.
            View full context

////////////////   to  Mayflower Passengers  to  website  Mayflower Web Pages.  Caleb Johnson © 1998 

Francis Cooke 
BORN:   c1583, England
DIED:  7 April 1663, Plymouth
MARRIED:  Hester Mahieu, int. 4 July 1603, Leyden, Holland, daughter of Jacques and Jennie (---) Mahieu. 
Jane c1604, prob. Leyden, Holland before 1650, Plymouth Experience Mitchell, after 22 May 1627 
John bp. January-March 1607, Leyden, Holland 23 November 1695, Dartmouth Sarah Warren, 28 March 1634, Plymouth 
child prob. c1608 bur. 20 May 1608, Leyden, Holland unmarried 
Elizabeth bp. 26 December 1611, Leyden, Holland before 22 May 1627 unmarried 
Jacob c1618, Leyden, Holland between 11 and 18 December 1675, Plymouth 1: Damaris Hopkins, aft. 10 June 1646, Plymouth 
2: Elizabeth (Lettice) Shurtleff, 18 November 1669, Plymouth
Hester unknown, probably between 1623-1627. between 9 May 1669 and 8 June 1691, probably Plymouth Richard Wright, c1644, Plymouth 
Mary bet. March 1624 and 22 May 1627, Plymouth 21 March 1714, Middleboro John Tomson, 26 December 1645, Plymouth 
The ancestry of Francis Cooke is not known. Several ficticious ancestries have been presented, some clearly hoaxes (one can be found in "New Light on the Pilgrim Story", chapter 6. For a discussion of why this is a hoax, see English Ancestry and Homes of the Pilgrim Fathers, by Charles Banks. 

There is conflicting evidence about the birth of Francis Cooke. A note scribbled in Bradford's Journal says Francis Cooke died above the age of 80, meaning he was born before 1583. However, in August 1643, he was in a list of men of Plymouth between the age of 16 and 60 allowed to bear arms. This means he was born after 1583. Also, he was married in Leyden in 1603, so he probably would have been at least 21 at the time. This means a birth before 1583. The fact that all these records seem to conflict suggests that Francis Cook was probably born in 1583. 

Charles Banks mentions a Francis Cooke baptized on 6 April 1572, in Biddenden, Kent, England, son of Thomas. However, this person is about ten years too old for the Francis of the Mayflower.  Cooke had been living in Holland about eight years before the arrival of John Robinson and the rest of the Pilgrims. His wife Hester was from Canterbury, England, so perhaps that is where he is from as well.  Francis is described as a "Woolcomber from England" in Dutch records dating back as early as 25 April 1603. 

Francis' wife Hester Mahieu was the daughter of Jaques and Jenne Mahieu, French Waloon refuges that had fled to Canterbury, England where Hester was born about 1584.  When in Leyden, Holland, from 1603 until the arrival of the Pilgrims, Francis and Hester were members of the French Waloon church.  However, in 1606 Francis and his wife left for a trip to Norwich, and they returned in 1607 to have their son baptized in the Church, and in 1608 they rejoined communion with the Walloon Church in Leyden.  Sometime between 1611 and 1618, the Cookes switched and began communion with the Pilgrims' Separatist church in Leyden. 

In 1620, Francis and son John embarked on the Mayflower, leaving behind his wife and younger children (who would come later when the Colony was more settled).   

Will of Francis Cooke 


William Bradford recorded his list of passengers that came over in the Mayflower:  "Francis Cooke and his son John, but his wife and other children came afterwards".  Later in 1651, he writes "Francis Cooke is still living, a very old man, and hath seen his children's children have children.  After his wife came over with other of his children; he hath three still living by her, all married and have five children, so their increase is eight.  And his son John which came over with him is married, and hath four children living." 

Francis and Hester (Mahieu) Cooke had lived in Leyden as early as 1603, about five years before the Pilgrims fled there from England.  In 1606, they left Leyden to live at Norwich, England where they joined a French Walloon church; however, they did not stay long in England--probably because of religious persecution--and by 1607 were back in Leyden as members of the French Walloon church there. 
Ralph V. Wood, Mayflower Families for Five Generations: Francis Cooke, volume 12 (Plymouth: General Society of Mayflower Descendants, 1996). 

George Bowman, "The Mayflower Marriage Records at Leyden and Amsterdam: Francis Cooke", Mayflower Descendant, 8:48-50. 

Jeremy D. Bangs, "The Pilgrims and Other English in Leiden Records: Some New Pilgrim Documents,"  New England Historical and Genealogical Register, 143(1989):195-199. 
Mayflower Web Pages.  Caleb Johnson © 1998
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