30 Jul 1591
Barnstaple, Devon, England
Devonshire, England
Devonshire, England
30 Nov 1611
Barnstaple, Devon, England
Mathias BEARE
19 Jan 1626
Barnstaple, Devon, England
6 Jan 1616
(Near) Ashburton, Devon, England
5 Jun 1685
Plymouth, Plymouth, Massachusetts, Usa
Plymouth, Plymouth, Massachuse 
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TINKHAM, TINCUM, Ephraim, had a land grant at Plymouth. Resided at Duxbury in 1647.
Kunkel Family Web Page
18634 total entries, last updated Thu Jan 27 04:20:10 2000
All questions, comments or suggestions regarding information on
this page should be addressed to: David Lee Kunkel 
ID: I16303 
Name: Ephraim TINKHAM 
Sex: M 
Birth: 1 Aug 1649 in Plymouth , Plymouth, MA 
Death: 13 Oct 1714 in Middleboro, Plymouth, MA

Father: Ephraim TINKHAM b: 6 Jan 1615/16 in Ashburton, Devon, England 
Mother: Mary BROWNE b: 1623 in Plymouth, MA

Father: Ephraim TINKHAM b: 6 Jan 1615/16 in Ashburton, Devon, England 
Mother: Mary BROWNE b: 1 Jun 1626 in Plymouth, Plymouth, MA

Father: Ephraim TINKHAM b: 6 Jan 1615/16 in Ashburton, Devon, England 
Mother: Mary BROWNE b: 1626 in Plymouth , Plymouth, MA

Marriage 1 Ester WRIGHT b: 1649 in Plymouth, MA
   Martha TINKHAM b: 1679 in Middleboro, MA, Plymouth County
   John TINKHAM b: 22 Aug 1680 in Middleboro, Plymouth, MA
   Ephraim TINKHAM b: 7 Oct 1682 in Middleboro, MA, Plymouth County
   Isaac TINKHAM b: 30 Jun 1685 in Middleboro, MA, Plymouth County
   Samuel TINKHAM b: 19 Mar 1686/87 in Middleboro, MA, Plymouth County
   Mary TINKHAM b: ABT 1693 in Middleboro, MA, Plymouth County

Marriage 2 Esther WRIGHT b: 26 Aug 1652 in Plymouth, Plymouth, MA
Married: 9 Jun 1676 in Plymouth, Plymouth, MA
   Martha TINKHAM b: 1677 in Middleboro , Plymouth, MA

Marriage 3 Esther WRIGHT b: 1649 in Plymouth , Plymouth, MA
Married: 1677 in Plymouth , Plymouth, MA

The Mayflower Descendant Legacy CD....Year 2000 Edition   
Transcribed from the Original Records,
EPHRAIM TINKHAM died at Plymouth between 17/27 January, 1683/4, the date of his will, and 20/30 May, 1685, the day his inventory was taken. His wife Mary was the daughter of Peter Brown of the Mayflower. The record of the will and inventory are found in the Plymouth Colony Wills and Inventories, Volume IV, Part II, pages 110 and 111.
[p. 1 12] Know all men to whome these prsents shall Come That I Epharim Tincom senir of the Towne of Plymouth in New England being at ye day of ye date hereof but weake of body, but blessed be god of sound & perfect & well disposing memory not knowing how soon it may please god to Change my Temporall life to death doe therfore make these prsents to be my last will & Testament to Continue for ever firme & Inviolable in manner & forme following: Imprmis I will & bequeath unto my dear & loveing Wife Mary Tincom my now dwelling house & housing that is in Plymouth with ye orchyard belonging- there unto, and all my lands meadowes with ye appurtenances & privildges belonging unto them lying & being in ye Townships of Plymouth Middlebury Dartmouth or any other place in this
	Ephraim Tinkham's Will and Inventory.	123
Colony whatsoever that belongs to me Excepting such lands as I shall perticulerly dispose of in this my will, I give them all as afforesd unto my wife for her support & Comfort for & during her naturall life: Item I will & bequeath unto my Eldest son Epharim Tincome that hundred acre lott he lives on in ye Township of Middlebury ioyning to ye land of Samuel Wood Item I give to my son Ebenezer Tincom ye other other hundred acre lott that ioynes to my son Epharims to them & their heirs for ever. with ye meadow lands belonging to it lying in Middleburys great meadow, Item, I give & bequeath unto my son Peter Tincome that share of land he now lives on in ye Township of Middlebury neer whetstone vynyard brooke & all ye meadows belonging to it to him & to his heirs for ever, Item: I give unto my son Elkiah one third part of a share of land lying at Dartmouth to him & his heirs for ever Item I give unto my two sons John Tincum & Isaack Tincom that my now dwelling place housing orchards lands meadows & all ye privileges belonging to it after their mothers decease to be equally devided between them, I say to them & their heirs for ever Item I give & bequeath unto my daughter Mary Tomson fifty acres of upland which was given me by ye Towne of Plimouth & lyes in ye Township of Plimouth neer ye place that is comonly caled Momponsett, my will is also what my wife shall leave at her decease be it good or Chattels that it shall be devided amongst my seaven Children my eldest son to have a double portion, my six guns they are already disposed of unto my six sons who have them for their proper use. Item I will & bequeath unto my dear & loveing Wife Mary Tincome my debts being first paid all my goods cattle or Chattles & debts whatsoever are due & belonging unto me & to pay all debts that they lawfully appear that I doe owe, And I doe by these presents appoint & make & ordaine my dear & loveing wife Mary Tincome to be my sole Executrix of this my last will & Testament to administer upon my said estate to pay such debts I owe & receive such debts as are due to me. & to make choyce of my son Epharim Tincome to. be helpfull to her in ye same, As also to see my body be decently buried & to defray ye Charge thereof, Thus hopeing that this my last will & Testament will be performed according to ye Tenure thereof. I Comitt my body to ye dust, & my soul to god that gave it By these prsents ratifiing & Confirming my said wife Mary Tincome to be my sole & lawfull Executrix revoking & makeing void all other my former wills written or verball: In witness where of I ye aforesaid Epharim Tincom senir have here unto
124	Ephraim Tinkham's Will and Inventory.	
sett my hand & seal this seventeen day of January one thousand six hundred eightie three:
Signed sealed & declared to	Ephriam Tincome senior
be my last will & Testament.	his mark: E T & (seal)
in presence of
William Hoskins senr
Jonathan Shaw senr:
This will was proved in ye Court held at Plymouth ye fifth of June 1685 on ye oaths of William Hoskins & Jonathan Shaw who testified upon oath that they saw Serieant Tincome sign seal & declare this to be his last will & Testament & that he was of disposing mind & memory so to doe:
[p. 111] An Inventory of ye estate of Epharim Tincome senir taken & apprised ye 20 day of may 1685 by us whose names ar under written
	£   s   d
Inprmis his wearing Clothes & hatt	03 17 0
Item one bible & other smale books	00 17 0
It in ye inner roome one bed & bolster 1 rug 1 pair
       blanketts one pair sheets	06 00 0
It one bed bolster 1 pair of sheets one pair of blanketts one rug 05 00 0
It 24 yards of Cotton & lining Cloth	01 03 0
It 2 chests & one smale Trunk 4 meal baggs	01 04 0
It one great Wheel one little wheel one hatchell 3 pair of
      cards	00 17 0
It in ye Kitchen one Copper Kettle 01 00 0
It one smale Table and 4 Chairs	00 10 0
It one old warming pan and litle brass Kittle	00 03 0
It 2 Iron potts one Iron Kettle & posnett	00 07 0
It 3 Tramels & Iron spitt 2 pair pott hooks one pair of
      tongs & gridiron	01 00 0
It 3 pewter platters one bason & Champer pott	00 03 6
It 2 old pewter pots one little pewter bottle 7 spoons	00 0* 0
It 5 pewter poringers one salt celler	00 24 0
It one lanthorne old candlestick & frying pan	00 02 6
It one earthen pan one stone fug 2 earthen potts	00 02 0
It 2 wooden boles & Trayes & other dishes.	00 09 0
It one Churne 3 pailes with other smal wooden things	00 08 0
It in ye Chamber one bed one pair of sheets one pair
      blanketts one rug	05 10 0
It one pillow 2 pair of pillobees	00 07 0
It one sifeten trough 2 sives one washing tub on halfe
       bushell & other lumber	01 00 0
* Either 05 or 07.
	Marshfield, Mass., Vital Records	125
It also Iron tools 5 sickles 2 sythes & sneath	00 10 0
It 4 axes 2 hows one spade 3 forks with severall other
       iron tools	02 00 0
It one Cart & plough & tackling belonging to them	23 00 0
It as to Cattell 3 yoke of oxen and 2 steers	21 00 0
It more 8 Calves I steer one bull 3 yeerlings	22 00 0
It 23 sheep and 5 swine	09 05 0
It 6 guns and one rapier	04 10 0
It as to his housing & lands in plimouth & lands in
     middlebury & dartmouth	407 10 0
the whole sum. is	500 17 9
Debts due from ye estate	04 28 4
more Debts due from ye estate	01 10 0
Nathaniel Southworth
Thomas Faunce
FamilyCentral Network
John Tincombe - Mathias Beare

John Tincombe was born at Barnstaple, Devon, England 30 Jul 1591. His parents were Robarte Tinckecombe and Kathrine .

He married Mathias Beare 30 Nov 1611 at Barnstaple, Devon, England . Mathias Beare was born at England 1591 .

They were the parents of 1 child:
Ephraim Tinkham, (Tincom) born 6 Jan 1616.

John Tincombe died 1629 at Devonshire, England .

Mathias Beare died 19 Jan 1626 at Barnstaple, Devon, England .