Newton Jasper NORSWORTHY

Jun 1848
Dardanelle, Yell, Arkansas
27 Sep 1912
Commerce, Hunt, Texas
Sep 1912
Commerce, Hunt, Texas
12 Sep 1867
Franklin, Simpson, Kentucky
                   Rootsweb site:
Military Service: 20 SEP 1865 Discharged, CSA, Private, Company F, Ky 52nd Regiment, served 2 years 1 month 17 days 7 Event: Military ABT 1903 CSA: F17 KY CAV where he was discharged as a SGT. His first application for a pension was "invalid". He eventually did receive a pension after his claim was later accepted as "valid."

     (Newton with parents)
    1850 US Census,  Magazine Township, Yell, Arkansas,  22 Oct 1950, 478, 957. (
     Nimrod Norsworthy, age 28, born 1822 in Georgia, occupation: labor.
     Wife, Mary A., age 25, born 1825 in Alabama.
     Newton J.., age 2, born in 1848 in Yell, Arkansas.

    1870 US Census, Gum, Simpson, Kentucky,  4 Aug 1870 (
      (Newton with wife and child)
      Newton J. Nosewortha, age 22, born in Arkansas, Farmer.
      Wilza E, age 22. born in Tennessee, keeping house.
      Eldrige K, age 2, born in Kentucky.
      [Census taker recorded last name as Nosewortha instead of Norsworthy.]

    1880 US Census, Precinct 2, Hill Co. Texas, 19 Jun 1880. (Heritage Quest)  Series T9. Roll 1311.  Page 321.
      Nosworthy [Norsworthy], Newton. White, male, age 32, married, farmer, born in Ky, Father Ky, Mother Ky.
           [These birth places do not match the 1850 census.  Eldridge was born in Kentucky.]
      Nosworthy, Wilza. White, female, age 32, wife, keeping house, born in Tenn, F. Tenn, M. Tenn.
      Nosworthy, Eldrig.  White, male, age 12, son, single, laborer on farm, born in Kentucky.
      Nosworthy, Prentiss.  White, male, age 7, son, at home, born in Texas.
      Nosworthy, Guy. White, male, age 2, son, born in Texas.
      Nosworhty, Rozetta.  White, female, 6/12, born in Jan 1880, daughter, born in Texas.  [nicknamed 'Rose]
      Note:  Also living with them was a boarder:  Benjamin Williams, age 26, born in Missouri.

    Special Note:  Former name of Commerce (Hunt, Texas)  was Jackson's Store.  Found in local history.
    Special Note:  Hunt County was created and organized on April 11, 1846 from Fannin and Nacogdoches counties.
     County seat: Greenville.

    1900 US Census, Commerce, Hunt, Texas, 1 Jun 1900, District 261, Roll T623, Page 1B. (
     Census shows Newton J. Norsworthy (age 51) as head of household, born Jun 1848 in Arkansas, F. born Alabama,
           M. born Alabama, married 33 yr., Occ. restaurant, rents farmhouse. [F-M birth does not match previous census]
     Wilza E, wife, (age 52), born Mar 1848 in Tennessee, mother of 10 children with 7 living. F. born Tenn, M. Tenn.
     Eldridge K, son, (age 31), born Jul 1868 in Kentucky, single, painter.
     *Printiss W, son, (age 27), born Oct 1872 in Texas, single, RR brakeman.
     Alfred G, son, (age 22), born Aug 1877 in Texas, single, RR freight clerk.
     Sophia, daughter, (age 18), born Jan 1882 in Texas, single.
     *Maimie, daughter, (age 14), born Dec 1885 in Texas, in school 8 yrs.
     Cloe, daughter, (age almost 7), born Jul 1893 in Texas.
     *[The transcriber recorded Mamie as Manny and Prentiss as Printiss]

     Ancestry World Tree listed the same information that was on the 1900 US Census.  Also gave Newton's death as
    1912 in Commerce, Hunt, Texas, listing his father as Nimrod Norsworthy, b: 1822 in Georgia and mother, Mary A., b:
    1825 in Alabama.

     1890 Veterans Schedules Record about Newton J Norsworthy (found in
     Home in 1890: Precinct 6, Hunt, Texas.  Year enlisted: 1863. [3 Aug 1863 - age 17] Year discharged: 1865. [20 Sep
     1865 - age 19]  Rank:  Private.
     Image source:  Year 1890, Roll 99, Page1, Enumeration District 106.

    Civil War Pension Index:  General Index to Pension.  Files, 1861 - 1934 Record (found in
     Record about Newton J. Norsworthy; Newtin J. Noseworthy, State filed:  Texas.  Widow  Hilzia [Wilza] E Norsworthy.

    Entry found on  on Texas Genealogy of the 1890 Union Texas Soldier Schedule..
    Newton J Norsworthyl was listed, private, F52, Ky., Hunt Co, Texas, Roll 99, Soundex N626.

    20 Jun 2006 an email was received from Ken Norsworthy, great grandson, of Newton, listing the
     Norsworthy family members that were buried in the Rosemond Cemetery, Commerce, Hunt, Texas.
     They were Newton J., Wilza Elizabeth, Printiss W., Alfred Guy, and Sophia.  An added note stated: "Newton and
     Wilza have a large tombstone which says only 'Norsworthy' with two smaller ones which only says ' Father' and
     'Mother'  I [Ken] have had a Government brass plaque [put] on Newton's grave with his Civil War information."

Note from Ken Norsworthy dated               2006
In a book I have in Texas, there is mention of a town in Texas, off hand, I don't remember the name, that Newton lived in prior to moving to Commerce, TX. There was a tornado involved in their decision to move to Commerce. This same book, (which is at our home in TX), has a couple of other facts, ie., operating a restaurant across from the R R station in Commerce and being part of the Civil War Vetrans group. Ken
PS I have often thought that Newton and Wilza may have married in Kentucky since he was discharged at Bowling Green, KY. Just a guess.  [Ken sent article of tornado.  See below..]
Copy from Rootsweb (this is mostly our gedcom to Bill Smyer's family site.  His Family Tree Maker added some extra facts.)
ID: I8980 Name: Newton J. Norsworthy 1 2 3 Sex: M Birth: JUN 1848 in Yell County, Arkansas 2 4 3 5 Death: 1912 in Commerce, Hunt County, Texas 2 Census: 1850 Magazine, Yell County, Arkansas (age 2) 6 Census: 1870 Gum, Simpson County, Kentucky (age 22, "Nosewortha") 3 Census: 1880 Precinct 2, Hill County, Texas (age 32, "Nosworthy") 5 Census: JUN 1890 Precinct 6, Hunt County, Texas 7 Census: 1900 Commerce, Hunt County, Texas (age 51) 4 Military Service: 3 AUG 1863 Enlisted, CSA, Private, Company F, Ky 52nd Regiment 7 Military Service: 20 SEP 1865 Discharged, CSA, Private, Company F, Ky 52nd Regiment, served 2 years 1 month 17 days 7 Event: Military 1903 CSA: invalid pension 8 Occupation: 1870 Farmer 9 Occupation: 1880 Farmer 10 Reference Number: I8980
Note:  On 26 Nov 2006 an article from "The Handbook of Commerce, Texas, 1872-1985" was received from Ken Norsworthy along with some certificates and other misc. data.
He sent an article from the early days of Commerce that said a cyclone destroyed the town of Savoy. [28 May 1880. See article below I found on the Internet.] It said that "Mr. Newt Norsworthy came from near Savoy, and he went into the restaurant business."
I checked what county Savoy is in and it is Fannin. This may have been where some of the children were born instead of Hill County. On the 1880 Census taken on the 19 June 1880 they were living in Hill County. They must have moved there after the cyclone. Rose was born in Jan 1880, so I suspect she may have been born in Savoy. This is a good new clue. If everything was destroyed, there would be no records in Savoy unless they were in the Fannin County records. Another check to do. All clues count.

Article about cyclone:  "Savoy acquired some historic notoriety, by reason of a great calamity that befell her in 1880. On the 28th day of May of that year, a cyclone, such as is rarely seen, even in the west, struck the town, without a moment's warning, almost totally annihilating it.The destruction of life and limb as well as property was terrible, eleven were killed outright, and about sixty were wounded, four of whom died from their injuries. In one short half hour the busy, happy people were converted into a throng of mourners for the dead and wounded among them, and the smiling thrifty town became a mass of ruins and destruction, and trade was completely suspended.The town has recovered almost completely from the misfortunes; so much so indeed, that a visitor would never see or notice a trace of the western terror, and but for the aching void left in the hearts of those who lost their friends and relatives, the cyclone and the terror it wrought would almost be forgotten."

Email received from Surfer Grandma and Elaine Booth 6-27-07:
You have done an Excellent job researching for the maiden name of Mrs Wilza Norsworthy married to Newton J. Norsworthy about 1867 most likely in Kentucky (he served from Kentucky was discharged from Civil War in Kentucky and their first son was born in Kentucky in 1868 and they are living in Kentucky in 1870.
Brief Review for Readers of the research you have already completed:
Searched all census records from marriage until death looking for names of children that might point to a maiden name and for relatives who might be living with the family. - No additional information found.
Searched Census records between birth and marriage for all children named Wilza born abt 1848 in Tennessee. None found.
Found Death Record, Burial and obituary of Wilza Norsworthy - no maiden name given in any of the records.  She died too early to check Social Security Applications.
Found obituary of Wilza's husband - no maiden name listed for his wife.
Contacted other family members for their input.
Found Civil War Pension Index on - Newton J. Norsworthy applied for Pension Application #1297.637 dated Mar 14, 1903. Widow: Wilzia or Hilzia E. applied for Widows Pension  Application # 995.416 on Oct 26, 1912 - both from Texas for his service F 52 Kentucky Mounted Infantry and F 17 Kentucky Calvary.  I FOUND NO EVIDENCE THAT YOU HAVE SENT FOR THE ACTUAL PENSION APPLICATIONS AND RECORDS.

The Pension Applications can have an invaluable amount of information on Newton, his wife at the time of the Application and his widow.  Sometimes they even include a marriage certificate or other proof of marriage with the maiden name of the wife and date and place of marriage.  These original applications are only available through the National Archives.  In order to receive them:
Email to request NATF Form 85 for Civil War Pension Records.  Request the specific forms and be sure to give them your postal mailing address.  They will mail them to you. (May want to request 5 at a time for mistakes and for other early records).
When you receive the form:  At the top of the form, check the box for the Full Pension Application File (there is a smaller option, but you want the full file). This will include both files (be sure to include both application #'s on your form.  The charge will be $37 if they find the file and send it to you.  Check the credit card box and supply them with your card number.  It generally takes 8-10 weeks for a response.  If you do not include the credit card number they will get back to you and you will send a check and this will delay the forms another 4 weeks.  You must complete blocks 2-5 in order to have the file searched.  Be sure fill out the rest of the form as completely as possible.  Keep the pink copies of the form for your files.  I generally write the date I am mailing the forms on the top of my copy to keep track of when I mailed them.  Mail forms to:

Old Military and Civil Records (NWCTB-Pension)
Textual Archives Services Division
National Archives and Records Administration
700 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Washington, DC 20408-0001

After you receive these applications back, with the marriage information, you can write to the location for a photocopy of the record.  Or check the Family History Library Catalog on and record the microfilm or book for the county that has the actual marriage record to confirm the marriage and the name of the bride at the time of marriage (If Wilza was a nickname of middle name - she may have had a more complete name on the actual marriage certificate). Then order the microfilm through your local Family History Center.  If it is in book form only, then you will need to go to SLC Family History Library.
If you have any specific questions about these suggestions call Elaine Booth 435-628-1295.  Good Luck and email Fran with your search results.  (end of email)

Email from Linda Carlson 6-27-07:You won't believe this, but I have ALREADY ORDERED and paid for thetwo Civil War Records, the complete files, from the National Archives on-line (via their website) Only problem is that they will be mailing them via snail mail and it could take up to 120 days - it sure will be a long wait I looked at the sample the site provided. I think we will have the most likelihood with Wilza's Widow's Pension Application - it asks for all kinds of marriage info, including providing the actual marriage certificate. You even have to say the name of the minister and what church it was in addition tothe location, dates, maiden name, witnesses, etc. Wonder if they ever got a marriage certificate Hope it survived. I have my paternal grandmother's from the early 1900's and it is in excellent shape. Hope the tornado in Shelby, Texas before they moved to Commerce did not wipe them out with all their things. Wilza would still have had to provide the marriage info on the application form, even if she could not provide the actual marriage certificate. My mom said that "Wilza" was correct for her grandmother's name. Sure will be interesting if she has another name What's your bet on the surname? Do you want to stick with Walker? Perhaps I'll pick King It will probably turn out to be Prentiss or that "B" name Since no one has yet been able to come up with Wilza's surname, I'm presuming that all her earlier family tree remains to be researched as well, so we certainly won't be out of the genealogy business. Well, you deserve a rest - you and Surfer Grandma have made my day I'll keep you posted whenever I hear anything. They say that if they find anything, they will notify me by e-mail. I included all the specific information about Newton's service and the dates and types and file numbers of the applications. I knew that Newton was in the F52 Kentucky Mounted Infantry but not also the F17 Kentucky Cavalry, so I've already learned something new. There is a Civil War website where you can enter your relatives' service in that unit/regiment. I know I did that for F52, but I did not do it for F17. I will try to do that.Wow Keep your fingers and toes crossed:)Best regards, Linda

Note:  Other data stated by LC on the phone:
Newton and Wilzia lived in Kentucky, Texas in 1871 to 1880.
Moved to Savory, Texas in 1880 to 1886. [This is where the cyclone hit.  See above story.]
Moved to Commerce, Texas in 1886 to 1903.
Moved back to Kentucky for a short time and then back to Commerce, Texas.

Wilzia Elizabeth PISTOLE
Mar 1848
26 Sep 1919
Ft. Worth, Tarrant, Texas
28 Sep 1919
Commerce, Hunt, Texas
1870 US Census (See notes on Newton J. Norsworthy)

1880 US Census (See notes on Newton J. Norsworthy)

1900 US Census (See notes on Newton J. Norsworthy)

Death Certificate of Wilza Norsworthy:
Dept. of Health, Ft. Worth, Tarrant, Texas.  Reg. Dis. No. 27970, Registered No. 1018.
Wilza Norsworthy (widow) age 71, housewife.   Death: 26 Sep 1919 at 5 p.m. of Intestinal Paresis.
Buriel in Commerce, Texas on 28 Sep 1919
It lists her birth place in Kentucky and the informant was Ike Dean.  (All other records found have listed her born in
Tennessee.)  There were no parents listed.

World Tree Project found on  Some information was the same as that was on the 1900 US Census.  Also listed death of  Wilza on 26 Sep 1919 in Ft. Worth, Tarrant, Texas.

Article appearing on 27 Sep 1919  in the Commerce Daily Journal:  Mrs. Norsworthy Dead.  The news of the death of
Mrs. N. J. Norsworthy at Ft. Worth was received here today.  It is announced that the funeral will be held at the Baptist church in Commerce Sunday at 1:00 o'clock.  Rev. J. D. Allen of Greenville and Paster W. C. Taylor will conduct the services.  The deceased was well know in this community, having llived here until a few years ago.  The death of her husband occurred a few years ago.  (Copy of this article was received from Ken Norsworthy, Great Grandson.)

Note:  Her daughter, Rose, was living in Ft. Worth.  Wilza may have been living with her at the time of her death.  Check the newspapers articles in Ft. Worth.

Note:  Sent the following email 15 Sep 2006 to Joyce Stevens, a volunteer in Tarant Co.:
I am looking for an obit for Wilza Elizabeth Norsworthy.  Maiden name unknown.  She had moved to Ft. Worth  for the last few years of her life possibly living with her daughter, Rose (Rosetta) Samples.  Is it possible for you to see if you can find one?  I will be eternally grateful.  This is the info on her death certificate.
Dept. of Health, Ft. Worth, Tarrant, Texas.  Reg. Dis. No. 27970, Registered No. 1018.
Wilza Norsworthy (widow) age 71, housewife.   Death: 26 Sep 1919 at 5 p.m. of Intestinal Paresis.
Buriel in Commerce, Texas on 28 Sep 1919
It lists her birth place in Kentucky and the informant was Ike Dean.  (All other records found have listed her born in Tennessee.)  There were no parents listed.  Her husband was Newton J. Norworthy.

Note:  Received a responce to above.  No names were given just that she died.

Note:  Sent a Family Group sheet of Newton and Wilza's family to see if I could get copies of birth certificates of their children to Linda Brooks, Hunt County Clerk, PO Box 1316, Greenville, Texas 75403.  Received following note back dated 23 Oct 2006.  "Ms. Hall [Carolyn], A couple of birth records were found for Wilza (Elizabeth) Norsworthy's grandchildren.  I have marked them on an index printout.  Otherwise, I found no record on file for her children's births.  Perhaps they were born elsewhere.  The $10 was retained for the search.  Should you want the birth records we do have, the fee is $23 each.  An application must be completed and a copy of DL sent.  Sincerely, Hunt Co."

The following data was received from the Births Index:
Doc #      Infant name                                      File Date             Mother                              Father
12309     Norsworthy, Elbamae                       04/08/1904         Green, Lillie B                   Norsworthy, A G
13611     Norsworthy, Earlene Anita                02/16/1906         Nebhut, Mattie Lou           Norswothy, Eldridge King
15057     Norsworthy, Alford [Alfred] Guy Jr    07/11/1908         Green, Lillie B
16404     Hall, J A [John A]                              05/05/1910         Norsworthy, Mamie           Hall, Barney Marcus
19603     Samples, Ava Elizabeth                    02/15/1914         Norsworhty, Rose             Samples, William Pierce

NEW PROVEN DATA FROM CIVIL WAR PENSION APPLICATION PACKET:Yes - this is it  LC HAS PACKET AS OF 14 Sep 2007.  She called SJ first and then sent this email:Another trivia fact: Newton J. NorsworthyHis middle name is Jasper - signed in his own hand.Newton Jasper Norsworthy - he also attested to how his surname was properly spelled.His commander in the 52nd KY Mounted Cavalry was: Capt. Wm P. KingNewton was born near Dardenell, Yell County, ArkansasMarried Sept 12, 1867 in Franklin, Simpson County, KY by Rev. Roberts - both stated that they had not been married before. Newton said when he enlisted, he lived 3 1/2 miles East of Franklin, Simpson County, KY.Newton died September 27th, 1912 at Commerce, Texas.Pink and Mrs. Pink Walker attested twice for them on documents trying to prove their marriage and residence.

Email sent to Ken and Kevin Norsworthy by LC 17 Sep 2007:
Dear Kevin and Ken:
I want to take this opportunity to sincerely thank you both again for your generosity in sharing with me Norsworthy family history. I truly appreciate it and will always treasure the photos of Newton, Prentiss and Alfred that Ken so kindly sent to me. (I don't know if you receive a lot of e-mail from other Norsworthy family researchers, so I will identify myself again as the granddaughter of Newton and Wilzia's daughter, Rozetta Norsworthy. My new genealogy friend, Sharon Jewkes, has been helping a friend of hers who was married to the son of Mamie Norsworthy Hall, another daughter of Newton and Wilzia).
As I reported previously, with the extraordinary assistance of Sharon Jewkes, I sent away to the National Archives for copies of Civil War pension applications of Newton and Wilzia. After a 2 1/2 month wait, I am delighted to tell you that we now know Wilzia's maiden name and the correct spelling of it as well as the correct spelling of Norsworthy because they had to go to a lawyer and make affidavits that were submitted to the Civil War Pension Board. Without further waiting - here it is, the breakthrough we have all been waiting for:
Wilzia Elizabeth PISTOLE Norsworthy
Newton Jasper Norsworthy
12 September 1867 in Franklin, Simpson County, Kentucky by Rev. Roberts. The only proof of the marriage they were able to provide to an attorney were the leaves of the old family bible where their marriage was written down by Newton on their wedding day. It was accepted as valid proof. Newton was born near Dardenelle, Yell County, Arkansas. Newton states that prior to his first military enlistment, he lived, "3 1/2 miles East of Franklin".
Here is the Rootsweb link to the Pistole family line:
Sharon has already contacted both this page and the Norsworthy page to advise them of the corrections that need to be made. The updates will be made shortly at Rootsweb. Sharon will also be sending them directly to you both.
Newton was, indeed, a PVT in the F52 KY Mounted Cavalry as is on his grave marker. However, the day following his discharge, he enlisted in the F17 KY CAV and was discharged a SGT. Additionally, if you follow the maternal line from Wilzia up to Matilda Lee, and then to her father, CAPT. John Lee, and his father, Charles Lee of VA, Charles is a documented American Revolutionary War Patriot. I have been thinking that I would like to add Newton's additional Civil War service to his grave marker as well as have the DAR (Daughters of the American Revolution add their marker to Wilzia's gravestone. Would you be supportive of these ideas? Obviously, since we just found out Wilzia's maiden name, I have not even checked into what would be involved, but thought I would mention these ideas to see what you might think.
I also wanted to pass along that Newton's Commander during his KY Civil War service was Capt. William P. King. I am guessing that Eldridge King B. Norsworthy's middle name was to honor Newton's Capt King. I have no proof of this, of course, but it is my guess. Perhaps further research will provide more clues. Wilzia's father's name was Alfred H. Pistole - so that is where your ancestor's name came from - to honor Wilzia's father.
My mother always spoke of a lot of family history about the men serving in the military. So far, there are two Pistoles serving in the American Revolutionary War, Charles Lee is a Patriot of the same war, Capt. Burwell Lee served in the War of 1812, and Lt. and then Capt. John Lee served in the Virginia Militia from Cumberland and Campbell Counties. I feel we are finally on to the lines where we may be able to uncover more of this family history related to military service.
Anyway, we will both be forwarding additional information to you, but I wanted to get this first e-mail off to you so you would not have to wait any longer. One mystery has been definitely solved:)
My very best regards to you both,
Linda Carlson
Jul 1868
of Gum, Simpson, Kentucky
                   1870 CENSUS:  Gum, Simpson, Kentucky. See complete information in the notes of Newton J. Norsworthy, father.
Eldrige K, age 2,

1880 Census, Hill Co, Texas. Complete notes are found under Newton 'Nosworthy'.  Name listed ast 'Eldrig', age 12.

1900 Census:  See complete information in the notes of Newton J. Norsworthy.

1910 Census:  Ft. Worth, Tarrant, Texas (
Nosworthy [Norsworthy], Eldridge K., head of household, male, white, age 41, married 8 yr, born Ky, F. KY, M. KY,
speaks English, Buyer,  Cotton farmer,  Reads, writes.  [Birth error;  F. Arkansas, M. Tennessee]
Mattie L., wife, female, white, age 32, 3 children, born Texas, F. Germany, M. Mississippi, Speaks English, R.W.
Marjory N. Daughter, Female, white, age 5, born Texas.
Annete E., Daughter, F. W., age 4, born Texas.
Pearle E., daughter, F. W., age 1, born Texas.

NOTE:  Fire destroyed records in Gum, Simpson, Kentucky 16 May 1882.

Email from Linda Carlson 18 Jun 2007:
I wrote to Kevin Norsworthy, Ken's son, and he informed me that it's Eldridge K.B. Norsworthy. Ken verified. They know the K is for King but have no idea about the B - another tidbit to file away.
Prentiss Walker NORSWORTHY
17 Oct 1872
of Savoy, Fannin, Texas
19 Jan 1929
Ft. Worth, Tarrant, Texas
                   There are three spellings found of his name:  Prentiss and Printiss and Prentice.  See the Draft Registration below with spelling of Prentiss.  This is the only form that he did himself. I have used "Prentiss' on PAF as the correct spelling until I can disprove it. The death listing in Rosewell, NM spells it Prentice.

World War I Draft Registration Cards, 1917 - 1918 Record.
Prentiss Walker Norsworthy of Fort Worth, Tarrant, Texas.  Birth Date:  Oct 17, 1872. Race:  White. Roll: 1953361.
Draftboard:  3

Found on, One World Tree:  Printiss W Norsworthy, b. 17 Oct 1872 in Texas, USA, d. 19 Jan 1929, Ft.
Worth, Tarrant, TX, USA

Death Certificate # 6912, Registered No.186.  Mr. P. W. Norsworthy of Ft. Worth, Tarrant, Texas. [No age listed.]
Male, White, Single.  Birth: 17 Oct 1872.  Death: 19 Jan 1929 at 10:00 A.M.  Buriel: 20 Jan 1929, Commerce, Texas.
Cause of death: Coronary Occlusion.  Occupation: Brakeman, Texas & Pacific RR.  Birthplace and parents unknown.

1900 Census:  See complete information in the notes of Newton J. Norsworthy, father. (Spelling:  Printiss)
1880 US Census, Hill Co, Texas.  Complete notes are found under Newton Norsworthy. Prentiss, age 7.
1920 Census.  See complete information in the notes of Rose Norsworthy Samples.

Note:  On 26 Nov 2006 an article from "The Handbook of Commerce, Texas, 1872-1985" was received from Ken Norsworthy along with some certificates and other misc. data.  See possible birth info under Newton J. Norsworthy.
Aug 1877
of Savoy, Fannin, Texas
Mar 1911
Commerce, Hunt, Texas
                   Census: 1880 Precinct 2, Hill County, Texas (age 3, "Nosworthy") Complete notes are found under Newton Norsworthy.
Census: 1900 Commerce, Hunt County, Texas (age 22, living with parents)See complete information in the notes of Newton J. Norsworthy.
Census: 1910 Commerce Ward 1, Hunt County, Texas (age 32)

See notes of Newton J. Norsworhty of those buried in the Rosemond Cemetary, Commerce, Hunt, Texas.

Note:  On 26 Nov 2006 an article from "The Handbook of Commerce, Texas, 1872-1985" was received from Ken Norsworthy along with some certificates and other misc. data.  See possible birth info under Newton J. Norsworthy.
2 Jan 1880
of Savoy, Fannin, Texas
1 Jan 1950
Ft. Worth, Tarrant, Texas
5 Dec 1899
Hunt, Texas 
                       [Email from Linda Carlson, granddaughter of Rose, 20 Jun 2006.]
Yes, my grandmother Rose and her husband lived in Roswell, New Mexico for a time. My mom always said she was born in Commerce, Texas, but that they also lived in Roswell, New Mexico for awhile. She was little and had no idea why they were there or where they lived. She was born in 1911 and was in the Masonic Home (orphanage) in Ft. Worth by the time she was about age 6 (1917-1918??). My grandfather was a barber and also sold insurance. Again, no additional information on the Roswell connection. A joint business opportunity perhaps? Who knows?No, to my knowledge, since the Norsworthy line from Rose ends here with me, there is no one left who would have any family photos or documents. I have photos of Rose, her husband, and her three children (there were only two grandchildren born - but I am the only living one left - the other had no children and was not married), but there is nothing back further than Rose herself, unfortunately. I have no idea what happened to her oil paintings, nor is there anyone left living to ask. My mom said they were landscapes. It is truly sad that they are gone, but I have to choose to be happy to have the photographs that I do have, and for having my mom around for a very long time.I have a hunch that there will be additional interesting information from somewhere about the Norsworthy line - it's waiting to be discovered in some remote corner:)

    [Email from Linda Carlson, 25 Jun 2006]
I was so excited on Friday to read the census page that I was not careful in what I wrote to you. I have no idea if Rose had a twin, but I doubt it. That kind of information usually does come down in the family oral history, and it has not. I knew all Rose's children and visited with them both as a child and as an adult and never heard anything about Rose being a twin. I think it is more likely that her given name was Rozetta (however it's spelled) and she went by a shorter version, Rose. I was just so excited to learn this information - it's a piece of info that I'll treasure. It's all I could talk about on my commute home, driving with a friend.Rose was born in January and my mom told me that she died in January, just a day before her 70th birthday, so as soon as I saw the "Jan" entry in the census page, I knew it was her. (She was born in Jan 1880/died in Jan 1950 = age 70). Besides, the dates do fit well together. Although, I guess in the genealogy business, there's no such thing as 100% absolutely sure about anything - but it's close enough for me to believe it.
     1880 US Census, Hill Co, Texas.  Complete notes are found under Newton Norsworthy.  Rozetta [Rose] age 6 mo.

     Texas Marriage Collection, 1814-1909 Record (
     Rose Norsworthy, female. Marriage date:  5 Dec 1899.  Spouse:  W.P. Samples, Marriage, City: Hunt, Texas

     1900 US Census, Commerce, Hunt, Texas, 8 Jun 1900.  Series T623.  Roll 1648.  Page 116.
      found on Heritage Quest, Washington County Library, St. George, UT.
          Samples, W P, boarder, white, male, b. Aug 1876, age 25, married 0 yr, born in Tenn,
          F. Georgia, M. Tenn, barber, R.W.E.
     Samples, Rose, boarder, white, female, b. Jan 1880, age 20, b. Texas, F. Arkansas, M. Tenn., R.W.E

    1920 US Census, Fort Worth, Tarrant, Texas, 15 Jan 1920.  Series T625. Roll 1850. Page 96
     found on Heritage Quest, Washington County Library, St. George, UT.
     Norsworthy, Prentice. Head of household (1), owns home, no mortgare, male, white, age 47, single, R.W.
          born in Texas, F. Texas, M. Texas, speaks English, Works as brakeman on RR.
          [note:  incorrect places of birth for parents]
     Samples, Rose.  Sister, female, white, age 40, single, R.W., born in Texas, F. Texas, M. Texas, speaks English,
          works as matron in packing house.
     A family was living with them:
          Peterson, Sam, age 57 and wive, Cora age 49.  Children:  Frank age 20, Albert age 17, Eugene age 13,
          (?) Emmit age 11.

    1930 US Census, Fort Worth, Tarrant, Texas, 17 Apr 1930.
     Series T626.  Roll 2393. Page 234
     Samples, Rose.  Head of household, owns home, value $3,000, has radio, not on farm, female, white, age 50,
           widow, age 18 when married, Reads, Writes, born in Texas, F. Kentucky, M. Kentucky. [This is an error,
           Rose's oldest brother was born in Ky.]  Works as matron in packing house, and worked yesterday.
     Samples, Jack. Son, male, white, age 26, married, married at age 22, R.W., born in Texas, F. Tenn., M. Texas,
           speaks English, works as a clerk - oil, did not work yesterday, 24/14 [?], not a veteran.
     Samples, Glynn.  Daughter, female, white, age 22, single, R. W., born in Texas, F. Texas, M. Texas, speaks English,
            stenographer in packing house, worked yesterday.
     Samples, Ava.  Daugher, female, white, age 18, single, in school, R. W., born in Texas, F. Tenn., M. Texas

Note:  On 26 Nov 2006 an article from "The Handbook of Commerce, Texas, 1872-1985" was received from Ken Norsworthy along with some certificates and other misc. data.  See possible birth info under Newton J. Norsworthy.


31 Jan 1882
Commerce, Hunt, Texas
6 Jun 1901
Commerce, Hunt, Texas
     1900 Census:  See complete information in the notes of Newton J. Norsworthy, father.

    See notes of Newton J. Norsworhty of those buried in the Rosemount Cemetary, Commerce, Hunt, Texas.

In Memoriam "Theres nothing in this world that can stay;The rose must go within the year"
While not unexpected, a gloom was cast over the whole town Thursday afternoon, June 6, at 6 o'clock by the report of the death of Miss Sophia Norsworthy, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. N. J. Norsworthy.
Miss Sophia had been a long time ill, had been confined to her bed for several months, but she bore up well under her sufferings and was always cheerful.
Miss Norsworthy was a young lady of worth, a true character and very popular among her associates, and wide circle of friends. She had for about three years been a Christian and member of the Baptist Church. She was cognizant that the end was approaching, but death had no terrors for her. She met it gladly, as a relief from her long suffering, and without fear, from a simple earnest faith. She was her father's joy, her mother's pride, her brother's comfort and solace, and her sister's fond companion. That their grief in parting from her is great no one can doubt. But they find consolation in the thought that with her "all is well", is equally certain. She had "washed her robes and made them white in the blood of the Lamb". Her remains were interred in the city cemetery Friday afternoon, Rev. E. B. Fincher conducting a solemn and impressive funeral service at the house.
The bereaved family have the deep sympathy of many friends in their bereavement.
The Commerce Journal-June 14, 1901
Dec 1885
Commerce, Hunt, Texas
8 May 1919
Roswell, Chaves, New Mexico
17 Oct 1906
Commerce, Hunt, Texas 
                       Different spelling of name found:
     Mammie (son's birth certificate), Mamie (husband WWI draft registration), Maimie, age 14, on handwritten 1900
     Census with her parents, but transcribed as Manny.  N.M. Death index as Mamie.

     1900 US Census, Commerce, Hunt, Texas, 1 Jun 1900, District 261, Roll T623, Page 1B. (
     Census shows Newton J. Norsworthy (age 51) as head of household, born Jun 1848 in Arkansas,
          married 33 yr., Occ. restaurant, rents farmhouse.
     Wilza E, wife, (age 52), born Mar 1848 in Tennessee, mother of 10 children with 7 living.
     Eldridge K, son, (age 31), born Jul 1868 in Kentucky, single, painter.
     Prentiss W, son, (age 27), born Oct 1872 in Texas, single, RR brakeman.
     Alfred G, son, (age 22), born Aug 1877 in Texas, single, RR freight clerk.
     Sophia, daughter, (age 18), born Jan 1882 in Texas, single.
     *Manny [ Maimie], daughter, (age 14), born Dec 1885 in Texas, in school 8 yrs.
     Cloe, daughter, (age 6), born Jul 1893 in Texas.
     *(The transcriber recorded Maimie as Manny. The correct spelling is Mamie.)
(Note:  Correction for transcriber error, Manny to Maimie or Mamie, sent in to 10 Sep 2007.)

     Email received 13 Aug 2006 from Barbara Clements (volunteer) in answer to a query to Roswell, New Mexico:
     "I have a Mamie Hall buried in South Park Cemetery on 8 May 1919.   
                 Mamie Hall      Dec 1886       8 May 1919

     Received a copy of a clipping of Mamie's death obit listed in 'The Roswell Daily' newspaper on Fri., 9 May 1919.
     It read:
     Mrs.B.M. Hall Dies.  Mrs.B.M Hall, aged 33 years, wife of Barney Hall, died this morning.  Funeral services will be
     held at Dilley's Parlors tomorrow, Saturday, morning at 10 o'clock.  Rev. S. E. Allison, pastor of the M. E, church,
     South, will be in charge.  Burial at South Park.

    Note:  In the 1900 Census it listed Manny [Mamie] age 14, born Dec 1885, but on her cemetery record it lists born1886.  She was listed as 33 in May 1919 at her death.  This makes her birth year 1885.

    In 1917 New Mexico was the only state without a State Health Department, and thus without a vital records/health
    statistics component. The Spanish influenza epidemic which hit New Mexico in 1918, and World War I combined to
    make the need for such apparent. For example, without a centralized, public health related compilation of death
    information, it was impossible to evaluate the influenza emergency. Thus in 1919* a State board of Health was
    created, and the first unit created was that of Vital Records and Health Statistics, which would govern the reporting of
    births and deaths and the disposal, disinterment and transportation of the dead. The unit has been in continuous
    operation since that time.   (1918 - 1920:  US flu epidemis 25 million plus die)
5 Jul 1893
Commerce, Hunt, Texas
Odd Fellows Cemetery, Denton, Denton, Texas
17 Aug 1910
Hunt, Texas 
                   Census 1900:  See complete information in the notes of Newton J. Norsworthy, father.  Listed at age 6 making her birth 1893.

CENSUS 1920.  Found with husband, Fred A. Walker.  Children:  Elizabeth, Harry, Anna.  Cloe listed both her parents to have been born in Kentucky.  This is in question.

From Linda Carlson June 2006:
Aunt Cloe (Neta Cloe) married Johnny Walker and my mom [Ava Sampler] knew them well. Johnny Walker is buried with a whole bunch of other Walkers in the Oaklawn (Oakwood?) Cemetary in Ft. Worth, Texas, where my mom's brother[Jack Sampler]  is buried. I think there's more to the Walkers and the Norsworthys, e.g. that there may be other marriages between family members. Some time, I'm going to go back to that cemetery and record some information from the gravemarkers. It is a nice place.

From Linda Carlson 24 Jul 2006:
Neta Cloe Norsworthy (definitely went by Cloe, and pronounced "Clo", not "Clo-e"). Don't know much - she and my mom knew each other well. She married Johnny Walker. Apparently Johnny Walker was a very successful business person and my mom always said they were "a lot of fun". They went to dances out at Lake Worth. (Must be somewhere near Ft. Worth, Texas). Johnny Walker is buried in the same cemetary (along with a lot of other Walkers) as my mom's brother, Wilborn [Wellborn] Harold Samples (he changed his name to Jack Samples at a very young age). I'll get you the name of the cemetery - I have been there.

Note:  There is a Neta Walker listed in the SS Death Index, but it is the wrong Neta Walker.

More data found 6-25-07 on - McCrary, Gallagher, Walker & Waddell Family Tree.  Wrote to Judy Harris for more data.

Email from L.C. 6-25-07
So the Walker site you found info on - it was just that Neta Cloe married Fred (Johnny) Walker? I've always had a thought that if all else fails, we might want to start searching Johnny Walker's earlier family tree. If Wilza is a Walker, bet it's possible that Johnny's grandmother or grandfather is a sister or brother to Wilza - or perhaps the connection is one generation back - Wilza's father's or mother's sibling is related to Johnny Walker. Note that Cloe and Johnny were married in 1910, my mom was born in 1911 - their children were similar in age to my mom. AnnaFred was one daughter that comes to mind - my mom knew her well. They had three children total and lived in Denton, Texas at some period, my mom said. Too bad there are so many Walkers - we're had it pretty good working with Norsworthy, except for Wilza, of course. Did I already tell you that I've searched some censuses of people living on Indian Lands? No result, unfortunately. I guess it's possible that they lived in some truly remote place and missed all the censuses, but let's hope that's not the case
                      In the 1900 US Census Newton and Wilza declared 10 children with 7 living.  Three children are being listed until their
    births can be found.
                      In the 1900 US Census Newton and Wilza declared 10 children with 7 living.  Three children are being listed until their
    births can be found.
                      In the 1900 US Census Newton and Wilza declared 10 children with 7 living.  Three children are being listed until their
    births can be found.
FamilyCentral Network
Newton Jasper Norsworthy - Wilzia Elizabeth Pistole

Newton Jasper Norsworthy was born at Dardanelle, Yell, Arkansas Jun 1848. His parents were Nimrod Norsworthy and Mary A. .

He married Wilzia Elizabeth Pistole 12 Sep 1867 at Franklin, Simpson, Kentucky . Wilzia Elizabeth Pistole was born at Tennessee Mar 1848 daughter of Alfred H. Pistole and Elizabeth Ann Holland .

They were the parents of 10 children:
Eldridge King B. Norsworthy born Jul 1868.
Prentiss Walker Norsworthy born 17 Oct 1872.
Alfred Guy Norsworthy, or Alford G Norsworthy born Aug 1877.
Rosetta or Rose Norsworthy born 2 Jan 1880.
Sophia Norsworthy born 31 Jan 1882.
Mamie Norsworthy born Dec 1885.
Neta Cloe Norsworthy born 5 Jul 1893.

Newton Jasper Norsworthy died 27 Sep 1912 at Commerce, Hunt, Texas .

Wilzia Elizabeth Pistole died 26 Sep 1919 at Ft. Worth, Tarrant, Texas .