Solomon COX

4 May 1738
Warrington, Adams, Pennsylvania
Dec 1812
at the home of his son, Joseph, Ross, Ohio
Aft 1775
Cane Creek Mm, Orange, North Carolina
                   Solomon's descendants hold an annual reunion on the first Sunday of eachAugust.  It's held at Cole Creek, Grayson CO VA. There is a book titled:Descendants of Solomon COX of Cole Creek VA and Other Early COX Ancestryof the Cole Creek Coxs, 1955; an effort of several descendants.

Chatham Co NC Deed Bk L, p 283, 18 Apr 1799: Solomon COX of Chatham Co NCconveys to William COX of Randolph Co NC tract of land in Chatham Co, onLittle Brush Creek on Deep River, containing 300 acres, part of the landwilled to the said Solomon COX by his father William, who obtained thesame from the Earl of Granville by grant dated 13 Nov 1756. U, p283, 28Aug 1815: Enoch COX of Grayson Co, VA, William COX and Ruth his wife ofRandolph Co. NC, and Joseph COX of Ross Co OH, they being part of theheirs of Solomon COX, deceased and empowered by the rest of the heirs andby law to dispose of the property, convey to William COX Sr, a parcel ofland on Little Brush Creek, waters of Deep River, containing 187 acres,being a  remaining part of a tract of land willed to Solomon COX by hisfather William COX and descended by inheritance to the aforesaid Enoch,William and Ruth, and son Joseph and the rest of the heirs.
Solomon was Naomi's cousin, once removed.  They were minors who had tohave their parent's permission to marry.  They settled about four milesSSE of Asheboro, NC at a place then known as Solomon's Mountain and nowknow as Cox's Mountain.  Naomi's brother, Stephen settled about one milesouth.  The family migrated to Cole Creek in southwestern Virginia andNaomi died in childbirth soon after the move.

Solomon was counseled by the local meeting for buying a slave and"disposing of him."  Because of their opposition to slavery, the localmeeting would have been upset even if Solomon bought the slave, even withthe express purpose of setting him free, which was a common practice issome meetings.  There is a diary written by R. E. COX born 1870, whorelated that often as a boy = he heard his grandfather, Jeremiah COX,tell stories he had been told of the Revolutionary War...among them thestory of Solomon COX fighting in the battle of Kings Mountain, told bySolomon to his grandson Jeremiah.  The Cane Creek Meeting receivedSolomon on October 6, 1753.
Ruth COX
Abt 1733
Mill Creek, New Castle, Delaware
Abt 1815
Ross, Ohio
No Children Recorded
FamilyCentral Network
Solomon Cox - Ruth Cox

Solomon Cox was born at Warrington, Adams, Pennsylvania 4 May 1738. His parents were William Cox, II and Catherine Kankey or Kinkey.

He married Ruth Cox Aft 1775 at Cane Creek Mm, Orange, North Carolina . Ruth Cox was born at Mill Creek, New Castle, Delaware Abt 1733 .

Solomon Cox died Dec 1812 at at the home of his son, Joseph, Ross, Ohio .

Ruth Cox died Abt 1815 at Ross, Ohio .