1 Mar 1635
Lynn, Essex, Massachusetts
Feb 1707/08
New Castle, Delaware
21 Sep 1659
Hampton, Rockingham, New Hampshire
User Submitted
Abt 1711
New Castle, Delaware
18 Jan 1675/76
Hampton Twp., Rockingham, New Hampshire
Apr 1733
Christiana Hundred, New Castle, Delaware
Abt 1696
New Castle, Delaware 
                   According to Plumstead to Clear Creek, in 1684 John with John Richardson,Edward Blake, and Benjamin Swett and other Friends settled near NewCastle, Delaware. In 1705 he purchased a lot of land for the meetinghouse.

According to The Epistle, the 1729 will (probated in 1733) of John Husseyof Christian's Creek, New Castle Co., Delaware naming his wife, Ann(Inskeep) Hussey; sons John, Stephen, Nathan, and Christopher; anddaughters Mary Houstown, Anna Hussey, Theodate Hussey, and ContentHussey. Will mentions land adjoining that of Christopher Hussey,deceased. Wife Ann & son John executrix & executor of will; witnesseswere Eliakim Garretson, Margaret Willey & Benj. Swett.

... a crop my woodland and clear fields from Christopher Hussey dec'dland or line to Sam Silvers land containing within those bounds eightyacres as aforesaid and that my son Nathan nor his heirs shall not lay anyclaim to any part or parcel of my estate real or personal but what ishere expressed. I do give and bequeath unto my son Nathan five shillingsand do hereby exclude and debar him and his heirs from all and every orpart of the residue of my estate forever,

Item I give and bequeath unto my daughter Anna Hussey the sume of twopounds like money above to be paid when she shall arrive at the age oftwenty one years.

Item I give and bequeath to my daughter Content Hussey the sum of fivepounds like money above to be paid when she arrives at the age of twentyone years. Item All the residue of my estate both real and personal ofwhat kind quantity or quality whatsoever after paying my debts, legaciesand funeral charges I give and bequeath unto my son John Hussey and tohis heirs forever.

Item I confirm and appoint and make and ordain my beloved wife AnneHussey and my son John Hussey Executrix and Executor of this my last Willand Testament, to defray my funeral charges and just debts and dispose ofthe rest of my worldly estate as is herein decreed and I make and appointmy beloved Friend John Richardson of Christiana in the County of NewCastle aforesaid merchant and my beloved brother Garret Garretson mytrustees to see this my last Will and Testament performed according tothe true intent and meaning hereof and I do hereby utterly annul revokeand make void all and every other former Will and Testament, Legacies andBequeaths and Executes by me made, ratifying and confirming this and noother to be my last Will and Testament. In Witness thereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this twenty eighth day of the sixth monthcalled August in the year of our Lord Anno Domini 1729.

Signed Sealed published and declared in the presence of Eliakim Garretson,
Margaret Wiley, Benjamin Swett

New Castle April 12, 1733, attested
Eliakim Garretson
Margaret Wiley
Benjamin Swett
FamilyCentral Network
John Hussey, Sr. - Rebecca Perkins

John Hussey, Sr. was born at Lynn, Essex, Massachusetts 1 Mar 1635. His parents were Christopher Hussey and Theodate Batcheldor.

He married Rebecca Perkins 21 Sep 1659 at Hampton, Rockingham, New Hampshire . Rebecca Perkins was born at England 1642 .

They were the parents of 1 child:
John Hussey, Jr. born 18 Jan 1675/76.

John Hussey, Sr. died Feb 1707/08 at New Castle, Delaware .

Rebecca Perkins died Abt 1711 at New Castle, Delaware .