18 Jan 1675/76
Hampton Twp., Rockingham, New Hampshire
Apr 1733
Christiana Hundred, New Castle, Delaware
Aft 3 Apr 1703
Newark Mm, New Castle, Delaware
                   According to Plumstead to Clear Creek, in 1684 John with John Richardson,Edward Blake, and Benjamin Swett and other Friends settled near NewCastle, Delaware. In 1705 he purchased a lot of land for the meetinghouse.

According to The Epistle, the 1729 will (probated in 1733) of John Husseyof Christian's Creek, New Castle Co., Delaware naming his wife, Ann(Inskeep) Hussey; sons John, Stephen, Nathan, and Christopher; anddaughters Mary Houstown, Anna Hussey, Theodate Hussey, and ContentHussey. Will mentions land adjoining that of Christopher Hussey,deceased. Wife Ann & son John executrix & executor of will; witnesseswere Eliakim Garretson, Margaret Willey & Benj. Swett.

... a crop my woodland and clear fields from Christopher Hussey dec'dland or line to Sam Silvers land containing within those bounds eightyacres as aforesaid and that my son Nathan nor his heirs shall not lay anyclaim to any part or parcel of my estate real or personal but what ishere expressed. I do give and bequeath unto my son Nathan five shillingsand do hereby exclude and debar him and his heirs from all and every orpart of the residue of my estate forever,

Item I give and bequeath unto my daughter Anna Hussey the sume of twopounds like money above to be paid when she shall arrive at the age oftwenty one years.

Item I give and bequeath to my daughter Content Hussey the sum of fivepounds like money above to be paid when she arrives at the age of twentyone years. Item All the residue of my estate both real and personal ofwhat kind quantity or quality whatsoever after paying my debts, legaciesand funeral charges I give and bequeath unto my son John Hussey and tohis heirs forever.

Item I confirm and appoint and make and ordain my beloved wife AnneHussey and my son John Hussey Executrix and Executor of this my last Willand Testament, to defray my funeral charges and just debts and dispose ofthe rest of my worldly estate as is herein decreed and I make and appointmy beloved Friend John Richardson of Christiana in the County of NewCastle aforesaid merchant and my beloved brother Garret Garretson mytrustees to see this my last Will and Testament performed according tothe true intent and meaning hereof and I do hereby utterly annul revokeand make void all and every other former Will and Testament, Legacies andBequeaths and Executes by me made, ratifying and confirming this and noother to be my last Will and Testament. In Witness thereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this twenty eighth day of the sixth monthcalled August in the year of our Lord Anno Domini 1729.

Signed Sealed published and declared in the presence of Eliakim Garretson,
Margaret Wiley, Benjamin Swett

New Castle April 12, 1733, attested
Eliakim Garretson
Margaret Wiley
Benjamin Swett
Abt 1680
Fulford, Staffordshire, England
Christiana Hundred, New Castle, Delaware
Christiana Hundred, New Castle, Delaware
16 May 1728
Kennet Mh, Newark Mm, New Cast 
                   gct -removed in 1738 from Newark MM in Delaware to Sadsbury MM in YorkCounty, Pennsylvania

3 Mo. 7, 1739. "There being Divers families of friends of late Settledon the West Side of Susquohanno, Some of them have produced Certificatesto this Meeting from Kenet Meeting, where they formerly Dwelt, theirbeing four Mentioned In one Certificate bearing Date ye 10th of ye 2mo:17381 Vizt Nathan Husy [Hussey], Ann his wife, John Garrison [Garretson]& Content his wife, John Day and Ann his wife Christopher Husy [Hussey] &Ann his wife & another Certificate from the [p.164] same place bearingdate ye 4th of ye 5mo: 1738,1 Recommends Joseph Benett & Rebecka his wifeAll wch. this Meeting receives in Membership with us."
Abt 1715
York, Pennsylvania
Bef 22 Jun 1749
Newberry Twp., York, Pennsylvania
5 Sep 1736
Hockessin Mh, Newark Mm, New C 
30 Oct 1703
Christian's Creek, New Castle, Delaware
29 Jan 1770
Newberry Twp., York, Pennsylvania
Kennet Mh, Chester, Pennsylvan 
                   John Hussey (son of John & Ann (Inskeep) Hussey) sold the land he hadinherited from his father in 1733.

   NewCastle County, Del. Deed Book K:353-354, dated 8 May 1735.

John Hussey, yeoman of New Castle County and Margaret his wife sell toStephen Lewis, tanner of the town of New Castle 110 acres of land andmarsh, part of a larger tract commonly called John Hussey's Plantation inNew Castle Hundred for 80 pounds. The deed gives the bounds which includethe line of neighbor John Morton, John McComb, an old Dyke, alongNonesuch Creek, "Miln" Island in a marsh, and along Christiana Creek.John and Margaret Hussey appoint Benjamin Swett, tanner of the town ofNew Castle to acknowledge the deed in open court, which was done in theMay term 1735.
Witnesses were Sylvanus Hussey and Hannah Cox, John and Margaret bothsigned the deed with signatures.

the Stephen Lewis who is buying the land is married to Rebeccah Hussey,daughter of Jedediah & Esther (Cooper) Hussey, and thus a cousin to JohnHussey. Stephen Lewis had already acquired, 6 months earlier, the estateof his deceased father-in-law Jedediah Hussey [his brother-in-lawSylvanus Hussey who had inherited the land sold it to Stephen Lewis, andthat deed
gives a glimpse of another interesting story].

So by 1735, Stephen Lewis owns about 300 acres of the original 640 acreplantation that John & Rebecca (Perkins) Hussey had bought when they cameto New Castle County in 1695.

      Richard Milhous Nixon descends from the 1733 union to MargaretRiccord.

      1749, 6, 5. Kennett MM, PA John chm for marrying out of unity.
      1749, 7, 2. Kennett MM, PA John granted certificate to Warrington MM.
      1764, 2, 4. Cane Creek MM, NC John granted certificate.

      It appears that John Hussey and Margaret Riccord remained in theChester County, PA until Margaret died sometime prior to 1749. The sourceof  John's an Margaret's children is the IGI.

      In 1749 John married Elizabeth, not within the church, and moved toWarrington in York County. The information about thier children iscircumstantial. The text 100 Years at Warrington indicate five childrenborn to John and Betty Hussey between the years of 1751 and 1759.John's and Elizabeth's last child is Betty, born 3 Nov 1759, the same aslisted in 100 Years at Warrington.

      John and Elizabeth, along with John's sons John and Stephen, andbrother Christopher and his family, probably migrated to Orange County,NC, by 1760

   John Jr. produced a certificate from Newark 4-15-1749 dated 7-2-1749;also an acknowledgement for marriage by a priest to one not a member.Elizabeth Hussey, his wife, requested to be received into membershipwhich was granted after consideration on 10-21-1757. John Hussey wasappointed overseer by Newberry MM 8-20-1757.
   They requested a certificate to North Carolina 10-20-1759 also RobertHodgen and his wife which was John's Aunt Theodate Hussey Hodgen andUncle. John Jr. died by 1783 so it was stated on the marriage records ofthier daughter Betty 12-1783. Marie Mimbs confirms the names and birthdates of John's and Elizabeth's four children and Betty's marriage toDaniel Price.
   John returned to York County, PA, probably in 1764, and died there in1770.

      I, John Husey of Newberry Township in the County of York and theProvince of Pennsylvania being sick and weak in body but through mercy ofsound and well disposing mind and memory and calling to mind theundertainty of time and the moralitiy of this frail body, do thereforemake this my Last   Will and Testament in manner and form following, thatis to say I commend my soul to God who gave hoping for redemption throughJesus Christ Our Lord, and my body to be buried in a Christian likemanner by my Executors and as touching my worldly Goods, I give andbequeath them in the following manner, That is to say, That first of allmy will and desire is that all my just debts and funeral Expenses behonestly and paid as soon  as possible after my decease-- Item I give andbequeath unto my Daughter Mary Updegraff Wife of Samuel Updegraff of Yorktown, twenty shillings Pennsylvania Currency.

   Item I give and bequeath to my son Ricord Husey the following plantationand track of land to wit part in Manor Township and part in NewberryTownship aforesaid Beginning ...

   Item I give and bequeath unto my son John Husey of North Carolina thesum  of one hundred pounds lawful money of Pennsylvania to be payed by myExecutors as soon after my death as the money can be payed by the Saleof the place I now live on.

    Item I give and bequeath unto my Daughter Margaret Husey the sum oftwenty pounds lawful money of Pennsylvania to be paid her by my Executors.

Item I give and bequeath unto my Daughtor Elizabeth Husey the sum ofThirty pounds of lawful money to be paid by my Executors.

   Item my will and desire is and I hereby order that all the residue anRemainder of my Estate after my just debts funeral charges and Legaciesaforesaid by paid be equally divided between my two sons Nathan Husey andGeorge Husey share and share alike but if they or either of them shoulddie before they arrive at the ages of twenty one years that then the saleof the deceased be equally dividied between my two sons Riccord Huseyand Jedaiah Husey and their heirs.

   And lastly I hereby Appoint, Nominate Constitute and appoint my sonRiccord Hussey my just and loving friend William Matthew as my Executorsof this my Last Will and Testament hereby revoking all former Will andWills by me heretofore made.

    In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and Seal this day of themonth in the year One Thousand Seven Hunddred and Sixty-Seven 1767.

   John Hussey

   Signed Sealed Published and declared by the above mentioned John Huseyas and for his Last Will and Testament in the presence of us who hereuntosubscribed our names as Witnesses.

John Garretson
      John Garretson Jr
      Samuel Miller

      Probated and proved 29 day of January 1770.
30 Oct 1703
Christian's Creek, New Castle, Delaware
Abt 1706
Christian's Creek, New Castle, Delaware
Abt 1727
of Delaware 
Abt 1711
Christian's Creek, New Castle, Delaware
Bef 8 Aug 1736
York, Pennsylvania 
                   Kennett MM indicates that Theodate was condemned on 8-8-1736 for marryingout of unity.

In his book, "The Frontier Hendricks," Dr. John Scott Davenport statedthat Mary Seal was the possible daughter of Theodate Hussey, b. 1711(daughter of John Hussey and Ann Inskeep) and Joseph Seal, b. abt. 1707.Theodate Hussey and Joseph Seal were married in 1731 in York Co., PAwhich certainly makes it a possibility for Mary to be their daughter.Joseph Seal died and Theodate was married to Robert Hodgin, May 29, 1740.Some of the children born to them have been given birthdates before the1740 marriage. Could these children actually belong to Joseph?
10 Apr 1706
Christian's Creek, New Castle, Delaware
1 Apr 1773
Guilford, North Carolina
5 Nov 1736
Londongrove, Chester, Pennsylv 
                   DATE WILL: 1 APR 1733

Guilford Co. NC Will Abstracts A:0150, Christopher HUSSEY, 1 Apr 1773,probate May, 1774. Wife, Anne, sons, Stephen & Christopher, son in law,Robert HODGINS, daughters, Elizabeth COMER, Naomi COX, Anne HODGINS.

Executors: Stephen HUSSEY, Solomon COX, Joseph COMER. Wit: WilliamWIERMAN, Samuel HENDRIX, Mary HENDRIX.

2-1-1738 Christopher & wife gct Sadsbury MM

8-2-1736 Content & John Garretson Ann m int
9-4-1736 Content & John Garretson Ann m int 2nd time 9-5-1736 Content of
New Castle Co, Pa, m John Garretson of New Castle Co, Pa, at public Mtgat Hockessing, Pa
10-4-1736 Content & John Garretson rpt m

2-6-1728 Nathan & Ann Garrettson ann m int
3-4-1728 Nathan & Ann Garretson ann m int 2nd time 3-16-1728 Nathan of
New Castle Co on the Delaware, m Ann Garrettson a widdow of .. Co, at MHin New Castle
4-1-1728 Nathan & Ann Garrettson rpt m
2-1-1738 Nathan & wife gct Sadsbury
FamilyCentral Network
John Hussey, Jr. - Ann Inskeep

John Hussey, Jr. was born at Hampton Twp., Rockingham, New Hampshire 18 Jan 1675/76. His parents were John Hussey, Sr. and Rebecca Perkins.

He married Ann Inskeep Aft 3 Apr 1703 at Newark Mm, New Castle, Delaware . Ann Inskeep was born at Fulford, Staffordshire, England Abt 1680 .

They were the parents of 7 children:
Nathan Hussey born 1704.
Content Hussey born Abt 1715.
John Hussey born 30 Oct 1703.
Anna Hussey born 30 Oct 1703.
Mary Hussey born Abt 1706.
Theodate Hussey born Abt 1711.
Christopher Hussey born 10 Apr 1706.

John Hussey, Jr. died Apr 1733 at Christiana Hundred, New Castle, Delaware .

Ann Inskeep died 1733 at Christiana Hundred, New Castle, Delaware .