From what appears to be a local newspaper of Wayne, PA. Original document in possession of Mary C. Fisher In Memoriam. The esteem and affection in which the Reverent W.A. Patton, the honored pastor of the Presbyterian church of Wayne is held by all in our community was most emphatically manifested when the sad news of his recent bereavement by the loss of a child was received; and it invoked such expression of condolence and sympathy as could only emanate from hearts endeared to him by every tie that binds human brotherhood, and by every sentiment of earnest recognition and appreciation of pure, noble and winning qualities of head and heart. The Reverend Mr. Patton has abided among us at Wayne with modest simplicity of a cultured, refined, large-hearted gentleman; his ministrations have been marked in an eminent degree by effective eloquence and gentle suasion; and in daily life he practices the Christian graces he so earnestly preaches. When the clouds of sorrow hover over the stricken household of such a pure, earnest Christian, whose heart is ever prompt in going out in gentle sympathy to the bereaved of his flock, I feel assured that our Heavenly Father, whom he has so faithfully served, will so bedew his heart with tender faith and trust as to enable him to feel and say even while his heart is saddened by the great grief--'TheLord giveth, and the Lord taketh away; blessed by the name of the Lord." T.Y.F.
He married Mary Ella Tripple 1 May 1879 . Mary Ella Tripple was born at Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Pa, Usa 27 Sep 1856 daughter of Anthony P. Tripple and Mary Ann Aull .
They were the parents of 6
George Patton
born 15 May 1884.
Richard Henry Patton
born 9 Nov 1881.
Elizabeth P. Patton
born 30 May 1880.
Robert Patton
born 13 Dec 1888.
Ellen Patton
born 28 Jul 1890.
William Alexander Patton, Doctor of Divinity died 4 May 1925 at Wayne PA .
Mary Ella Tripple died 23 Dec 1945 at Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Pa, Usa .