This individual has the following other parents in the Ancestral File: William /DESPENSER/ (AFN:9HP7-SL) and Alix Ala D /BURGOGNE/ (AFN:9HPC-VH) This individual has the following other parents in the Ancestral File: William /DESPENSER/ (AFN:9HP7-SL) and Alix Ala D /BURGOGNE/(AFN:9HPC-VH)
This individual has the following other parents in the Ancestral File: Thurston /DESPENSER/ (AFN:8Q7N-1F) and Unknown // (AFN:8Q7N-2L)
He married Mrs 1145 at England . Mrs was born at of London, Middlesex, England Abt 1126 .
They were the parents of 7
Walter Despenser, Lord
born Abt 1148.
Geffery Despenser
born Abt 1155.
Thomas Despenser
born Abt 1169.
Almaric Despenser
born Abt 1150.
Hugh Despenser
born Abt 1152.
Hugh de Spencer
born 1142.
Mr Despencer
born 1150.