John Adam SHARP

27 Jun 1850
On plains, So Platte River, Nebraska Territory
27 Apr 1916
Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Utah
30 Apr 1916
Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Utah
23 Dec 1872
Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Utah
Family Records
1900 Census, Brighton, Salt Lake County, Utah
1880 Census, Clover, Tooele County, Utah
    1880 - Farmer
    1900 - Sheep Man

BIRTH: F.H.L. Film #027,402 Vernon Ward Records, p.1,#16.
MARRIAGE: F.H.L. Film #183,398 EHOUS, p.11, #4688. by President D. H. Wells.
DEATH: F.H.L. Film #026,862, Cannon Ward Records & Film # 027,001,Deseret News Obituaries, 28 Apr 1916, p.2,   Col.3.

BAPTIZED: F.H.L. Film #027,402, Vernon Ward Records, p.1, by H. W. Naisbitt.
RE-BAPTIZED: F.H.L. Film #027,402, Vernon, Tooele Stake, Utah, p.1, by A. Van Orden.
RE-CONFIRMED: F.H.L.Film #027,402, Vernon, Tooele Stake, Utah. p.1, by John C. Sharp.
RE-BAPTIZED (1876) F.H.L. Film #)27,402, p.1, Vernon Ward Reocrds, by H.S. Gowans?.
RE-CONFIRMED (1876) F.H.L. FILM #27,402, p.1, Vernon Ward Records, by H.S. Gowans?.
ORDAINED: F.H.L. Film #027,402, Vernon Ward Records, p.1, #16.       Removed to Brighton
ENDOWED: F.H.L. Film #183,407, p.11, #247.
SEALED TO PARENTS: Internet IGI Ordinance File.
SEALED TO SPOUSE: F.H.L. Film #183,398 EHOUS, p. 36, #4688.


A blessing given by John Smith, Patriarch, upon the head of John Adam Sharp, son of Adam and Jenet Sharp, born at Julesburg, South Platt, Nebraska Territory, June 27, 1850.

Brother John, in the name of Jesus Christ, I lay my hands upon thy head and ask God the Eternal Father, for his Spirit to indite the same and fill thee with the influence thereof, for thou art numbered with the sons of Zion of whom much is expected. Thou art an heir to the blessings of the new and everlasting covenant with the gifts of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Therefore I say unto thee, be upon thy guard for the eye of the Lord is upon thee. He gave thine angel charge concerning thee at the time of thy birth, who hath watched over thee and preserved thy life, delivered thee out of the hands of thine enemies and warned of the shafts of the adversary which have been hurled at thee. Be prudent and thy days and years sha Vernon Settlement
Tooele County, Utah
June 10, 1873 ll be many.  Thou shalt be forewarned of danger if thou wilt listen to the prompings of the spirit. Thou shalt live to see many changes and assist in fathering scattered Israel and see Zion redeemed. Therefore, let thy faith fail not for it is thy privilege to become a mighty man in Israel. Thou shalt also be mighty in healing the sick, for this shall be thy gift through prayer and faith. Therefore be diligent and the Lord will bless thy labor. Thou shalt gather of this worlds goods around, all which shall be necessary. Thou shalt feed many and shall counsel wisely among thy brethren and shall exhort the Saints to faithfulness. Thou shalt be prospered in thy journeyings at home and abroad, shall have favor in the eyes of the Lord and shall find friends among strangers, shall have power through the prayer of faith to command the elements and the waves of the sea shall obey thy voice, for the spirit of the Lord shall rest upon thee in mighty power while laboring in the ministry. No opposing power shall stay thy progress if thou wilt seek to do the will of the Lord. Thy fame shall be known far and near. Many shall seek thee for counsel and wonder at thy wisdom. Thy name shall be handed down with thy posterity in honorable remembrance from generation to generation and written in the Lambs Book of Life. This blessing I seal upon thy head and seal thee up unto Eternal Life, to come forth in the morning of the first resurrection with all thy fathers house, even so, Amen.
John Adam Sharp, Recorder

OBITUARY:-John A. Sharp -- After an extended illness from paralysis of the throat. John A. Sharp, a well known business and stockman of Salt Lake, died at his home, Twelfth South [now 21st South] and Redwood Road, Thursday night.   Mr. Sharp was born in a wagon box, near the South Platte River in Nebraska, June 27, 1850, while his family was enroute to Utah. He lived in Salt Lake until young man-hood and then moved to Vernon, Tooele County, where he engaged in the sheep industry.  Later he went to Brigham City and in 1885 came to Salt Lake, where he had since resided. He was president of the Modern Furniture Company, and of the Brighton Canal Company, and vice-president of the North Jordan Canal Company.  In 1872 he married Rebecca  Bennion, who survives him. Besides his wido he leaves the following children: Mrs. George A. Sanders of Murray, Jesse B. Sharp, June B. Sharp, Leo B. Sharp and Ira B. Sharp, all of Salt Lake and by the following  brothers and sisters: David Sharp of Vernon, Adam Sharp of Taylorsville, Mary Ann Bennion of Taylorsville and Jeanette Sharp of Vernon.
      Funeral Services will be held at 2 o'clock  Sunday afternoon in the Cnnon Ward Chapel, Eighth West and Tenth South Street. Interment will be in the City Cemetery.  F.H.L. Film #027,000 Deseret News, Friday 28 April 1916 p.2, col.3.

                                                IMPRESSIVE SERVICES FOR JOHN A. SHARP
      Impressive funeral services were held Sunday afternoon in the Cannon Ward Chapel, for John A. Sharp, veteran sheepman, who died Thursday. The attendance was extraordinarily large and there were 54 autos forming the cortege to the grave in the city cemetery. Bishop Lewis M. Cannon officiated and the speakers were Bishop Cannon, John C. Sharp, a cousin of the deceased, Bishop Daniel McRae, Samuel O. Bennion,n William R. Horne, L.P.  Creer, and Charles E. Davey.  The opening prayer was offered by Everett V. Beck and the benediction by Cyrus H. Gold.  Music was furnished by James Moncarr, Mrs. Eva Crawford Richards, violinist, and the l.D.S. U. alumni quartet.  Deseret News, Monday, April 30, 1016.  Deseret News Obituaries, Film #027,001, 28 April 1916, p.2, Col.3
Rebecca Ann BENNION
17 Mar 1853
Taylorsville, Salt Lake, Utah
11 Apr 1946
Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Utah
15 Apr 1946
Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Utah
1920 Census, Precinct 5, Salt Lake County, Utah
                   BIRTH: Samuel Bennion Family Bible
MARRIAGE: F.H.L. Film #183,398 EH, page 364, #4687.
DEATH: Death Certificate, Salt Lake County, Utah.

BAPTISM: F.H.L.  Film #026,861,p.27 #17, Brighton Ward Records, by Elder S. Bennion
CONFIRMED: F.H.L. Film #o26,861, p.27, #27, Brighton Ward Records by Elder S. Bennion.
RE-BAPTISED: F.H.L.Film #027,402, Vernon Ward, Tooele Stake, Utah, by A.Van Orman.
RE-CONFIRMED: F.H.L.Film #027,402, Vernon Ward, Tooele Stake, Utah, by John C. Sharp.
ENDOWMENT: F.H.L. Film #183,407  p. 29, Line 14 females
SEALED TO SPOUSE: F.H.L. Film #183,398 EH, page 364, #4687.

Taylorsville, West Jordan
Salt Lake County, Utah
May 13, 1872

A Blessing given by John Smith, Patriarch, upon the head of Rebecca Ann Bennion, daughter of Samuel and Mary Bennion, born at Taylorsvile, West Jordan Salt Lake County, Utah Territory, March 17, 1853.

	Sister Rebecca, in the name of Jesus Christ I lay my hands upon thy head and ask God, the eternal Father, for his spirit to rest upon thee and enlighten thy mind for thou art numbered among the daughters of Zion of whom much is expected. Be prudent and thy days and years shall be many for the Lord hath given thine angel charge concerning thee who will guide thy footsteps and direct thy course and give thee power over evil and unclean spirits and warn thee of danger and give thee counsel in time of need and also remove the stumbling block from thy pathway, if thou wilt listen to the promptings of the monitor within thee.
	Thou art of the blood of Joseph and of the lineage of Ephraim, and an heir to Israel and thy name shall be held in honorable remembrance among the saints. Thou shalt comfort the hearts of the orphans and administer to the wants of the afflicted.
	Thou shalt see many changes, and wisdom shall be given thee above many of thy sex. Thou shalt have strength and grace sufficient to thy day and be made equal unto every task. The Lord is pleased with thine integrity and will hear and answer thy petitions if thou wilt ask in faith and all shall be well with thee, both here and hereafter. This Blessing I seal upon thy head and I seal thee up unto eternal life to come forth in the morning of the first resurrection. Even so, Amen.						H. E. Lewis, Recorder

Mrs. Sharp Arrives at 86
     A hundred friends and relatives of Mrs. Rebecca Ann Bennion Sharp called at her home, 1180 Eighth East Street, last night, to honor her on the occasion of the eighty-sixth birthday.
     Mrs. H. C. Crockett, Mrs. Ira B. Sharp, Mrs. Leo B. Sharp, Mrs. June B. Sharp, Mrs. Jesse B. Sharp and Mrs. Foster J. Barrus took charge of reception arrrangements. The home was decorated profusely with flowers.
     Mrs. Sharp was born in Taylorsville, March 17, 1853. She has been an active Relief Society worker all of her life and for 26 years was president or counselor in the Cannon Ward Relief Society. She is still active in the Thirty-First Ward Relief Society.
     Mrs. Sharp is the widow of John A. Sharp, prominent stock raiser and rancher.
                              Deseret News

Mrs. Sharp Observes Ninety-First Birthday
     Mrs. Rebecca Ann Bennion Sharp, 1180 S. 8th E. St., celebrated her ninety-first birthday yesterday with a party at her home.
     Friends and relatiaves, including Jesse B. Sharp, Ira B. Sharp, June B. Sharp and Mrs. G. A. Sanders, called during the afternoon. Mrs. Sharp also has 23 grandchildren and 15 great-grandchildren.  Deseret News.

Mrs. Sharp Dies at Age of 93
      Mrs. Rebecca Ann Bennion Sharp, 93, daughter of Utah pioneers of 1847 and resident of Salt Lake for many years, died today at her home, 1180 S. Eighth East St. at 11:45 a.m. of causes incident to age.
      She was born March 17, 1853, at Taylorsville, a daughter of Samuel and Mary Bushell Bennion. She spent her early life at Taylorsville and in Rush Valley, Tooele County.
      An active member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Mrs. Sharp served as counselor inthe Relief Society of Cannon Ward for seven years, after which she served as president for 19 years.
     She was also a member of Camp 31, Daughters of Utah Pioneers, and at one time officiated as chaplain of the camp. She had lived at her home on Eighth East since 1922.
      Mrs. Sharp is survived by four of her 12 children: Mrs. G. A. Sanders, Jesse B. Sharp and Ira B. Sharp, all of Salt Lake, and June b. Sharp, head of the mission in South Africa: also 22 grandchildren and 22 great-grandchildren. Funeral services have been set tentatively for Monday.
       F.H.L. Film #027,162, Deseret News, 11 Apr. 1946, B Sec., p.1, col. 6.

.Mrs. Sharp's Rites
     Funeral serevices for Rebecca Ann Bennion Sharp, 93, daugher of 1847 pioneers, who died Thursday will be conducted Monday at 2 p.m. in the Thiry-first Ward Chapel, 1140 South Ninth East.
Friends may call at 125 North Main St. Saturday from 6 to 8 p.m.; Sunday from 4 until 8 p.m., and at the residence, 1180 S. Eighth East, Monday from 10 a.m. until 12 noon. Burial will be in the City Cemetery.
     An active member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Mrs. Sharp was one time chaplain of the Daughters of the Utah Pioneers, Camp 31.

BIRTH: Samuel Bennion Family Bible
MARRIAGE:  F.H.L. Film #183,398 EHOUS, p. 364, #4687. [Dddouble wedding, same day as Joseph Bushell and Mary Ann Sharp.
DEATH: Death Certificate, Salt Lake County, Utah.

BAPTISM: F.H.L. Film #027,416 p. 2 #14, West Jordan Ward Records. Baptized and confirmed by Samuel Bennion.
ENDOWMENT: F.H.L. Film #1239,501 EHOUS, p.81, 8.
SEALED TO SPOUSE: F.H.L. Film #183,398 EHOUS, p. 364, #4687.

                   A Blessing given by John Smith, Patriarch, upon the head of Rebecca Ann Bennion, daughter of Samuel and Mary Bennion, born at Taylorsvile, West Jordan, Salt Lake County, Utah Territory, March 17, 1853.
	Sister Rebecca, in the name of Jesus Christ I lay my hands upon thy head and ask God, the eternal Father, for his spirit to rest upon thee and enlighten thy mind for thou art numbered among the daughters of Zion of whom much is expected. Be prudent and thy days and years shall be many for the Lord hath given thine angel charge concerning thee who will guide thy footsteps and direct thy course and give thee power over evil and unclean spirits and warn thee of danger and give thee counsel in time of need and also remove the stumbling block from thy pathway, if thou wilt listen to the promptings of the monitor within thee.
	Thou art of the blood of Joseph and of the lineage of Ephraim, and an heir to Israel and thy name shall be held in honorable remembrance among the saints. Thou shalt comfort the hearts of the orphans and administer to the wants of the afflicted.
	Thou shalt see many changes, and wisdom shall be given thee above many of thy sex. Thou shalt have strength and grace sufficient to thy day and be made equal unto every task. The Lord is pleased with thine integrity and will hear and answer thy petitions if thou wilt ask in faith and all shall be well with thee, both here and hereafter. This Blessing I seal upon thy head and I seal thee up unto eternal life to come forth in the morning of the first resurrection. Even so, Amen.						H. E. Lewis, Recorder

Mrs. Sharp Arrives at 86
     A hundred friends and relatives of Mrs. Rebecca Ann Bennion Sharp called at her home, 1180 Eighth East Street, last night, to honor her on the occasion of the eighty-sixth birthday.
     Mrs. H. C. Crockett, Mrs. Ira B. Sharp, Mrs. Leo B. Sharp, Mrs. June B. Sharp, Mrs. Jesse B. Sharp and Mrs. Foster J. Barrus took charge of reception arrrangements. The home was decorated profusely with flowers.
     Mrs. Sharp was born in Taylorsville, March 17, 1853. She has been an active Relief Society worker all of her life and for 26 years was president or counselor in the Cannon Ward Relief Society. She is still active in the Thirty-First Ward Relief Society.
     Mrs. Sharp is the widow of John A. Sharp, prominent stock raiser and rancher.
                              F.H.L. Film 027.121, Deseret News, Sat, 18 Mar 1939, p.3.

Mrs. Sharp Observes Ninety-First Birthday
     Mrs. Rebecca Ann Bennion Sharp, 1180 S. 8th E. St., celebrated her ninety-first birthday yesterday with a party at her home.
     Friends and relatiaves, including Jesse B. Sharp, Ira B. Sharp, June B. Sharp and Mrs. G. A. Sanders, called during the afternoon. Mrs. Sharp also has 23 grandchildren and 15 great-grandchildren.  Deseret News, Sat, 18 Mar, 1944, p.5.

Mrs. Sharp Dies at Age of 93
      Mrs. Rebecca Ann Bennion Sharp, 93, daughter of Utah pioneers of 1847 and resident of Salt Lake for many years, died today at her home, 1180 S. Eighth East St. at 11:45 a.m. of causes incident to age.
      She was born March 17, 1853, at Taylorsville, a daughter of Samuel and Mary Bushell Bennion. She spent her early life at Taylorsville and in Rush Valley, Tooele County.
      An active member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Mrs. Sharp served as counselor in the Relief Society of Cannon Ward for seven years, after which she served as president for 19 years.
     She was also a member of Camp 31, Daughters of Utah Pioneers, and at one time officiated as chaplain of the camp. She had lived at her home on Eighth East since 1922.
      Mrs. Sharp is survived by four of her 12 children: Mrs. G. A. Sanders, Jesse B. Sharp and Ira B. Sharp, all of Salt Lake, and June B. Sharp, head of the mission in South Africa; also 22 grandchildren and 22 great-grandchildren. Funeral services have been set tentatively for Monday.
       F.H.L. Film #027,162, Deseret News, 11 Apr. 1946, B Sec., p.1, col. 6.

Mrs. Sharp's Rites
     Funeral services for Rebecca Ann Bennion Sharp, 93, daugher of 1847 pioneers, who died Thursday will be conducted Monday at 2 p.m. in the Thirty-first Ward Chapel, 1140 South Ninth East.
Friends may call at 125 North Main St. Saturday from 6 to 8 p.m.; Sunday from 4 until 8 p.m., and at the residence, 1180 S. Eighth East, Monday from 10 a.m. until 12 noon. Burial will be in the City Cemetery.
     An active member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Mrs. Sharp was one time chaplain of the Daughters of the Utah Pioneers, Camp 31.  Deseret News, 12 Apr, 1946, p.14, col. 5.

A Brief History of Rebecca Ann Bennion Sharp.
     Rebecca Ann Bennion was born March 17, 1853 in Taylorsville, Utah. Her father was Samuel Bennion, of Welsh descent. Her mother was Mary BusheIl, of English descent. Her parents were married on Sunday, April 28, 1839 in St. Nicholas Church in Liverpool, England. Samuel was converted to the L.D.S. Church and baptized September 30, 1842.
Samuel and his wife, Mary, [and two children, John Rowland & Elizabeth] met his father and younger brother, John, in Nauvoo, Illinois, on May 23, l845. In May of 1846 they left Nauvoo with the Saints and arrived in the Salt Lake Valley October 5, 1847.
     Samuel and Mary settled in Taylorsville and Rebecca Ann was born as recorded above. The following is recorded in the first volume of the Bennion Family History, Page 103: Her early days were spent on her father's farm at Taylorsville, where she assisted in the general housework of the home     and in addition learned to milk the cows, spin and weave the wool products neces­sary in those days.
     When she was thirteen years of age she went to Rush Valley, Tooele County, with her father in the care of his livestock interests. She remembers that there was more or less trouble with the Indians in those days but that any such trouble was averted at the Bennion Ranch by the wise discretion of her father and his brother in that they always gave the Indians kindly consideration and treatment. While at the ranch it was her duty to act as housekeeper for her brothers, they busily engaged in the care of the livestock belonging to the family, and while so acting she remembers with gratitude the assistance, care and instruction given her by her aunt, Mrs. Esther A. Bennion, who lived but a few rods away and was always sympathetic and helpful during those lonesome days and in addition set her such an ex­ample of right living, cleanliness and good cheer that it has always influenced her life.
     Her mother died, the young girl's first great sorrow, on April 24, 1872. On December 23rd of that same year she married John A. Sharp of Vernon, Utah, a son of Adam Sharp, one of Utah's early pioneers, and a man of integrity and always a hard worker.  The ceremony was performed in the Endowment House of Salt Lake City by Daniel H. Wells. [Rebecca Anns brother, Joseph Bennion married Mary Ann Sharp, John Adam Sharps sister the same day.] They lived at Vernon for eleven years, her husband being engaged in the handling of sheep, cattle and horses, all owned and operated by himself, his father, Adam Sharp, and his younger brother, David Sharp. They also owned a farm at Vernon and when necessary he operated the machinery and otherwise took active part in the farm work.
     In 1883 they moved to Brigham City, Utah, her husband having been required to move to that section of the state in caring for the sheep and horses belong­ing to the family, same being located on Blue Creek. They lived in Brigham City for the next two years. [At times John Adam would be in Wyoming with the sheep.] With the sale of the horses they moved the sheep back to Vernon, and after handling them there for the next three months a division of the property was made and the family moved to Salt Lake county, having purchased what was known as the Dirk Bockholt place on Redwood Road and 21st South [from her father, and it was her inheritance after her father died], where they lived for many years, and where her husband died on April 27, 1916.
     [ I" have sold to John A. Sharp and his wife Rebecca Ann Bennion Sharp who is my daughter about One hundred and Twenty Acres of Land for the consideration of Four Thousand Dollars but for which at the signing of this instrument in writing no deed of conveyance has been executed and delivered, for which the said Sharp is to pay me two thousand Dollars in money.  The remaining Two Thousand Dollars I give and bequeath to my said Daughter, Rebecca Ann as follows: One Thousand dollars as an advancement.  And the other One Thousand as a part of the bequest herein after made to her as one of the Legatees under this will."] Excerpted from Samuel Bennions will drawn the 28th of August, 1889.
     Rebecca Ann became the mother of thirteen children, three daughters and ten sons. Six died in infancy, two sons died in their early youth. This was the cause of much sorrow through the years for the parents. [Copied from Sharp Family Bible. "Our treasures all four are laid side by side in the Salt Lake Cemetary, and our home is left silent and lonely."]
Rebecca Ann was sustained as first counselor to Sister Sarah Jane Cannon in the first presidency of the Cannon Ward Relief Society August 6, 1896. Sister Sarah A. J. Cannon was second counselor. They served five years and Sister Sarah Jane Cannon was called to another position and Sister Caroline Young Cannon became President and served two years and died July 2, 1903. On August 6, 1903 Rebecca B. Sharp was called to be president and served for nineteen years, being released October 23, 1922, having moved from the ward to 1180 S. 8th East, Salt Lake City,
     Mother did not keep a personal history of any kind, as we are so urgently counseled to do nowadays. We, therefore, cannot record any of the many im­portant and interesting things she did. Personally, I remember that many times day or night, as needed, I hitched the horse to the buggy and drove her to the home of those who needed help or where someone had passed away. Also, many social activities took place under her direction.
     I well remember many times at Thanksgiving, ward members contributed items of food that would help make Thanksgiving dinner a special occasion for those who needed help. The contributed items would be divided and sent to the families in the ward by the Relief Society Presidency. To me it was always a joy and pleasure to be called to gather a
Adam Bennion SHARP
24 Apr 1874
Vernon, Tooele, Utah
16 May 1874
Vernon, Tooele, Utah
                   BIRTH:  John A. Sharp Family Bible. Births.
BLESSING: By Abraham Van Orman, John A. Sharp Family Bible.
DEATH: John A. Sharp Family Bible, Deaths.

5 Dec 1875
Vernon, Tooele, Utah
25 Oct 1955
Hayward, Alameda, California
28 Jun 1899
Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Uta 
Research Citations:
  • 1880 Census, Clover, Tooele, Utah
  • Notes:
                       BIRTH: Sharp Family Bible
    BLESSING: By John C. Sharp, John Adam Sharp Family Bible.
    MARRIAGE: F.H.L Film #186,206, #2944. SLAKE
    DEATH: Deseret News Obituaries, Oct 26, 1955, pg.12B, col.2.
    BAPTISM: ***
    ENDOWMENT: F.H.L. Film #184,067,p.134. SLAKE.
    SEALED TO SPOUSE: F.H.L. Film #186,206, #2944. SLAKE.
    Mary Emma S. Sanders
    Mrs. Mary Emma Sharp Sanders, 78, former Murray and Salt Lake City residence, died Tuesday of Cardiac de a Wayward, Calif. hospital. Born Dec. 5, 1876, Vernon, Tooele County  to John A. and Rebecca Bennion Sharp. Married to George Albert Sanders, he died 1946.  Survivors; sons,
    daughters, Dr. M. Sharp Sanders, Dr. Mervyn S. and John D. (Don) Sanders, Mrs. Foster J. (Lois) Barrus, Tooele; Mrs. H. Cless (Vera) Crockett, Hayward children, two brothers, Ira B. and June B. Sharp. Funeral Friday noon, 260 E. South Temple, where friends call Thursday 6 to 8 p.m; Friday prior. Burial Murray City Cemetery.  Wednesday, Deseret News, Oct. 26, 1955, p.12b, col.2.
    Samuel Bennion SHARP
    27 Mar 1878
    Vernon, Tooele, Utah
    6 Oct 1882
    Vernon, Tooele, Utah
    Research Citations:
  • 1880 Census, Clover, Tooele, Utah
  • Notes:
                       BIRTH: Sharp Family Bible.
    BLESSED: By John Roberry, Patriarch, Vernon, Tooele, Utah.
    DEATH:Sharp Family Bible.
    John Adam SHARP
    12 Feb 1880
    Vernon, Tooele, Utah
    25 Sep 1882
    Vernon, Tooele, Utah
    Research Citations:
  • 1880 Census, Clover, Tooele, Utah
  • Notes:
                       BIRTH: Sharp Family Bible.
    BLESSED: By Joseph Bennion, Vernon, Tooele, Utah.
    DEATH: Sharp Family Bible.
    Jeanette Bennion SHARP
    13 May 1882
    Vernon, Tooele, Utah
    23 Oct 1882
    Vernon, Tooele, Utah
                       BIRTH: Sharp Family Bible.
    BLESSED: By Bishop John C. Sharp, at Vernon, Tooele, Utah
    DEATH: "Our treasures all four are laid side by side on the hillside in the Salt Lake Cemetery and our home is left silent and lonley." Note in Family Bible, after burying the fourth child, Jeannette.
    Elsie Rebecca SHARP
    24 Sep 1883
    Vernon, Tooele, Utah
    18 Aug 1886
    Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Utah
                       BIRTH: Sharp Family Bible.
    BLESSED: By  Bishop John C. Sharp, Vernon, Tooele, Utah.
    DEATH:  Sharp Family Bible. "-- died after suffering for six weeks." Note in family bible.
    David Bennion SHARP
    29 Dec 1885
    Brigham City, Box Elder, Utah
    20 Feb 1886
    Vernon, Tooele, Utah
                       BIRTH: Sharp Family Bible.
    BLESSED: By  By Samuel H. Bennion, Vernon, Tooele, Utah.
    DEATH: Sharp Family Bible.
    6 Mar 1887
    Brighton, Salt Lake, Utah
    27 Jan 1948
    Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Utah
    14 Dec 1920
    Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Uta 
                       BIRTH: Sharp Family Bible.
    BLESSED: Sharp Family Bible, by Henry Lutton.
    MARRIAGE: F.H.L. Film #186,207, #4972  SLAKE.
    DEATH: F.H.L. Film #313, Deceased Member File & F.H.L. Film #027,174 Deseret News,
    BAPTISM: F.H.L. Film #026,862, Cannon Ward Records, by Leo Clawson.
    ENDOWMENT: F.H.L. Film #184,069.
    SEALED TO SPOUSE: F.H.L. Film #186,207, 4972. SLAKE.
         Funeral services for Jesse Bennion Sharp, 60, of 719 Kinsington Ave., president and founder of the Jesse B. Sharp and Son insurance Agency, who died Tuesday at 11 p.m. in a Salt Lake Hospital of a heart ailment, will be conducted Friday at 12:30 p.m. in Prnceton Ward chapel, 1140 Ninth East St.
         Friends may call from 6 to 8:30 p.m. at 125 North Main St. Burial will be in Salt Lake City Cemetery.
    Native Salt Laker
         Mr. Sharp was born March 6, 1887 in Salt Lake City, a son of John and Rebecca Bennion Sharp. He attended University of Utah and was graduated fromL.D.S. Business College, where he was a student body president. He was married to Minnie Creer Dec. 14, 1910, in the Salt Lake Temple.
         Associated with the insurance business forr 22 years, Mr. Sharp had previously been in the furniture business.
         He was the first president of the Salt Lake Amateur Baseball Association, a position he held for 15 years. Mr. Sharp also headed the Salt Lake Fish and Game Association for two years. He was among the instigators of Derks Field and other baseball parks. He was a member of the International Footprint Association.
        A former Republican state representative, Mr. Sharp was a chairman of the Salt Lake Republican committee in 1928. At the time of his death he was a member of the Salt Lake City zoning board.
         Mr. Sharp filled a mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Saints from 1906 to 1908. He served in the Thirty-First Ward MIA, on the Liberty Stake MIA board and as superintendent of the Thirty-First Ward Sunday School.
         Survivors include his widow, four sons and daughters. Mrs. Virginia Bird, Mrs. Kathryn Olsen and John Creer Sharp, Salt Lake City, and Dr. Scott C. Sharp, Philadelphia: two brothers and a sister, June B. Sharp, president of the South African Mission; Ira B. Sharp, Salt Lake City and Mrs. Mary E. Sanders, Hayward, California, and eight grandchildren.  F.H.L. Film #027,174 Deseret News, Section B, p.1 col. 6,cont. on p.19,
         Jesse Bennion Sharp, 60, 719 Kensington Avenue, died in a Salt Lake hospital Tuesday at 11 p.m. of a heart ailment. He was president and founder of the Jesse B. Sharp Insurance Agency.
    Clyde Bennion SHARP
    9 May 1889
    Brighton, Salt Lake, Utah
    15 Nov 1900
    Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Utah
                       BIRTH: Sharp Family Bible.
    BLESSED: Sharp Family Bible by Bishop Shonfield, Brighton, Utah.
    DEATH: "Killed by train Nov. 15 1900 on his way to school." Deseret News, Front page, 15 Nov. 1900 {listed as Claude Sharp in the article,]
    BAPTISM: F.H.L. Film #184,271 SLAKE, p.955, #26,953 , by John Hall.
    ENDOWMENT; F.H.L. Film #184,271 SLAKE, p.955, #26,953 , by John Hall.
    But the Little Hero Could Not Keep His Promise - Pony Became Unruly -Train Struck and Killed Clyde Sharp."
          "I'll come right back from school,"  were the last words the bright little 11-year-old Clyde Sharp said to his mother as he vaulted into the saddle and proceeded to ride to the Fortieth district school at 8:30.
         Three-quarters of an hour later his sorrowing father, John A. Sharp, the well known sheepman, broght all that remained of his darling boy home in a  wagon.
         Clyde left his home on the banks of the Jordan river near Twelfth South street, to be run down by the south-bound freight, No. 26, on Twelfth South and Fifth West, and instantly killed. The two- year old Shetland pony, which he was riding, shared the same fate. No blame can be attached to the engineer of the train or to the boy, who stuck to his pony to the last and tried to turn it in its headlong flight. Like a little hero the lad sawed at the bit in the mouth of the frenzied pony, and was so intent on stopping the runaway that it is doubtful whether he realized his danger.
         Death was instantaneous. When the train was stopped the mangled form of the boy was picked up tenderly by rough hands, seventy-five feet by actual measurement from the spot where the crash happened. The pony lay on the east and opposite side of the track some thirty feet further south.
         Mrs. Box, who lives adjacent to the track, was probably the only eye-witness to the tragedy. When seen shortly after the accident she told the story of the sad occurrence amid tears. She said: "I saw the boy coming down the road on his pony, as he does every morning. He was going at a good gait, and passed over the track while the freight train was some distance up the line. After the pony had gone some little distance, it began to get unmanageagle, and endeavored to turn around and bolt back home. The boy tugged again, but the pony bolted right in front of the advancing train. The boy had plenty of time to save himself if he had thought of jumping off, but he ws intent on stopping the pony. 'The animal truned on to the culvert, and I screamed, and however I got over that barbed wire fence I will never know. I was the first to reach him and when I got there was dead. We got a sheet and covered him up and then someone went down and told his father, who came up in a rig and took him home. Oh, if he had only jumped off I would have said good for the pony that it was killed."
         The spot at which the accident occurred was a level piece of road with a clear view of the track for
    half a mile each way. The road rises slightly as it approaches the railroad tracks, and is flanked on either side by a ditch. Especially does thsi hold good on the south side of the road where the ditch could almost be called a creek. Beyond this ditch is a stout wire fence, so that it was impossible for the boy  to have turned his pony out of the road. From the hoof marks in the damp soil adjacent to the ditch it is apparent that the animal did considerable plunging before it got the better of the plucky little rider.
         Once on the track there was no escape from the approaching train, as the culvert consisted of open ties that made it impossible for a horse to get a footing.
         Justice of the Peace John Gabbott was summoned and he hastily impaneled a jury from among those who had gathered on the scene, consisting of T. E. Price, J. Cornick and another gentleman; they viewed the remains and the scene of the accident, and then all that was mortal of little Clyde was taken to his home by his father and sister, both of whom were nearly frantic with grief at the awful affair.
         From a cursory examination the neck, back and shoulder of the little fellow had been broken by the force of the impact. He had also sustained a scalp and scull wound that was of a nature to cause death in itself.
         The inquest over the remains was to be held at 4 o'clock this afternoon.
    17 Jan 1892
    Brighton, Salt Lake, Utah
    14 Mar 1986
    Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Utah
    12 Sep 1917
    Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Uta 
        1930 - Furniture Store Salesman
    BIRTH: Sharp Family Bible.
    BLESSED: F.H.L Film #026,861, p.27, Brighton Ward Records, by Bishop Shoenfeld
    MARRIAGE: F.H.L Film #25564, pt SLAKE.
    DEATH: Deseret News*******
    BAPTISM: F.H.L. Film #6502, pt.248, Cannon Ward Records.
    ENDOWMENT: F.H.L. Film #184,070 SLAKE, P.351, #12,2626.
    SEALED TO SPOUSE: F.H.L. Film #24465, pt ** SLAKE.
    18 Jun 1894
    Brighton, Salt Lake, Utah
    24 Sep 1941
    Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Utah
    12 Dec 1917
    Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Uta 
                       BIRTH: Sharp Family Bible:
    BLESSING:  F.H.L. Film # 026,861 Brighton Ward Records, by Bishop F. W. Schoenfeld.
    MARRIAGE: F.H.L. Film #186,209, #3452. SLAKE.
    DEATH: Deseret News*******
    BAPTISM: F.H.L. Film #Cannon Ward Records, #6502, pt.248, by John Hall.
    ENDOWMENT: F.H.L. Film #184,072, pg.721.
    SEALED TO SPOUSE: F.H.L. Film #186,208, #3452. SLAKE.
    Was Prominent In Church, Business
         Leo Bennion Sharp, 47, of 1455 West Twenty-First South Street, prominent Salt Lake City business leader, died today of a heart ailment in a Salt Lake hospital.
         Mr. Sharp had been ill only a few days and death came very suddenly. At the time of the death he was actively engaged in the real estate and contracting business.
         He was also very well known throughout the entire intermountain country having recently been district manager of the Utah branch of the Federal  Land Bank of Berkeley. In addition, Mr. Sharp was prominently engaged in Church activities having served in many capacities during his life.
         Funeral services will be held Saturday afternoon at 2:30 in the Tthirty-First Ward Chapel at 11:40 South Ninth East Street.
         Friends may call Friday night at 260 East South Temple Street from 6 to 10 p.m. and Saturday from 10 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. at 1455 West Twenty-first South Street.
         Mr. Sharp was born June 18, 1894 in Salt Lake, a son of John A. and Rebeecca Bennion Sharp. He rreceived his early training in Salt Lake schools, graduated and attended both the Universsity of Utah and the Utah State Agricultural College, receiving his B. A. degree in agriculture at the latter. At the University of Utah, he was affiliated with the Phi Delta Theta Fraternity.
         He received a teaching fellowship at the Iowa State Agricultural College at Ames where he later received his master's degree. He was superintendent of the experimental station for more than three years.
         In his later life he was activelyengaged in Real Estate and Contracting until he became district manager of the Utah Branch of the federal Land Bank of Berkeley.
         He married Marcella Tuner on Dec. 12, 1917. In 1921 both he and his wife were called ot fill a mission in New Zealand where Mr. Sharp presided over the Maori Agricultural Collelge. Other church positions which he had held were stake secretary of the Pioneer Stake Sunday Schools, superintendentof the seminary in American Fork and superintendent of the Liberty Stake Sunday Schools. He had always been actively engaged in church and civic affairs.
         Survivors besides his widow include his mother, Mrs. John A. Sharp of 1180 South Eighth East Street; two daughters, Marianne and Rebecca Sharp; two sons, Hal Turner and Hugh Leo Sharp, one sister, Mary Emma Sanders, and three brothers, Jesse B., June B., and Ira B. Sharp, all of Salt Lake.
         Burial will be inthe Salt Lake City Cemetery.  Deseret News  Sep 25, 1941, p.13.
    30 Oct 1896
    Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Utah
    28 Jan 1980
    Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Utah
    12 Feb 1924
    Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Uta 
                       BIRTH: Sharp Family Bible:
    BLESSING: By Cyrus H. Gold, 1st Counselor, Cannon Ward.
    MARRIAGE: F.H.L. Film #1,239,569, Item 1, SLAKE, P.745, #9078.
    DEATH: Deseret News
    BAPTISM: By John Hall.
    ENDOWMENT: F.H.L. Film #184,972 SLAKE, pg.721.
    SEALED TO SPOUSE: F.H.L. Film #1,239,569, Item 1, SLAKE, P.745, #9078. Joseph Fielding Smith, Officiator, George M. Cannon and George M. Cannon, Jr., Witnesses.
         Ira Bennion Sharp, 83, 1150 Bonneville Drive, livestock rancher and former American Cancer Society state crusade chairman, died Jan 28, 1980, at his home of cancer.
         Mr. Sharp owned and managed Sharp Livestock Co. for 13 years. He was previously engaged in real estate.
         He served as state crusade chairman for the Cancer Society from 1961 to 1963. He had previously served in the same position in the Salt Lake County chapter.
         Mr. Sharp received the Silver Beaver Award from the Boy Scouts of America. He was a member of the Sons of Utah Pioneers.
          He had served as counselor in a bishopric and in a stake presidency, as a host on Temple Square and as a sealer in the Salt Lake Temple of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
         Funeral services will be Thursday noon in the Monument Park Stake Center, 1320 Wasatch Blvd.
    Friends may call at 260 E. South Temple Wednesday from 6 to 8 p.m. and at the stake center an hour before services. Burial will be in the Salt Lake City Cemetery.
         Ira Bennion Sharp, 83, died January 28, 1980, at home.
         Born October 30, 1896, to John A. and Rebecca Ann Bennion Sharp, in Salt Lake City, one of thirteen children. Married Lois Morris Cannon, February 12, 1924 in the Salt Lake L.D.S. Temple. She died June 4, 1975.
         Engaged in Real Estate Business in Salt Lake City, 1923-1939. Owner and Manager of Sharp Livestock Company, 1939-1952. Was Crusade Chairman for Salt Lake County Chapter, American Cancer Society, 1956-1958, and was State Chairman 1961-1963. Received Silver Beaver Award, Boy Scouts of America. Bishopric Counselor, Forest Dale Ward, 1931-1933. Bonneville Stake Presidency Counselor. 1955-1964. Served as a host on Temple Square and a Sealer in the Salt Lake LDS Temple. Continually engaged in Missionary work.
         Survivors: two sons and two daughters, Dr. Howard C., Robert C, Mrs. Charles R. (Dorotha Jeanne) Smart and Mrs. Jack R. (Mary Lois) Wheatley, serving LDS mission, Denver, Colorado; 22 grandchildren; 9 great-grandchildren; brother, June B. Sharp, Salt Lake City.
         Funeral services Thursday, 12:00 noon, Monument Park Stake Center, 1320 Wasatch Blvd. Friends may call at the Larkin Moruary, 260 East South Temple Wednesday, 6:00-8:00 p.m., and Thursday, at the Stake Center, one hour prior to services. Burial, Salt Lake City Cemetery.
    Wiley Edgar SHARP
    30 Jan 1898
    Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Utah
    25 May 1915
    Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Utah
                       BIRTH: Sharp Family Bible:
    BLESSING: By Bishop F. W. Schoenfeld.
    DEATH: Sharp Family Bible. "Wiley Edgar Sharp, died 25 May, 19   aged 17 years, 3 months from appendicitis. He suffered in the L D. Hospital for four weeks and on the [     ] of May we brought him home. He got no better as the poison went to the liver and left us on the above date. Jun was on a mission is South Africa." Note in family bible.
    BAPTISM: Sharp Family Bible, by John Hall.
    ENDOWMENT: F.H.L. Film #25218 pt.52 SLAKE.
         Wiley Sharp, 16 years of age, son of John A. Sharp and Reecca Bennion Sharp, is reported to be in serious condition at the Dr. W. H. Groves L.D.S. Hospital following an operation for appendicitis late last week. It is feared that peritonitus has set in and every effort is being made to save the young man's life. the lad resides with his parents at 12th So. and Redwood Road.
                        Deseret News, May 27, 1915, p.2.
    Young Student Dies after Battle of Five Weeks, Against Illness.
         Wiley Edgar Sharp, the 17-year old son of John A. and Rebecca Bennion Sharp died yesterday noon at the family residence, corner of Redwood road and Twelfth South Streets. The young man was operated on five weeks ago for acute appendicitis. The doctors gave up hope after the operaton, for the appendictis was accompanied by futher compications.
         Sharp, however, refused to comply with the ideas of the the doctors and for five weks fought a brave, though losing fight. It seemed a physical impossibility for him to live from hour to hour, but he refused to give up. Death came quietly when the will of the boy, as well as his body, had been crushed by the long illness.
         As a student in the Latter-day Saints high school Sharp distinquised himself both for his studious application and  the cheeriness of spirit, which made him a favorite among both the students and faculty. He was a member of the sophomore class, in whose activities he had shown always a great interest.
         He was born on January 30, 1099, in Salt Lake. His parents, a sistser and four brothers survive him. His sister is Mrs. George A. Sanders of Murray and his brothers Jesse B. Sharp, June B. Sharp, who is now on a mission in South Africa, Leo B. Sharp and Ira B. Sharp.
         Funeral arrangements will be announced later.
    Wiley Edgar Sharp, 17 year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. John A. Sharp, Twelfth South and Redwood road, died at the family residence at 12:25 oclock this afternoon from complications following an operation for appendicitis. He had been in a serious condition five weeks. Furneral arrangements have not been yet made.
         The young man was a student of the L.D.S. high school, where he was esteemed by the entire membership. News of his death created throughtout the school this afternoon profound sorrow, especially among those students who knew him more intimately. Faculty members and students alike admired him and manifested deepest concern throughout his long illness. The announcement today cast a distinct gloom over the school.
         The boy's fight for his life was nothing short of sublime. Operated on five weeks ago at a local hospital for appendicitis, he was immediately pronounced in a critical condition, from which it was doubted if he could recover. Since the operation physicians and surgeons have repeatedly declared him beyound hope or recovery, and on various occasions have predicted that he could live but a few hours. Through the struggle, though the entire time he was weak and almost beyond description, he maintained a determination that is considered remarkable, remaining confident to the end that he would overcome the effects of the disease and of the operation.
         Surviving the boy are his parents and the following brothers and sisters: Mrs. Mary E. Sanders, wife of George A. Sanders, of Murray; and Jesse B. Sharp, June B. Sharp, (Now on a mission in South Africa,) Leo B. Sharp, and Ira B. Sharp of this city.
         Impressive funeral services for Wiley Edgar Sharp, who died May 25, following an operaton , were held yesterday afternoon in the Pioneer stake hall. Bishop Lewis M. Cannon of Cannon ward, presided and was one of the spearkers. Others who paid tribute to the character of the young men were Principal O.J.P. Widtsoe of the L.D.S.U. where he was a student, Principal Adam Bennion of the Granite high school, where he had also attended, Bishop Heber S Cutler of the Thirtieth ward, Prest. William McLachlan of Pioneer stake, June Lindsay, and C.E. Davey of the Cannon ward bishopric.
         Music was furnished by the Cannon ward mixed quartet, which sang "God's Peace is Eternal Peace" with Mrs. Allie Davis Elkins as soloist; James Moncar, who sang a tenor solo, Della Daynes Hills, who sang "O Love Divine," and "O Dry Those Tears," and the L.D.S. quartet, which rendered "Savior Comfor Me." Theodore T. Burton offered the opening prayer and Thomas Gerrard the benediction.
         Interment was in the city cemetery where John C. Sharp dedicated the grave.
    FamilyCentral Network
    John Adam Sharp - Rebecca Ann Bennion

    John Adam Sharp was born at On plains, So Platte River, Nebraska Territory 27 Jun 1850. His parents were Adam Sharp and Jeanette Cook.

    He married Rebecca Ann Bennion 23 Dec 1872 at Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Utah . Rebecca Ann Bennion was born at Taylorsville, Salt Lake, Utah 17 Mar 1853 daughter of Samuel Bennion and Mary Bushell .

    They were the parents of 13 children:
    Adam Bennion Sharp born 24 Apr 1874.
    Mary Emma Sharp born 5 Dec 1875.
    Samuel Bennion Sharp born 27 Mar 1878.
    John Adam Sharp born 12 Feb 1880.
    Jeanette Bennion Sharp born 13 May 1882.
    Elsie Rebecca Sharp born 24 Sep 1883.
    David Bennion Sharp born 29 Dec 1885.
    Jesse Bennion Sharp born 6 Mar 1887.
    Clyde Bennion Sharp born 9 May 1889.
    June Bennion Sharp born 17 Jan 1892.
    Leo Bennion Sharp born 18 Jun 1894.
    Ira Bennion Sharp born 30 Oct 1896.
    Wiley Edgar Sharp born 30 Jan 1898.

    John Adam Sharp died 27 Apr 1916 at Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Utah .

    Rebecca Ann Bennion died 11 Apr 1946 at Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Utah .