4 Jul 1806
Alloa, Clackmannan, Scotland
4 Jul 1806
Clackmannan, Clackmannan, Scotland
Jan 1864
Riverdale, Weber, Utah
3 Jan 1862
Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Utah
22 Apr 1826
Clackmannan, Clackmannan, Scotland
                   BIRTH: Pioneer & Prominent Men of Utah, Vol. 2, p.870.
DEATH: Pioneer & Prominent Men of Utah, Vol. 2, p.870.

ENDOWMENT: F.H.L.Film #183,404 EHOUS, p.34, #14.

     FIFE. ADAM (son of John and Margaret Fife of Sauchie, Scotland). Born July 4, 1806, at Sauchie. Came to Utah September 1851. David Wilkie company.
Married Helen Sharp at Sauchie, Scotland (daughter of John Sharp. later of Salt Lake City,pioneer 1850), She was born Nov. 10. 1808. Their children: Mary b. June 8, 1827, m. Alexander Patterson: Margaret b. July 25. 1829, m. David Miller; John b. May 10, 1831, m. Sarah Lewis: James b. May 5. 1833. m. Jennette Triaddle; Andrew b. July 3, 1835, and Robert b. April 21,1837. died: Adam S. b. July 24, 1838, m. Comfort Jelly: Cecelia b. Oct. 6.1840, died: Joseph b. Sept. 9, 1842, m. Martha Ann Bingham; Ellen b. Sept. 25, 1844, died: Agnes b. May 14, 1846. m. Sanford Bingham; Catherine b. Aug. 13, 1848. m. Francis Russell: Janet b. March 1, 1851, m. William Child: Jane b. May 7,1853, m. Charles Densel: Sarah b. Dec. 26, 1855. Family home Riverdale, Utah.
Quarried Stone in Red Butte canyon for wall around temple grounds at Salt Lake City. Died January 1864.
              Pioneer and Prominent Men of Utah, Vol.2, p.870.
. . .The first settler in the ward was James Graham, who farmed in the locality as early as 1850. A few other transients located near him, but the land was generally used as a herd ground. In 1853 a flouring mill was built on the east side of the Weber River by Daniel Burch, which was later known as Taylor's Mill on account of Apostle John Taylor having made improvements there. In 1856 there were about haft a dozen families on the location and meetings were held in their homes by Adam Fife, under the direction of the bishopric of the Ogden 2nd Ward. Bro. Fife was succeeded by Gordon Beckstead, who was succeeded by John C. Thompson, who was succeeded by Sanford Bingham who, when the district was organized as a ward May 28, 1877,
(Andrew Jenson, Encyclopedic History of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints [Salt Lake City: Deseret News Publishing Co., 1941], 711.)
10 Nov 1808
Sauchie, Clackmannan, Clackmannan, Scotland
10 Nov 1808
Clackmannan, Clackmannan, Scotland
24 Apr 1866
Riverdale, Weber, Utah
24 Apr 1866
Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Utah
                   BIRTH:  F.H.L. Film #104,150, Clackmannan Branch Records.
MARRIAGE: By Proclamation, ************
DEATH: F.H.L. Film #002,6930, Death Records of Salt Lake City.

BAPTIZED: F.H.L. Film #104,150 Clackmannon Branch Scotland Records.
ENDOWED: F.H.L. Film #183,404 EHOUS, p.33, #6.
SEALED TO PARENTS: F.H.L.Film #1,239,617 SLAKE, p.423, #14104.
SEALED TO SPOUSE: Internet IGI Ordinance Index.

                                                                       ADAM FIFE
                                    (Son of John and Margaret Fife of Sauchie, Scotland).
Born July 4, 1806, at Sauchie. Came to Utah September 1851, David Wilkie Company.
     Married Helen Sharp at Sauchie, Scotland (daughter of John Sharp, later of Salt Lake City, pioneer 1850). She was born Nov. 10, 1808. Their children: Mary b. June 8, 1827, m. Alexander Patterson; Margaret b. July 25, 1829, m David Miller; John b. May 10, 1831, m. Sarah Lewis; James b. May 5, 1833, m. Jennette Triaddle; Andrew b. July 3, 1835, and Robert b. April 21, 1837, died. Adam S. b. July 24, 1838, m. Comfort Jelly; Cecelia b. Oct. 6, 1840, died; Joseph b. Sep 9, 1842, m. Martha Ann Bingham; Ellen b. Sept. 25, 1844, died; Agnes b. May 14, 1846, m. Sanford Bingham; Catherine b. Aug 13, 1848, m. Francis Russell; Janet b. March 1, 1851, m. William Child; Jane b. May 7, 1853, m. Charles Densel; Sarah b. Dec. 26, 1855. Family home Riverdale, Utah.
     Quarried stone in Red Butte canyon for wall around temple grounds at Salt Lake City. Died January 1864.

     . . . the father [Adam Fife (born 1805) ]located located first in Saint Louis, where he became identified with the branch Church, and remained there until 1851, when he went to Winter Quarters and joined an emigrant train which made the trip across the plains under the command of L.A. Shurtliff. The family remained in Salt Lake City until 853, and then moved to Cedar City, in Iron County, where they lived for the next three years, and in the spring of 1856 came to Weber County, the father byuing a claim in what is now Riverdale Ward. Here he spent the balance of his life in farming. He was presiding teacher of his district for a numbmer of years and active in local Church work. He died december 29, 1863, at the age of fifty-seven years. His wife survived (Helen Sharp Fife) survived him and lived until 1866, leaving a family of eleven children, of whom ten are  now living, all but one in Utah. This one lives in Minnesota.
8 Jun 1827
Sauchie, Clackmannan, Clackmannan, Scotland
1 Nov 1908
Riverdale, Weber, Utah
17 May 1847
Clackmannon, Clackmannon, Scot 
                   All ordinances from Internet IGI.
25 Jul 1829
Devon, Clackmannan, Clackmannan, Scotland
3 Jan 1915
Greenville, Beaver, Utah
7 Feb 1854
Salt Lake, Salt Lake, Utah 
                   All ordinances from Internet IGI.
10 May 1831
Clackmannan, Clackmannan, Scotland
22 Feb 1912
5 May 1833
Clackmannan, Clackmannan, Scotland
13 Aug 1871
Abt 1858
Clackmannon, Clackmannon, Scot 
                   All ordiances from Internet IGI.
Andrew FIFE
3 Jul 1835
Clackmannan, Clackmannan, Scotland
                   All ordiances from Internet IGI.
Robert FIFE
4 May 1837
Clackmannan, Clackmannan, Scotland
                   All ordiances from Internet IGI.
24 Jul 1838
Clackmannan, Clackmannan, Scotland
17 Nov 1922
Brigham City, Box Elder, Utah
27 Jun 1863
Salt Lake, Salt Lake, Utah 
                   All ordiances from Internet IGI.
Cecilia FIFE
6 Oct 1840
Clackmannan, Clackmannan, Scotland
                   All ordiances from Internet IGI.
9 Sep 1842
Clackmannan, Clackmannan, Scotland
4 Nov 1921
Brigham City, Box Elder, Utah
16 Feb 1865
Salt Lake, Salt Lake, Utah 
                   All ordiances from Internet IGI.

	JOSEPH FIFE, one of Weber County*s well-know sheep men, has been a res­ident of Riverdale Ward for forty-six years, which makes him the oldest res­ident here. Although he came to Utah as a child, he has a very vivid remembrance of the journey across the plains by ox team, and of the vast herds of buffalo and other wild animals that roamed the country at that period. In the years that have since passed, many changes have been brought about, none more striking or significant than the fact that one may now travel for days in the wildest parts of this West­ern
country without encountering a bison, the few specimens that remain being found in the game
preserves of the country.
	A Scotchman by birth, our subject was born in Clackmannanshire, on September 9, 1841, and is the son of Adam and Helen (Sharp) Fife, both natives of Scotland, where the father was born on July 4, 1806. He was by trade a coal miner, and followed that all his life in Scotland. He joined the Mormon Church about 1848, as did also the other members of the family, and the following year took passage on one of the _ sailing vessels bound for the United States, their final destination being the new home of the Mor­mons, in Utah. However, the father located first at Saint Louis, where he became identified with the branch Church, and remained there until 1851, when he went to Winter Quarters and joined an emigrant train which made the trip to Winter Quarters and joined an emigrant train which made the trip across the plains under command of L. A. Shurt­liff. The family remained in Salt Lake City until 1853, and then moved to Cedar City, in Iron County, where they lived for the next three years, and in the spring of i856 came to Weber County, the father buying a claim in what is now Riverdale Ward. Here he spent the balance of his life engaged in    farming. He was presid­ing teacher of his district for a number of years and active in local church work. He died De­cember 29, 1863, at the age of fifty-seven years. His wife survived him and lived until 1866, leaving a family of eleven children, of whom ten are now living, all but one in Utah. This one lives in Minnesota.
Our subject grew up on his father*s farm and obtained such schooling as was to be had at that time, working on he farm~ and in the canyons during the summer and attending school when the weather was too inclement for him to work outside. However, he received the best training a boy could have for the rugged life of the pioneer days, and acquired a sturdy inde­pendence that has since stood him in good stead, having no one to depend upon and being compelled as the only boy left at home at the time of his fathers death, to assume the responsibili­ty of assisting his mother to care for the younger children. He remained at home, conducting the farm end after the death of the mother this farm came into his possession, and is still his home, consisting forty acres of as fine land as can be found in the Ward. In 1892 he branch­ed out into the sheep business, taking his sons into partnership with him, and they now have about four thousand head, ranging in Idaho.
	Since the division on national lines Mr. Fife has given his loyal support to the Republican party, and has held a number of minor offices in the county. He has been School Trustee and Road Supervisor, and has helped to build a number of school and meeting houses. He was baptized into the Mormon Church at the age of twelve years, in Iron County, and since then has been Teacher, Elder, member of the Seventy-sixth Quorum of Seventies for a number of years, and President of the Young Men*s Mutual Im­provement Association.
Mr. Fife was married to Miss Martha A. Bingham, daughter of Bishop Sanford Bingham, and Martha Ann (Lewis) Bingham, on February 16, 1865. Their thirteen children are named as fo1lows :Helen, wife of Robert A. Middleton; Joseph A.. Sanford, Mary, wife of E. N. Binghham; John B., James F., Benjamin F., Cordelia, wife of Morris Fretwell; William L., Margaret, Lucinda, Annie D., and Catherine. There are twenty-one grandchildren from this family.
He has been active in the matter of securing good irrigation for his county, and was one of I the builders of the Riverdale ditch, of which he be­came President and retained the position many years. A firm believer in education for the young, he has given his children the best the schools have afforded, and has always supported any measure for the betterment of the school system of his Ward.
From their long residence here, the family is a well known one, and closely associated with the local work of the Church. Mrs. Fife is active -in the work of the Ladies* Relief Society, of which she has been a member since its first inception.
Ellen FIFE
12 Sep 1844
Clackmannan, Clackmannan, Scotland
24 Sep 1849
Atlantic Ocean
                   All ordiances from Internet IGI.

DEATH: Crossing Atlantic Ocean.
Ship:	Berlin
	Date of Departure:	5 Sep 1849	Port of Departure:	Liverpool, England
	LDS Immigrants:	254	Church Leader:		James G. Brown
	Date of Arrival:	23 Oct 1849	Port of Arrival:	New Orleans, Louisiana
	Source(s):	BMR, Book #1043, p. 56 (FHL #025,690); Customs (FHL #175,608)
	Notes:	". . .The ship Berlin sailed for New Orleans on the 5th day of September, carrying 253 souls of the Latter-day Saints. . . ."

FIFE, Helen	<1844>	Berlin	1849
			Age:	5	Origin:	Clackmannan, Scotland
	Note:	"Dead" (Customs)

             	Ellen Fife, died September 24th, aged 5 years.
14 May 1846
Clackmannan, Clackmannan, Scotland
28 Oct 1921
Riverdale, Weber, Utah
10 Oct 1863
Salt Lake, Salt Lake, Utah 
13 Aug 1848
Clackmannon, Clackmannon, Scotland
28 Dec 1929
Ogden, Weber. Utah
29 Dec 1866
Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Uta 
1 Mar 1851
St. Louis, St. Louis, Missouri
13 Mar 1940
Hooper, Weber, Utah
5 Sep 1868
Salt Lake, Salt Lake, Utah 
7 May 1853
Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Utah
26 Jan 1921
Abt 1874
Salt Lake, Salt Lake, Utah 
                   All ordiances from Internet IGI.
26 Dec 1855
Cedar City, Iron, Utah
26 Apr 1922
Abt 1875
of Cedar City, Utah 
FamilyCentral Network
Adam Fife - Helen Sharp

Adam Fife was born at Alloa, Clackmannan, Scotland 4 Jul 1806.

He married Helen Sharp 22 Apr 1826 at Clackmannan, Clackmannan, Scotland . Helen Sharp was born at Sauchie, Clackmannan, Clackmannan, Scotland 10 Nov 1808 daughter of John Sharp and Mary Hunter .

They were the parents of 15 children:
Mary Fife born 8 Jun 1827.
Margaret Fife born 25 Jul 1829.
John Fife born 10 May 1831.
James Fife born 5 May 1833.
Andrew Fife born 3 Jul 1835.
Robert Fife born 4 May 1837.
Adam Sharp Fife born 24 Jul 1838.
Cecilia Fife born 6 Oct 1840.
Joseph Fife born 9 Sep 1842.
Ellen Fife born 12 Sep 1844.
Agnes Ann Fife born 14 May 1846.
Catherine Fife born 13 Aug 1848.
Janette Fife born 1 Mar 1851.
Jane Fife born 7 May 1853.
Sara Lewis Fife born 26 Dec 1855.

Adam Fife died Jan 1864 at Riverdale, Weber, Utah .

Helen Sharp died 24 Apr 1866 at Riverdale, Weber, Utah .