Hawarden, Flint, North Wales Parish Register Transcripts (FHL#942.935/H2k29h)
CHRISTENING: MARRIAGE: DEATH: 4 Feb 1731 was a date given but not proved. There is an Edward Griffith buried 14 June 1731 of Bretton, F.H.L. Film #275,781 Hawarden Parish Records. There are three different films to search and each of them have gaps, making a complete year-by-year search impossible at this time. BAPTISM, ENDOWMENT, SEALING TO PARENTS and SPOUSE: Computer IGI.
NAME: Surname possibly PRICE
CHRISTENING: F.H.L. Film #104,781 Flint Mt, Hawarden Parish Records. "Anna filius Edward Griffith & Uxoris eyul" (Latin for His wife.) MARRIAGE: F.H.L.Film #275,781, p.l05, Hawarden Parish Record. "John Bannion and Ann Griffith of this parish." DEATH: F.H.L. Film #944,003 Hawarden Parish Records. The burial entry in the Hawarden Parish Records read as follows: "Ann-wife of John Bannion Mancott." This film starts with 1737, then goes back to 1663, then forward. BAPTISM: F.H.L. Film #170,854 SGEOR, p.80, no birth or date given. ENDOWED: F.H.L. Film #170,544, SGEOR, p.230, #3941. No birth or death date given. SEALED TO PARENTS: IGI Computer Addendum, Given name. Again 2 Dec 1988 SLAKE, IGI Computer Addendum, given name. Microfiche #D0165, p.28, Given name. Batch #8002330 SEALED TO SPOUSE: F.H.L. Film #170,597 SGEOR, p.410 #11065. Several references to work done for this ancester list her as Ann, Ann or Mary, Mary Griffith and Mary Ann Griffith. Her birth lists Ann, her marriage lists Ann, and her death lists Ann. NOTES FROM HOWARD SHARP BENNION'S JOURNAL CONCERNING ANN GRIFFITH AND FLINT MOUNTAIN: Monday, June 21, 1937: . . ."I shall go from there [Cilcain] to Northop, the parish in which Flint Mountain and Flint were located in the time of Ann Griffith. Page 38. "About Flint Mountain. It is a scattered farm village from 1 1/2 to 2 miles to Flint and 1 to 1 1/2 miles from Northop. It is just in the sharp gully or small canyon at the break of the fairly level ground between there and Northop and the steeper slopes draining down to the sea at Flint. It is very pictuesque. The houses and gardens or crofts are set in the hillsides. The farms of many houses are back toward Northop and of others on the flatter slopes toward Flint and west of Flint Mountain. It has always been a part of Flint parish as long as the present inhabitants can remember. I suppose the farmers from Flint Mountain went down hill to the seaport village to sell there [sic] products and trade and that when Flint became a separate parish, it was made a township thereof. Two or three of the farms in the scattered village are in Northop parish and I suppose always were. "I think the birth of Anne Griffith will be found in the Flint Parish records. Later entries may require searching the Northop records, but the identifications of names must first be made in Flint before one can know what Northop names to follow back further. (Ann was located in the Hawarden Parish Records." Page 60-61. Have not yet located her parents.
CHRISTENING: F.H.L. Film #104,781, Hawarden Parish Records. MARRIAGE: DEATH: BAPTISM, ENDOWMENT & SEALING TO PARENTS: Computer IGI. Jones Edward, Patronimics.
CHRISTENING: F.H.L. Film #104,781, Hawarden Parish Records. Elizabeth fil Edward Griffith & Elizabeth his wife. MARRIAGE: DEATH: Reference not yet located. BAPTISM: IGI Infant ENDOWMENT: Infant SEALED TO PARENTS: IGI #G0114 1988 Flint Wales Given Name p. 255. Computer IGI.
CHRISTENING: F.H.F. Film #104,781, Hawarden Parish Records "Margaretta fil Ewd Griffith (place listed but illegible) and Elizabeth his wife" MARRIAGE: DEATH: F.H.L. Film #104,781, Hawarden Parish Records. BAPTISM, ENDOWMENT & SEALING TO PARENTS: IGI G0115 1988 Flint Wales Given Name p.801. Baptized and Endowed before death date was located.
He married Elizabeth Price 28 Mar 1719 at Hawarden, Flint, North Wales . Elizabeth Price was christened at Hawarden, Flint, North Wales 26 Dec 1697 daughter of Robert Price and Ann Price .
They were the parents of 4
Ann Griffith
christened 18 Jan 1720/21.
Johannes Griffith
christened 16 Jan 1721/22.
Elizabeth Griffith
christened 11 Aug 1728.
Margretta Griffith
christened 16 Jun 1731.
Edward Griffith died 14 Jun 1731/32 at Bretton, Hawarden, Flint, North Wales .