Abt 1610/14
of Hope Owen, Flint, North Wales
12 Jan 1680/81
Hope Owen, Flint, North Wales
Abt 1634
of Hope Owen, Flint, North Wales
                   BIRTH:  Birth year estimated from the birth year of Samuel, his eldest son and checks reasonably well by his daughter Tabitha's marriage date.
   Explanaton: This husband was called Hugh ap John in his grandfathers will, at which time he was old enough to be named sole executor of the will charged with much responsibility. He was called Hugh Jones in his own will. This husbands birth year estimated from his son, Samuels, birth year and  reasonably checked by his daughter Tabithas marriage date.  Howard Sharp Bennion.

   SEALED TO SPOUSE: Computer IGI Addendum  surname, look under WALES rather than Flint.
SEALING TO SPOUSE: Look under Wales rather than Flint.

WELSH WILLS - St. Asaph Diocese - 1680
      24 Jan 1669
      Hugh Jones of Hope Owen, Flint - Gentleman
Wife-Elizabeth Jones         10 pounds
Daughter Mary Jones         3 pounds
Daughter Sarah Jones       10 pounds
Son John Jones                30 pounds
Son William Jones             30 pounds
Daughter Tabitha Jones      3 pounds
Daughter Hanar Jones       30 pounds
Probated 12 January 1680/1681

In the name of God Amen the Twenty fouerth day of January in the yeare of our Lord One thousand sixe hundred sixty and Nyne, I Hugh Jones of Hope Owen in the County of Flint, Gentleman, Beinge in health of body and of sound Memory (Blesssed be God) And Consdering the Certaynty of Death, and the uncertynty of ye time when, doe Make and Ordayne This my last will and Testament in maner and forme followinge
first  I comend my soule into the hands of my Creator hopeinge to enjoy Everlasting life for the sake onely of my Redeemer the Lord Jesus Christ, And I betake my body to the Earth to be Buryed in a decent maner
Item  I leave & bequeath to my wellbeloved wife Elizabeth Jones the half of all my personall Estate, besides what Reall estate is stled upon her as a joynture
Item  I doe devise give grant & bequeath unto my Eldelst son Samuel Jones and his heyres and Assignes All those Lands that I purchased from one Richard David Lynge and beinge in Hope Owen aforesd in ye sd County of Flint Comonly called by ye name of Gweirgladd Richard David Caetan y Fordd, Perth, Gweddil, and yr Eron yn y Maes with all and every of their Appurtenances To ye only proper use of him and sd Samuel Jones and his heyres and Assignes foren The better to Enable him and them to pay the Legacyes hereafter bequeathed
first  I leave and beequeath to my Eldest Daughter Elizabeth Jones the sume of Ten pounds
Item  I give leave and bequeath unto my daughter Mary Jones Three pounds
Item  I leave and bequeath unto my daughter Sarah Jones Ten pounds
Item  I leave and bequeath unto my son John Jones Thirty pounds
Item  I leave and bequeath unto my son Willm Jones Thirty pounds
Item  I leave and bequeath unto my daughter Tabitha Jones Three pounds
Item  I leave and bequeath unto my daughter Hanar Jones Thirty pounds
Item  I leave and bequeath ye other half of my persanall estate unto my sd Eldest son Samuel Jones towards payinge of my Debts and alsoe I bequeath unto ye sd Samuel Jones my eldest son All ye parcell of Land called Cae Lancaster To enable him to pay ye sd Legacyes, debts and also my funerall expenses, and To noe other Intent or purpose, Besides what Reall estate estate descends unto him by Entayle at my marriage
Item  I constitute ordayne and make my sd Eldest son Samuel Jones Sole Executor of this my last will and Testament And I doe hereby Renounce and adnull all other form wills by mee heretofore made or declared  In witness whereof I have hereunto put my hand and Seale ye day and yeare within written 1669
     Ano Reqni Kg Caroli secndi nunc Anglie XXI
Sealed Read & Published in the presencer of Edwdard Parry -  Thomas LLoyd of Hope Owen - John Hughes of Uchney nydd Ucka - Edward Williams

Proved 12 January 1680
Elizabeth JONES
Abt 1618
of Hope Owen, Flint, North Wales
Abt 1640
of Hope Owen, Flint, North Wales
28 Apr 1686
Flint, Wales
Abt 1659
of Hope, Flint, Wales 
                   BAPTISM, ENDOWMENT, SEALED TO PARENTS AND SPOUSE: IGI Computer Addendum surname

WELSH PROBATE - ST. ASAPH DIOCESE   Ref: F.H. Film #104,700.
In the name of God, Amen.  The two and twentienth day of June In the yeare of our lord one thousand sixe hundred eighty and three, I Samuel Jones of hopeowen in the County of Flint in the dioces of St. Asaph being sick and weake in body, but of pfect and sound memory blessed be god, doe make and ordayne this my last will and testament in maner and forme following; first  I comend my soule into the hands of my Creator hopeing to enjoy everlasting life for the sake of my Redeemer & Lord Christ Jesus, And I bequeath my body to the earth to be buried in decent maner,
Item  I give and bequeath all my psonall estate (except my houshould stuffe) to be equallie devided to & amongst my sixe younger children; by name hugh Jones, Thomas Jones, John Jones, Samuel Jones, Sarah Jones and Elizabeth Jones, and to the survivors of them;
Item  I doe leave and bequeath all my houshold stuffe of all sorts to my said beloved daughters Sara Jones and Elizabeth Jones to be equally devided betweene them & to the survivor of them, my funerall expenses out of the price of my liveing & quick goods first paid and discharged,
Item  I doe give and bequeath unto my said sixe younger children twenty pounds apiece;
Item  I doe leave, devise, and charge the said severall legacies of twenty pounds to be raised out of the profits of the severall prells of land in hopeowen in the County Flint called by the severall names of Cae Lancaster Cae r Caed & ye Erans ucha with the appurtenns,
Item I doe leave, devise & bequeath all the said mencioned land to & amongst my said sixe younger childdren & their heires  forever in case my sone & heire Edward Jones shall faile to pay them their said sev^all legacies of twenty pounds apiece;
Item  I doe give devise & bequeath all those sev^all prells of land in hopeowen aforesd with th appurtennces Coenty called by the sev^all names of Gweirgladd Richard David Cae tan y fordd, Perth y gwyddel & yr Eron yn y maes hopeowen & all other my lands in hopeowen aforesaid or elsewhere (my debts, legacies & fun^all expenses discharged) to my beloved son Edward Jones & his heires forever & I doe appoint & my will is that my loveing & trustee friends Edward Snead & Thomas Folland of the pish of hope gen gardians to & over my son Edward Joness to rule & govern him & my Reall estate until he attaynes to his full aige of one & twenty yeares for his and his younger brothers & sisters better stay of liveing & untill their legacies be paid & I doe noiate & appoint my said son Edward Jones my sole executor and I do noiate my beloved brother-in-law William Lewis & my beloved neighbor John Jones gen overseers of this my last to see it pformed, Revoaking & hereby adwilling all other & form wills by me made In witness whereof I doe put my hand & seale the day and yeare above written

Signed, sealed & delivered in the prce of
John Jones
Edward Snead    John Jones
Thomas Folland  Robert Lloyd

                            Samuel Jones
                      [signed by Samuel, indicating he was an educated man.] Probated 5 May 1686
Elizabeth JONES
Abt 1642
of Hope Owen, Flint, North Wales
Abt 1644
of Hope Owen, Flint, North Wales
22 May 1758
Hope, Flint, Wales 
Abt 1646
of Hope Owen, Flint, North Wales
Abt 1648
of Hope Owen, Flint, North Wales
William JONES
Abt 1649
of Hope Owen, Flint, North Wales
Abt 1650
of Hope Owen, Flint, North Wales
18 Dec 1674
of Hope Owen, Flint, North Wal 
Abt 1652
of Hope Owen, Flint, North Wales
FamilyCentral Network
Hugh Jones - Elizabeth Jones

Hugh Jones was born at of Hope Owen, Flint, North Wales Abt 1610/14.

He married Elizabeth Jones Abt 1634 at of Hope Owen, Flint, North Wales . Elizabeth Jones was born at of Hope Owen, Flint, North Wales Abt 1618 .

They were the parents of 8 children:
Samuel Jones born Abt 1640.
Elizabeth Jones born Abt 1642.
Mary Jones born Abt 1644.
Sarah Jones born Abt 1646.
John Jones born Abt 1648.
William Jones born Abt 1649.
Tabitha Jones born Abt 1650.
Hanar Jones born Abt 1652.

Hugh Jones died 12 Jan 1680/81 at Hope Owen, Flint, North Wales .