Hugh ap John THOMAS

Abt 1565
Caergwrle, Estyn, Flint, Wales
11 Feb 1640
(wp) Caergwrle, Estyn, Flint, Wales
Abt 1565
of Hope Owen, Flint, North Wales
Will of Hugh ap John Thomas
                   BIRTH: Estimated from Hughs will.
   MARRIAGE: Estimated
   DEATH: Will probated 11 February, 1640, F.H.L. Film #104,693, Item 2, #8 (by counting white slips preceding each will) Welsh Wills, St. Asaph - 1640.


Wife - Margaret verch Thomas Lloyd
Daughter - Jonnett verch Hugh
       Her daughters - Catherine & Gwenevere verch John
       Her sons - William ap John and Hugh  ap John
Nephews - my sisters sons: Robert and Rees Griffith Nephews - William and John ap John

    In  his will, Hugh made bequests to two granddaughters, Catherine and Gwenevere verch John and two   grandsons, William ap John and Hugh ap John.  Also to nephews, sons of his sister, namely, Robert and Rees Griffith; and to his nephews William and John ap John."  Listed as Will #129 in Howard S. Bennion's abstracts of Hope Wills.  It was probated 11 Feb 1640.
	Wife - Margaret verch Thomas Lloyd
	Daughter - Jonnett verch Hugh
	     Her daughters - Catherine & Gwenevere verch John
	     Her sons - William ap John and Hugh  ap John
	Nephews - my sisters sons: Robert and Rees Griffith Nephews - William and John ap John

   The willl of Hugh ap John Thomas
	In the name of God, Amen, The thirtieth day of may in the yeare of our Lord god 1638 and in the foureteenth yeare of the jReign of our Sovreign lord King Charles over England       I Hugh ap John Thomas of Caergwrley within the parish of Estynn and Diocesse of St. Asaph being in perfect health and of sound memory and understanding (praise be god for the same) and desireing in my life tyme to settle and dispose of that little estate (as well reall and personal (illeg) herewith god of his bountie hath blessed me (because I know not how soone nor how sudden it shall please god to take me out of this transitorie lief) do I make this will in manner and forme following vizt. Imprimus I yeald and bequeath soule into the hands of God my maker (hoping that through the meritorious Death and passion of Jesus Christ my Savior I shall receive pardon for my sinnes and be made partaker of lief everlasting) and my body to the earth to be buried in Christian buriall,
Itm   I give and bequeath to the reparation of the Church of Estynn tenn shillings;
Itm   I leave give and bequeath to the poore of the said parish of Estynn    tenn pounds to contynue forever a gift and to be sett out at use or otherwise, by the churchwardens of the parish shall from tyme to tyme at usual feaste Dayes yearely find and distribute amongst the poore of the said parish the yearely rent, use or interest of the said tenn pounds as by the said Churchwardens shalle thought most meet and charitable,
Itm   If my well beloved wief Margarett vz Thomas ap Lloyd shall after my decease rest content and be satisfied with such legacies as I shall hereby devise and bequeath unto her, and if when two months next ensueing after my decease shee shall give unto my executor (upon his reasonable demands to her in that behaulf made) sufficient security that shee not at any tyme from thenceforth, clayme, challenge or demand any dower, Jointure or third of my land or any      part portion of my goods (Illeg) by any lawe or custome shall belong or be due unto her, other than what I shall hereby devise and bequeath unto her (and not before) I given devise and bequeath unto my said wief Margarett (in lieu of her dower, Jointure or thirds) all that my house and lands called y groftydd byeing in Chordley in the county of Flint: to have and to hould to her and her assignes during her wydowhood and whereas heretofore I have taken a lease of Thomas Ravenscroft of Bretton Esquire in my said wiefe name of a house and certayne lands in Hope Owen and Hope medathieds (for which said    lease I payd the sume of five and twenty pounds in the name of a ________    or ___________ now my will is that my said wief after my decease shall have and enjoy the remainder of the said lease for soe many years it shall then be unexpired of the same;  Itm   upon the like condition I give and bequeath unto my said wief Margaret (in liew of her part or portion of my goods) the sume of one hundred pounds of currant English money and all my household (illeg) remayning in my dwelling house at caergwrley aforesaid (excepting two chests vizt the chest wherein I doe usually keepe my writings and that this great chest which now remayneth in the halle of my said dwelling house and excepting all the tables, benches, formes, bedsteads, and cubbords there and the presse, frame or cupbords whereon my brasse and pewter is usually kept, But if my said wief will not after my decease be content and satisfied with the legacies that I have herein devised and bequeathed unto her, or if shee shall refuse to give to my executor such security in maner as before is declared then my will is that shee shall have none of the legacies that I have herein devised or bequeathed unto her; nor any other part or portion of my lands or goods but onlie such and soemuch as the lawe or custome of the contrey shall of     necesitie cast upon her:
   Itm   I do give and beqeath unto my welbeloved daughter Jonett vz Hugh and to her daughters and my grandchildren Katherin vz John and Gwenhingfar vz John the sume of Thirty pounds of currant English money to be equally devided betweene them,  Itm I do give and bequeath unto   my grandchilde William ap John Twenty pounds,   Itm I do given and bequeath unto my nephews Robert Grifffith and Rees Griffith (being my sisters sonnes) Tenn shillings apeece,
Itm  I doe give and bequeath unto my nephews William ap John and John ap John his brother Tenn shillings apeece,
Itm  I give and bequeath unto my god daughter Frannce vz Ithell of ____ry sixe shillings eight pence
Itm  I give and bequeath unto all my godchildren twelve pence apiece
Itm   all the rest and residue of all my goods and chattles (after my debts and legacies are payd and the charges of my funerall the proving of my will and other necessary charges are deducted; I doe give and bequeath unto my grandchild Hugh ap John
Itm  I doe make constitute and appoint my said welbeloved Grandchild Hugh ap John to be sole   executor of this my last will and testament and my will is that my said executor be food to his brothers and sisters and further I doe will and appoint Robert Lloyd of Caergwley aforesaid and William ap John my said nephew to be overseers of this my last will & to see the same performed and lastlie I doe hereby revoke, adnull declare pro(illeg) and publish this p______ writeing to be my last will and testament; In  wittness whereof I have hereunto put my hand and seale the day and yeare herein before first mentioned   1638.
The mark of Hugh ap John Thomas
   Sealed signed & published
   in the presence of
   Roger ap Richards
   John Edwards
   Roger Edwards
   Robert Lloyd

   Note:   -vz = verch (daughter of)    Itm + Item
   All other abbreviations have been written out. The (illeg) indicates a spot of mold which could not be read through so a word is missing.
Margaret verch THOMAS LLOYD
Abt 1561/69
of Hope Owen, Flint, North Wales
Abt 1590
of Hope Owen, Flint, North Wales
Abt 1609
of Hope Owen, Flint, North Wal 
FamilyCentral Network
Hugh ap John Thomas - Margaret verch Thomas Lloyd

Hugh ap John Thomas was born at Caergwrle, Estyn, Flint, Wales Abt 1565. His parents were John ap Thomas and Mrs. John ap Thomas.

He married Margaret verch Thomas Lloyd Abt 1565 at of Hope Owen, Flint, North Wales . Margaret verch Thomas Lloyd was born at of Hope Owen, Flint, North Wales Abt 1561/69 daughter of Thomas Lloyd and Mrs. Thomas Lloyd .

They were the parents of 1 child:
Jonett verch Hugh born Abt 1590.

Hugh ap John Thomas died 11 Feb 1640 at (wp) Caergwrle, Estyn, Flint, Wales .