David REES

Abt 1816
Carmarthenshire, Wales
Bef 1853
South Wales
Abt 1840/41
of Carmarthen, Wales
                   BIRTH, MARRIAGES & DEATH: Estimated.

BAPTISM & ENDOWMENT: Computer IGI Addendum, Wales.
SEALED TO SPOUSE:  Computer IGI  Addendum Wales, surname.
14 Nov 1820
Llandarog, Carmarthen, Wales
14 Aug 1897
Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Utah
15 Aug 1897
Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Utah
                      BIRTH: From family records.
   MARRIAGE: (1) David Rees. From Family records.
                         (2) John Hughes Evans.G.R.O. Marriage Certificate, copy in possession of Helen Sharp Madsen.
                         (3) John Thomas, Family History by Jenalyn Giles Cline.
   DEATH: Deseret News, 14 Aug 1897 p.2.

   BAPTISM: Original baptism 1848,  Re-baptized Salt Lake 15 Ward by John Hughes Evans. Re-Confirmed by Js. R. Hall. Ward  Records, Received 15 Oct 1871.  F.H.L. Film #002,056. Re-baptized F.H.L. Film #1,149,524 EHOUS, p.192, #93346.
   SEALED TO PARENTS: Computer IGI Addendum Wales, surname.
   SEALED SPOUSE: (1)  Computer IGI  Addendum Wales, surname. David Rees
                                    (2) F.H.L. Film #183,398 EHOUS, p.85, #1083. John Hughes Evans by Daniel Wells
                                    (3) John Thomas  - no sealing.

OBITUARY:                                 DEATH OF MRS. EVANS
      Ann H. Evans, widow of John H. Evans, of the Fifteenth Ward, this city, died at 4:00 this morning of old age. The deceased was born in Wales November 14, 1829, joined the Church 42 years ago, and came to this country in 1870. She leaves a son and three dauaghters, all of whom are grown and have families of their own. Funeral will be held tomorrow. The time and place will be announced in The Herald.   Deseret News, Saturday, 14 Aug 1897 p.2.

     Mrs. Ann H. Evans, relict of the late John H. Evans, and mother of Thomas Evans, the well-known foreman of the Utah and Nevada shops, died early yesterday morning. The funeral will take place from the Fifteenth Ward meeting house at 4:30 p.m. today. Friends are invited to attend.  The  Herald, Sunday, 15 Aug 1897 p.8.
25 Mar 1842
Ponty Barem, Carmarthenshire, Wales
2 Jul 1896
Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Utah
14 Aug 1869
Merthyr Tydfil, Glamorganshire 
                   BIRTH, MARRIAGE & DEATH: Estimated.


The following information concerns the ship, voyage and conditions of the ship that Mary Rees Thomas and her husband encountered as they emmigrated to Utah.

Ship:	Nevada
	Date of Departure:	18 Oct 1871	Port of Departure:	Liverpool, England
	LDS Immigrants:	300	Church Leader:	George H. Peterson
	Date of Arrival:	1 Nov 1871	Port of Arrival:	New York, New York
	Source(s):	BMR, Book #1041, pp. 190-197 (FHL #025,692); Customs (FHL

THOMAS, Thomas	<1840>
			  Age:	31
	Note:	BMR, p.193.
THOMAS, Mary	<1844> [ Daughter of Ann Hughes Evans & David Reese]
			Age:	27

#175,706); SMR, 1871 (FHL #025,696)
	Notes:	"FOR ZION. -- Shortly after noon on Wednesday, 18th instant, the magnificent steamship, the Nevada, steamed out of the Mersey with 300 souls of the Saints on board, under the presidency of Elder George H. Peterson.  Of this company about 70 souls were from Scandinavia, the remainder from various portions of the British Mission.  When we left the ship the Saints appeared quite content and very happy, the arrangements for their comfort being excellent.  Besides Elder Peterson, Elders Thomas Woolley, N. C. Edlefsen, Peter Brown and W. C. Anderson, returning missionaries, left with this company; also Elders J. Alford, N. P. Jensen, James Lavender and James Gale from Utah who have been paying visits to their friends in Europe. . . ."

"Wed. 18. [Oct. 1871] -- The steamship Nevada sailed from Liverpool, England, with 300 Saints, in charge of George H. Peterson.  The company arrived at New York, Nov. 11th."

". . . Still another company of emigrating Saints from Scandinavia, numbering 71 souls (the third company of the season), sailed from Copenhagen per steamer 'Najaden'  Oct. 13, 1871, in charge of Elders Peter A. Bruun, Niels C. Edlefsen and Niels P. Jensen (the latter having visited relatives in Skane, since May 28, 1871).  This little company of Saints had a successful voyage to England and in Liverpool the Scandinavian emigrants joined about 230 British Saints and sailed from that port per steamer 'Nevada' Oct. 18th, in charge of Elder George H. Peterson.  Elder Peter A. Bruun was placed in charge of the Scandinavian Saints.  After a rather rough and unpleasant voyage across the Atlantic, the company arrived safely in New York, Nov 1st.  Thence the journey westward was resumed on the 3rd by railway, via Pittsburg and Chicago.  On the plains, at Pole Lodge station, the train got stuck in the snow for 12 hours.  Finally, by the assistance of four locomotives with snow plows, the track was cleared and the train proceeded on its way, arriving in Ogden and Salt Lake City, Nov. 11, 1871. . . ."

Letter from George H. Peterson - November 2, 1871
New York, November 2, 1871.
Elder George Reynolds
	Dear Brother,--We left Queenstown about noon Oct. 19.  The sea was rough and continued so for several days.  We shipped many a heavy sea, and the water occasionally poured down amongst the passengers.  At such times there was a pleasing contrast between the Saints and the other emigrants on board--whilst others were restlessly manifesting their fears, with us all was serene and calm.
	We encountered a detestable headwind during the greater portion of our voyage, which caused the vessel to labor heavily, and resulted in considerable seasickness amongst the passengers.
	The first Sunday we were on board we did not hold any meetings, owing to the unfavorable state of the weather, but on Oct. 29 we assembled at 2:30 and 6 p.m.  Many of the sailors and passengers came and listened to us. [p.747]
	We arrived at New York last evening, and landed this morning.  We start west at noon tomorrow.  All the Saints are in good health, except one Danish sister, who was somewhat sick when she embarked at Liverpool, but she is mending fast.
	We have been abundantly blessed by the Lord on our voyage, and have been treated with great kindness by the captain and officers of the Nevada.
	Elders John Sharp and W. [William] C. Staines are in New York, they report all well in Zion.
	All join in kind love to the brethren in the office.Yours faithfully, George H. Peterson [p.748]
28 Feb 1847
Ponty Berem, Carmarthenshire, South Wales
21 Apr 1937
Logan, Cache County, Utah
26 Jun 1871
Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Uta 
                   BIRTH, MARRIAGE & DEATH:  IGI

BAPTISM:  Computer IGI. Eleanor Reese was baptized in 1856. Rebaptized in 1989 for verifiable date.
ENDOWMENT:F.H.L. Film  # 183,407 EHOUS, # 2773.         .
SEALED TO PARENTS & SPOUSE (1)Joseph E. Davis  Computer IGI North America
                                                                  (2) Griffith Rees Computer IGI North America
26 Feb 1850
Ponty Barem, Carmarthenshire, South Wales
Jul 1866
of Ponty Barem, Carmarthenshir 
                   BIRTH: Birth Certificate from General Registration Office, London, England.
MARRIAGE & DEATH: Estimated.

BAPTISM: F.H.L Film #177,8477 LOGAN, p.25, #881.
ENDOWMENT: F.H.L. Film #177,958 LOGAN, p.113, #3993.
SEALED TO PARENTS & SPOUSE: Computer IGI Addendum, Wales surname.
FamilyCentral Network
David Rees - Ann Hughes

David Rees was born at Carmarthenshire, Wales Abt 1816. His parents were Griffith Rees and Elizabeth .

He married Ann Hughes Abt 1840/41 at of Carmarthen, Wales . Ann Hughes was born at Llandarog, Carmarthen, Wales 14 Nov 1820 daughter of Thomas Hughes and Mary Christopher .

They were the parents of 3 children:
Mary Rees born 25 Mar 1842.
Elinora or Eleanora Hughes Rees born 28 Feb 1847.
Ellizabeth Rees born 26 Feb 1850.

David Rees died Bef 1853 at South Wales .

Ann Hughes died 14 Aug 1897 at Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Utah .