Adam (Markele) MARKLEY

Abt 1717
Jul 1792
Frederick, Maryland
Abt 1745
Family Records
                   Last Will and Testament of Adam Markele, Sr. 1717-1792, dated July 13th1790

In the Name of God Amen, I, Adam Markele, Senior, farmer of FrederickCounty and State Maryland being aged and infirm but of sound memory asyet (blessed be God) do this Thirteenth July in the year of our Lord1790, make and publish this my last Will and Testament in the followingmanner. That is to say first I commit my Soul to God, next after mydecease, my body to be intered after the usual manner.

I do give and bequeath unto the heirs of my daughter Hester Moore foreverFifty Pounds common currency to be well and truly paid after the deceaseof my beloved wife Hesther Marckele. I do likewise give and bequeath tomy daughter Hannah Smith or her heirs forever One Hundred Pounds commoncurrency to be well and truly paid as aforesaid. I do likewise give andbequeath to my daughter Margaret Yergins or her heirs forever One HundredPounds common currency to be well and truly paid as aforesaid. I do giveand bequeath to my daughter Judida Squires or her heirs forever, one twoyear old heifer after my decease, likewise One Hundred Pounds commoncurrency to be well and truly paid as aforesaid. I give and bequeath tomy dearly beloved wife Hesther Marckele, my plantation where I now dwell,after all my lawful debts are paid, likewise one sorrel mare with saddleand bridle and two cows and four sheep and the household furniture allwhich belongs to me, during her life, and after her death the sum to bedivided among the children.

I give and bequeath to my son Adam Marckele, Jun. and to my son GabrielMarckele and his heirs forever and to my son Ephraim Marckele and hisheirs forever, the following tracts of land that is to say, all my landsincluded, viz, The resurvey on good range called difficulty, part ofStringers Chance, part of the resurvey on Justices Delight, the farmlands to be divided equally between my three sons above mentioned andtheir heirs and assigns forever, after the decease of my beloved wifeHesther Marckele, then the lands to be equally divided as above.

I make and ordain my son Adam Marckele, Jun. to be my sole Executor ofthis my Will in Trust for the intents and purposes in this my Willcontained, and I make him, my son Adam Marckele, Jun. sole overseer ofthis my Will and Testament to take care and see the same performedaccording to my true intent and meaning.
In witness whereof, I, the said Adam Marckele, Senr. have to this, mylast Will and Testament set my hand and seal this day and year abovewritten. Signed, sealed and delivered by the said Adam Marckele, Senior.

Adam Marckele, Senr. signed, sealed and delivered this as his last Willand Testament in the presents of us who were present at the signing andsealing thereof.
Witness present, Jacob Barett, George Cook, John Agnew----Adam X (hismark) Marckele, Senr.                               SEAL

Frederick County, August 5th 1792----Then came Adam Marckele, Junr. andmade Oath on the Holy Evangels of Almighty God. that the aforegoinginstrument of writing is the true and whole Will and Testament of AdamMarckele, late of Frederick County, deceased, that hath come to his handsand possession---- Geo. Murdock

Frederick County, August 5th 1792----Then came Jacob Barnett, George Cookand John Agnew----The three subscribing witnesses to the last Will andTestament of Adam Marckele, late of Frederick County, deceased, and madeOath on the Holy Evangels of Almighty God that they did see the Testortherein named, sign and seal this Will, that they heard him publish,pronounce and declare to be his last Will and Testament, that at the timeof his so doing, he was to the best of his apprehensions of sound anddisposing mind, memory and understanding. That they respectivelysubscribed their names as witnesses to this Will in the presence and atthe request of the Testor and all in the presence of each other----  Geo.Murdock

   From History of Western MD, pg. 374-378, Land Grants & Resurveys

1785 - Adam Markley - Resurvey, "Small Venture" 4 1/2 acres
1785 -    "           "       -        "       , "Good Pasture"  2 1/2acres
1788 -    "           "       -        "       , "Markley's Discovery" 50acres
1791 -    "           "       -        "       , "Moore's Delight" 5 1/2acres
1791 -    "           "       -        "       , "Markley's Discovery" 141/2 acres
1791 -    "      Markell  -        "       , "Confusion" 5 7/8 acres.
Hester (poss) ENGLISH
Abt 1722
Abt 1793
Frederick, Maryland
Abt 1747
Bef 1790
Abt 1767
Frederick, Maryland 
Abt 1750
Abt 1770
Frederick, Maryland 
Abt 1752
14 May 1792
Frederick, Maryland
Abt 1777
Frederick, Maryland 
Abt 1754
Abt 1774
Frederick, Maryland 
Abt 1756
Bethlehem Twp., Coshocton, Ohio
18 Sep 1779
Frederick, Maryland 
    Will Date: 29 Mar 1812; Will Probate: 4 Jan 1813.
    1. Came to America about 1770.
    Adam MARKLEY, Jr.
    Name Markle on stone.
War of the American Revolution, 1775-1783
Adam Markley, Jr. enlisted July 21,1776 Muster Roll of Capt. George P.Keeports Company of the first German Battalion Continental Troopscommanded by Colonel Nicholas Husacker.                     Philadelphia,PA   Sept. 19, 1776.

On 20 January 1792 Adam Markley and his wife Mary Magdalena (daughter of William Dickensheets) sold three and three quarter acres of land called "Williams Delight" for five pounds.

From Will Book 1, pages 20-22 Coshocton Co., Adam Markel, Jr. His wil lmade 29 Mar. 1812, proved 4 Jan. 1813, Coshocton Co., names heirs as wifeMary (1/3 of real and personal property) and in order below 12 children(each to receive 1/12 of the 2/3 rd remaining estate); ordered executor(son William) to sell his following land in Maryland: (a) "In BaltimoreCounty...part of a tract called Pars Range...", (b) " A tract or parcel  of land Joshua Lott...on the North side of the stateroad leading from Liberty town to Baltimore including the center of saidroad adjoining a tract of land called Reaswayon Cold Friday in FrederickCounty..." and (c) "demand the money and execute a title for that tractthat is sold to Joshua Jones...", ordered wife Mary to keep homesteadduring the term of the lien; and desired his lot in the town ofCoshocton, held by himself and James Calon not be sold until his youngestson becomes 21. If wife Mary should remarry she is to receive $100 inlieu of the 1/3 estate.

Per Deed Book 4 page 351 Coshocton Co., on August 26, 1825, for $100, lot 168 in Coshocton was sold to James Taylor, a merchant of Zanesville, bythe 11 surviving children and their spouses as "heirs at law under thewill of Adam Markley late of Coshocton County".

From History of Western MD, pg. 375-378, Land Grants & Resurveys.

1797 - Adam & Gabriel Marckel, Resurvey "Father's Gift" 539 acres

Excerpts from FTM CD # 450, Disk 1, Vol. 1 Chapter V, Pg. 60 County andFamily Histories: Ohio, 1780-1970

     On Denman's "prairie" in Bethlehem Township were James Craig and Ira Kimberley in 1801. John Bantham, a Marylander in the Revolution, and Henry Carr reached that section in 1806. Other early settlers were William Speaks who served in the Revolution, Samuel Rea and Andrew Wilsonin the War of 1812, Joseph Burrell and Adam Markley.
Abt 1758
Aug 1825
Somerford Twp., Madison, Ohio
8 Jan 1779
Frederick, Maryland 
                   From Madison Co., OH, Will Abstracts 1810-1825

MARKLE, Gabriel Sr. Dated 26 June 1825. Recorded 20 October 1825. Wife:Catherine Markle. Sons: Gabriel, Jonathan and Samuel. Daughters: Hanna,Susan, Elinor, Hester, Rachel, and (Catherine and Ezra). Grand-daughters:Lavina Clams (or Clamo) and Catherine Markle. Executors: son JonathanMarkle and son-in-law George Prugh. Signed: Gabriel Markle. Witnesses:John Arbuckle, Henry (mark) Groves and Charles Atchison.

From History of Western MD, pg. 375-378, Land Grants & Resurveys.

1797 - Adam & Gabriel Marckel, Resurvey, "Father's Gift" 539 acres
Abt 1760
26 Aug 1888
Frederick, Maryland 
FamilyCentral Network
Adam (Markele) Markley - Hester (poss) English

Adam (Markele) Markley was born at Germany Abt 1717.

He married Hester (poss) English Abt 1745 at Germany . Hester (poss) English was born at Germany Abt 1722 .

They were the parents of 7 children:
Hester Markley born Abt 1747.
Hannah Markley born Abt 1750.
Ephraim Markley born Abt 1752.
Margaret Markley born Abt 1754.
Adam Markley born Abt 1756.
Gabriel Markley born Abt 1758.
Judeah Markley born Abt 1760.

Adam (Markele) Markley died Jul 1792 at Frederick, Maryland .

Hester (poss) English died Abt 1793 at Frederick, Maryland .