22 Nov 1813
of Rugby, Warwick, England
22 Jul 1844
Avion, Pas de Calais, France
20 Nov 1837
Little Gaddesden, Hertford, England
                       1. Birth/chr: Prsnl knwldge of daughter, Sarah Elizabeth Labrum Cutler, as in Logan Tmpl Rec, Bapt for Dead, Bk A, p 453. FHL Film #177837.
    2. Marr: Marr Cert #457076 rec from Rector of Lttle Gaddesden, Hrtfrd, Eng
    3. Death/bur: Personal knowledge of daughter, Sarah Elizabeth Labrum Cutler, as in Logan Tmpl Rec, Bapt for Dead, Bk A, p 453. FHL Film #177837.
    4. LDS Bapt: Logan Temple Rec, Bapt for Dead, Bk A, p 453. FHL Film #177837.
    5. Endow: Logan Temple Rec, Endow for Dead, Bk A, p 210. FHL Film #177955.
    6. sld sp: SL Tmpl Rec, Seal-Deceased Couples, Bk D, p 453. FHL Film #184590
    7. Other: 1851 Cnsus, Stdhm Par, Hrtfrd p 253, Stdhm Common. FHL Film 87687 1861 Cnsus, Stdhm Par, Hrtfrd p 81, #38 Studham. FHL Film #542736 1880 U.S. Census, Lehi, Utah, Utah, p 15.
    8. Other: SL Temple Rec, Seal of Children, Bk D, p 193. FHL Film #184655. Life history of Amos Pratt and Mary Bachelor, comp by Donald King Family Bible of Mary Bachelor in poss of Donald King (Bountiful).

    1. Birth/chr extract: Thomas Labrum, born 22 Nov 1813 at Rugby, Warwick, Engl.
    Died 22 Jul 1844. Instance of Sarah E. L. Cutler. Bapt 4 Nov 1884.
    2. Marr extract: Thomas Labrum, of full age, bachelor, laborer, residing at
    Northchurch, son of Labrum, laborer; and Mary Bachelor, minor, spinster,
    residing at Little Gaddesden, daughter of William Bachelor, laborer; md 20 Nov
    1837 at the Parish Church, Little Gaddesden, Hertford, Engl. Md according to
    the rites and ceremonies of the Church of England after Banns by me, David
    Jenks. This marriage was solemnized between us, Thomas Labrum and Mary
    Bachelor, in the presence of us, Thomas Purton and Elizabeth Marriott.
    3. Death/bur extract: (See extract for birth/chr, above).
    4. LDS Bapt extract: (See extract for birth/chr, above).
    5. Endow extract: Thomas Labrum, born 22 Nov 1813, at Warwick, Engl. Died 22
    Jul 1844. Instance of Sarah E. L. Cutler. Bapt 4 Nov 1884. Endow 12 Nov 1884.
    6. Sld sp extract: Thomas Labrum, born 22 Nov 1813 at Rugby, Warwick, England.
    Died 22 Jul 1844. Endow 12 Nov 1884. Mary Batchelor, born 30 Dec 1817 at
    Flamstead, England. Died 28 Nov 1889. Endow 15 Feb 1900. Sealed 15 Feb 1900.
    Proxies: Alexander Pringle and Sarah E. Labrum.
    8. Salt Lake Temple Rec extract: Sarah Elizabeth Labrum, born 24 May 1840 at
    Kent, England. John Labrum, born 3 Jan 1839 at Little Gasden, England. Died 26
    Jan 1839. Sealed to parents Thomas Labrum and Mary Batchelor Labrum, 15 Feb
    1900. Elizabeth Pratt King, born 9 Nov 1849 at Studham, Hereford, England. Died
    16 Mar 1893. Sealed to Thomas Labrum and to the mother Mary Batchelor (Pratt)
    Labrum, 15 Feb 1900.
12 Mar 1817
Flamstead, Hertford, England
12 Jul 1818
Flamstead, Hertford, England
28 Nov 1889
Lehi, Utah, Utah
                       1. Birth/chr: Studham Branch Rec, 1846-1853, p 42. FHL Film #87035. Flamstead Biship's Transcripts 1813-1830. FHL Film #569719.
    2. 1st Marr: Marr Cert #457076 rec from Rector of Lttle Gaddesden, Hrtfrd, Eng
    3. 2nd Marr: Marr Cert #MA 816174 rec from General Reg Office, London, Engl.
    4. 3rd Marr:
    5. Death/bur: Lehi Cemetery Inscriptions, personal visit by Donald King.
    6. LDS Bapt: Studham Branch Rec 1846-1849, p 1. FHL Film #87035. Studham Branch Rec 1846-1853, p 42. FHL Film #87035.
    7. Endow: Salt Lake Temple Endow for Dead, Bk H, p 422. FHL Film #184091.
    8. Sld #1 sp: SL Tmpl Rec, Seal-Deceased Couples, Bk D, p 453. FHL Film #184590
    9. Other: Kensworth Branch Rec 1846-1854, p 50. FHL Film #87007. European Emigration Card Index 1849-1925. FHL Film #298437. Utah Immigration Card Index, 1847-1868. FHL Film #298442. Slt Lke Tmpl Rec, Seal of Children, Bk D, p 193. FHL Film #184655 (#1 Eliza to step father)

    1. Birth/chr extract: #14 Mary Bachelor Pratt, born 12 Mar 1817 at Flamstead,
    Herts, England. Bapt 1 Feb 1848 at Studham. Md 9 Mar 1849 to Amos Pratt of
    Studham.  (Note: p 41 shows removed to Kensworth, Jan 1854)
    1. Birth/chr extract: Chr 12 Jul 1818, Mary, daughter of William and Hannah
    Bachelor of Flamstead. Father is a laborer.
    2. 1st Marr extract: (See notes for 1st husband, Thomas Labrum).
    5. Death/bur extract: Mary Camp, beloved mother, born 30 Dec 1817, England.
    Died 28 Nov 1889.
    6. LDS Bapt extract: #24 Mary Labrum, age 29, of Studham, Bapt 1 Feb 1848.
    7. Endow extract: Mary Batchlor, born 30 Dec 1817 at Flamstead, Beds, England.
    Died 28 Nov 1889. Bapt 13 Feb 1900. Endow 15 Feb 1900. Proxy-Sarah E. Labrum,
    6. LDS Bapt extract: (See extract for birth/chr, above).
    8. Sld #1 sp extract: (See notes on 1st husband, Thomas Labrum).
    9. Kensworth Branch Rec extract: #56 Mary Pratt, born at Flamstead, Herts,
    England. Rec 22 Jan 1854 from Studham.
    9. European Emigration Card Index Extract: Mary Pratt and Nathan Pratt, son.
    Sailed on Ship Caroline, 5 May 1866.
    9. Utah Immigration Card Index extract: Mary Pratt and Nathan Pratt, son.
    Arrived in Salt Lake City 15 Sep 1866, in Captain William Henry Chipman's Ox
    9. Salt Lake Temple Rec extract: Sarah Elizabeth Labrum, born 24 May 1840 at
    Kent, England. John Labrum, born 3 Jan 1839 at Little Gasden, England. Died 26
    Jan 1839. Sealed to parents Thomas Labrum and Mary Batchelor Labrum, 15 Feb
    1900. Elizabeth Pratt King, born 9 Nov 1849 at Studham, Hereford, Engl. Died 16
    Mar 1893. Sealed to Thomas Labrum and to the mother Mary Batchelor (Pratt)
    Labrum, 15 Feb 1900.
William (or John) LABRUM
3 Jan 1839
Little Gaddesden, Hertford, England
26 Jan 1839
Little Gaddesden, Hertford, England
                       1. Birth/chr: Brth Cert #CG 943078 from Hemel Hempstead Reg Dis, Hrtfrd, Eng.
    2. Death/bur: Personal knowledge of sister, Sarah Elizabeth Labrum Cutler, in Salt Lake Tmple Seal of Children, Bk D, p 193. FHL Film #184655.
    3. sld: Salt Lake Tmple Seal of Children, Bk D, p 193. FHL Film #184655.

    1. Birth/chr extract: William, son of Thomas Labrum, laborer, and Mary Labrum,
    formerly Batchelor, born 3 Jan 1839 at Little Gaddesden. Informant: Mary
    Labrum, the mother, residing at Little Gaddesden. Registered 9 Jan 1839. Signed
    E. Fentiman, Registrar.
    2. Death/bur extract: (See notes for father, Thomas Labrum).
    3. Sld extract: (See notes for father, Thomas Labrum).
24 May 1840
Folkestone, Kent, England
18 Mar 1914
Lehi, Utah, Utah
21 Oct 1865
Studham, Bedford, England 
                       1. Birth/chr: Studham Branch Rec, 1846-1853, p 43. FHL Film #87035. Folkestone Par Reg, Vol 2, chr. 1775-1840, p 649. FHL Call #942.23 F2 v26s.
    2. Marr: Marr Cert #TC 520776 rec from Vicar of Studham Par, Bdfrd, Eng.
    3. Death/bur: Death Cert #45 from Utah State, Utah Co; died at Lehi, Utah.
    4. LDS Bapt: Studham Branch Rec 1846-1849, p 2. FHL Film #87035.
    5. Endow: Endow Hse Living Endow, Bk I, p 343. FHL Film #183408.
    6. sld: Salt Lake Tmple Seal of Children, Bk D, p 193. FHL Film #184655.
    7. Other: Kensworth Branch Rec 1846-1854, p 50. FHL Film #87007. Kensworth Branch Rec 1850-1871, p 1 & 10. FHL Film #87007. Lehi Ward Rec 1875-1893, Bk B, p 68. FHL Film #25571. European Emig Card Index 1849-1925. FHL Film #298432. Emig Reg of British Mission 1868-74, p 258. FHL Film #25692. Obituary Card Index (Cutler). FHL Film #321145. Deseret News for Thur, 19 Mar 1914, p 8. FHL Film #26992.
    AZ   & SL Temple Rec, Kent CFI-Batch #P020721, sheet 7886.
    LA   Temple Rec, kent CFI-Batch #6940412, sheet 0.

    1. Birth/chr extract: #26 Sarah Elizabeth Labrum, born 24 May 1840 at
    Folkestone, Kent, England. Bapt 16 Jul 1848 at Studham.
    1. Birth/chr extract: Chr 19 June 1840, Labrum, Sar. Eliz., dau of Tho and My.
    Father is Timekeeper.
    2. Marr extract: (See notes for husband, William Cutler).
    3. Death/bur extract: Sarah Elizabeth Labrum Cutler, female, white, widowed,
    died 18 Mar 1914 at Lehi, Utah. Born 24 May 1840 at England. Age 73, 9 mos, 24
    days. Occupation was wife. Father: Thomas Labrum, born England. Mother: Mary
    Batchelor, born England. I hereby certify that I attended deceased prior to
    death, 18 Mar 1914, and last saw her alive on 18 Mar 1914, and that death
    occurred, on the date stated above, at 4:25 am. The cause of death was Organic
    Heart Disease. Contributory factors: Arthritis deformations. Signed W.T.
    Haslam, M.D. Buried in Lehi, on 20 Mar 1914.
    4. LDS Bapt extract: Sarah Elizabeth Labrum, age 8 yrs of Studham. Bapt 16 Jul
    5. Endow extract: Sarah Elizabeth Cutler, born 24 May 1840 at Folkstone, Kent,
    England. Bapt May 1848. Endow 23 Aug 1883. Dau to Thomas Labrum and Mary
    7. Kensworth Branch Rec extract (p 50): #57, Elizabeth Labrum, rec 22 Jan 1854
    from Studham.
    7. Kensworth Branch Rec extract: (p 1, 10): #5, Sarah Elizabeth Labrum, born 24
    May 1840 at Folkestone, Kent, England. Bapt 16 Jul 1848 by Jas Hawkins at
    Studham Branch. Conf by Jas Hawkins. Elizabeth Cutler of Studham, emigrated Apr
    7. Lehi Ward Rec extract: #1903, Sarah E. Cutler, dau to Thomas and Mary
    Labrum. Born 24 May 1841 at Folkestone, Kent, England. Bapt May 1848. Conf May
    1848. Rebapt 15 Aug 1883 by William Yates. Reconf 15 Aug 1883.
    7. Obituary Card Index extract: Cutler, Elizabeth L. Died 18 Mar 1914. Deseret
    News 19 Mar 1914, pg 8.
    7. European Emig Card Index extract: (See notes for husband, William Cutler).
    7. Emig Record of British Mission extract: (See notes for husband, William
    7. Desert News extract: Lehi-Miss Elizabeth Labrum Cutler died Wednesday
    morning after she had suffered as a rheumatic invalid for nine years. Mrs.
    Cutler has been a patient sufferer and for seven years has not been upon her
    feet. Only four weeks ago her husband died, he having been a constant attendant
    on his wife. Mrs. Cutler was 74 yrs old and has lived in Lehi since 1872. The
    funeral will be held in the Lehi tabernacle Friday at 1 o'clock.
    7. AZ and SL Temple Rec extract: Labrum, Sar. Eliz, dau to Tho Labrum and My,
    chr 19 Jun 1840 at Folkestone. Bapt 1 Nov 1969 AZ. Endow 4 Mar 1970 AZ. Sld 20
    Oct 1971 SL.
    7. LA Temple Rec extract: Lebram, Sarah Elizabeth, born 24 May 1840 at
    Fokestone. Ba
John Thomas LABRUM
21 Nov 1844
Avion, Pas de Calais, France
17 Oct 1915
Pleasant Green, Salt Lake, Utah
                       1. Birth/chr: Death Cert #1358 from Utah State Lists birth date as 21 Nov 1843 correct year is 1844. Birth place is taken from Family Bible which belonged to Mary Bachelor (published in 1839 in London) in poss of Donald King, 993 E. Millbrook Way, Bountiful, UT. Little Gaddesden Biship's Transcript 1813-1850. FHL Film #569722
    2. Death/bur: Death Cert #1358 from UT State; died at Pleasant Green, Salt Lake.
    3. Indiv Ord: Oakland Temple Rec, Hertford CFI-Batch #C048141, sheet 2182.
    4. Other: The Obituary Card Index. FHL Film #321156. Utah Immig Card Index, 1847-1868. FHL Film #298441. European Emig Card Index, 1849-1925. FHL Film #298435. Reg of British Mission, p 141. FHL Film #25691. Deseret News for Sat, 23 Oct 1915, p 8. FHL Film #26999.

    1. Birth/chr extract: (See death/bur extract, below).
    1. Birth/chr extract (Bishop Trans): Chr 30 Mar 1845, John Thomas, son of
    Thomas and Mary Labrum of Little Gaddesden.
    2. Death/bur extract: Thomas Labrum, age 71, 10 mos, 26 days; male, white,
    single, died 17 Oct 1915 at Pleasant Green, Salt Lake county. Born 21 Nov 1843,
    in England, laborer. Father: Thomas Labrum, born in England. Mother: Mary
    Batchlor, born in England. Informant: Reuben King, Garfield, Utah. I hereby
    certify, that I attended deceased from 5 Sep 1915 to 17 Oct 1915, that I lasw
    saw him alive on 12 Oct 1915, and that death occurred, on the date stated
    above, at 9:45 pm. The cause of death was as follows: acute nephritis. Signed
    Geo. E. McBride, M.D. Buried in Lehi, Utah, 19 Oct 1915.
    3. Indiv Ord extract: Labrum, John Thomas, son to Thomas Labrum and Mary. Chr
    30 Mar 1845 at Little Gaddesden. Bapt 31 Mar 1976 OK. Endow 19 May 1976 OK. Sld
    19 May 1976 OK.
    4. Obituary Card Index extract: Thomas Labrum, Died Oct 1915. Deseret News, 23
    Oct 1915, p 8.
    4. Utah Immig Card Index extract: Thomas Labram and John Labram, 1 Oct 1862,
    arrived in Salt Lake City in Capt Joseph Horne's ox train.
    4. European Emig Card Index extract: Thomas Labrum and John Labrum, 14 May
    1862, Sailed on ship William Tapscott.
    4. Reg of British Mission extract (Ship William Tapscott):
    Thomas Labrum, age 18, laborer, and John Labrum, age 13, laborer.
    4. Deseret News extract: Lehi - Oct 23, Following an illness of only three
    weeks, Thomas Labrum died at the home of his nephew in Garfield last week and
    was buried from the Lehi tabernacle Thursday. The speakers were Jos. S.
    Broadbent, Bishop Henry Lewis, Eli Kendall and Prest A. J. Evans. The deceased
    was born in England 71 yrs ago and came to Lehi when a young man. He is
    survived by one brother.
FamilyCentral Network
Thomas Labrum - Mary Bachelor

Thomas Labrum was born at of Rugby, Warwick, England 22 Nov 1813.

He married Mary Bachelor 20 Nov 1837 at Little Gaddesden, Hertford, England . Mary Bachelor was born at Flamstead, Hertford, England 12 Mar 1817 daughter of William Bachelor and Hannah Ambrose, (or Ambris) .

They were the parents of 3 children:
William (or John) Labrum born 3 Jan 1839.
Sarah Elizabeth Labrum born 24 May 1840.
John Thomas Labrum born 21 Nov 1844.

Thomas Labrum died 22 Jul 1844 at Avion, Pas de Calais, France .

Mary Bachelor died 28 Nov 1889 at Lehi, Utah, Utah .