
User Submitted
22 Nov 1813
of Rugby, Warwick, England
22 Jul 1844
Avion, Pas de Calais, France
20 Nov 1837
Little Gaddesden, Hertford, En 
                       1. Birth/chr: Prsnl knwldge of daughter, Sarah Elizabeth Labrum Cutler, as in Logan Tmpl Rec, Bapt for Dead, Bk A, p 453. FHL Film #177837.
    2. Marr: Marr Cert #457076 rec from Rector of Lttle Gaddesden, Hrtfrd, Eng
    3. Death/bur: Personal knowledge of daughter, Sarah Elizabeth Labrum Cutler, as in Logan Tmpl Rec, Bapt for Dead, Bk A, p 453. FHL Film #177837.
    4. LDS Bapt: Logan Temple Rec, Bapt for Dead, Bk A, p 453. FHL Film #177837.
    5. Endow: Logan Temple Rec, Endow for Dead, Bk A, p 210. FHL Film #177955.
    6. sld sp: SL Tmpl Rec, Seal-Deceased Couples, Bk D, p 453. FHL Film #184590
    7. Other: 1851 Cnsus, Stdhm Par, Hrtfrd p 253, Stdhm Common. FHL Film 87687 1861 Cnsus, Stdhm Par, Hrtfrd p 81, #38 Studham. FHL Film #542736 1880 U.S. Census, Lehi, Utah, Utah, p 15.
    8. Other: SL Temple Rec, Seal of Children, Bk D, p 193. FHL Film #184655. Life history of Amos Pratt and Mary Bachelor, comp by Donald King Family Bible of Mary Bachelor in poss of Donald King (Bountiful).

    1. Birth/chr extract: Thomas Labrum, born 22 Nov 1813 at Rugby, Warwick, Engl.
    Died 22 Jul 1844. Instance of Sarah E. L. Cutler. Bapt 4 Nov 1884.
    2. Marr extract: Thomas Labrum, of full age, bachelor, laborer, residing at
    Northchurch, son of Labrum, laborer; and Mary Bachelor, minor, spinster,
    residing at Little Gaddesden, daughter of William Bachelor, laborer; md 20 Nov
    1837 at the Parish Church, Little Gaddesden, Hertford, Engl. Md according to
    the rites and ceremonies of the Church of England after Banns by me, David
    Jenks. This marriage was solemnized between us, Thomas Labrum and Mary
    Bachelor, in the presence of us, Thomas Purton and Elizabeth Marriott.
    3. Death/bur extract: (See extract for birth/chr, above).
    4. LDS Bapt extract: (See extract for birth/chr, above).
    5. Endow extract: Thomas Labrum, born 22 Nov 1813, at Warwick, Engl. Died 22
    Jul 1844. Instance of Sarah E. L. Cutler. Bapt 4 Nov 1884. Endow 12 Nov 1884.
    6. Sld sp extract: Thomas Labrum, born 22 Nov 1813 at Rugby, Warwick, England.
    Died 22 Jul 1844. Endow 12 Nov 1884. Mary Batchelor, born 30 Dec 1817 at
    Flamstead, England. Died 28 Nov 1889. Endow 15 Feb 1900. Sealed 15 Feb 1900.
    Proxies: Alexander Pringle and Sarah E. Labrum.
    8. Salt Lake Temple Rec extract: Sarah Elizabeth Labrum, born 24 May 1840 at
    Kent, England. John Labrum, born 3 Jan 1839 at Little Gasden, England. Died 26
    Jan 1839. Sealed to parents Thomas Labrum and Mary Batchelor Labrum, 15 Feb
    1900. Elizabeth Pratt King, born 9 Nov 1849 at Studham, Hereford, England. Died
    16 Mar 1893. Sealed to Thomas Labrum and to the mother Mary Batchelor (Pratt)
    Labrum, 15 Feb 1900.
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