11 Feb 1846
Nauvoo, Hancock, Illinois
5 Dec 1935
Soda Springs, Caribou, Idaho
Georgetown, Bear Lake, Idaho
9 Dec 1867
Farmington, Davis, Utah
                       1. Birth/chr: Georgetown Ward Rec, Early-1905, p 5, #105. FHL Film #7189.
    2. 1st Marr: Not Verified-date given in family rec and Family Group Sheet.
    3. 2nd Marr: Endow Hse Living Seal, Bk H, p 192. FHL Film #183398.
    4. Death/bur: Soda Springs Ward Rec, Form E, Deaths-1935. FHL Film #7604.
    5. Bapt/Endw: Endow Hse Living Endow, Bk E, p 105. FHL Film #183405.
    6. Other: Logan Temple Sealings of  Children, Bk B, p 82. FHL Film #178088. 1850 Census, Washngtn Township, Buchanan, Missouri, p 37. 1870 Census, Farmington, Davis, UT, p 10. FHL Film #553109.
    7. Remarks: Birth dates given on this sheet are taken from original records made when the individuals were born. There are discrepancies in later records on the birth dates of some of these family members. However, the dates recorded at the time the children were born are considered correct and are listed on this sheet.

    1. Birth/chr extract: Alma Hayse, child to Thomas and Polly Hess, born 11 Feb
    1846 at Nauvoo. Bapt and Conf by Dan'l Miller. Rebapt 6 Mar 1876. Reconf 6 Mar
    1876. Received 12 Oct 1874 from Morgan City.
    3. 2nd Marr extract: Alma Hayes, b. 1846 at Nauvoo, Hancock, Ill. Ann Selina
    Thomas, b 12 Dec 1851 at Andrew Co, Mo. Louisa Smith, b 28 Nov 1854 at SLC,
    Utah. Sealed 1 Jul 1872.
    4. Death/bur extract: Ward #227, Alma Hayes, married, age 89 yrs, 2 mo.
    Parents: Thomas Hayes and Polly Hess. Born at Nauvoo, Illinois, 11 Jan 1846.
    Died 5 Apr 1935. Retired farmer.
    5. Bapt/Endow extract: Alma Hays, born 10 Mar 1842, in Nauvoo, Hancock, Illin.
    Father: Thomas Hays. Mother: Polly. Instance of self. Bapt 20 Aug 1855. Endow
    10 Mar 1865.
    6. Logan Temple Sealings of Children extract: Mary Elizabeth Hayes Rolph, b 13
    Nov 1868 at Farmington, Davis, Utah; and John Riley Hayes, b 3 Oct 1870, at
    Farmington, Utah, were Sealed to Parents Alma Hayes, b 11 Feb 1846 at Nauvoo,
    Hancock, Ill and Ann Selina Thomas, b 12 Dec 1851 at Andrew Co, Mo. Sealed 15
    Jun 1892.
Ann Selina THOMAS
12 Dec 1851
Savannah, Andrew, Missouri
22 Feb 1939
Soda Springs, Caribou, Idaho
Georgetown, Bear Lake, Idaho
                       1. Birth/chr: Personal knowledge of mother, in Logan Temple Seal of children to parents, Bk B, p 81-82. FHL Film #178088.
    2. Marr:
    3. Death/bur:
    4. LDS Bapt: Georgetown Ward Rec, Early-1905, p 5, #112. FHL Film #7189.
    5. Endow: Endow Hse Living Endow, Bk G, p 328. FHL Film #183406.
    6. Sld Husb: Endow Hse Living Seal, Bk H, p 192. FHL Film #183398.
    7. Remarks: She was first baptized in 1859 but the complete date could not be found in Ward Records or any other source. Therefore, her rebapt. date of 30 mar 1879 is listed. Some records, particularly later records, list the wife's given name Annselina, but most of the earlier records list this as two names. It appears that it was originally two given names but was later run together.

    4. LDS Bapt extract: Ancelina Hayse, child to Robt Thomas and Cath. Lewis.
    Born 12 Dec 1852 in Missouri. Bapt by Elder Martindale. Rebapt 30 Mar 1879 by
    Alma Hayse. Reconf 30 Mar 1879. Rec 1 May 1875 from Morgan City.
    5. Endow extract: Ann Selina Hays (Thomas), born 12 Dec 1851, at Andrew Co,
    Missouri. Father: Robert Thomas. Mother: Catherine. Instance of self. Bapt
    1859. Endowed 1 Jul 1872. Sealed to spouse 1 Jul 1872 EH.
13 Nov 1868
Farmington, Davis, Utah
Mar 1908
Freedom, Lincoln, Wyoming
23 Jul 1884
                       1. Birth/chr: Farmington Ward Rec, Early-1873, p 40. FHL Film #25942.
    2. Marr:
    3. Death/bur: Freedom, Wyo, Ward Rec, Form E, Deaths-1908. FHL Film #34554.
    4. LDS Bapt: Georgetown Ward Rec, Early-1905, p 5, #113. FHL Film #7189.
    5. Endow: Logan Temple Living Endow, Bk A, p 330. FHL Film #178052.
    6. Sld: Logan Temple Seal of Children, Bk B, p 82. FHL Film #178088.
    7. Other: Farmington Ward Rec, Early-1901, p 186. FHL Film #25942. Freedom, Wyo, Ward Rec, 1908-1932, #98. FHL Film #34554.
    8. Remarks: Mary Elizabeth was first baptized 23 Sep 1877, but she and her husband were excommunicated shortly after their marriage, apparently because their first child was born less than 9 months after the marriage.  They were both rebaptized 1 Aug 1888 and later received their endowments in the Logan temple 15 Jun 1892. The rebaptism date should be used rather than the original date. The Freedom, Wyo, Ward Rec (Form E) shows that she died 18 Mar 1908, but the regular ward rec show that she died 13 Mar 1908.

    1. Farmington Ward Rec extract: Mary Elizabeth Hayes, child to Alma Hays and
    Ann Selina Thomas. Born 13 Nov 1868 at Farmington, Davis, Utah. Blessed 4 Mar
    3. Death/bur extract: Elizabeth Rolph of Freedom Ward, female, member. Died 18
    Mar 1908 of measles.
    4. LDS Bapt extract: Mary Elizabeth Hayse, child to Alma and Ansulenah Thomas.
    Born 13 Nov 1868 at Farmington. Blessed 1869. Bapt 23 Sept 1877. Conf 23 Sep
    1877. Rebapt 1 Aug 1888. Reconf 2 Aug 1888. Removed 20 Jul 1902 to Freedom,
    Wyo. Cut off (date not given) for fornication.
    5. Endow extract: Mary Elizabeth Hayes, born 13 Nov 1868 at Farmington, Davis,
    Utah, liv. Father: Alma Hayes. Mother: Ann Selina Thomas. Bapt 23 Sep 1877.
    Endow 15 Jun 1892.
    6. Sld par extract: (See notes for father, Alma Hayes).
    7. Farmington Ward Rec extract: Mary Elizabeth Hayes, child to Alma and Selina
    Thomas. Born 13 Nov 1868 at Farmington, Davis, Utah. Blessed 4 Mar 1869.
    7. Freedom, Wyo. Ward Rec extract: Mary Elizabeth Rolph died 13 Mar 1908.
3 Oct 1870
Farmington, Davis, Utah
18 Mar 1948
Soda Springs, Caribou, Idaho
10 Jun 1892
Logan, Cache, Utah 
                       1. Birth/chr: Farmington Ward Rec, Early-1901, p 186. FHL Film #25942.
    2. Marr: Cache Co Marr Rec, Bk 3, p 208. FHL Film #430306.
    3. Death/bur: LDS Deceased Mmbrshp Rec, 1942-1973. FHL Film #CR-298-7 Roll #159
    4. LDS Bapt: Georgetown Ward Rec, Early-1905, p 5, #114. FHL Film #7189.
    5. Endow: Logan Temple Living Endow, Bk A, p 331. FHL Film #178052.
    6. Sld: Logan Temple Seal of Children, Bk B, p 82. FHL Film #178088.

    1. Birth/chr extract: John Riley Hayes, child to Alma and Ann Selina Thomas.
    Born 3 Oct 1870 at Farmington, Davis, Utah. Blessed 4 May 1871.
    2. Marr extract: John R. Hayes of Georgetown, Bear Lake, Ida, age 21; and
    Harriet E. Dunn of Georgetown, Bear Lake, Ida, age 19. License issued 9 Jun
    1892. Md 10 June 1892 at Logan. John Riley Hayes and Harriet Emeline Dunn.
    3. Death/bur extract: John R. Hayes, child to Alma Hhayes and Annselina Thomas.
    Born 3 Oct 1870 at Farmington, Utah. Md Emma Dunn. Died 18 Mar 1948 at Soda
    Springs, Ida of Brights disease.
    4. LDS Bapt extract: John Riley Hayse, child to Alma and Ansulenah Thomas. Born
    3 Oct 1870 at Farmington. Blessed 1870. Bapt 30 Mar 1879. Conf 30 Mar 1879.
    Rebapt 28 May 1892. Reconf 28 May 1892. Removed 22 Oct 1902 to Freedom, Wyo.
    5. Endow extract: John Riley Hayes, born 3 Oct 1870 at Farmington, Davis, Utah.
    Father: Alma Hayes. Mother: Ann Selina Thomas. Instance of self. Bapt 30 Mar
    1879. Endow 10 Jun 1892.
    6. Sld par extract: (See notes for father, Alma Hayes).
Mary Jane HAYES
21 Dec 1872
Farmington, Davis, Utah
27 Dec 1872
Farmington, Davis, Utah
                       1. Birth/chr:
    2. Death/bur:
    3. Indiv Ord:
28 Sep 1874
Farmington, Davis, Utah
17 May 1947
Georgetown, Bear Lake, Idaho
19 Oct 1898
Logan, Cache, Utah 
                       1. Birth/chr: Farmington Ward Rec, Early-1901, p 138. FHL Film #25942.
    2. Marr: Cache Co Marr Rec, Bk 4, p 320. FHL Film #430306.
    3. Death/bur: Georgetown Ward Rec, Form E, Deaths-1947. FHL Film #7190.
    4. LDS Bapt: Georgetown Ward Rec, Early-1905, p 5, #115. FHL Film #7189.
    5. Endow: Logan Temple Living Endow, Bk A, p 449. FHL Film #178052.

    1. Birth/chr extract: Alma Hess Hayes, child to Alma and Ann Selina Thomas.
    Born 28 Sep 1874 at Farmington, Utah. Blessed 3 Dec 1874.
    2. Marr extract: Alma H. Hayes of Georgetown, Bear Lake, Ida, age 24 and Miss
    Lottie Smart of Georgetown, Bear Lake, Idaho, age 16. License issued 18 Oct
    1898. Md 19 Oct 1898 at Logan.
    3. Death/bur extract: Alma Hess Hayes, widower, age 72 yrs, 4 mo. Parents: Alma
    Hayes and Anneslina Thomas. Born at Farmington, Utah 28 Sep 1874. Died 17 May
    1947 of cancer. Laborer.
    4. LDS Bapt extract: Alma Hess Hayse, child to Alma and Ansulenah Thomas. Born
    28 Sep 1874 at Farmington. Bapt 26 Apr 1883. Conf 29 Apr 1883. Rebapt 15 Oct
    5. Endow extract: Alma H. Hayes, born 28 Sep 1874 at Farmington, Davis, Utah,
    liv. Father: Alma Hayes. Mother: Ann Selina Thomas. Bapt Oct 1882. Endow 19 Oct
23 Apr 1877
Georgetown, Bear Lake, Idaho
16 Jul 1940
Montpelier, Bear Lake, Idaho
9 Nov 1899
Logan, Cache, Utah 
                       1. Birth/chr: Georgetown Ward Rec, Early-1905, pg 5, #116. FHL Film #7189.
    2. Marr: Cache Co Marr Rec, Bk 4, pg 455. FHL Film #430306.
    3. Death/bur: Lanark Ward Rec, Form E, Deaths-1940. FHL Film #7172.
    4. LDS Bapt: Georgetown Ward Rec, Early-1905, pg 5, #116. FHL Film #7189.
    5. Endow: Logan Temple Living Endow, Bk B, pg 9. FHL Film #178053.
    6. Sld husb: Logan Temple Lvg Seal, Bk A, pg 445. FHL Film #178135.
    7. Other: Montpelier 2nd Ward Rec, 1909-1910, #164. FHL Film #7194. Montpelier 2nd Ward Rec, Early-1940, #39. FHL Film #7201.

    1. Birth/chr extract: Catherine Hayse, child to Alma and Ansulenah Thomas. Born
    23 Apr 1877 at Georgetown. Blessed 10 Jun 1877. Bapt 17 Jul 1885. Conf 17 Jul
    1885. Rebapt 5 Nov 1899. Reconf 5 Nov 1899.
    2. Marr extract: (See notes for husband, George Henry King).
    3. Death/bur extract: Ward #201, Katherine King, married, age 63. Parents: Alma
    Hayes and Annsilina Thomas. Born at Georgetown, Idaho, 23 Apr 1877. Died 16 Jul
    1940. Housewife. Died from heart trouble.
    5. Endow extract: Catherine Hayes, born 23 Apr 1877, Georgetown, Bear Lake,
    Idaho. Father: Alma Hayes. Mother: Ann Selina Thomas. Instance of self. Bapt
    17 Jul 1885. Endow 9 Nov 1899.
    6. Sld husb extract: (See notes for husband, George Henry King).
    7. Montpelier 2nd Ward Rec extract: (1909-1910) Catherine Hayes King, dau to
    Alma Hayes and Angelina Thomas. Born 23 Apr 1877 at Georgetown, Bear Lake,
    Idaho. Bapt 17 Jul 1885. Conf 17 Jul 1885. Rec from Montpelier 1st Ward, 14 Mar
    7. Montpelier 2nd Ward Rec extract: (Early-1940) Katherine Hayes King, dau to
    Alma Hayes and Annsilina Thomas. Born at Georgetown, Idaho, 23 Apr 1877. Bapt
    1885. Removed to Paris 2nd Ward 17 Oct 1924.
11 Sep 1880
Georgetown, Bear Lake, Idaho
12 Nov 1969
Weiser, Washington, Idaho
10 Jun 1903
Logan, Cache, Utah 
                       1. Birth/chr: Georgetown Ward Rec, Eary-1905. p 5. #117. FHL Film #7189.
    2. Marr: Logan Temple Living Seal, Bk B, p 33. FHL Film #178136.
    3. Death/bur: LDS Deceased Mmbrshp Rec 1942-1973. FHL Film #CR298-7 Roll #368.
    4. LDS Bapt: Georgetown Ward Rec, Early-1905, p 5, #117. FHL Film #7189.
    5. Endow: Logan Temple Living Endow, Bk B, p 75. FHL Film #178053.

    1. Birth/chr extract: Louisa Alice Hayse, child to Alma and Ansulenah Thomas,
    born 11 Sep 1880 at Gerogetown. Blessed 24 Oct 1880. Bapt 1 Aug 1888. Conf 2
    Aug 1888.
    2. Marr extract: Robert Weber, b. 5 Jul 1879, Aargan, Aargan, Switz, and Alice
    Louise Hayes, b. 11 Sep 1880, Georgetown, Bear Lake, Idaho. Sld 10 Jun 1903.
    3. Death/bur extract: Alice L. Hayes Weber, child to Alma Hayes and Annseline
    Thomas. Born 11 Sep 1880 at Georgetown, Bear Lake, Idaho. Md Robert Weber. Died
    12 Nov 1969 at Weiser, Idaho.
    4. LDS Bapt extract: (See extract for birth/chr, above).
    5. Endow extract: Alice Louisa Hayes, b 11 Sep 1880 at Georgetown, Bear Lake,
    Idaho. Father: Alma Hayes. Mother: Ann Selma Thomas.  Bapt 1 Aug 1888. Endow 10
    June 1903.
11 Jan 1883
Georgetown, Bear Lake, Idaho
12 Mar 1969
Soda Springs, Caribou, Idaho
11 Sep 1901
Logan, Cache, Utah 
                       1. Birth/chr: Georgetown Ward Rec, Early-1905, p 5, #118. FHL Film #7189.
    2. Marr: Cache Co Marr Rec, Bk 6, p 6. FHL Film #430307.
    3. Death/bur: LDS Deceased Mmbrshp Rec 1942-1973. FHL Film #CR298-7, Roll #200.
    4. LDS Bapt: Georgetown Ward Rec, Early-1905, p 5, #118. FHL Film #7189.
    5. Endow: Logan Temple Living Ednow, Bk B, p 39. FHL Film #178053.

    1. Birth/chr extract: Margaret Hayse, child to Alma and Ansulenah Thomas. Born
    11 Jan 1883 at Georgetown. Blessed 20 May 1883. Bapt 17 Oct 1891. Conf 18 Oct
    1891. Rebapt 26 Aug 1901. Reconf 26 Aug 1901.
    3. Death/bur extract: Margaret Hayes King, child to Alma Hayes and Annselina
    Thomas.  Born 19 Jan 1882 at Georgetown, Bear Lake, Idaho. Md Wilford King.
    Died 12 Mar 1969 at Soda Springs, Idaho.
    4. LDS Bapt extract: (See extract for birth/chr, above).
    5. Endow extract: Margaret Hayes, born 19 Jan 1883 at Georgetown, Bear Lake,
    Idaho. Father: Alma Hayes. Mother: Anceline Thomas.  Instance of self, Bapt 17
    Oct 1891. Endow 11 Sep 1901.
Robert HAYES
16 Jul 1885
Georgetown, Bear Lake, Idaho
30 Jul 1886
Georgetown, Bear Lake, Idaho
                       1. Birth/chr:
    2. Death/bur:
    3. Indiv Ord:
Edith May HAYES
31 Jul 1886
Georgetown, Bear Lake, Idaho
7 Jan 1895
Georgetown, Bear Lake, Idaho
                       1. Birth/chr: Georgetown Ward Rec, Early-1905, p 7, #161. FHL Film #7189.
    2. Death/bur: Georgetown Ward Rec, Early-1905, p 7, #161. FHL Film #7189.
    3. LDS Bapt: Georgetown Ward Rec, Early-1905, p 7, #161. FHL Film #7189.
    4. Endow: Salt Lake Temple Endow for Dead, Bk 6K, p 28. FHL Film #184229.

    1. Birth/chr extract: Edith May Hayse, child to Alma and Anselina Thomas. Born
    31 Jul 1886 at Georgetown. Blessed 7 Jul 1887. Bapt 5 Sep 1894. Conf 9 Sep
    1894. Died 7 Jan 1895.
    2. Death/bur extract: (See extract for birth/chr, above).
    3. LDS Bapt extract: (See extract for birth/chr, above).
    4. Endow extract: Edith May Hayes, born 31 Jul 1886, at Georgetown, Bear Lake,
    Idaho. Father: Alma Hayes. Mother: Annselina Thomas. Instance of Alma Hayes,
    father, Bapt 10 Aug 1938. Endow 18 Aug 1938.
9 Mar 1889
Georgetown, Bear Lake, Idaho
27 Sep 1966
Blackfoot, Bingham, Idaho
17 Mar 1913
                       1. Birth/chr: Georgetown Ward Rec, Early-1905, p 15, #342. FHL Film #7189.
    2. 1st Marr: Georgetown Ward Rec, Form E, Marr-1913. FHL Film #7190.
    3. 2nd Marr:
    4. 3rd Marr:
    5. Death/bur: LDS Deceased Mmbrshp Rec 1942-1973. FHL Film #CR298-7, Roll #114.
    6. LDS Bapt: Georgetown Ward Rec, Early-1905, p 15, #342. FHL Film #7189.
    7. Endow: IF Temple Rec, given in Idaho IGI-Batch #7100041, Sheet #41.

    1. Birth/chr extract: Harriat Ann Hayse, child to Alma and Ancilena Thomas.
    Born 9 Mar 1889 at Georgetown. Blessed 14 Mar 1889. Bapt 31 Jul 1897. Conf 1
    Aug 1897.
    2. 1st Marr extract: #23 Harriett Ann Hayes of Georgetown, female, md 17 Mar
    1913 (Civil) to Winter Ghlee Erb, non-member.
    5. Death/bur extract: Harriet Ann Hayes Erb. Parents: Alma Hayes and Anselina
    Thomas. Born 13 Mar at Georgetown, Bear Lake, Idaho. Bapt 31 Jul 1897. Civil
    Marr: 2nd, 2 June 1944. Civil Marr: 3rd, 5 Sep 1946. Husband Olef Norseth, div.
    Husband Winter Glee Erb. Divorced 12 Apr 1954 at Soda Springs, Idaho. Died 27
    Sep 1966 at Blackfoot, Idaho. She was in Bend, Oregon in 1927, and at Morland
    2nd Ward, Blackfoot Stake in 1963.
    6. LDS Bapt extract: (See extract for birth/chr, above).
    7. Endow extract: Harriet Ann Hayes, dau to Alma Hayes and Annselina Thomas.
    Born 13 Mar 1889 at Georgetown, Bear Lake, Idaho. Bapt 31 Jul 1897. Endow 24
    Aug 1972 IF. Parents living.
23 May 1891
Georgetown, Bear Lake, Idaho
19 May 1973
Soda Springs, Caribou, Idaho
20 Aug 1908
                       1. Birth/chr: Georgetown Ward Rec, Early-1905, p 16, #378. FHL Film #7189.
    2. Marr: Georgetown Ward Rec, Form E, Marr-1908. FHL Film #7190.
    3. Death/bur: LDS Deceased Mmbrshp rec 1942-1973. FHL Film CR298-7, Roll #320.
    4. LDS Bapt: Georgetown Ward Rec, Early-1905, p 16, #378. FHL Film #7189.
    5. Endow: Logan Temple Living Endow, Book A2, p 29. FHL Film #178054.

    1. Birth/chr extract: Esther Hayes, child to Alma and Ancelina. Born 23 May
    1891 at Georgetown. Blessed 7 Jan 1892. Bapt 16 June 1899. Conf 16 Jun 1899.
    2. Marr extract: #37, Esther Hayes of Georgetown Ward, female, married 20 Aug
    1908 (Civil) to Frederick Smart, member, also of Georgetown (#91).
    3. Death/bur extract: Esther Hayes Smart, child to Alma Hayes and Anselina
    Thomas. Born 23 May 1891 at Georgetown, Bear Lake, Idaho. Md Frederick E.
    Smart. Died 19 May 1973 at Soda Springs, Idaho.
    4. LDS Bapt extract: (See extract for birth/chr, above).
    5. Endow extract: Esther Hayes, born 23 May 1891 at Georgetown, Bear Lake,
    Idaho. Father: Alma Hayes. Mother: Anselina Thomas. Bapt 16 Jul 1899. Endow 2
    Sep 1914.
David William HAYES
19 Feb 1894
Georgetown, Bear Lake, Idaho
28 Dec 1894
Georgetown, Bear Lake, Idaho
                       1. Birth/chr: Georgetown Ward Rec, Early-1905, p 21, #484. FHL Film #7189.
    2. Death/bur: Georgetown Ward Rec, Early-1905, p 21, #484. FHL Film #7189.

    1. Birth/chr extract: David William Hayes, child to Alma and Ancelina Thomas.
    Born 19 Feb 1894 at Georgetown. Blessed 1 Nov 1894. Died 28 Dec 1894.
    2. Death/bur extract: (See extract for birth/chr, above).
FamilyCentral Network
Alma Hayes - Ann Selina Thomas

Alma Hayes was born at Nauvoo, Hancock, Illinois 11 Feb 1846. His parents were Thomas Hayes and Polly Hess.

He married Ann Selina Thomas 9 Dec 1867 at Farmington, Davis, Utah . Ann Selina Thomas was born at Savannah, Andrew, Missouri 12 Dec 1851 daughter of Robert Thomas and Catherine Lewis .

They were the parents of 12 children:
Mary Elizabeth Hayes born 13 Nov 1868.
John Riley Hayes born 3 Oct 1870.
Mary Jane Hayes born 21 Dec 1872.
Alma Hess Hayes born 28 Sep 1874.
Catherine Hayes born 23 Apr 1877.
Louise Alice Hayes born 11 Sep 1880.
Margaret Hayes born 11 Jan 1883.
Robert Hayes born 16 Jul 1885.
Edith May Hayes born 31 Jul 1886.
Harriet Ann Hayes born 9 Mar 1889.
Esther Hayes born 23 May 1891.
David William Hayes born 19 Feb 1894.

Alma Hayes died 5 Dec 1935 at Soda Springs, Caribou, Idaho .

Ann Selina Thomas died 22 Feb 1939 at Soda Springs, Caribou, Idaho .