12 Sep 1738
Heiligkreuz-, Sternach, Heidelberg, Baden, Germany
18 Sep 1738
Heiligkreuz-, Sternach, Heidelberg, Baden, Germany
Brownsville, Fayette, Pennsylvania
Abt 1765
Jefferson County, West Virginia
                       1. Birth/chr: Heiligkreuzsteinach birth/chr, 1729-75, p 39. FHL Film #1189178. Descendants of Johann Adam & Anna Maria Beckenbaugh, p 22. FHL Call #929.273 B388c.
    2. Marr:
    3. Death/bur:
    4. Indiv Ord: LA Temple Rec, Baden IGI-Batch #8700820 sheet 41.
    5. Other: Fayette Co, Penn, Wills, Vol 1, p 2. FHL Film #861065.
    6. Other: Descendants of Johann Adam & Anna Maria Beckenbach, p 18-19, 23-26. FHL Call #929.273 B388c.
    7. Remarks: Husband was born in Germany and emigrated to the US in 1751. The surname was originally Beckenbach, but over a period of time the name became Peckinpaugh, with many various spellings, including Peckinpaugh, Peckenpaugh, Packinpaugh, Peckenpaw, Peckenpah, Peckingpaugh, etc. The first two generations who resided in the
    US   may be listed under either Beckenbach or Peckinpaugh.

    1. Birth/chr extract: Georg Peter, born 12 Sep 1738, chr 18 Sep 1738. Father:
    Joh. Adam Beckenbach, citizen & Einwohner of Eiterbach. Mother: Anna Maria.
    1. Birth/chr extract: Church of Evangelists in Heiligkreuzsteinach. 1738 Birth
    Reg Book, Reg Nr 23, Page 39. Child Georg Peter Beckenbach, born 12 Oct 1738,
    in Eiterbach. Chr 18 Oct 1738. Father is Johann Adam Beckenbach, of Eiterbach.
    Religion: Reform. Mother is Anna Maria. Religion: Reform. Wit: Johann Peter
    Heub, des ehrsamen Johann Micael Burgerl. Einwohners in Vogelsbach ehel.
    Lediger Sohn. Reform.
    4. Indiv Ord extract: Georg Peter Beckenbach, chr 18 Sep 1738; father Johann
    Adam Beckenbach. Bapt 26 Mar 1987 LA; Endow 3 Apr 1987 LA; Seal 8 May 1987 LA.
    Ref 8700820 41 S/N 00134-3 014 03.
    5. Fayette Co, Penn Will extract: In the Name of God, Amen, I, Peter Pecken
    Bouch of Menallone township, Fayette County, in the State of Pennsylvania,
    Yeoman being very Sick and Weake in Body but of perfect Mind and Memory, thanks
    be given unto God Calling unto Mind the Mortality of My Body, Do make and
    ordain this My Last Will and testament in manner following. I recommend My Soul
    into Hands of Almighty God that gave it and My Body, I recommend to the Earth
    to be buried in Decent Christian Buriel at the Descretion of My Executors And
    as touching such Worldly Estate wherewith it has pleased God to bless me in
    this life I give, devise, and Dispose of the same in the following manner and
    First, I Will that all My Lawfull Debts and Final Charges be paid and then
    I give and bequeeth all my Real and personal Estate unto My Dearly beloved wife
    Caterin to gather with the benefits and in comes therunto belonging During her
    widowhood or as long as she remains my widow, but if in case she should
    Contract Matrimony then I will that my Estate Should be Equally divided amongst
    all my children. Then I give and bequeeth to my Dearly beloved Son Peter one
    pound of Good and lawfull Money of the State afore Said and no more but a
    Child's part as afore said. And I Constitute, make and ordain Marck Easter and
    Peter Brunner the sole executors of this my last will and testament and I do
    hereby utterly disallow and revoke all former testaments, wills, legacies, and
    executors ratifying and confirming this and no other to be my last will and
    testament. In witness where of I have hereunto set my hand and seal this
    fourteenth day of July and in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred
    eighty four.
    Signed, sealed, published, pronounced and declared by the said Peter
    Peckenbouch as his last will and testament in the presence of:
    Charles Hickman
    Michal Cronnin                            Peter Peckenbouch
    Jacob Easter

    Fayette County
    The twenty first day of April 1785 before me Alexander McClean Register
    for the probate of wills and grantary letters of administration in and for said
    county personally owns two of the subscribing witnesses to the foregoing last
    will and testament, and on this solomn day declared that they saw the testator
    sign and authorize the foregoing writing as and for his last Will and
    Testament, that he was then in his right-mind, that no undue influence was
    used to their knowledge, neither do they know of any later will made by him.
    I witness my hand the same day, Alexander McClean, Register.
    Memorandum, that letters testamentary were granted unto Mark Easter (Peter
    Bruner being dead), inventory to be exhibited the 21st day of May next, and an
    account or reckoning on the 21st day of April 1786 or when thereunto lawfully
    6. Descendants of Johann Adam & Anna Maria Beckenbach extract: (p 18-19) The
    three brothers Peter, John and George, who left Maryland in 1764, appear to
    have kept close contact with another Maryland family, the Bruners;
    particularly with the family of Michael and Barbara Bruner, the parents of
    of George Leonard, baptized 10 Jun 1753, in the German Reformed Church, Fred-
    erick, Md., witness Maria Peckinbaugh; and of George Peter, baptized 13 Jun
    1758, the witnesses George Peter Peckinbaugh and his mother, Maria Peckenbaugh.
    Our Bruner Ancestors in America, by Henry Lane Bruner and Elizabeth Bruner
    Taylor, gives the time at which this Bruner family moved into Frederick Co.,
    (later Berkeley Co.) Virginia, as 1761 and later, and the time of moving to
    Kentucky, as 1786. The years from 1783 to 1786 were spent in Menallen twp,
    Fayette Co, Pennsylvania.
    As nearly as can be determined, the 3 Peckinbaughs, Peter, John and
    George, left Maryland in 1764, settling in the general area of Morgantown, West
    Virginia. In 1783 they, too, moved to Menallen twp, Fayette Co, Penns.
    Peter's children are named in an article appearing in the Colorado
    Genealogist in April, 1940, Vol I, No 7:
    The family of George Peter and Catherine Peckenpaugh of Brownsville,
    Fayette Co, PA. George Beckenbach, with his father and several brothers, came
    to Penns from Germany in 1751. The name underwent various transformations until
    it finally became Peckinpaugh. (Frank Clay Cross, Denver)
    Children with Birth Dates:
    Peter       Oct 11, 1766                        Adam       Oct 31, 1777
    Frederick   May 20, 1768                        Mary       Feb 11, 1780
    George      May 22, 1770                        Henry      Feb 16, 1782
    Elizabeth   Mar 27, 1772                        John       Oct  4, 1783
    Barbara     May 25, 1774                        Susanna    Oct 25, 1785
    Catherine   Feb 25, 1776"
    This list of children, when it was published, was recognized by the
    descendants of several. Among them, a descendant of John, second youngest, who
    said her grandmother had a list in her Bible identical with the one in the
    Colorado Genealogist article. John was supposed to have been born near
    Granville, West Virginia.
    Peter's will was found in Uniontown, Penns. It was dated 14 Jul 1784 and
    admitted to probate 21 Apr 1785. In it, he is called Peter Pecken Bouch, and
    also, Peter Peckenbouch. The will is in the handwriting of Charles Hickman, an
    attorney, who was one of the witnesses. The other witnesses were Michael
    Cronnin and Jacob Easter. The executors were Marck Easter and Peter Brunner.
    When the will was presented, letters testamentary were granted to Mark Easter.
    ("Peter Bruner being dead").
    The will leaves all estate, both real and personal to his beloved wife,
    Caterin, during her widowhood, to be divided equally among all his children in
    the event that Catherine should remarry. There was a special legacy to "my
    dearly beloved and first to born son, Peter," of one pound of good and lawful
    money, but he was to have otherwise, no more than a child's part. The will was
    signed in German script, undecipherable to those familiar only with English,
    Peter Beckenbach.
    There is a record of a deed, dated March 9, 1786, in Fayett Co, Penns,
    which must be in settlement of this estate. It is from Peter Pickenbaugh to
    wife, Caterin, and son, Peter. This deed can not be found. The records of
    Fayette and adjoining counties were checked. A note on the will said inventory
    was to be exhibited the 21st day of May next, and an account or reckoning on
    the 21st of April 1786, or when thereunto lawfully required.
    Since the will mentions real estate, and no record can be found, it seems
    possible that Peter may have had a claim which his widow and son sold to some
    one who later patented the land. The maps show that most of the patents were
    issued after Peter's death. A history of the region notes that the settlers
    invariably respected one another's claims.
    No proof has been found that George Peter's wife, Caterine, was Catherine
    Tullis, but family tradition says they were married about 1765, in Virginia. A
    Tullis family moved from New Jersey to Berkeley Co, Va, in 1760. Revolutionary
    War records show two brothers, Aaron, born 25 Sep 1753, and Michael, born Feb
    1756, enrolled at Shepherdstown to serve as riflemen in the company of Captain
    Hugh Stephenson in 1775 and 1776. In the last year of his service, in the 8th
    Continental Regiment, Michael served in the very famous Lifeguard of Gen.
    Washington. This special corps, commanded by Captain Livingston, was made up of
    56 men, 4 selected from each regiment. After his service, Aaron Tullis went to
    Redstone, Penns, for 6 or 7 years, and then to Kentucky.
    No record has been found that Catherine was related to these two. However,
    the name, Aaron, was used by descendants. The name, Michael, had been
    previously used, but not Aaron. George Peter was probably in Berkeley Co, Va,
    in 1765. The Bruners were there at that time. However, all efforts to identify
    Catherine as a member of a Tullis family have been unsuccessful.
    6. Descendants of Johann Adam & Anna Maria Beckenbach extract: (p 23-26) It is
    in this family that the tradition is found that tells of three brothers who
    came into the wilderness at about the time of the Revolution. The names of
    George, John and Peter Peckinpaugh are found on a petition which circulated
    between the years 1776 and 1780, and finally came to rest in the court house in
    Washington Co, Penns.
    The Colorado Genealogist article states that George Peter Beckenbach, with
    his father and several brothers, came from Germany in 1751. George Peter's
    birth certificate shows him to have been born 12 Oct 1738, in Eiterbach,
    Germany. We assume that John, George, and Adam were the brothers referred to.
    It seems likely that Catherine and Mary, also, were born in Germany, but data
    is lacking on the birthplaces of the two daughters.
    The 3 brothers made homes in Western Virginia and Pennsylvania, and a
    generation of 15-20 children can be attributed to them. Sorting them out,
    however, is a real problem. We have the names of Peter's 11 children, but many
    of the names were born by 2, about the same age and living in the same area.
    All three brothers were dead by 1790, but some information has been found about
    their widows.

    1790 Census, Menallen twp, Fayette Co, Penns:
    Catherine Beckimbaugh                            Widow Peckimpaugh
    1 male over 16                                   2 males under 16
    2 males under 16                                 5 females
    4 females

    The two Peckinpaugh widows in Pennsylvania in 1790, presumably, are the
    widows of Peter and John. The tax records show the Widow Peckimpaugh, George
    Pickembough and Catherine Baughenbaugh paying taxes in 1785 and 1786 in Fayette
    Co, Penns.

    Pennsylvania Archives, 3rd Series, Vol XXII:
    p 557, Menallen twp:
    The Widow Pickimpaugh paid 9.0 tax (1785)
    George Pickembough paid 7.6 tax (1785)
    p 614, Menallen twp:
    Catherine Baughenbaugh paid 10.07 tax (1786)
    p 622, Luzerne twp:
    George Pickenbough paid 1.9 tax (1786)

    The Bruner Genealogy, already referred to, tells that George Peckinbaugh
    went to Kentucky in 1786 with Michael Bruner, wife Barbara, and Leonard, their
    son, and George Bruner, who was related to them, and had joined them in
    Pennsylvania in 1783. (This may be the John George Brenner, wife Anna Maria,
    who were sponsors in 1786 in Zion Lutheran Church, Greensburg, Pa, for George
    Peter, son of George Peter and Barbra Beckenbach.)
    In 1791, George Peter's widow, Catherine, with the younger children, Mary,
    Henry, John, and Susanna, and with the oldest son, Peter, his wife Barbara and
    their children, went to Kentucky.
    She seems not to have remarried, at least not before 1802, when she gave
    permission for Susanna to marry:

    "Oct 13th day 1802
    Sir I will be obliged to you if Mr. Jacob Rice calls on you for license
    for him and my daughter Susanna Peckenpaugh you will be so kind as to give then
    to him and you will oblige your friend.
    Att: Wm Kelso, Clk, B.C.                       Catherine Peckenpaugh
    Henry Peckenpaugh"

    The copy is dated 9 Sep 1955, and signed Roy McCoy, Clerk Breckinridge
    County Court, Hardinsburg, Ky; by Signa Board.
    There is no question but that this is Peter's widow Catherine, mother of
    Susanna, born 1785, in Penns.
    However, there was another Peckenpaugh widow there, by 1796. Hardin Co, Ky
    Marriages 1792-1812 records the marriage of Caty Peckenpaugh, the daughter of
    Caty Huckleberry; bond Dec 2, 1796; married Oct 3, 1796 by Josiah Dodge. It is
    not known whether Caty Huckleberry was the Widow of the George Peckinbaugh who
    accompanied the Bruners to Kentucky in 1786, or whether she was the widow of
    John, counted in the 1790 census of Fayette Co, Pa and came after that date to
    Kentucky, perhaps on 1791.
    Others beside Catherine, Peter and Barbara, and the children of both
    families were in that 1791 migration. A Christiana Pickenpaugh who married
    Joseph Bartholomew in 1787, in Penns, moved with her family, to the Louisville
    area in 1791, or perhaps, a year or two earlier.
    Until further information is found, the descendants of the three brothers
    who left Maryland in 1764 might be placed in two categories: those belonging to
    Peter and Catherine, and those belonging to John or George.

    Peter and Catherine                            John or George

    1. Peter, born 11 Oct 1766,                    1. George, born about 1765
    married Barbara Ridenour in                    married Susannah, patented
    1785, went to Kentucky 1791.                   land in Green Co, Pa, 1793.

    2. Frederick, born 20 May                      2. Christiana, born about
    1768, married Elizabeth,                       1767, married Joseph Bart-
    went to Ohio in 1801.                          holomew about 1787, went to
    Kentucky, before 1791.
    3. George, born 22 May 1770
    married Charlotte Barrick-                     3. Jacob Frederick, born Pa
    man; and went to West Va.                      1769, died Pa, 5 Apr 1814,
    soon after 1800.                               married Elizabeth Verner;
    only known child, daughter
    4. Elizabeth, born 27 March                    Mary, who married John Bell
    1772, is probably the Eliza-                   (Nat'l Soc. U.S. Daughters
    beth who married John Kern.                    of 1812, lists Jacob as an
    ancestor; Penns Archi
Catherine TULLIS
Abt 1748
New Jersey
Aft 1802
Breckinridge Co., Kentucky
11 Oct 1766
Shepherdstown, Jefferson, West Virginia
Aft 1830
Crawford County, Indiana
Abt 1785
Fayette County, Pennsylvania 
                       1. Birth/chr: Thomas Wade Peckinpaugh Bible, as listed in Early Vital Rec of Ohio, compiled by DAR, p 19. FHL Film #893729. Descndants of Johann Adam & Anna Maria Beckenbach, Rev Ed p 209.
    2. Marr: Cal from brth of 1st child, Georg Peter Peckinpaugh, b 9 Jul 1786
    3. Death/bur: Residing 1830 in Crawford Co, Ind, Deed Bk A, p 418.
    4. Indiv Ord: Oakland Temple Rec, Penn IGI-Batch #7511908, sheet 73.
    5. sld sp: Ogden Temple Rec, Penn IGI-Batch #7508609, sheet 14.
    6. Other: 1790 Census, German twp, Fayette, Penn; 1800 and 1810 Census, Breckinridge Co, KY. 1820 Census, Crawford Co, Ind.
    7. Other: Descendants of Johann Adam & Anna Maria Beckenbach, p 137-140, and Rev Ed, p 209-342. Compiled by Edwin T. & Atha Peckenpaugh Brace; 2919 Meadow Lane; El Campo, Texas 77437. Published by Gateway Press, Inc; Baltimore, Maryland, 1984.
    8. Other: Peckinpaugh Fam and Bible Rec, Publ by Michigan Soc, Nat'l Soc of
    DAR  . FHL Film #908000.
    9. Other: Brcknridge Co, KY, Court Rec, 1803-08, Bk 1, p 44, 88.  FHL Call #976.9854 v2c, Vol 1, p 8.
    10. Other: Breckinridge Co, KY, Deed Bk A. FHL Call #976.9854 v2c. Breckinridge Co, KY, Deed Bk D, 1816-19,p 478-79. FHL Call #976.9854 v2c, Vol IV, p 316.
    11. Remarks: Husband and 1st child generally went by the name of Peter Peckinpaugh. Husband's father was born in Germany and emigrated to the US in 1751. The surname was originally Beckenbach, but over a period of time the name became Peckinpaugh, with many various spellings, including Peckinpaugh, Peckenpaugh, Packinpaugh, Peckenpaw, Peckenpah, Peckingpaugh, etc. The first two generations who resided in the US may be listed under either Beckenbach or Peckinpaugh.

    4. Indiv Ord extract: Peter Peckinpaugh, son Peter Peckinpaugh/Catherine
    Tullis, born 11 Oct 1766, Cumberland Co. Bapt 18 Mar 1970; Endow 19 Jun 1970
    OK; Sld 8 Jul 1970 OK.
    5. Sld sp extract: George Peter Beckenbach md Barbara Ridenour, 1785, Fayett
    Co. Sld 17 Jan 1976 OG.
    7. Descendants of Johann Adam & Anna Maria Beckenbach extract: (p 137-38)
    George Peter Peckinpaugh, first child of Fayette Co, Peter and Catherine
    (Tullis) Peckinpaugh, was born 11 Oct 1766, probably in West Virginia. He md
    before Oct 1785, Barbara Ridenour.  A bible record of their children has not
    been found, but the following appear to belong to the same family, and several
    are positively identified as children of Peter and Barbara:
    The Census records inicate that Peter and Barbara may have had a daughter
    born before 1790, and possibly another son. It's difficult to tell before 1850,
    whether some one in the household was a member of the family. In every case
    except that of Catherine, there are links between the person named and others
    in the family.  In her case, the only inofrmation about her, found so far, is
    the record of her marriage.
    The census records for Peter and Barbara (Ridenour) Peckinpaugh:

    1790 German twp, Fayette Co, Penns.
    Peter Peckenpaugh         2 females
    1 male over 16
    2 males under 16

    1800 Breckinridge Co, Kentucky census, lists Peter Pakenpaugh, and his
    brothers Henry and John, all as heads of households, but does not show the
    make-up of families.

    1810 Breckinridge Co, Kentucky.
    Peter Peckenpaugh      1 female over 45
    1 male 26-45           1 female 16-25
    4 males 16-25          1 female 10-15
    1 male 10-15           3 females under 10
    1 male under 10

    1820 Crawford Co, Indiana.
    Peter Peckenpaugh
    1 male over 45         1 female over 45
    1 male 16-25           1 female 16-25
    1 female 10-15

    The marriage record for Peter and Barbara has not been found. It is
    tradition that she was named Barbara Ridenour. Ridenour is a middle name for
    several, in succeeding generations.
    In a letter to Mrs. Clawson in 1953, Dr. George Ridenour, of Caryville,
    Tenn, said, "My great great grandfather was Henry Ridenour, born 1740 (?). I
    have to rely upon tradition for my statement about the relationship of Henry
    Ridenour to the Peckenpaughs; however, my grand uncles and my grandfather
    remembered their grandfather's accounts of visiting the Peckenpaughs in
    Kentucky on the Ohio River, and the bear hunts on the Blue River in Indiana.
    According to this tradition, Peter Peckenpaugh, father of Peter Peckenpaugh,
    married Barbara Ridenour. She was a sister of my great great grandfather. There
    is no documentary evidence for my statement. Henry Ridenour, my great great
    grandfather, was son of Henry Ridenour of Pennsylvania.  He had several
    brothers and sisters.
    7. Descendants of Johann Adam & Anna Maria Beckenbach extract: (p 139-40) Peter
    Peckenpaugh was included in the first Grand Jury impaneled in Breckinridge Co,
    Monday, Apr 21, 1800. Page 9 of History and Legend of Breckinridge Co, KY, by
    Bill Thomspon.
    The History of Crawford County 1818-1926. H.H. Pleasant has several
    references to him, calling him "Uncle" Peter Peckinpaugh.
    On p. 4, "Just how many settlers were in the county, in 1818, one can not
    now say, but there must have been a large number. Uncle Peter Peckinpaugh
    located in the Big Bottom, near Cape Sandy, about 1806, but fearing Indians he
    moved back to Kentucky and did not return for several years." On p. 160, this
    is elaborated, "One of the most interesting stories told in those old days,
    was known as Peckinpaugh's Indian story. Uncle Peter Peckinpaugh, who had moved
    to southern Indiana about 1806, built a cabin near Cape Sanday on the Ohio
    River, and was living there by himself.  He had a large sugar camp open and
    was making sugar. The pots were boiling well, the sun had set, and all the land
    was dark. Uncle Peter sat in an easy seat, smoking his pipe and watching the
    syrup boil. Suddenly, the syrup caught fire and burned up. Uncle Peter took
    that as an ill omen and fled to his cabin. When morning came, he returned and
    found such a sight as he had never seen before. There were moccasin tracks all
    around the pots where the Indians had been licking the syrup and drinking the
    sap in the other vessels."
    On p. 162, "The writer's father was working for Uncle Peter Peckinpaugh
    when he was a boy of about the age of 10 years. Once, after they had gone to
    bed, something raised a terrible disturbance down at the hog pen, where his old
    sow had a litter of pigs. He turned hiw wolf dogs loose and seized his hand
    spike and ran down to the pen. When he arrived, the two largest dogs had caught
    a wild animal of some kind. Old Uncle Peter watched his chance, and when one
    dog had hold of its hips, he was able to strike down between the dogs, and
    broke the varmint's back. It was easily dispatched then. When he brought a
    light from the house, he examined the animal, and found that it was a large
    panther measuring eight feet from the end of it's tail to its nose."
    This episode may have taken place after Peter and Barbara's family was
    grown and gone. They are not found in the 1830 census of Crawford Co, Ind. A
    deed dated 24 Oct 1830, and recorded 10 Sep 1831, Deed Bk A, pp 418 and 419,
    transfers an 80 acre tract of land, in Crawford Co, Ind. to Michael Cryder.
    The land was the east half of the southwest quarter of section 11, township 3,
    south of Range 1 West. It was patented to Peter 29 Jul 1803, it being "part of
    the land directed to be sold at Vincennes." The purchase price was not given,
    but it sold, in 1830, for $300.
    This deed was signed by both Peter and Barbara, as we know that both were
    living at this time.
    A complete list of lands owned by Peter and Barbara has not been made, but
    the Breckinridge Co, Deed index 1800-1889, shows the following deeds made in

    Book    Page
    A         2      Peckinpaugh & wife      George Claycomb         138 A
    19          .. Peter et al      Mary Conuch (?)         2 lotts
    146          ..  ..              Adam Bruner & wife      100 A
    B        31          ..  ..              Philip Faber (Tabor?)   100 A
    77          ..  ..                    ..                100 A
    81          ..  ..              William Hardin Jr.     138 & 100 A
    140          ..  ..              Adam Bruner & wife      100 A
    286          ..  ..              Richard Bibb            300 A
    319          ..  ..                    ..                100 A
    D       479          ..  ..              Michael Bruner

    The second deed listed was scanned. It was dated 12 Feb 1801 and
    transferred 2 lots in Hardinsburg, #'s 10 and 16, to Mary Cornick. The grantors
    were Peter, and wife, Barbara. Ther is nothing to indicate the identity of Mary
    By 1815, deeds to Breckinridge Co, Ky land refer to Peter and Barbara as
    being of Perry Co, Ind. Crawford Co, Ind was not formed till 1818. Some tracts
    in Kentucky are described as being on Hardin Creek, now called Sugar Camp
    Creek, and on Dorritt's Creek, "next to land owned by Adam and Elizabeth (Rice)
    Peter and Barbara have not been found in the census of 1830, but several
    of their children were in the 1830, and 1840 Vermillion Co, Ind, census
    records. It may be that Peter and Barbara spent their last days with one or
    another of their children.
    9. Court Rec extract: (p 44)
    Grand Jury empaneled to include Samuel Allen, foreman, Thomas Rice, John
    Cummins, Leonard Wheatley, Barney Miller, Michael Miller, Richard Avit, Peter
    Peckinpaugh, Adam Bruner, Ansel Hyde, Jacob Rice, Amasa Taber, William Rusher,
    John Hamilton, Christian Miller, William Poole, Tompkins Burdit, Samuel
    Spencer, Joseph Brashears, Joshua Walls, Samuel Hamilton, and Robert McNally.
    (p 88:)
    Grand Jury returned the following indictments - John Claycomb, yeoman, who on
    November 27, 1803, with force and arms on or near a road leading to Hardin
    Court House in County of Breckinridge, near Hardinsburgh, one hog to the value
    of $3.00, property of Peter Peckinpaugh, did steal, and one hog, white color
    spotted with black, value $2.00, also of Peter Peckinpaugh. Informant, Joseph
    Carnes, William Walker and Elijah Hardin and Peter Peckinpaugh and others.
    10. Deed Book A extract:
    (pgs 23-24, Vol 1, p 133:) February 12, 1801 - Peter Pakipau (Peckenpaugh) and
    Barbary (Barbara), his wife, to Mary Cormick. For 12 pounds, 2 lots in Hardins-
    burg, Lots #10 and #16, 1/2 acre each. Recorded February 14, 1801.

    (pgs 31-32, Vol 1, p 146:) October 20, 1803 - Philip taber to Peter Peckenpaugh
    For 25 pounds, 100 acres on Clover Creek. Recorded October 20, 1803.

    (pgs 76-78, Vol 1, p 150:) January 28, 1804 - Peter Peckenpaugh to Philip
    Taber. For $1.00, tract of land conveyed to Peter Peckenpaugh by said Philip
    Taber, deed dated October 20, 1803. Recorded January 28, 1804.

    (pg 81, Vol 1, p 150:) March 19, 1804 - William Hardin, Sr. to Peter
    Peckenpaugh. For $1.00, 138 acres on Sugar Camp Creek. Recorded March 19, 1804.

    (pg 286, Vol 1, p 167:) April 20, 1807 - Richard Bibb of Bullitt County to
    Peter Peckinpaugh for $300.00, 300 acres, part of 18,000 acre tract granted to
    George May on December 2, 1785. Recorded April 22, 1807.

    (pg 319, Vol 1, p 169:) October 26, 1807 - Richard Bibb, Sr. of Logan County,
    Kentucky to Peter Peckenpaugh for 25 pounds, 100 acres on Dorret's Creek being
    part of 18,000 acres granted to George May, in a line of Philip Taber's 150
    acres bought of said Richard Bibb. Recorded October 26, 1807.
    10. Deed Book D extract:
    April 6, 1819 - Peter Peckinpaugh and Barbary his wife, of Crawford County,
    Indiana, to John Tabor, for $200.00, 138 acres on the waters of Sugar Camp
    Creek, part of a 400 acre tract patented in the name of William Hardin, Sr.
    Barbary Peckinpaugh relinquished rights of dower April 9, 1819. Recorded
    April 6, 1819.

    April 8, 1819 - Peter Peckinpaugh and Barbary his wife, of Crawford County,
    Indiana, to Michael Bruner, for $300.00, a tract lying between Sinking Creek
    and Dorrets Creek, part of a 300 acre tract conveyed by Richard Bibb to the
    said Peckinpaugh by deed dated April 20, 1807. Barbary Peckinpaugh relinquished
    rights of dower. Recorded April 8, 1819.
20 May 1768
Shepherdstown, Jefferson, West Virginia
5 Apr 1814
Hamilton County, Ohio
Fayette County, Pennsylvania 
                       1. Birth/chr:
    2. Marr:
    3. Death/bur:
    4. Indiv Ord: Oakland Temple Rec, Penn IGI-Batch #7511908, sheet 73.

    4. Indiv Ord extract: Frederick Peckinpaugh, son Peter Peckinpaugh/Catherine
    Tullis, born 20 May 1768 at Cumberland Co. Bapt 18 Mar 1970; Endow 19 Jun 1970
    OK; Sld 8 Jul 1970 OK.
22 May 1770
Shepherdstown, Jefferson, West Virginia
                       1. Birth/chr:
    2. Marr:
    3. Death/bur:
    4. Indiv Ord: Oakland Temple Rec, Penn IGI-Batch #7511908, sheet 73.

    4. Indiv Ord extract: George Peckinpaugh, son Peter Peckinpaugh/Catherine
    Tullis, born 22 May 1770, Cumberland Co. Bapt 18 Mar 1970; Endow 18 Jun 1970
    OK; Sld 8 Jul 1970 OK.
27 Mar 1772
Shepherdstown, Jefferson, West Virginia
                       1. Birth/chr:
    2. Marr:
    3. Death/bur:
    4. Indiv Ord: Oakland Temple Rec, Penn IGI-Batch #7511908, sheet 74.

    4. Indiv Ord extract: Elizabeth Peckinpaugh, dau Peter Peckinpaugh/Catherine
    Tullis, born 27 Mar 1772, Bedford Co. Bapt 18 Mar 1970; Endow 19 Jun 1970 OK;
    Sld 8 Jul 1970 OK.
25 May 1774
Shepherdstown, Jefferson, West Virginia
24 Sep 1857
Blacksville, Monongalia, West Virginia
Bef 1791
                       1. Birth/chr:
    2. Marr:
    3. Death/bur:
    4. Indiv Ord: Oakland Temple Rec, Penn IGI-Batch #7511908, sheet 74.

    4. Indiv Ord extract: Barbara Peckinpaugh, dau Peter Peckinpaugh/Catherine
    Tullis, born 25 May 1774, Westmoreland Co. Bapt 18 Mar 1970; Endow 19 Jun 1970
    OK; Sld 8 Jul 1970 OK.
25 Feb 1776
Shepherdstown, Jefferson, West Virginia
                       1. Birth/chr:
    2. Marr:
    3. Death/bur:
    4. Indiv Ord: Oakland Temple Rec, Penn IGI-Batch #7511908, sheet 74.

    4. Indiv Ord extract: Catherine Peckinpaugh, dau Peter Peckinpaugh/Catherine
    Tullis, born 25 Feb 1776 Westmoreland Co. Bapt 18 Mar 1970; Endow 19 Jun 1970
    OK; Sld 8 Jul 1970 OK.
31 Oct 1777
Shepherdstown, Jeffersopn, West Virginia
29 Apr 1856
Huron County, Ohio
                       1. Birth/chr:
    2. Marr:
    3. Death/bur:
    4. Indiv Ord: Oakland Temple Rec, Penn IGI-Batch #7511908, sheet 75.

    4. Indiv Ord extract: Adam Peckinpaugh, son Peter Peckinpaugh/Catherine Tullis,
    born 31 Oct 1777, Westmoreland Co. Bapt 18 Mar 1970; Endow 23 Jun 1970 OK; Sld
    8 Jul 1970 OK.
11 Feb 1780
Jefferson County, West Virginia
                       1. Birth/chr:
    2. Marr:
    3. Death/bur:
    4. Indiv Ord: Oakland Temple Rec, Penn IGI-Batch #7511908, sheet 75.

    4. Indiv Ord extract: Mary Peckinpaugh, dau Peter Peckinpaugh/Catherine Tullis,
    born 11 Feb 1780, Westmoreland Co. Bapt 18 Mar 1970; Endow 19 Jul 1970 OK; Sld
    8 Jul 1970 OK.
16 Feb 1782
Jefferson County, West Virginia
1 Sep 1839
Schuyler County, Illinois
2 Jul 1814
Breckinridge Co., Kentucky 
                       1. Birth/chr:
    2. Marr:
    3. Death/bur:
    4. Indiv Ord: OK & AZ Temple Rec, Penn IGI-Batch #7511908, sheet 75.

    4. Indiv Ord extract: Henry Peckinpaugh, son Peter Peckinpaugh/Catherine
    Tullis, born 16 Feb 1782, Westmoreland Co. Bapt 5 Mar 1969; Endow 3 Apr 1969
    OK; Sld 10 Feb 1976 AZ.
4 Oct 1783
Granville, Monongalia, West Virginia
22 Jan 1867
Ohio twp, Crawford, Indiana
10 Sep 1819
Pleasant Grove, Crawford, Indi 
                       1. Birth/chr:
    2. Marr: Brecknrdge Co, Ky Marr Rec 1800-57, p 199. FHL Call #976.9854 v2c
    3. Death/bur:
    4. Indiv Ord: Oakland Temple Rec, Penn IGI-Batch #7511908, sheet 72.
    5. Other: 1850 Census, Ohio twp, Crawford, Ind, p 76B. FHL Film #7752. 1860 Census, Ohio twp, Crawford, Ind, p 175. FHL Film #803250.

    4. Indiv Ord extract: John Peckinpaugh, son Peter Peckinpaugh/Catherine Tullis,
    born 4 Oct 1783, Fayette Co. Bapt 18 Mar 1970; Endow 19 Jun 1970 OK; Sld 8 Jul
    1970 OK.
    5. 1850 Census extract: (Taken 11 Nov 1850)
    John Peckingpaugh       67            Farmer           b Pennsylvania
    Rachel                  65                             b Kentucky
    5. 1860 Census extract: (Taken 9 Aug 1860)
    Rachel Peckenpough      74      F                      b Kentucky
    John                    76      M                      b Pennsylvania
    (NOTE: living with Geo. Ammon family. Also Colemans and Bruners here. Dau Nancy
    Peckinpaugh md Geo Ammon).
25 Oct 1785
Fayette County, Pennsylvania
Alton, Indiana
15 Oct 1802
Breckinridge Co., Kentucky 
                       1. Birth/chr: Births & chr 1782-1815, by Rev John Wm Weber, Westmorelnd Co, Penn, 1st Reformed Evngelical Church, #265. FHL Film #924302.
    2. Marr: Brecknrdge Co, Ky Marr Rec 1800-57, p 193. FHL Call #976.9854 v2c
    3. Death/bur:
    4. Indiv Ord: Oakland Temple Rec, Penn IGI-Batch #7511908, sheet 72. Salt Lake Temple Rec, Penn IGI-Batch #7418331, sheet 39. Provo Temple Rec, Penn IGI-Batch #7722905, sheet 6.
    5. sld sp: LA Temple Rec, Kentucky IGI-Batch #8325604 sheet 71.

    1. Birth/chr extract: Susanna, b 27 Oct 1785, chr 21 Nov 1785, child to Geo.
    Peter Beckenbach and Catherina. Wit:
    1) Anna Barbara Beckenbach
    4. Indiv Ord extract: Susanna Peckinpaugh, dau Peter Peckinpaugh/Catherine
    Tullis, born 25 Oct 1785, Fayette Co. Bapt 18 Mar 1970; Endow 19 Jun 1970 OK;
    Sld 8 Jul 1970 OK.
    4. Indiv Ord extract: Susanna Beckenbach, dau Geo. Peter Beckenbach/Catherina,
    chr 21 Nov 1785, Westmoreland Co. Bapt 29 Jan 1975 SL; Endow 27 Mar 1975 SL;
    Sld 8 Apr 1975 SL.
    4. Indiv Ord extract: Susanna Beckenbach, dau George Peter Beckenbach/Catherina
    chr 21 Nov 1785 at Zion Lutheran Church, Greensburg, Westmoreland Co. Bapt 21
    Mar 1978 PV; Endow 18 May 1978 PV; Sld 16 Jun 1978 PV.
    5. Sld sp extract: (See notes for husband, Jacob Rice).
FamilyCentral Network
Georg Peter Beckenbaugh, (Peckinpaugh) - Catherine Tullis

Georg Peter Beckenbaugh, (Peckinpaugh) was born at Heiligkreuz-, Sternach, Heidelberg, Baden, Germany 12 Sep 1738. His parents were Johan Adam Beckenbaugh and Anna Maria Schmidt.

He married Catherine Tullis Abt 1765 at Jefferson County, West Virginia . Catherine Tullis was born at New Jersey Abt 1748 daughter of Moses Tullis and Mary Elizabeth Vandyke .

They were the parents of 11 children:
George Peter Beckenbach, (Peckinpaugh) born 11 Oct 1766.
Jacob Frederick Beckenbach, (Peckinpaugh) born 20 May 1768.
George Beckenbach, (Peckinpaugh) born 22 May 1770.
Elizabeth Beckenbach, (Peckinpaugh) born 27 Mar 1772.
Barbara (Barbary) Beckenbach, (Peckinpaugh) born 25 May 1774.
Catherine Beckenbach, (Peckinpaugh) born 25 Feb 1776.
Adam Beckenbach, (Peckinpaugh) born 31 Oct 1777.
Mary Beckenbach, (Peckinpaugh) born 11 Feb 1780.
Henry Beckenbach, (Peckinpaugh) born 16 Feb 1782.
John Beckenbach, (Peckinpaugh) born 4 Oct 1783.
Susanna Beckenbach, (Peckinpaugh) born 25 Oct 1785.

Georg Peter Beckenbaugh, (Peckinpaugh) died 1785 at Brownsville, Fayette, Pennsylvania .

Catherine Tullis died Aft 1802 at Breckinridge Co., Kentucky .