20 Mar 1802
Hubbardton, Castleton, Vermont
2 Feb 1881
Champlain, Clinton, New York
Glenwood Cem, Champlain, Clinton, New York
Aft 1866
Sangamon Co., Illinois
                       1. Birth\chr:
    2. Marr:
    3. Death\bur: Clnton N.Y, Glenwood Cem Rec at Champlain, p 10. FHL Film #908043
    4. Other: 1850 Census, Champlain, Clinton, N.Y, p 446A. FHL Film #17066. 1870 Census, Champlain, Clinton, N.Y, p 209A-B. FHL Film #552417. 1880 Census, Champlain, Clinton, N.Y, p 166B. FHL Film #1254819.
    5. Other: Churchill Fam in Amer, p 403-404. FHL Call #929.273 C475c.

    3. Glenwood Cem Rec extract: CHURCHILL, Julius, (M.D.) d 2 Feb 1881, age 79 yrs
    CHURCHILL, Matilda b 20 Dec 1840, (prob dau of Julius Churchill). d 19 Dec
    4. 1850 Census extract. (Taken 25 Oct 1850):
    Julius Churchill      48      M          Physician           b Vt.
    Nancy                 47      F                               N.Y.
    Russel                17      M                                "
    Cornelia              15      F                                "
    John                  13      M                                "
    Matilda                9      F                                "
    4. 1870 Census extract. (Taken 19 Jul 1870):
    Julius Churchill      68      M          Physician           b Vt.
    Matilda               30      F                               N.Y.
    Maria                 30      F                                "
    4. 1880 Census extract. (Taken 5 Jun 1880):
    Julius Churchill      78      M      Physician    b N.Y.    father b Mass
    mother b Conn         has injury to knee from fall          widowed
    Cornelia S. Troner    43      F      dau          b N.Y.
    Dolphin       "       51          son-in-law      b Can
    Mettie                19            g-dau         b Illin
    John R.               17            g-son            "
    5. Churchill Fam in Amer extract: DR JULIUS CHURCHILL (William, Samuel, Samuel,
    Joseph, Josiah). Born in Hubbardton, Vt., March 20, 1802. Died in Champlain,
    N.Y., Feb 7, 1881. He was only four years old when his father removed with his
    family to Champlain, N.Y, than a small hamlet surrounded by an almost unbroken
    wilderness. William Churchill, his father, bought a hundred acres of woodland
    and cleared a farm, known in late years as the old "Junior Churchill Place,"
    situated on the road to Chazy. The father was a large and athletic man, and a
    great worker, as were his six sons. They were all able men physically and
    mentally. Dr. Julius stayed at home working on the farm, and attending school
    in the winter, until the age of twenty-one, and then against the wishes and
    advice of his father he started out alone to acquire a medical education. He
    chopped wood and taught school to get money to pursue his studies. He studied
    with Dr. Miles Stevenson, of Chazy, and Dr. Benjamin Moore, of Champlain. In
    1826-1827 he attended lecture courses at the Medical University at Castleton,
    Vt, and on Aug 28, 1828, received a diploma from the Clinton Co Medical Society
    to practise "Physic and Surgery," and soon began practice in Champlain Village.
    In those days of wretched roads and sparse settlements, his practice soon
    extended over a wide range, which had to be traversed on horseback with saddle
    bags holding his stock of medicines. He was strong, enthusiastic, and skilful,
    and soon became popular, and had a very large clientage. He was fond of fine
    horses, and had the best in the country round. For some ten years, and up to
    1840, he was postmaster of Champlain. He was an exceedingly active man, and
    fond of using tools, and about 1840 build himself an office with his own hands,
    and used this same office in his practice till his death. He was somewhat
    eccentric, a great collector of curiosities of all sorts, pictures, ancient
    arms and armor, minerals, fossils, and in one addition to his office, a sort of
    greenhouse, he had a wonderful variety of flowering plants, cactus plants, one
    of whic hat his death was thirty-eight years old, and ten feet in height. In
    this greenhouse he kept, also, a lot of singing birds. Dr. Chruchill was
    versatile, was a lover of music, and played well on the violin, vornet, and
    clarionet. He was intensely interested in physical science, especially geology
    and mineralogy, and when Sir Charles Lyell, the eminent English geologist,
    visited America, Dr. Churchill accompanied him in his exploration of the
    Mississippi Valley and was of great help to him, and they were always
    afterwards warm friends. How he found time for all his work and his extensive
    reading and valuable collection of books was a wonder to his friends, who knew
    he never neglected any of his home or professional duties. He was always up in
    the morning at four o'clock, and never idle. He was active and influential in
    public matters, and a popular and honored member of the County Medical
    Association. His scientific studies led him to very advanced convictions in
    regard to religion. He was indeed a very pronounced advocate of free thought.
    He was opposed and denounced by many as an atheist, and some of the more
    bigoted church people honestly sought to ostracize him socially as well as to
    boycott his practice; but themore they presecuted and railed, the firmer he
    became in his convictions about religion. Theodore Parker lectured in
    Champlain, and the doctor found that he was in accord with the great preacher's
    liberal thought, and they became friends, and continued for some years to
    correspond. he was one of the first thinking men in America, to accept the
    theory of evolution. The unreasoning and ignorant bigotry of many of his
    friends, who, as Christian believers, turned against him, made him somewhat
    bitter at times, though not for long. The limits of this sketch will not admit
    a full account of a very wonderful man, one of the ablest and best of all who
    have borne the name of Churchill. An essay on the "Life of Dr. Julius
    Churchill, Physician, Philosopher, and Pioneer in Rational Thought," was read
    before the Association for Moral and Spiritual Education, at Brooklyn, N.Y,
    March 1884, by Edward J. Moore, and later published in pamphlet form. the above
    facts and comments have been gathered from the sketches above mentioned by the
    editor of this volume, who feels that so notable a member of the Hubbardton
    line ought to be brought to the acquaintance of his kinsfolk throughout
    America. The postmaster at Champlain wrote me in 1900 that none of the doctor's
    family remained in the town, and he knew not whether any were living or not. I
    have, however, just discovered his daughter, Mrs. Cornelia Traver who furnished
    the memoirs above noted, in 1886, and is now living in Chicago, and gives
    further help about her own and her brother's families. Married in Champlain,
    N.Y, 1831, Nancy Fillmore, daughter of Capt. Cepta Fillmore, and a cousin of
    Millard Fillmore, the thirteenth president of the United States. She was born
    Jan 29, 1804, and died April 24, 1866, at Springfield, Ill. Children born in
    Champlain, N.Y:
    1. Astley Cooper, b Jul 6, 1832; d Jul 21 1833.
    2. Russell, b Jul 14, 1833; m Mary Turner.
    3. Cornelia Schuyler, b Nov 21, 1835; m Dolphin Traver, Jun 15, 1853.
    4. John Fillmore, b Dec 28, 1837; m Catherine Wiseman, Dec 2, 1863.
    5. Matilda, b Dec 20 1840; d Jan 1875.
Chazy, Clinton, New York
                       1. Birth\chr:
    2. Marr:
    3. Death\bur:
    4. Bapt\Endw: Salt Lake Temple Rec, Bk 6M, p 1162. FHL TIB Film #1262945.

    4. SL Temple Index Card extract:
    Mary Ann Graves, born 1809 in Rouses Point, Clinton, N.Y; father Benj. Graves;
    mother Lucretia Marsh; married to Julius Churchill instance of Elizabeth B.
    Parrish, rel. Bapt 6 Jan 1939; Endw 28 Mar 1939.
No Children Recorded
FamilyCentral Network
Julius Churchill - Mary Ann Graves

Julius Churchill was born at Hubbardton, Castleton, Vermont 20 Mar 1802.

He married Mary Ann Graves Aft 1866 at Sangamon Co., Illinois . Mary Ann Graves was born at Chazy, Clinton, New York 1809 daughter of Benjamin Graves and Hulda Thompson .

Julius Churchill died 2 Feb 1881 at Champlain, Clinton, New York .