William KING

16 May 1779
Crewkerne, Somerset, England
9 Aug 1837
Crewkerne, Somerset, England
14 Aug 1837
Crewkerne, Somerset, England
10 Nov 1824
Crewkerne, Somerset, England
                       1. Birth/chr: Crewkerne Par Chr 1764-1785, from Somerset Rec Off, Taunton, Eng
    2. Marr: Crewkerne Par Marr 1813-1833, #304, rec from Somerset Rec Office.
    3. Death/bur: Death Cert, Crewkerne Reg Dist, Crwkrn Sub-Dist; Reg 3rd qtr 1837 Crewkerne Par Bur 1831-1851, #511, rec from Somerset Rec Office.
    4. LDS Bapt: St. George Temple Endow for dead, 9 Mar 1955. TIB Film #1267649.
    5. Endow: St. George Temple Endow for dead, 9 Mar 1955. TIB Film #1267649.
    6. Other: 1841 Census, Crewkerne Par, Somerset, Engl. FHL Film #474596. 1851 Census, Crwkrn, Smrset, Engl, p 365b So St. FHL Film #221085
    7. Other: Endow Hse Bapt-Dead, Bk F, p 390, (14 Jun 1876) FHL Film #183387.
    LA   Temple Rec, found in Somerset CFI-Batch #A458372, sheet 0128. Life History of Thomas King and Eliza Pratt, comp by Donald King.

    1. Birth/chr extract: 16 May 1779, chr William, son of Thomas and Mary King.
    2. Marr extract: William King, of this parish, batchelor, and Susanna Parker,
    of this parish, spinster, were married in this church by Banns with consent of
    parents, this tenth day of November, 1824, by me, Robert Hoadly, Ashe D.D.
    This marriage was solemnized between us, Wm. King and Susanna Parker, in the
    presence of George Rousell and J. Mary Ann Fone.
    3. Death/bur extract: No 16, William King, male, laborer, died 9 Aug 1837 in
    Crewkerne. Cause of death: consumption. Informant: Susan King, wife, residing
    at Crewkerne, present at death. Death registered 13 Aug 1837. Signature of
    Registrar: Edward Silvester Bernard.
    3. Death/bur extract (Crewkerne burials): William King, of Crewkerne, buried 11
    Aug 1837, age 58.
    4. LDS Bapt extract: William King, chr 16 May 1779 at Crewkerne, Somerset,
    Engl. Father: Thomas King. Mother: Mary Frampton. Md 10 Nov 1824 to Susanna
    Parker. Instance of Donna M. K. Bryce, 2 gg dau. Bapt 5 Mar 1955. Endow 9 Mar
    5. Endow extract: (See extract for LDS Bapt, above).
    6. 1841 Census extract:
    Susan King                  40             yes              girth web weaver
    Thomas                      11              "
    William                     10              "                  shoe maker
    Martha                       5              "
    Family living at South Street

    Also found at Back Lane or Rose Lane:
    Ann King                    12             yes
    Living with John Turner family.
    7. 1851 Census extract:
    Susan King         head        widow         51               weaver
    Thomas King         son                      22              basket maker
    William King        son                      21               shoe maker
    Marthe King         dau                      16
    All born in Somerset, Crewkerne, Engl.
    7. Endow Hse extract: William King, born 1781 at Crewkerne, Somerset,
    Engl. Died 10 Aug 1839. Bapt 14 Jun 1876. Thomas King, son.
    7. LA Temple Rec extract: William King md Susanna Parker, md 10 Nov 1824 at
    Crewkerne. Sld 3 Jun 1959 LA.
Susanna PARKER
25 Nov 1798
Crewkerne, Somerset, England
10 Apr 1799
Crewkerne, Somerset, England
                       1. Birth/chr: Crewkerne Presbyterian Par Reg 1787-1836, p 6. FHL Film #825382.
    2. Marr: Crewkerne Par Marr 1813-1833, #304, rec from Somerset Rec Office.
    3. Death/bur:
    4. LDS Bapt: St. George Temple Endow for Dead, 18 May 1955. TIB Film #1267763.
    5. Endow: St. George Temple Endow for Dead, 18 May 1955. TIB Film #1267763.
    6. Sld sp: SG and LA Temple Rec, Somerset IGI-Batch #C083611, sheet 0023. Los Angeles Temple Seal of Couples, 3 Jun 1959, per Archive Rec.

    1. Birth/chr extract: Susanna Parker, dau of William and Ann Parker of
    Crewkerne, was born 25 Nov 1798 and chr 10 Apr 1799.
    2. Marr extract: (See notes for husband, William King).
    4. LDS Bapt extract: Susanna Parker, chr 25 Nov 1798, at Crewkerne, Somerset,
    Engl. died 1876. Father: William Parker. Mother: Anna. Md 10 Nov 1824 to
    William King. Instance of donna M. K. Bryce, 2 gg dau, Bapt 6 Apr 1955. Endow
    18 May 1955.
    5. Endow extract: (See extract for LDS Bapt, above).
    6. Sld sp extract: Susanna Parker, chr 10 Apr 1799. Father: William Parker.
    Bapt 6 Apr 1955; Endow 18 May 1955 SG; Seal 18 Jun 1958 LA. Ref 8020030 82 S/N
    00230-0 001 31.
16 Mar 1825
Crewkerne, Somerset, England
                       1. Birth/chr: Crewkerne Parish Chr 1813-1830, rec from Somerset Rec Office.
    2. Marr:
    3. Death/bur:
    4. Indiv Ord: Los Angeles Temple Rec, Somerset IGI-Batch #8219730, sheet 95.

    4. Indiv Ord extract: Mary King, chr 16 Mar 1825. Father: William King. Bapt
    CLEARED LA; Endow CLEARED LA; Seal CLEARED LA. Ref 8219730 95 S/N 003000-4 001
8 Jul 1827
Crewkerne, Somerset, England
                       1. Birth/chr: Crewkerne Par Chr 1813-1830, rec from Somerset Rec Office.
    2. Marr:
    3. Death/bur:
    4. Indiv Ord: Los Angeles Temple Rec, Somerset IGI-Batch #8219730, sheet 95.
    5. Other: 1841 Census, Crewkerne Par, Somerset, Engl. FHL Film #474596.

    4. Indiv Ord extract: Ann King, chr 8 Jul 1827. Father: William King. Bapt
    CLEARED LA; Endow CLEARED LA; Seal CLEARED LA. Ref 8219730 95 S/N 00301-6 001
    5. 1841 Census extract:
    Ann King                 12                         yes
    Living with John Turner Family at Rose Lane.
13 Apr 1829
Crewkerne, Somerset, England
21 Mar 1898
Blackfoot, Bingham, Idaho
16 Aug 1869
Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Uta 
                       1. Birth/chr: Crewkerne Branch Rec 1848-1879, pg 2. FHL Film #86993. Crewkerne Par Chr, 1813-1830, rcvd from Crewkerne,Somerset, Engl.
    2. 1st Marr: Marr Cert. #TWA 180025 from Newport Reg Dist, Monmouth, Engl.
    3. 2nd Marr:
    4. 3rd Marr: Endow Hse Living Sealings, Utah CFI-Batch #M183396, sheet 3003.
    5. 4th Marr: Endow Hse Living Sealings, Utah CFI-Batch #M183396, sheet 5390.
    6. Death/bur: Georgetown Cem Rec, Georgetown, Ida; personal visit 17 Aug 1979. Also Georgetown Ward Rec, Early-1905, pg 15, #46. FHL Film #7189.
    7. LDS Bapt: Crewkerne Branch Rec 1848-1879, pg 2. FHL Film #86993.
    SL   City 10th Ward Rec, Early-1917, p 8, #181. FHL Film #26642.
    8. Endow: Endow Hse Living Endow, Bk F, pg 356. FHL Film #183405.
    9. Sld #1 sp: LA Temple Rec, England IGI-Batch #8007730, sheet 66. Sld #2 sp: SL Temple Sealings of Children, 28 Mar 1950. FHL Film #456561. Sld #4 sp: Endow Hse Living Sealings, Utah CFI-Batch #M183396, sheet 5390.
    10. Other: Crewkerne Branch Rec 1848-1879, pg 4, #67 & #68. FHL Film #86993. Newport Branch Rec 1848-1857, pg 38, 43. FHL Film #104166. Life Hist of Thomas King and Eliza Pratt, comp by Donald L. King.
    11. Other: 1860 Census, SL City, SL, Utah, 8th Wrd, p 126. FHL Film #805313. 1860 Census, SL City, SL, UT, 13th Wrd, p 192. FHL Film #805313. 1860 Census, SL City, SL, UT, 17th Wrd, p 268. FHL Film #805313. 1860 Census, SL City, SL, UT, 19th Wrd, p 282. FHL Film #805313. 1870 Census, SL City, SL, Utah, 10th Ward, p 4. FHL Film #553110.
    12. Other: British Emig Rec 1856-18, p 35. Ship George Washington, sailed 28 Mar 1857. FHL Film #25691. Pass Lsts for the Port of Boston, Ship Grge Washgtn, arrv 20 Apr 1857. FHL Film #419943.
    13. Remarks: Birth dates given for this family are taken from original records made at the time the individuals were born. There are differences in later records on the birth dates of several of these family members.  However, the dates recorded at the time of birth are considered correct and are listed on this record.

    1. Birth/chr extract: Priest #36 Thomas King, born 13 Apr 1829 at Crewkerne,
    Somerset, Engl. Bapt 15 Jul 1848 by John Ostler. Conf by John Ostler. Cut off
    10 Jul 1855. Rebapt 22 Oct 1855.
    Note: Practically all members marked "cut off."
    1. Birth/chr extract: (Crewkerne Par Chr)
    Thomas King, son of William and Susan King, chr 10 May 1829 in Crewkerne,
    Diocese of Balt of Wells, Somerset, England. Abode: Crewkerne. Profession:
    Laborer. Sacrament was administered by R. Lowe.
    2. 1st Marr extract: Thomas King, age 26, Bachelor, Journeyman and Basket
    Maker, residing at Granville Street in Newport. Father: William King, deceased,
    Farmer; and Anna Gillingham, age 22, spinster, residing at Granville Street in
    Newport. Father: Robert Gillingham, Master house painter; married 4 Feb 1857 at
    the Register Office in the District of Newport, counties of Monmouth and
    Glamorgan. This marriage was solemnized between us, Thomas King and Anna
    Gillingham, in the presence of us, Samuel Webb, and X The mark of Harriet Webb.
    William Downing Evans, Registrar. Charles Lewis, Supt. Registrar. Certified to
    be a true copy of an entry in a register in my custody. Signed Deputy
    Superintendent, Monica G. Scott. Date: 28-11-79, Registration Dist of Newport.
    6. Death/bur extract: (Georgetown Cemetery Rec)
    Thomas King, born 13 Apr 1829, Died 21 Mar 1898.
    6. Death/bur extract: (Georgetown Ward Rec)
    Thomas King - no other information given. Elder, rec 4 May 1890 from Salt Lake
    City. He died in 1898.
    7. LDS Bapt extract: (Crewkerne Branch Rec)
    (See extract for Birth/chr #1 above).
    7. LDS Bapt extract: (Salt Lake City 10th Ward Rec)
    Thomas King, son to William King and Susan Parker. Born 13 Apr 1829 at
    Crewkerne, Somerset, Engl. Bapt June 1849 by John Ostler. Conf June 1849.
    Rebapt 11 Dec 1875. Reconf 11 Dec 1875. Priesthood-seventy. Received 1868 from
    the 14th Ward.
    Note: Thomas King was first baptized on 15 Jul 1848 at Crewkerne; he was
    excommunicated on 10 Jul 1855 and was rebaptized 22 Oct 1855. After coming to
    Utah he was again rebaptized 11 Dec 1875 in Salt Lake.
    8. Endow extract: Thomas King, born 13 Apr 1829 at Crewkerne, Somerset, Engl.
    Bapt 1849. Son to William King and Susan Parker. Endowed 12 Sep 1868 EH.
    9. Sld #1 sp extract: Thomas King and Anna Gillingham, marr 4 Feb 1857. Seal
    15 May 1980 LA. Ref 8007730 66 S/N 00197-1 001 41.
    9. Sld #2 sp extract: Thomas King, b 13 Apr 1829 at Crewkerne, Somerset, Engl
    and Elenor Moss, b 12 May 1847 at Walsall, Stafford, Engl, Sld 12 May 1930.
    Children: William Thomas King, b 21 Feb 1865 at Salt Lake City; and Henry King,
    b 23 Feb 1867 at Salt Lake City. Sld to parents 28 Mar 1950.
    9. Sld #4 sp extract: Thomas King, sld to Eliza Pratt on 16 Aug 1869 EH.
    10. Crewkerne Branch Rec extract: #67, Thomas King, Ord 4 Sep 1848 at Crewkerne
    to teacher. Ord 4 Se 1854 at Crewkerne to priest. Cut off 10 Jul 1855.
    10. Crewkerne Branch Rec extract: #68, Thomas King, born 13 Apr 1829 at
    Crewkerne, Somerset, Engl. Bapt 22 Oct 1855 by William Slade. Removed to
    Bridport 26 Oct 1855.
    10. Newport Branch Rec extract:
    (p 38) Thos King, received 12 Feb 1856 from Bridport.
    (p 43) Thomas King, Basket maker, received 12 Feb 1856 from Bridport.
    11. 1860 Census extract, 8th Ward: (Taken 21 Jun 1860)
    Charles King      43     M            Wagon Maker              b England
    Elizabeth         39     F                                          "
    Louisa            21     F                                          "
    11. 1860 Census extract, 13th Ward:
    E. A. King        43     M            Reporter                 b Mass
    Sophia P.         32     F                                        "
    Lizzie A.         10     F                                       Cal
    Harriet P.         8     F                                        "
    Charles H.         5     M                                        "
    Augustus           3     M                                        "
    Frank W.         8/12    M                                       Utah
    11. 1860 Census extract, 17th Ward:
    Thomas King       60     M             Farmer                  b England
    Hannah            48     F                                          "
    Thomas Irvin      19     M                                          "
    11. 1860 Census extract, 19th Ward:
    Sarah A. King     46     F                                     b New York
    John H. King       8     M                                       Iowa
    11. 1870 Census extract: (Taken 18 Aug 1870)
    Thomas King       40     M.W.         Basket Maker             b England
    Eliza             20     F.W.         Keeping hse                  "
    William            4     M.W.                                  b. Utah
    Caroline           2     F.W.                                      "
    Isabella          1/2    F.W.                                      "
    12. British Emigration Rec extract:
    Thomas King       26                  Basket Maker       Address: 13 Granvel
    Anna King         22                     wife              St, Newport, Mon.
    12. Passenger Lists extract:
    Thomas King       26    M
    Anna King         22    F
William KING
5 Aug 1830
Crewkerne, Somerset, England
                       1. Birth/chr: Crewkerne Brnch Rec 1848-1879, p 2. FHL Film #86993. Crewkerne Par Chr 1813-1830, #1584, rec from Somerset Rec Off.
    2. Marr:
    3. Death/bur:
    4. LDS Bapt: St George Temple Endow for Dead, 9 Mar 1955. TIB Film #1267649.
    5. Endow: St George Temple Endow for Dead, 9 Mar 1955. TIB Film #1267649.
    6. Sld: Los Angeles Temple Seal of Children, 3 Jun 1959, per Archive Rec.
    7. Remarks: He was first bapt 31 Oct 1850, excommunicated Dec 1858 and, as can be determined, didn't rejoin the Church while living. Archive record incorrectly lists his birth as 1831.

    1. Birth/chr extract: Deacon #45 William King, born 5 Aug 1830, at Crewkerne,
    Somerset, Engl. Bapt 31 Oct 1850 by William Slade. Cut off Dec 1858.
    1. Birth/chr extract: William, son of William and Susan King, chr 24 Oct 1830.
    4. LDS Bapt extract: William King, born 1831, at Crewkerne, Somerset, Engl.
    Father: William King. Mother: Susanna Parker. Instance of Donna M. K. Bryce, gg
    niece. Bapt 5 Mar 1955. Endow 9 Mar 1955.
    5. Endow extract: (See extract for LDS Bapt, above).
29 Mar 1833
Crewkerne, Somerset, England
8 Oct 1834
Crewkerne, Somerset, England
                       1. Birth/chr: Crewkerne Par Chr 1831-1842, rec from Somerset Rec Office.
    2. Death/bur: Crewkerne Par Bur 1831-1851, rec from Somerset Rec Office.
    3. Indiv Ord: LA Temple Rec, Somerset IGI-Batch #8219730, sheet 98.

    3. Indiv Ord extract: John King, chr 29 Mar 1833. Father: William King. Bapt
    UNCLEARED; Endow UNCLEARED; Seal CLEARED. Ref 8219730 98 S/N 00310-7 001 31.
    021 this entry was not cleared for baptism and endowment because the child
    apparently died before eight years of age. If this person was over eight years
    of age at the time of death, resubmit this entry with a written explanation and
    a copy of the n
Martha KING
31 Jan 1836
Crewkerne, Somerset, England
                       1. Birth/chr: Crewkerne Par Chr 1831-1842, #706, rec from Somerset Rec Off.
    2. Marr:
    3. Death/bur:
    4. LDS Bapt: St George Temple Endow for Dead, 25 May 1955. TIB Film #1267647.
    5. Endow: St George Temple Endow for dead, 25 May 1955. TIB Film #1267647.
    6. Sld: Los Angeles Temple Seal of Children, 3 Jun 1959, per Archive Rec.
    7. Other: Los Angeles Temple Rec, Somerset IGI-Batch #8219730, sheet 98.

    1. Birth/chr extract: Martha, daughter of William and Susan King, chr 31 Jan
    1836. Father's abode: Crewkerne, laborer.
    4. LDS Bapt extract: Martha King, born 1835 at Crewkerne, Somerset, Engl.
    Father: William King, 1779. Mother: Susanna Parker. Instance of Donna M. K.
    Bryce, gg niece. Bapt 6 Apr 1955. Endow 25 May 1955.
    5. Endow extract: (See extract for LDS Bapt, above).
    7. LA Temple Rec extract: Martha King, chr 31 Jan 1836. Father: William King.
    Bapt 6 Apr 1955. Endow 25 May 1955 SG. Seal CLEARED LA. Ref 8219730 98 S/N
    00311-9 001 31.
15 Aug 1837
Crewkerne, Somerset, England
10 Nov 1837
Crewkerne, Somerset, England
                       1. Birth/chr: Crewkerne Par Chr 1831-1842, rec from Somerset Rec Office.
    2. Death/bur: Crewkerne Par Bur 1831-1851, rec from Somerset Rec Office.
    3. Indiv Ord: Los Angeles Temple Rec, Somerset IGI-Batch #8219730, sheet 96.

    3. Indiv Ord extract: John King, chr 15 Aug 1837. Father: William King. Bapt
    UNCLEARED; Endow UNCLEARED; Seal CLEARED LA. Ref 8219730 96 S/N 00304-1 001 31.
    021 This entry was not cleared for baptism and endowment because the child
    apparently died before eight years of age. If this person was over eight years
    of age at the time of death, resubmit this entry with a written explanation and
    a copy of the notification.
FamilyCentral Network
William King - Susanna Parker

William King was christened at Crewkerne, Somerset, England 16 May 1779. His parents were Thomas King and Mary Frampton.

He married Susanna Parker 10 Nov 1824 at Crewkerne, Somerset, England . Susanna Parker was born at Crewkerne, Somerset, England 25 Nov 1798 daughter of William Parker and Ann Silvester .

They were the parents of 7 children:
Mary King christened 16 Mar 1825.
Ann King christened 8 Jul 1827.
Thomas King born 13 Apr 1829.
William King born 5 Aug 1830.
John King christened 29 Mar 1833.
Martha King christened 31 Jan 1836.
John King christened 15 Aug 1837.

William King died 9 Aug 1837 at Crewkerne, Somerset, England .

Susanna Parker died 1876 .