Levi Stillman NICKERSON
This individual has the following other parents in the Ancestral File: Eleazer F /NICKERSON/ (AFN:1G6Z-SQ) and Sarah A /BARRUS/ (AFN:19ZN-DG)
This individual has the following other parents in the Ancestral File: Eleazer F /NICKERSON/ (AFN:1G6Z-SQ) and Sarah A /BARRUS/ (AFN:19ZN-DG)
He married Mary Ann Neyman 10 May 1840 at Nauvoo, Hncck, Illinois . Mary Ann Neyman was born at Butler, Pennsylvania 5 Sep 1823 .
They were the parents of 6
Jane Nickerson
born 28 Dec 1841.
Levi Nickerson
born Apr 1843.
Elizabeth Nickerson
born 8 Apr 1846.
Eleazer Freeman Nickerson
born 4 May 1848.
Charles Albert Nickerson
born 4 May 1850.
Mary Ann Nickerson
born 3 Aug 1851.
Levi Stillman Nickerson died 15 Dec 1853 at Cainsville, Pottawattamie, Iowa .
Mary Ann Neyman died 22 Nov 1916 at Provo, Utah, Utah .