Raydon, Suffolk, England
3 Dec 1687
Salem, Essex, Massachusetts
Abt 1652
Charleston, Middlesex, Massachusetts
Ancestral File - Version 4.19
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New.FamilySearch.org, Oct 2010
                   NOTE:    Copy of his will is in PAF Notes

   Will of James Hadlock Sr.  In the name of God, Amen: the 14 day of November 1678:
   I James Hadlock Senior of Salem in the county of Essex in New England, being sick in body but of perfect memory, thanks be to God, and calling to mind the uncertain estate of this transitory life; Do make constitute ordain and declare this my last will and testament in mannor and form following: I give and commit my soul unto Almighty God, my Saviour and Redeemer in whom and by the merits of Jesus Christ I trust and believe assuredly to be saved: And my body to buried where my executor hereafter named shall appoint - And now for the settling of my temporal estate which God hath given me. Item - I give and bequeath unto my son James Hadlock the land he formerly improved from a tree standing at the end of the stone wall upon a line to the round hole in the swamp westerly containing about 4 acres - as also my gray mair and my musket and sword. Item - I give to my daughter, Mary an acre of land joining to James his land on the southward side and also 5 pounds. Item - I give to my daughter Hannah 5 pounds. Item - I give and bequeath to my daughter Sarah 5 pounds, Item - I give to my daughter Rebecca 5 pounds. Item - I give and bequeath to Rebecca my wife, my housing and land that is not above disposed of together with my goods, cattle and chattel which are not already bequeathed to enjoy and posses - until my son John comes of age, that is to say 21 years of age, that my son John shall enjoy and posses the one-half of the improved and one-half of the unimproved land, the house to remain to my wife during her natural life and at her decease the whole to redound to my son John: And my will is that two daughters, Hannah and Sarah shall receive one-half of their legacies to each fifty shilling within one year after my decease and the following year my daughter Mary to receive her whole legacie of 5 pounds and the following my two daughters - before expressed to receive the other parts of their legacies to each fifty shillings and my will is that my daughter Rebecca shall be paid her legacy when she comes to the age 18 years and my will is that my executrix and my executor shall see to the payment of the above said legacies. Item - I constitute and ordain my wife and my son John my executrix and executor to this my last will and testament and whom as I have formerly sold to John Caume an acor of land, my will is that my son John shall give him a legal conveyance of the same when he comes of age. I request and desire my loving friend Nathaniel Ingersol and Samuel Gibbs to be my overseers. (signed) Isral Porter Nathaniel Ingersol Samuel Gibbs  The Mark of James Hadlock Sr.
Mrs. Damaris FOSDICK
Abt 1617
of Massachusetts
Abt 1652
of Roxbury, Suffolk, Massachusetts
2 Jul 1716
3 Dec 1679
Essex, Salem, Massachusetts 
Served in King Philip's War in 1676 under Capt. Samuel Wadsworth and Capt. John Holbrook. His daughter Sarah Mercy was a grantee in 1733 of Narraganset No. 4 for his service. 

   Will of JAMES HADLOCK Jr. 
In the name of God, Amen. The 8the day of September 1714, I James Hadlock of the town of Amesbury, yeoman, being very sick and weak in body but of perfect mind and memory, thanks be given unto God, therefore calling unto mind the mortality ofmy body and knowing that it is appointed for all men once to dye, to make and ordain this my last will and testament, that is to say principally and first of all, I give and recommend my soul into the hands of God that gave it and my body Irecommend to the earth to be buried in decent Christian burial at the discression of my executrix, nothing doubting but at the general resurrection I shall receive the same again by the Almighty power of God and as touching such worldly estatewhere with it has pleased God to bless me in this life, I give demise and depose of the land in following manner and form.

Imprimis, I give and bequeath to my son Samuel 12 pounds, to my daughter, Sarah George 12 pounds; to my daughter Abigail Lowell twelve pounds; and to my daughter Damaris 12 pounds; to my daughter Hannah twelve pounds; to my daughter Mary twelvepounds; to my daughter Ruth all my household goods after my wife's deceased. To my son Joseph my gun and sword.

Item - I give to my well beloved wife Abigail whom I likewise constitute, make and ordain my sole executrix of this my last will and testament (all and singular my land and housing) by her freely to be possessed and enjoyed, and I do herebyutterly disallow, revoke and disinall all and every other former testament or will by me in any way before named, willed and bequeathed.
   And it is my will that if my wife has not occasion in her life, time to dispose my said land that my son Joseph shall have both the land and the housing at her decease. Note: Ratifying and confirming this and no other to be my last will and testament. Note: In writings whereof I have hereto set my hand and sealed the day and year above written. Note: Signed, sealed and delivered by the said James Hadlock as his last will and testament in the presence of us the subscribers. Note: Note: (signed) Thomas Hoyt Note: Orlando E. Bagley Jr. Note: Note: Title: "Old Families of Salisbury and Amesbury, Mass, by David W. Hoyt Note: Author: David W. Hoyt Note: Publication: New England History Press, Somersworth, NH, 1981 p.193,193,863,974 Note:
Jul 1657
Charleston, Middlesex, Massachusetts
FamilyCentral Network
James Hadlock - Mrs. Damaris Fosdick

James Hadlock was born at Raydon, Suffolk, England 1617. His parents were Henry Hadlock and Mrs. Henry Hadlock.

He married Mrs. Damaris Fosdick Abt 1652 at Charleston, Middlesex, Massachusetts . Mrs. Damaris Fosdick was born at of Massachusetts Abt 1617 .

They were the parents of 2 children:
James Hadlock born Abt 1652.
Hannah Hadlock born Jul 1657.