16 Jul 1639
8 Mar 1679/80
Springfield, Hampden, Mass.
30 May 1662
Boston, Suffolk, Mass.
                   Some  say  John  Petty 's  father  is  William  Petty /  Pitty / Pettee ,b.  1595  England  .  #1.  JOHN, 1,  PETTY,  probably yeoman [note: a middle-class farmer], of  Springfield, Mass., born probably in England,about 16 35-1640, died in Springfield, Mass., 8 March,1680; of unknownparentage; married at
Boston, Mass.,  30 May, 1662  (according to Savage, this date of marriagewas 30 March, 1662), to Ann Canning, by  John Endecott  Gov. ("A Reportof the Record Commissioners," Vol.9, page 86.)
Chronological Dates of Record relating to John, 1,  Petty: 1635-1640:John Petty was probably born in England for his surname is English aboutthis period and this estimate is based upon the date of his
marriage. There is not the slightest clue to his parentage nor to thatpart of England from which he came here.  30 May 1662: He was married toAnn Canning in Boston. This is the earliest record found of him.   (Boston  City  Document  # 130 , p. # 86 ) , . 25March, 1662-3: His son, James, was born in Windsor, Conn., according tothe Springfield records where the birth was recorded. (Also see New Eng.Hist. Gen . Reg. ; Vol. 18, page 146 and Vol.37, page 303.) 9 Nov. 1662:His daughter,     Hannah, was born in Springfield, Mass. 1665: He movedfom Windsor, Conn. to Springfield, Mass.
1668: According to the New Eng.Hist,& Gen. Reg.; Vol.9, Page 87, JohnPetty was among the signers of a "petition against Imposts: 2 dua 1668 :To the Right Worpp. Worpp.& Much Honno. The General Co (rte).& Counsel ofthe Mass. - The Humble Petition of the Inhabitants of Springfield,Springfield, Mass."
The New Eng.Hist.& Gen. Reg. Vol. 5 - page 84 states ' Inhabitants of thetowne of Springfield who took the Oath of Allegiance, Springfield, Mass., dated Dec. 31,1678 - Jan.1,1678 was John Petty.'
From ' Early Settlers of West Springfield - Transcribed from the ParishRecords of The First           Congregational Church, by Lyman H.  Bagg -Vol. 29, page 289 - "15th - The 15th lot is to John Petey  ten acres. Inlength from the high way to the field, 100 rods and Bredth 16 rods."
27 Sept. 1670: His daughter, Mary, was born at Springfield, Mass.
7 Oct. 1670: His name was on a petition of Springfield inhabitants. Towit :
' Petition  submitted  to  the  general  court  by  several  inhabitantsof  Springfield  seeking  permission to  establish  a  township  on  landreserved  between  Springfield , Westfield , and  Windsor , Conn. , theycurrently  being  prepared   to  settle  there. General  court  ordergranting  petitioners  said  land  land  for  the  establishment  of  atownship   provided  that  five  hundred  acres  be  reserved  for  thecolony , one  hundred  acres  be  laid  out  near  the  site  for  themeeting  house , and  appointing  a  committee to  govern  town affairs .Consented  to  by  the magistrates and  deputies .' Vol. 112 , p. 210 .
27 Sept. 1672: His son, Joseph, was born at Springfield,  Mass.
19 May 1675: His daughter, Anna, was born at Springfield,  Mass.
23 June 1677: His stillborn child was born at Springfield, Mass.
8 Oct. 1678: His son, Ebenezer, was born at Springfield, Mass.
31 Dec. 1678 or 1 Jan.1678-9: He took the oath of allegiance with otherinhabitants of Springfield, Mass.
8 March 1679-80: He died at Springfield, Mass.
28 Aug. 1680: The inventory or his estate was taken. It included 3 piecesof real estate. It was an intestate estate.
28 March 1682 : His widow requested settlement of his  estate.
26 Sept. 1682: A Court of probate held at Springfield ordered that hisestate in lands "in Springfield &    Suffield and that Land Latelypurchid  of Danll.Canada be to the children as they come to be of age."(This  shows clearly how his eldest son James Petty obtained his share ofthis  estate which descended to James Petty's son,  John Petty,  and toJohn Petty's son Nathan Petty who deeded away his rights in this land on2 Feb.1756 to William Petty. This is the last date his widow was known tobe alive.) (Neither she nor her second husband left any estate.)  Thereis no record that John,1, Petty was ever admitted a freeman. No  deedshave been found to which he was a party. He was probably a yeoman
as were most of his descendants in the early generations but no statementof his occupation has been found. It does not appear that he held anycivil or military office, but as he was never recorded a freeman he wouldnot have been eligible to hold such an office.
PROBATE RECORDS OF HAMPSHIRE COUNTY, MASS.: "Probate of Jno. PettusInventory of his Estate": "Att a County Corte holden at Springfield,Setr.28:1680. Widdow Ann  Pettee Presented to this Corte. ye Inventory ofye Estate of John Pettee , her husband late deceased w . And  from ' TheHistory  of  the  Town  of  Northfield , Mass. ',  by  J . H. Temple &George  Sheldon , 1875 , printed  by  Joel  Munsell , Albany , New  York, p. 514 , ' Petty , John , removed  from  Windsor , to Springfield , d.6 March 1680 , he  m. at  Boston , 30 March  1662 , Ann  Canning , shem. ( 2 ) , 5 Sept. 1681 , Samuel  Owens .
child : James , born  at  Windsor 25 May  1662 , married  15 June  1683Mercy  Lawton , sol. 1688 .
Hannah , born  at  Springfield , 9 Nov. 1666 , d. young
John  , b. 11  Dec. 1667 , m. 13  Apr. 1693 , Mercy  Taylor
Mary , b. 27  March 1670 , m. 29 Dec. 1687   Thomas  Taylor  ofSpringfield
Joseph , b. 29  Sept.  1672
Ann , b. 19 May  1675
Child , b. 27 June  1677 , d. unbaptisted
Ebenezer , b. 9 Oct. 1678 . '
See  this  book  at : .   WJD .
Abt 1640
Boston, Mass .
North Brookfield, Worcester, Mass .
                   This  new  info  into  her  parentage  just  came  to  as  noted  bemyself , that  her  name ' Canning '
or  ' Canney ' . What  I'm  referring  to  is  the  document , moreprecisely  a  ' petition '  asking  the
Governor  and  assistants  to  not  locate  the  inhabitants  of  BloodyPoint , in  the  Piscataqua  River
area ,  asking  that  they  be  set - off  to  Dover , Mass.  instead  ofStrawberry  Bank . From  Vol. 003 ,
page # 442 , series  2043 , dated  1642 . This  falls  right  in  linewith  the  possibility  of  Thomas
Canning , signer  of  the  petition , being  her  father ,  .
ANN (CANNING) PETTY:  Wife of John, 1,  Petty: Place and date  of birth;place and date of death, unknown; parentage unknown. Her surname isunique in Boston. ( Possibly  since  her  linage  came  to  Dover  fromPiscataqua  River  area ) . After the death of her husband, John,1,Petty, in 1680, Ann (Canning) Pe tty married (2) Samuel Owen atSpringfield, Mass, on 5 Sept.1681. The surname of "Canning' is not listedin Torrey's marriages at all. ( Possibly  be  cause  it  may  have  beenCanney ).
There is found the surnames of "Canney" or "Kenney" in the list ofmarriages, both of which sound much like "Canning," and the latter may bepoor spelling, based upon the mere sound of the surname "Canney," whichwas not uncommon in the early records. ( Of  course , before  NoahWebster , nobody
had  any  notion  as  to  how  to  spell  ) . (NOTE: Could this be"Channing?") From: "History of North Brookfield Mass. " by J.. H. Temple-  1887 - page 698: OWEN: SAMUEL, 1, OWEN  "from Springfield, settledBrookfield,1688, lived and kept tavern on  north side of  road east ofWarding Rock; received in
all, grants of  two hundred and twenty -seve n acres; married 1681, AnnPettee, widow of John.
Owen children, born in Spr ingfield, Mass: Sarah Owen, b. 1682; AbigailOwen, born 1685; Samuel Owen, bo rn 1688; perhaps others in Brookfield."Samuel 2, Owen, son of Samuel, 1, rece ived grants in all of 182 acres;wife Mercy (   ). Children: Hepzibah, b. 4 May,1713; Anna, b. 22 Feb.1715 -  died young; Samuel, born 10 April,1716; C hristian, b. 1 Oct.l7l8; Hannah, b. 10 March 1720. [Note: Ann Canning appears to have hadtwo suitors following the death of  John Petty and prior to her marriageto Samuel Owen. This information  comes from a book entitled  "The FirstCentury of the History of  Springfield," by Henry M. Burt, copyrighted in1898. Norman W. Pettys had a copy of this book in his genealogicalcollectio n and was aware of the  data because at some point he markedthe passages  wit h pencil. He does not include it in either edition ofthe family genealogy, however, and it  may be that he discovered it afterhe had done the majority of his research and prepared his originalmanuscript. On the other hand, he may  simply have chosen not to includethe material. We don't know. I became aware of the existence of this databecause it is included in a 1974 book published by  Robert JosephCurfman, with whom NWP  corresponded. Curfman's book, "The Petty - PettisGenealogy:  Descendants of John Petty of Springfield, Mass," is dedicatedto Curfman's maternal  grandfather, Horace Greeley Petty of Fort Collins,Colo., and to NWP." A  copy of the Curfman book was in the NWPcollection. Here is the pertinent information from the Springfield townrecords as  reported by Henry M. Burt: "At a Town Meeting of ye SelectMen being present Mr. Holyoke Quartm Colton Deacon Parsons & DaniellDenton: July ye 25th 1681 Agreed upon yt a stranger yt for some tyme havehad his Residence at ye Widdow  Pettys & also Mr. Brice have both of themnotice given them to depart ye Town. July ye 29th 1681
At a meeting of ye Selectment present Mr. Holyoke quar termaster CoultonDeacon Persons & Danll Denton. Whereas ye Townsmen at ye ff ormer MeetingArthur Dudley was according to order warned out off ye Town & n ow makinghis applicaion to ye Townsmen they give him a months liberty to ans wer
his ingagement to ye Widdow Petty..." -The First Century of the Historyof Springfield, Vol. 1, p. 436 (in
NWP Collection) Elsewhere in the book, Burt points out that theSpringfield settlers had taken pains to guard against undesirable personsin their town. As early as 1642, the settlers agreed that visitors couldstay only one month  without the general consent of the inhabitants, ortheir hosts could face
fines. (Vol. 1, p. 53 )  To be perfectly fair to Ann in regard to hervisitor or visitors, we  should note that her children in 1681 wereapproximately ages 19, 15, 14, 11, 9, 6 and 3 and that the town still hadoccasional Indian problems and  that there still were plenty of wo lvesin New England at the time,
according too . From  RRP . Added  notes  from  WJD  .
25 Mar 1663
Windsor, Hartford, Connecticut
Abt 13 Mar 1710/11
Freetown, Bristol, Massachusetts
14 Jun 1683
Springfield, Hampden, Mass. 
                   Custom Field:<_FA#> Birth year could be 1662-1663@S012629
JAMES, 2,  PETTY  (John, 1),  son of John Petty & Ann (Canning) Petty,husbandman of Springfield, Brookfield, and Freetown, Mass., was born inWindsor, Conn. ( according to Springfield, Mass. records , p.11,' Petty ,James , s. of John and Anna , at  Winsor , 25 May 1662 ' ) , 25 March1663. He died at Freetown, Mass., before 13 March 1712-1 3 when theinventory of  his estate was taken. James Petty married at Springfi eld,Mass. 15 June 1683, Mary Lawton, daughter of John and Benedick (  __  )Lawton. Mary (Lawton) Petty was born at Suffield, Conn. 15 April 1662;she died  prob. at Freetown, Mass. after 1 June 1713.  James, 2, Pettywas a soldier in King William's War , ( 1689 - 1697,  exact  dates ofservice unknown ) .  Chronological Dates of Record Relating to James, 2,Petty: 25 March 1662-3: H e was born in Windsor, Conn, but his birth wasrecorded  on the Springfield, M ass. vital records. (7:#2).  His parentswere  married at Boston Mass. 30 May 1662, but his birth was  recorded on25  March 1662. Due to the use of double dating from the fourteenthcentury  to 1 Jan.1753 [rrp note: Julian Calendar v s. GregorianCalendar], this  birth date was doubtless 25 March 1662-3 which m eansthat he was born in wedlock. This appears the only possible explanationof what appears to be a discrepancy between the marriage of the parentsand t he date of birth of their first child. Burt says the child was bornMarch 25 and Warren says May 25. The explanation given favors March 25which has been accepted here. The original records of Springfield, Mass.have never been published as verbatim copies of the record so we mustrely on Burt , Warren (page 8) and the Register (7:#2) for the dates. Nocourt record has ever been fo und concerning the birth of this childbefore the marriage of the parents. They would probably have beensummoned to court if such had been the case. This is further evidencefavoring the conclusions adopted here. ((Birth before the  marriage ofthe parents was certainly not common ... the parents usually ma naged toget married at least before the birth of their first child except in aclear case of bastardy. Of course, this was a perfectly legitimate births ince the parents of the child did marry after this birth. Effort isbeing made now to locate the actual record of the birth of this child tosee if an error in the date has been made. It appears to have been aSpringfield record although the birth could have actually occurred inWindsor because it is list ed in the "Register" under the records ofSpringfield.)) 15 June 1683: He was married at Springfield, Mass.  5 Jan.1684: His son, John was born at Springfie ld, Mass. This may also  beanother instance of the double date so that the da te may be 5 Jan.1684-5. Of course this date could be correct and the child b orn somewhatless than seven months after the marriage of his parents.  25 Ma rch1684:   He was called "of Suffield" on this date when he was  sued in anA ction of Case, a civil action. 12 Sept. 1686: His daughter Mary wasborn at Sp ringfield, Mass.  31 July 1688: His son James was born atSpringfield, Mass.  3 Oct. 1691: His son William was born at Springfield,Mass. 5 Feb. 1694: His name was mentioned in a petition with the requestthat  he be allowed his poll tax for services to his country. To  wit : 'Petition submitted  to  the  general court by  Thomas Stebbins andothers requesting  that  the  court  intervene  in  demands  made  onconstables  Bliss  and  Bedortha by  the   treasurer , they  havingprovided   much  of  what  was  collected  in  agricultral  goods  forthe  benefit  of  the  local  military  bound  for  the  proposedexpedition   to Albany  , New  York . No action  taken .' From  Vol. 113, page  # 102 . series  # 230 , dated  5  Feb. 1694 . "James Petty  5  sh[rrp note: shillings]  ...  fetching the people from Quanbaug."  23 June1694: His daughter Anna was born at Springfield, Mass. 30 Sept. 1698:  Hejoined with John & Ebenezer Petty, all of Springfield,  in a deed sellinga tract of 53 acres of land. This is the sole deed found to which he wasa party. ((John & Ebenez
er were doubtless his brothers as only thesethree men of those names are known this early.) 24 Nov. 1698: He was on apetition of Brookfield inhabitants requesting aid in supporting theministry. ( He is the single 'J ' ) . WJD .
9 Nov 1666
Springfield, Mass.
Aft 1713
Springfield, Mass.
13 Apr 1693
Springfield, Mass. 
                   #3. JOHN, 2, PETTY (John, 1),  son of John Petty & Ann (Canning) Petty,was born 9 November 1666 at Springfield, Mass; he died at Springfield,Mass. before 11 March 1723-4, when administration on his estate wasgranted; married at Springfield, Mass. 13 April 1693, Mary Taylor. MARYTAYLOR, born 28 Dec.1671 at Springfield, Mass. was the daughter of  JamesTaylor who married Mary Taylor, daughter of Jonathan & Mary, on 17Jan.1667. M ary (Taylor) Taylor died l8 March 1700. James Taylor died 27
Oct. 1720. Savage says he had been a servant of John Pynchon, whichprobably means that John Pynchon paid his passage, and that he lived withhim untill the amount was pa id. ( source: "The First entury of theHistory of Springfield," by Henry M. Burt - 1899; page 643, Vol.2 ) Dateand place of death  of Mary (Taylor) Petty unknown. Chronological Datesof Record Relating to John, 2, Petty:
7 April 1707: Under "Early Settlers of West Springfield," dated 7 April1707 was the name of "John Petey." ((29:285)). Note: Son of JohnPetty,Sr. 11 March 1723-4 : "lettrs. of Administration of ye Estate ofJno.Petty of  Springfield...Deceased was granted unto Mary Petty, JohnPetty & Ebenr. Petty of Springfield" etc. The inventory totalled 209(pounds)-01-00, which the real estate consisted of the following: "To yehousing & lands at home" at 136 (pounds); "To Ten acres of 1and at yeDeep Swamp" at 15 (pounds); "To Ten Acres of land at ye Great plain onPocketuckbrook" at  6 (pounds);  and "To part of a Saw Mill" at 5(pounds). An "Accompt of what we have paid as Adminstre. on our fatherJno. Petty's
Estate" was signed by both John Petty & Ebenezer Petty." (( OriginalProbate Files, Hampshire County, Mass.))  "Estate of John Petty,Springfield, 1723, Box No.113,No. 2." NOTE: This is the intestate estateof John,2,Petty ( John,l) CHILDREN OF JOHN, 2,  PETTY & MARY (TAYLOR)PETTY:
(Proof Source: New Eng. Hist. & Gen, Reg. Vol.2, page 620)  #18.  MaryPetty, born 26 Oct.1695; d . date unknown; m, Robert Emmons ofBrookfield, Mass. #19.  John Petty, born 6 April 1701; died about 1748;m. Margaret (maiden  name unknown). #20.  Joseph Petty, born dateunknown; died 29 Aug.1710 at Springfield  #21.  Abigail Petty, born 3April 1713; d. 25 Feb. 1792; m. date unknown; to Pedijah Field.
#22.  Ebenezer Petty, born 1721; d. 1748; m.  Rebecca (maiden nameunknown) . John  Petty  signed  a
petition , ( with  his  brother  James ) , to  the  general  court  on  5Feb. 1694 .    WJD .
Hannah PETTY
11 Dec 1667
Springfield, Mass .
1 Jan 1667/68
Springfield, Mass .
27 Mar 1670
Springfield, Hampden, Mass.

#5. MARY, 2,  PETTY, (John, 1), daughter of John, 1,  Petty & Ann
(Canning) Petty was born at Springfield, Mass. on 27 March,16 70; she died
probably between 1716 and 1731; married (1) 29 Dec. 1687, Thomas Taylor,
son of Jonathan & Mary (    ) Taylor. He was born 9 August 1660 and died
at Springfield, Mass. in April 1691; married (2) 6 April,1697 at
Sprin gfield, Mass, Thomas Rich, alias La Rich.( He was probably a second
generatio n from some Rich who came in the Winthrop Fleet - Ref: "New
Eng.Hist.& Gen. S oc." Vol.19, page 62.) They went to Brookfield, Mass.,
where Thomas Rich died in 1702;  married (3) in 1703, Joseph Jennings.
THOMAS RICH: (From "History o f North   Brookfield, Mass," by J. H.
Temple, 1887 - page 156.):  "Thomas Ric h, who had a grant of the home-lot
"at the east end of the Old Plantation," d ied 1702; his widow, Mary,
married Joseph Jennings; the children wrote the na me LaRich. ((This
notation under the heading "The new comers this year were . ..
JOSEPH JENNINGS: ("From History of North Brookfield, Mass. " by J. H.
Temple, 1887 - page 650.)  "Joseph, son of Stephen and Hannah (Dic kinson)
Gillett Jennings, deacon, esquire, held his father's homestead; he wa s
born 23 August 1682, and died after 1751; he bought the Coy, Parsons,
War ner, Kent, and Younglove homelots on Foster's Hill; received grants of
971 ac res, his real estate in all amounting to 1350 acres. He married (1)
Mary Rich , widow of Thomas;     married (2) Sarah (maiden name unknown).
Children: see list below.
From page # 649 -  same source: "Re: Stephen, 1, Jennings (father of
Joseph Jennings, husband  of Mary (Petty) Taylor, Rich, Jennings) was of
Hatfield 1677; freeman 1690; bought 15 April 1693 of Hezekiah Dickinson,
th e William Pritchard home lot and rights in Brookfield 104 acres, but
did not come to reside until 1695 or 1696; sold this place 25 March 1707
to his sons Stephen and Joseph, and lived near Woolcott's; had grant
of land 60 acres ; date of death unknown, but before 1720. He married 15
May,1677, Hannah (Dic kinson) Gillett,  daughter of John Dickinson (died
1676 - son of Nathaniel Di ckinson) and Frances (Foote) Dickinson - she
was widow of Samuel Gillett ((ac cording to "Jennings Family in America"
by W. H.     Jennings, 1899 - Vol. 2, Part 2.)) This family was from
Hadley. Hannah (Dickinson) Gillett Jennings w ith two of her Gillett
children was taken captive by the Indians 19 Sept.same year, and carried
to Canada. 24 October, her husband and Benjamin Wait (whos e wife and 3
children were captives) started for Canada on the attempt to red eem their
families and friends. After a perilous journey via Albany, they rea ched
Sorrell in January. Negotiations lingered; and they left Sorrell not til l
2 May, having redeemed all the captives. The party returned to Albany 22
May; reached Kinderhook 27 May where "they found men and horses sent from
Hat field; rode through the woods to Westfield, and all arrived safely at
Hatfiel d, after an absense of eight months." The cost of redemption was
over two hun dred pounds, which was collected by contribution in the
towns. The date of he r death is unknown."
a. Han nah Taylor, born 18 August,1690 at Springfield, Mass.
b. Thomas Rich, born 17 Nov.1697 at Brookfield, Mass,  married (1) Ruth
Nichols; married (2) at Mendo n, Mass. on 18 Aug. 1742, Hulda Wheelock,
widow of John Sanford. (( Will prov ed 5 Dec. 1781.))
** c. John Rich, born 31 May,1699; married 18 March,1724, Sa rah Walker
d. Ebenezer Rich, born 12 Dec. 1700
e. Experience Rich, born 23 Oc t. 1702; married 27 May 1723, Hannah Godd
f. Joseph Jennings, born 27 April 1704
g. Mary J ennings, born 4 May 1707
h. Hannah Jennings,  born 14 April 1709; died 16 Marc h, 1716
i.  Anna Jennings, born 22 Sept. 1711
27 Sep 1672
Springfield, Hampden Co ., Mass.
Abt 1746
Northfield, Hampden Co ., Mass.
2 Jun 1703
                   <_FA#> 1704Captured by Indians in King William's War . "History ofDeerfield, Mass." by George Sheldon, 1892, Vol. 2: "Joseph, son of John,born 1672; the man for whom Petty's Plain was
named; a soldier at Northfield in King William's War; at Deerfield 1688and in the Pomroy pursuit; settled in Deerfield; self and wife capturedby the French and Indians 29 Feb. 1704; carried to Canada; he escaped thenext summer with Baker, Nims and Kellogg. He removed to Northfield at the
permanent settlement and died about 1746." ** See transcript of hisletter below  :
King William's War, first of four North American wars, waged by theEnglish and French from 1689 to 1697, and part of a larger European warfought by the Grand Alliance again st France over the succession to thethrone of England. The French and Englis h colonists, aided by Native
Americans, raided each other's settlements. Following a series of Englishraids in Canada, the French governor of Canada, Com te de Frontenac,planned counterattacks on New York City and Boston in 1690. As initialsteps in his campaign, the French and their Native American allies burnedSchenectady, New York, laid waste Salmon Falls, New Hampshire, anddestroyed Fort Loyal, Maine, while French privateers based in Nova Scotiaharried New England shipping. The New England colonists raised an
expeditionary force and placed it under the command of the new governorof Massachusetts, Sir William Phips. This force captured Port Royal inNova Scotia and unsuccess fully attacked Québec. For the rest of the warthe French and their Native Am erican allies ravaged the northernfrontiers of the English colonies. The Pea ce of Ryswick in 1697 restoredPort Royal to the French but left the colonial problem unresolved.Warfare resumed in 1702 in Queen Anne's War. - Encarta .
Letter to the Rev'd Mr. Stephen Williams , Att Springfield, Longmeadow ,From Joseph Petty
(procured at an auction sale in Philadelphia in 1892 and published in thebook, "History of Deerfield" by George Sheldon, Vol. #1 (1893), pages352-354)  "Upon your desire, I now pres ent you with a Narrative of myescape from Canada. tho it is now so long Sinc e y'r I may possiblyforget some
particulars. But the acc't as near as I can remember is as follows VIZ.About thirteen months after I was taken from Deer field (w'you wellremember) four of us consulted  methods to make our escape. Sometime inMay upon ye great procession day we had Liberty to go in and about yecity of Mont Real & there we happened all to meet together & John Nyms &I informed ye other two of our design to make our escape. This was on athirsday (May 10) & we agreed y y other three were come down to where I
lived w was about 9 miles from ye city & w was something remarkable yeguns & Provis ions we I had designed to bring with us was in another roomfrom where I lodg ed w exercised my mind very much how I should come atye  since I Lodged in an other room with ye people of yr house & was still
oppressed my spirits more w as, y coming in from work at noon I found abed & sick person placed in y roo m where yr guns & Provisions were: & Ithot now it was impossible to escape b ut upon my return at night I foundye sick person removed & my bed brought in to y room w much revived me.
"On ye Sabbath (May 13) following I was to go to ye city again toconclude further about our escape & having confirmed all mat ters, Ireturned at night & found my Landlords son there w was designed to Lo dgewith me w again dashed my spirits much for now I thot it impossible forme to Escape from him.
"But while I sat passing w  to do I remembered y   I w as to set up asign  by ye River for ye other three to know where y house was & I thot Iwould  go & do y    w   I had done u . From  the  ' History  ofNorthfield , Mass. ', by. Temple  and  Sheldon , 1875 , p. 514 , ' Petty, Joseph , son of  John , b. 1672 ,
soldier  in  the  garrison  at  Northfield ,  1688 , then  atSpringfield , soldier  at  Deerfield , 1698 , and
in  the  Pomroy  Pursuit , of  Deerfield , 1704 , where  he  with  wifewas  taken  captive , both  were
redeemed  , probably  by  John  Sheldon  on  his  first  expedition  toCanada  in  1705 . removed to  Coventry , Conn.  about  1708 , was  atNorthfield  as  early   as  1718  , where  he  died  about  1746 .
He  married  14  Feb. 1701  Elizabeth  Edwards  , who  died  18  Feb.1702 .  He  m. ( 2 ) 2 June  1703
Sarah  Edwards  who  d. 4 Oct. 1754 . child :
Elizabeth , b. 11 Feb. 1702 .
Sarah , b. 14 Apr. 1707 , m. 1727  Asahel  Stebbins .
Joseph .'
This  book  is  online  at : . Thank - You  WJD .
19 May 1675
Springfield, Mass .
12 May 1691
Springfield, Mass .
(son) PETTY
23 Jun 1677
Springfield, Mass .
23 Jun 1677
Springfield, Mass.
Ebenezer PETTY
8 Oct 1678
Springfield, Mass .
FamilyCentral Network
John Petty - Ann Canning

John Petty was born at England 16 Jul 1639.

He married Ann Canning 30 May 1662 at Boston, Suffolk, Mass. . Ann Canning was born at Boston, Mass . Abt 1640 .

They were the parents of 8 children:
James Petty born 25 Mar 1663.
John Petty born 9 Nov 1666.
Hannah Petty born 11 Dec 1667.
Mary Petty born 27 Mar 1670.
Joseph Petty born 27 Sep 1672.
Anna Petty born 19 May 1675.
(son) Petty born 23 Jun 1677.
Ebenezer Petty born 8 Oct 1678.

John Petty died 8 Mar 1679/80 at Springfield, Hampden, Mass. .

Ann Canning died 1729 at North Brookfield, Worcester, Mass . .