Matthew PETTIS

10 Dec 1746
Richmond, Washington, Rhode Island
2 May 1827
Hudson Falls, Washington, New York
Baker Cemetery, Hudson Falls, Washington, New York
Abt 1769
of Richmond, Washington, Rhode Island
Argyle , Washington , N.Y. Land Records
New York in the Revolution as Colony and State , by James A. Roberts & Frederic G . Mather , Second Edition
                   Side  note  about  his  Militia  Commander  - Col .  John  McCrea  : JohnMcCrea  was  a  graduate  of
Princeton  College  and  worked  as  a  Lawyer  at  Albany , N.Y. whenthe  Revolutionary  War  started .
He  was  given  command  of  the  13 th  Regiment - Albany  Company - (commissioned  20  Oct. 1775 ) , until  honorably  discharged  in 1781 , (he 's  also  listed  as  having  his  residence  at  Turner  Point ,Washington  Co . , N.Y.  and  he  has  88  acres , of  lot  #  158  in1789 ) . He  was  the  oldest  child  of  James  McCrea , an   Episcopalminister  and  Mary  Graham , ( his  first  wife   was  Sarah  Beekmanand  second  wife  was  Eleanor  McNaughton ) , and  his  brothers Samuel, James , and  Stephen , ( a  surgeon ) ,  also  served  as patriots .His  sister ,  Jane  McCrea ,  whom  was  massacred  by  the Indians nearFort  Edwards , Washington ,  N.Y. , ( whom  were  allied with  theBritish  under  Gen. Burgoyne ) ,  in  1777 . There  is  a monument todaydedicated  to  her  memory  at  this  site . *****
Matthew  moved   his  family  to Argyle ,Washington , New  York  afterthe  Revolutionary  War .
From the '' Petty  Book '' genealogy:  ( disclaimer , I  added thissolely  as  a  source . WJD. ) :
NOTE : Mathew Pettis of Washington County, NY, is not mentioned byWilliam 4 Pettis in his Bible record and there is no positive proof ofhis birth date of 15 December 1746 nor has he been positively identifiedas a son of William, 4, and Mary ( Kenyon ) Pettis and further researchis needed.  Yet  he appeared to be in this relationship as he named a son" Kenyon " Pettis . Land records indicate that he had a brother, StephenPettis*, living in Kingsbury, Washington County, NY, in 1795 . From RRP .
Now , get  this  everyone , ( especially Richard  Pettys ) , this  just -in , 1774 - Rhode Island  census     '' Pettis , Matthew , residing  atHopkinton , R . I . , 2  males  under  16 , 1 male  over  16 , ( himself) ,    1 female  over  16 , ( Alice ) , lives  near  Stephen  Pettis  &William  Pettis ''. Odd  huh ?? Check  it  out  yourself . In  the  1790  census  report  from  Argyle ,Washington , New  York ,
Matthew  has  two  free  white  males  above  16  y. o . , three  under16  y. o. , six  females  at  home ,
( no  ages  given )  and  no  slaves or  others , from  page  #  187 ,Argyle , Washington , New  York .
Now , according  to  the  1810  U.S. census report , Matthew  Pettis  isat  home , married  to  Alice , and  they have  one  daughter  still  athome ( Eliza  Pettis - 26 y.o. in  1810 ) , page  468 , line  38 . Fromthe  Dictionary  of  American  Family Names  , '' Pettis '' - English :From  the  possessive  or  plural form  of  Middle  English   '' pytte '', '' pitte '' or  ''pit '' , ' hollow ' , hence  a  topographical   namefor  someone   who lived  by a  pit , or  a   habitational   name  froma  place  named with  this word , as  for  example  '' Pett '' in  EastSussex  in   present  day south  - eastern   England  .  Also , accordingto  the military  pension  record  for  Stephen  Pettis ,  ( brother  /cousin / nephew  , take  your   pick ) ,  it  describes Stephen  Pettisin  this manner ,' Stephen  Pettis  is  six  foot tall , brown  hair ,dark eyes '.  My  wife  says  that  also  describes  me , (  Bill  Delker) , from  this  web  page  :   and  while we're  at  it,  try  this  also ,  . This  pagegives  various  arguments  against  why researchers  shouldn't  hold  toomuch creedence toward  the '' Bible '' of  William Pettys . In  the  1800U.S.  census  report  from  Argyle , Washington  Co . , New  York  , itlists  Matthew  Pettis  household  with  one  male , 45 +  y. o. , (himself ) , one  female  , 45 +  y. o. , ( Alice ,  his  wife  ) ,and onefemale , 16 - 25  y. o. , ( most  likely Eliza , whom  is  listed inArgyle  land  records  as a lunatic ) .
The  listing  for  Baker  Cemetery  says '' Hudson  Falls , Washington ,New  York , but  more  precisely
it  should  say , Baker  Cem . , located  three  miles  north  of  FortAnn , on  route # 4 , turn  right  at
Comstock , which  would  be  route  # 22 , drive  straight  about  3 / 4mile , then right  again  at  Quarry  Road , then  about  another  halfmile  ahead  is  Baker  Cemetery , just  before  Comstock  Cemetery .
   ......... Breaking  News ..... date line ... 25  June  2004 ..........
Argyle  land  records, p. 328 : '' Anny  Smith  of  Argyle , relick , (widow ) , of  Daniel  Smith , sold  200
acres  of  lot  #  127  to  Matthew  Pettis  of  Argyle  for 150 pounds .'' 11 - 15 - 1792 , note # B - 2 - 11 .
P . 329 ,  On  this  date ,  6 - 5 - 1818  ,  '' Matthew  and  AlicePettis  of  Argyle  sold  52  acres  of  lot
# 127  to  Alce  Shepard  of   Argyle  for  $ 400 . 00 . ''  Notation  O- 146 ,  Argyle  land  records , N.Y.
( This  was  part  of  the  original  450  acres  listed  as  MatthewPettis's - Argyle land  patent # 127 ) .
This is direct from Argyle , Washington , New  York : Office of  the TownHistorian , ( 518 - 638 - 8681 ) ,
41  Main  Street ,  Argyle , New  York  12809 ,  or  you  can  e - mail:  ........
Matthew  Pettis , 1746 - 1827 , was  the  son  of  William  Pettis , 1722- 1794  and  his  first  wife  Mary
Kenyon .  Matthew  was  born  in  Richmond , Rhode  Island , marriedAlice ... died  lot # 127 , and
is  buried  in  Baker  Cem. ,  Hudson  Falls , Washington , New  York .During  the  Revolutionary  War ,  he  served  in  the  13 th  Regiment ,Albany  County   Militia  under  Col. John  McCrea , brother of  thecelebrated  Jane  McCrea . Matthew  and  Alice  had  five , ( or  seven ,depends  on  whom  you  ask  ) , including  William  M .  Pettis ,  1770- 1821 , (  we  recently  received  the 1821 death  inquest  for  WilliamM. Pettis ) , whom  married  Ruth  Crandall ,1771 - 1837 , daughter  ofNathan Crandall , (??) ,   I  had  Elijah  Crandall ) . Matthew  wasprobably  a  relative  of  Joseph  Pettis  since  both  were  born  inRichmond , R . I . Members  of  the  Pettis  family  were  Baptists  andof  English  and  Welsh  descent . Source ; (  ATN  86 , AHstn , WCHstn ). { *Stephen Pettis is a proved son of William, 4} Matthew  Pettis , Sr.served  in  the  New  York  Militia  ( 13 th Regiment , Albany  Co . ,New  York  Militia   -  Revolutionary  War  under  Col. John  McCrea  ) .Circumstancial  evidence  indicates that Matthew  Pettis  was  the son ofWilliam C. Pettys ,b.1722 son  of  William Petty ,b. 1691 d.1747 , son ofJames Petty , b. 1663, son  of  John Petty , b. 1639 d. 1680 . WilliamC.  Pettys  bought   and  sold  several  pieces  of  property , ( lots  #127  and # 128 ) , within  a  short  distance  to Matthew Pettis inArgyle , Washington  Co . , New  York  and  he  did  not  list all of hismarriages  in  the  family  bible , so  is it  possible that  he may haveomitted  some  of  his  children  as  well . Now  comes  word that otherfamily  researchers  have  openly  questioned  the  family bible ofWilliam  C.  Pettys , check  this  out  at  this  site  : . And  MatthewPettis  named  several  of  his own  children  William , Kenyon , andMary ; perhaps  to  signify his relationship to  his  father and mother .I list  one other  piece  of  circumstancial  evidence , William C.  (Pettis )  Pettys , was  the  first to  start  using  the Pettis spellingof  the  name , and  I  personally have contacted other familydescendants whom  today  use  Petty , Pettys , Pettee , Petteys , butnone  whom use  the  Pettis  spelling . However ,  Matthew  Pettis andhis  brothers  and  sisters  followed , in  my  opinion , William C.Pettys  use  of  '' Pettis '', ( like  father , like  son ?? ) . Before1784 , Washington Co . , New York was  known   as  Charlotte  County ,and  several  boundary changes  have also  occurred  since  this  time .
The  1800  U.S  census  lists , besides  Matthew  and  his  family ,another  45 + y.o. free  gentleman ,
whom  I  believe  to  be  Matthew's  father  because  William  is  listedon  the  voting  rolls  until 1804 .
This  last  bit  is from  the Kingsbury , New  York   web  page . Next ,we  find  our Matthew  Pettis ,           ( listed  as  Matthew  Pettes ), in  the book ' New York  in  the Revolution as Colony & State ', SecondEdition 1898 ,  by James  A . Roberts  and  Frederic  G . Mather . Thisis also available  online  at : , (  this  page  maybeoffline  or  has  been  moved ) , other sources : , ( possibly atbattle of Saratoga ,
his Militia commander Corn. Van Vechten is  listed  as  being at  theBattle of  Saratoga , New  York , try  this  page : ) , Daughters of  theAmerican Revolution - Patriot Index , Vol.  III , page  # 2105 , HudsonValley  , New  York  area  information  and  history - ,, ,
' New  York  Miltary  in  the  Revolution ', by James A.  Roberts , 1898, p. 124 , Heading - Albany Co. Militia - 13th regiment , rank - Enlisted, name - Matthew  Pettes ',
' Landholders of  Northeastern New York ' , 1739 - 1802 , p. 137 , byFred Q. Bowman , 1983 ,
' The  Argyle  Patent  and  It's  Early  Settlers ', by  JamesMacNaughton , Jr . , Sleeper  Co . , 1999 ,
The Portrait & Biograghical Record of Muskegon & Ottawa Co. , Mich. ,1893, p. 236 , Bio. Pub. Co . ,
Rhode  Island  census , taken 1 June 1774 , Hopkinton , R . I . , onlineat  : ,
'' New  York  in the Revolution  as a Colony  and a  State '', by  JamesRoberts & Fred  Mather . WJD .
Abt 1750
Washington Co ., Rhode Island
2 May 1827
Hudson Falls, Washington, New York
                   This family  may  have  originated  from  the village of  Auchtermuchty ,county  Fife , Scotland .  And
there  is  a   book  titled '' The  Auchmuty  Family  of  Scotland  andAmerica '', by  Annette Townsend ,
Grafton  Press  Publishers , New  York , 1932 . But  I  have  notpersonally  seen  a  copy  yet . Would  someone  care  to  send  me  acopy  of  this ??  And  large  number  of  Scottish  immigrants settledin  New  York  state . Now  interestly , we  now  have a  clue that  herfather  might  have  been  Arthur  Gates  Auchmuty , b. 1710 Longford  Co. , Ireland  d. 1765  Washington  Co . , Rhode  Island  and her  mothermay  have been  Ann Dickinson  b. 1714  m. 1734  in Trinity , RhodeIsland ,  daughter  of  Charles Dickinson and  Mary Winterton . Arthur'sfather  was  Arthur  Auchmuty , and  grandfather 's  name  was  alsoArthur Auchmuty  , (  this  info  is  from  ) .Also , according   to  ,  thisfamily may  have  originated  or  had  an  estate  in  Broad  Blunsdon ,Wiltshire , England  in  about  1698 .  And  from  the  book ''Historical  Sketch  of  the  Boston  Highlands '' , published  in  1888 ,by  Merchantile  Publishing  Company , comes  this  item ,   ' Prominentamongst  the  names  of  the  families  that  have  exercised  a greatinfluence in  various  periods  of  the  towns  history  are those  ofAlcock , Allen , Armory , Auchmuty ...', .  WJD .
21 Feb 1770
Richmond, Washington Co ., Rhode Island
15 Nov 1821
Kingsbury, Washington Co ., New York
Richmond, Washington Co ., Rh 
                   According  to  the  1810  U.S.  census  report ,  William  M.  Pettislives  in  Kingsbury , Washington ,
New  York , has  six  children  under  the  age  of  16 , and  ismarried . From  page  459 , line  20 ,
or  sheet  # 356 , line  # 19 , whichever  you  prefer  to  view  at  NewYork  Gen  Web - 1810  census .
This  is  our  ancestor  William  Matthew  Pettis  and  sadly ,  I  foundthat  he  committed  suicide  by
hanging  himself  . A  cousin , Loma  Jean ( MacDonald )  Wilkins , b.1940 , ( see  tree  data ) ,  sent
me  the  case  file  from  the death  inquest  . Dated   the  20 th dayof  November  1821 , Kingsbury ,
Washington  County , New  York .  Loma  thought  that  this  may  havebeen  our  William , and  I   do
personally  believe  this  is  our  ancestor .This  little  bit  of infojust  filtered  in , to  wit : 30 Feb. 1794 ,
Matthew  Pettis  sold  100  acres of  lot  # 127  to  William  M . Pettisfor  75  pounds . This   land
was   formerly  owned  by  Nancy  Smith , widow  of  Daniel  Smith  ,plus Duncan , John , Daniel ,
Samuel , Catherine , and  Elizabeth  Smith . Source : Argyle , N.Y.  LandRecords pp. # 328 . And  from
' Land Holders  of  Northeastern  New York ', 1739 - 1802 , p.137, byFred  Q. Bowman , 1983 .  WJD .
Abt 1772
Richmond, Washington Co ., Rhode Island
Aft 1835
Abt 1790
                   From  the  land  records  of  Argyle , Washington , New  York  :  14 July1805 ,  Matthew  Pettis , Sr .
of  Argyle  , sold  100  acres  in  the  north  section  of  lot  # 127to Matthew  Pettis ,  Jr .  for  $ 200.00 .
This  land  was  once  owned  by  Daniel  Smith . Source :  Argyle , N.Y.Land Records pp. # 328 . And ,
then  we  have ,  '' Matthew  and  Martha  Pettis , Kingsbury , sold  160acres  of  lot  # 127  to  David
Burnham , Queensbury  for  $ 2000 . 00 .  Matthew  Pettis , Sr .  boughtthis  land  from  Nancy  Smith ,
widow  of  Daniel  Smith ''.  Notation  #  N N - 523 , Argyle  landrecords . Also , according  to  the  1810
U.S.  census  report ,  Matthew  Pettis , Jr.  lives  in  Argyle ,Washington , New  York ,  is  married ,
and  has   four  children  at  home  .  From  page  459 ,  line  21 , (next  door  to  William  M. ) . WJD .
Abt 1774
Richmond, Rhode Island
Aft 1815
Abt 1800
                   According  to  the  1810  U.S.  census , Joseph  Pettis  is  at  home ,married  to  Elizabeth , and  they  have  two  boys & one daughter athome , from page  468 , line 36 , Argyle , Washington , N.Y.  WJD .
Abt 1776
Richmond, Rhode Island
2 Jul 1829
Argyle, Washington Co ., New York
15 Nov 1796
Fort Edward, Washington, New  
                   You  can  find  addition  info  at  : . WJD .
Abt 1778
Richmond, Washington, Rhode Island
Aft 1830
Abt 1805
                   According  to  the  1810  U . S .  census  report  from  Argyle ,Washington  Co. , N.Y.  , Kenyon  Pettis ,
( listed  as   Kinyon  Pettis  ) ,  is  about  32  y.o.  ,  married  toCatherine  whom   is  30  y.o.  ,   and
two children , (  an unnamed  boy  and  girl , both  under  10  y.o.  ofage ) , page  468 , line  39 . Next
we  find  Kenyon  Pettis  is  listed  in  the  1830  U.S.  census  reportas  residing  in   Blenheim , Schoharie , N.Y.  with  a  wife  and  sixchildren ,  Reel  M  # 19 - 116  , page # 70 , line #  27 . WJD .
Abt 1780
Richmond, Rhode Island
Abt 1782
Richmond, Rhode Island
Abt 1784
Rhode Island
Bef 11 Oct 1832
Washington Co ., New York
                   In  the  1810  U.S.  census  report  for  Argyle , Washington , New  York, her  father Matthew  is  listed
as  the  head  of  the  household , listed  over  45 + , her  motherAlice , ( even  though  she  isn't
named  in  the  census , listed  as  over  45 +) , and  Eliza , un -named  in  census  is  listed  as  being
16 - 26  years  old , still  at  home  in  1810 .  And  from  the  sourcebelow , we  can  determine  why 
In  1820 , she  may  have  been  moved  to  her  brother  Matthew , Jr.'shousehold , maybe  due  to
her  parents  being  to  old  to  care  for  her . Matthew , Jr.'shousehold  does  show  in  1820   two
females  over  the  age  of  35  living  at  his  house , besides  allhis  children . Argyle , Washington  county , New  York  land  records :' Mary  and Sarah  were  the  sisters of  Eliza  Pettis , deceasedlunatic , and John  ( I  believe  they mean  Joseph  )  Pettis , thechildren of Matthew  Pettis .' 10 - 11 - 1832 , notation #  G G - 427 .WJD .
FamilyCentral Network
Matthew Pettis - Alice Auchmuty

Matthew Pettis was born at Richmond, Washington, Rhode Island 10 Dec 1746. His parents were William C. Pettis and Mary Kinion.

He married Alice Auchmuty Abt 1769 at of Richmond, Washington, Rhode Island . Alice Auchmuty was born at Washington Co ., Rhode Island Abt 1750 .

They were the parents of 8 children:
William Matthew Pettis born 21 Feb 1770.
Matthew Pettis, , Jr . born Abt 1772.
Joseph Pettis born Abt 1774.
Sarah ( Sally ) Ann Pettis born Abt 1776.
Kenyon Pettis born Abt 1778.
Mary Pettis born Abt 1780.
Alice Pettis born Abt 1782.
Eliza Pettis born Abt 1784.

Matthew Pettis died 2 May 1827 at Hudson Falls, Washington, New York .

Alice Auchmuty died 2 May 1827 at Hudson Falls, Washington, New York .