20 Nov 1798
of Westminster, Middlesex, Ontario, Canada
10 Dec 1884
Westminster, Middlesex, Ontario, Canada
Scottsville Cemetery, Middlesex, Ontario, Canada
3 Aug 1819
Middlesex, Ontario, Canada
                   Ontario Cemetery Finding Aid
Surname Given Name Cemetery County Township Reference
LEWIS Levi R. Scottsville Middlesex Westminster MX-127
LEWIS Levi R. Scottsville (Plot Owners) Middlesex Westminster MX-127A
LEWIS Sarah Scottsville Middlesex Westminster MX-127

A Series of Cemeteries in Middlesex County, Scottsville Cemetery, Talbot Rd. S. on Highway #4, 1983, SLC FHL 971.325, V.3, no. 529
Scottsville Cemetery, Westminster Township, Cemeteries in Middlesex County, film no. 6,050,409
21. Lewis (gray marble) (Lot 160 - Levi R. Lewis)
In memory of Levi R. Lewis, died Dec 10, 1884/ aged 85 yrs.11ds.
In memory of Sarah, wife of Levi R. Lewis, died July 17, 1887/ aged 83 yrs.
22.  Lewis (white marble, broken, had to dig, top missing)
Benjamin/son of Levi & Sarah Lewis, died 13th of Jun 1847/ in his 8th yr. (another record it's listed as 18th year)

Some Original Land Patentees of Middlesex County, Upper Canada/Canada West
A List of Land Patentees of the Townships of Delaware, London, North Dorchester, Westminster, and the Town of London, 2002
                                 Concession:     Date:   Location
Lewis, Benjamin, 7, 12 Feb 1835, London Twp.
Lewis, Francis, 7, 12 Feb 1835, London Twp.
Lewis, Levi R., Gore, 1847, Westminster Twp.
Lewis, Levi, 8, 12 Jun 1848, London Twp.
Lewis, Levi, Talbot Rd. N. 1833, Westminster Twp.
Lewis, Samuel, 8, 1834, Westminster Twp.
Lewis, Samuel, 8, 1847, Westminster Twp.

1851 Census  Westminster, Middlesex, Ontario, Canada, FHC film#  349,224.P.179, #33:
Levi Lewis, Farmer, Canada, Wesleyan Methodist, age 53, b. Nov 20, Male,  married, Brick House, 1 story, 1 family, near Talbot Road, near lot 61.
Sarah Lewis, Canada, WM, age 49, B. June 12, female, married;
Jemimah Lewis, Canada, WM, age 21, B. April 20, female, Single;
James Lewis, Canada, WM, age 19, b.July 28, male, Single;
Levi Lewis Jun., Canada, WM, age 17, b. July 30, male, single;
Samuel Lewis, Canada, WM, age 14, b. Sept 27, male, single;
Caroline Lewis, Canada, WM, age 12, b. April 23, female, single
Elizabeth C. Lewis, Canada, WM, age 11, B. Dec 17, female, single.".

1861 census: Westminster, Middlesex, Ontario, Canada, Div., p. 96
Levi R. Lewis, farmer, Canada E. Methodist , 62, male, married
Sarah     "      , Canada W, W.Methodist, 58, female, married,
Samuel  "      , teacher, Canada W, W.Methodist, 23, male
Elizabeth  "   , Canada W, W.Methodist, 20, female
Martha     "    , Canada W, W.Methodist, 8, female
Levi Lewis, farmer, Canada W., W. Methodist, 25, male, married
Jane    "     , Canada W., W. Methodist, 24, female, married
Annie   "     , Canada W., W. Methodist, 1 or 2, female

1871 census:  (Ontario Index) (FHC film no. 349,140, p. 10, Province of Ontario, District no. 9, East Middlesex, sub District 1 Sub-district: Westminster ( A ) Page:	10 	Microfilm reel:C-9904
Reference:RG31 - Statistics Canada
index:   Lewis, Levi R. 71, Que, WM, English, Farmer, Dist.009, sub-district A, Division 1, page 10
36/37, Lewis, Levi R., male, married 71, Quebec, farmer, American, Wesleyan Methodist
                         , Sarah, female, married, 67, Ontario, Irish, Wesleyan Meth.
                         , James, male, married, 38, Ontario, farmer. Canadian, W.M.
                         , Sarah E., female, married, 37, Ontairo, Canadian, WM
                         , Martha (Heard???), female, 17, Ontario, Canadian, WM
                         , Sarah C., female, 14, Ontario, Canadian, WM
                         , Jemima, female, 12,  U.S., Canadian, WM
                         , Elizabeth, female, 12, Ontario, Canadian, WM
                         , Sarah, female, 10, Ontario, Canadian, WM
next page:
Thos Jan? Heard, male, married, 52, English, Bible Christian, farmer,
                     , Harriette, female, 44, married, English, Bible Christian
(several Woodhulls)

1881 census:
   James HARESON   M   Male      48   O    Farmer   E. Methodist
   Elizabeth HARESON   M   Female      39   O       E. Methodist
   Annie HARESON      Female      20   O       E. Methodist
   Eliza HARESON      Female      23   O       E. Methodist
    Household Number   111
next door:
Levi LEWES   M   Male   Dutch   81   Canada      C. Methodist
   Sarah LEWES   M   Female   Irish   77   Canada      C. Methodist
   Mima LEWES      Female   Dutch   22   Canada      C. Methodist
Source Information:
    Census Place Westminster, Middlesex East, Ontario
    Family History Library Film   1375904
    NA Film Number   C-13268
    District   167
    Sub-district   A
    Division   3
    Page Number   21
    Household Number   112

3. Will of Levi R. Lewis, Middlesex County, Ontario, Probate Index #804, FHC Film #105,793.

4. Death Record, Ontario Office of the Registrar General, 894563/MC.
"Levi Lewis, December 10, 1884; Westminster Twp., Middlesex; 85 years; B. Canada; Occupation:  Farmer; Informant:  John Ferguson; Religion: Methodist;
   No. 1884-05-010462.  Issued at Toronto, 1, Dec, 1981.".

also listed in Levi's will:  ALEXANDER LEWIS  however the recorder neglected to list his relationship to Levi.  It is assumed he was either a son or grandson.

For children without birthdates, the order of birth is unknown.  Those listed after Hannah Lewis were not in the 1851 census and are presumed to have been older than those still living at home.

WILL OF LEVI R. LEWIS: From Middlesex County, Ontario, Canada Wills, No. 804, Entered and Registered the 10th day of Jan AD 1885 at 333 o'clock pm;  In Her Majesty's Surrogate Court of the County of Middlesex:
(Be) it known that Levi R. Lewis late of the Township of Westminster in the County of Middlesex yeoman deceased who died on or about the tenth day of December in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and eighty four at the Township of Westminster in the said County of Middlesex and who at the time of his death had a fixed place of abode at the said Township of Westminster in the said County of Middlesex made and duly executed his last will and testament and did therein name Andrew Routledge and George W. Ferguson both of the Township of Westminster yeoman Executors thereof  The Executors named in said will having renounced.   A true copy of which said last will and testament is hereunder written.  And be it further known that on the tenth day of January in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and eighty five letters of administration  with the said will annexed of all and singular the personal estate and effects rights and credits of the said deceased were granted by Her Majesty's Surrogate Court of the County of Middlesex to Levi Lewis of the Township of Westminster in the County of Middlesex Gentleman a son of the said deceased he the?     Levi Lewis having previously been sworn will and faithfully to administer the same according to the tenor of the said will to pay the just debts of the deceased and legacies contained in his will so far as he is thereunto bound by law and to exhibit a true and perfect inventory of all and singular the personal estates and effects rights and credits of the said deceased.   And to render a just and true account thereof whenever required by law so to do.
						Signed John Macbeth Registrar Ls?
Copy of the last will and testament of Levi R. Lewis late of the Township of Westminsterin the County of Middlesex yeoman deceased      I Levi R. Lewis  of the Village of Lambeth in the Township of Westminster and Province of Ontario declare this to be my last will and testament.

First I will and bequeath to my wife Sarah all my household furniture and wearing apparel and also the sole use of the house and premises I now occupy in the said Village of Lambeth for the term of her natural life and also the entire profits and proceeds annually of my other property of whatsoever kind during her natural life and should it be found at any time that such annual income be insufficient to enable my said wife Sarah to live comfortably in that case my Executors hereinafter named in this will shall take from the principal sum of my personal estate whatever may or shall be necessary to furnish my said widow with a comfortable maintenance.

Second I will and bequeath to my son William the sum of one thousand dollars and to my son James the sum of three hundred dollars.  And to my son Samuel the sum of five hundred dollars.  And to my daughter Hannah the sum of five hundred dollars.  And to my (left blank) Alexander Lewis five hundred dollars.  And to my granddaughter Emma Lewis two hundred dollars and to my Grandson Levi Wellington Lewis five hundred dollars.  And to my Granddaughter Jemima Carmichael five hundred dollars.  And to my adopted daughter Marth Lewis Heard five hundred dollars.  And I will and bequeath that all these legacies shall be paid as soon as may be after the decease of my said wife Sarah.

Third I will and bequeath to my daughter Elizabeth Harrison the house and lot known as lot number twelve of William McClarys survey Lambeth being also part of lot number seventy one East of the North Branch of the Talbot Road in the said township of Westminster to be hers absolutely subject to the following proviso that is to say if the said Elizabeth Harrison should die before her husband James Harrison and leaving no children then said lot shall be sold and the proceeds equally divided among my before mentioned heirs Samuel Lewis Hannah Morden Jemima Carmichael and Marth Lewis Heard.

Fourth.  I will and bequeath that as soon as may be after the decease of my said wife Sarah that my real estate shall be sold and that whatever remains fo the proceeds thereof and of all my other property of whatsoever kind after paying the before mentioned legacies shall be equally divided among my before mentioned (it looks like Lewis but probably should read heirs)  Samuel Lewis Hannah Morden and Elizabeth Harrison and Jemima Carmichael and Martha Lewis Heard

Fifth  I hereby appoint my trusty friends Andrew Routledge of the said Township of Westminster and George W. Ferguson of the said Village of Lambeth Executors of this my last will and testament    And hereby revoking all former will testaments and codicels that may be at any other time have been made   I hereby declare this to be my last will and testament
In witness whereof I the said Levi R. Lewis the testator have in this my last will and testament contained in this and the proceeding two sheets of paper set my hand and seal this 28 day of September AD 1881.
						Levi R. Lewis Ls?
Signed by the Testator as and for his last will and testament in the presence of us present at the same time who at his request and in the presence of each other have subscribed our names as witnesses
						George Heard Waggonmaker Lambeth
						William McPherson Waggonmaker Lambeth
A true copy John Macbeth Registrar
Ontario, County of Middlesex ToWit:  I Edward Corrigan Emery of the City of London in the county of Middlesex Law Student make oath and say that I have carefully compared the annexed paper writing with the letters of administration with will annexed by Levi R. Lewis     and I find the same to be a true and correct copy thereof.
Sworn before me at the City of London in the County of Middlesex this day of January AD 1885
							E C Emery
			J.H.Fraser A. Conm Sc??

(The foregoing was taken from a Family History Center microfilmed copy of Will no. 804, Middlesex, Ontario, Canada.  The will had been copied by the registrar evidently from the original and contained some copying errors.  There was no punctuation, however there were occasionally extra spaces where a period would have been.
??means it was illegible or an unknown abbreviation to the transcriber.
Parentheses indicate notes by the transcriber.   In the 4th paragraph beginning with "Second" the registrar apparently left out the relationship for Alexander Lewis)
Transcriber: Laurie Jensen
12 Jun 1803
of Westminster, Middlesex, Ontario, Canada
11 Jul 1887
Westminster Township, Middlesex, Ontario, Canada
Scottsville Cemetery, Middlesex, Ontario, Canada
                   Scottsville Cemetery, Westminster Township, Cemeteries in Middlesex County, film no. 6,050,409
21. Lewis (gray marble) (Lot 160 - Levi R. Lewis)
In memory of Levi R. Lewis, died Dec 10, 1884/ aged 85 yrs. 28 ds.
In memory of Sarah, wife of Levi R. Lewis, died July 17, 1887/ aged 83 yrs.
22.  Lewis (white marble, broken, had to dig, top missing)
Benjamin/son of Levi & Sarah Lewis, died 13th of Jun 1847/ in his 8th yr.
Charlotte LEWIS
Abt 1821
of Westminster, Middlesex, Ontario
May 1841
of Westminster, Middlesex, Ontario
                   North St. United Church Cairn on Hwy 5, Concession 6, Westminster Township, (originally for North St. United Church, Con. W. Talbot Rd., Lot 60, Westminster)
copied by London, Middlesex County Br. OGS. original recording:  LDS members
Lewis/Charlotte, eldest daughter of levi R. and Sarah Lewis/ died 1...th May 1847 (or 1841) age 19 .....
s.m. T. Francis
"My comrades dear as you pass by/ As you are now so once was I./ As I am now, so you must be/ So pray, prepare to follow me."
Abt 1822
Westminster Township, Middlesex, Ontario, Canada
Middlesex, Ontario, Canada
28 Feb 1843
Middlesex, Ontario, Canada 
20 Apr 1824
Westminster, Middlesex, Ontario, Canada
27 Mar 1911
Pacific Grove, Monterrey, Ca
10 Mar 1847
London, Middlesex, Ontario, Ca 
                   mentioned in will of father.

stopped searching #1000 of Humboldt 1880 census.

1870 census:  Nebraska City, Otoe, Nebraska,  Ward three, p. 12, page 442, stamped page
84, 91, Marden, H., 46, F, keeping house, England,
(father and mother of foreign birth was checked for all)
                          S., 19, F, England
                          C., 18, M, at School, England
                          M., 16, F., at School, England
                          B., 12, M., at School, England
                          P., 7, m, England
                          H., 6, F, England
                          F., 4, F, Nebraska

1865 Nebraska Census
Mary Lewis, 24, Canada; children, Wm., 4, Neb.; John C., 2, Neb.http://www.rootsweb.com/~neresour/OLLibrary/Journals/NMGR/Vol20/nmgrp005.html

Nebraska State Census 1885 Humboldt City, Richardson, Nebraska
Name: G. P. Morden  Race: W  Age: 23  Birth Place: Canada  ED: 661 Date: 01 Jun 1885 Enumerator: E. A. Loper Locality: Midway Borough ED: 192 OSPage Number: 9B
   Name: Anna Morden  Race: W  Age: 21  Birth Place: Ohio
   Name: Florence Morden  Race: W  Age: 1  Birth Place: Nebraska
   Name: Hannah Morden  Race: W  Age: 61  Birth Place: Canada
   Name: Mina Morden  Race: W  Age: 21  Birth Place: Canada
   Name: Lulu Morden  Race: W  Age: 19  Birth Place: Nebraska

1900 census: Monterey, Monterey, California; Roll: T623 94; Page: 12B; Enumeration District: 9.
New Monterey Addition
Morjan, Hannah, head, female Aprl, 1824, 76, widow, 12 children, 7 living, Can, Can, Can, capitalist
               , Mima, daughter, female, April, 1874, 26, single, Canada, Can, Can
Nims, Marila, boarder, Female, April 1851, 49, single, Wisconsin, Wis, Wis, Invalid

1910 census: PACIFIC GROVE TWP, MONTEREY, California  T624 Roll: 89 Part: 2 Page: 240A
216 17th Street,
Morden, Hannah, head, female, 85, widow, 12 children, 5 living, Can., United States, Can,
                , Hannah J., daughter, female, 46, single, Can, Can, Can,
Pfane?, Julie, boarder, female, 72, widow, 0, 0 , NY, unk, unk,

"October 6, 1982, Elizabeth Porter Pierson visited Pacific Grove Cemetery:
There is a large MORDEN grave stone in the oldest part of the El Carmelo Cemetery, block 3,  by a golf course:

Pacific Grove Cemetery:
Hannah Morden 1824-1911
Lulu M. Morden 1866-1926
Mima Morden 1863-1936
Also included in group of 6 plots:  Mariette E. Nims has a large stone 1849-1900
in the courthouse records she is listed: death Sept 3, 1900, widow, 51 years old."

Hannah, buried 3-29-1911; Lulu buried 1-4-1927 (ashes shipped from Springfield, Mass where she died Dec. 20, 1926; Mima buried 6-19-1936; Mariette buried 9-6-1900.
perpetual care of gravesites arranged for by C. W. Morden (Charles Whitney?), Grandson of Hannah Morden (letters dated 1945-1947)

Hannah and Mima lived in a cottage that was 2 blocks from the Bank of America in Pacific Grove where Bonnie Pierson Johnson trained for 3 months to become an operations officer in the San Luis Obispo Bank of America. 216 17th street, Pacific Grove, California.  Home built in 1887 by AJC Gunter.   City Directory dated 1907:  Mordan, Hannah, Mr., 216 17th, and Mordan, Mima, Miss.

Monterey County  courthouse:
Hannah Morden, age 87 years,11 months, 7 days Canada, widow, died March 27, 1911 of old age, Dr. Wm. T. Jamison
Mima Morden: Buried 6-19-1936, age: 73-2-16, single, Canada, d. June 17, 1936, embolism catarrhal pneumonia, Dr. Wm. M. Gratiot.
Lulu (Lula?) Morden - ashes in Springfield, Massachusetts, Dec. 20, 1926, suicide by gas, 55 years old.

On back of postcard showing Hannah Morden in buggy:
"Hannah Lewis Morden
Born Apr 20, 1824 near London, Ontario, Died Mar. 27, 1911 at Pacific Grove - Calif
When I was there last I often took grandma for a ride."
William LEWIS
Abt 1826
Westminster Township, Middlesex, Ontario, Canada
                   mentioned in will of father Levi R. Lewis. 1885

possible match:
Ontario, Canada: Civil Marriage Registrations, 1869-73
Year of Record:		1872
Source Reference:		page 383
Comments:		Middlesex County - marriage
Event Description:		Marriage Registrations; Office of the Registrar General; (RG 80-5); Archives of Ontario, Toronto: microfilm group MS932, reel 7, unit 80-5-0-23, volume 22

??Ontario, Canada Census Index, 1871
Name:	William Lewis
Age:	34
Estimated Birth Year:	abt 1837
Gender:	Male
Birth Place:	Ontario
Residence District:	Middlesex East
Residence Location:	Westminster
Ethnic Origin:	Irish
Religion:	Wesleyan Methodist
Occupation:	Farmer
Division:	4
Microfilm Roll:	C-9904
Page:	18
Head of Household Comment:	This person is listed as a head of household.

1881 census:
William H. LEWIS   M   Male   Dutch   43   Q    Farmer   C. Methodist
   Mary Jane LEWIS   M   Female      35   O       C. Methodist
   Hannah L. LEWIS      Female   Dutch   17   O       C. Methodist
   Edward LEWIS      Male   Dutch   13   O       C. Methodist
   Alice Maud LEWIS      Female   Dutch   11   O       C. Methodist
   Clara LEWIS      Female   Dutch   7   O       C. Methodist
   Julia LEWIS      Female   Dutch   3   O       C. Methodist
   Mylla LEWIS      Female   Dutch   <1 Born: Aug; 2/12   O       C. Methodist
Source Information:
    Census Place Westminster, Middlesex East, Ontario
    Family History Library Film   1375904
    NA Film Number   C-13268
    District   167
    Sub-district   A
    Division   1
    Page Number   38
    Household Number   179
Benjamin LEWIS
Abt 1829
Middlesex, Ontario, Canada
13 Jun 1847
St. Thomas, Middlesex, Ontario, Canada
                   Scottsville Cemetery, Middlesex County, Province of Ontario, Canada
Lewis, Benjamin, D. 13 Jun 1817?, age 18 years, son of Levi R. and Sarah.  this boy was drowned at St. Thomas.
Levi R., d. 10 Dec 1884 age 85 yrs 11 days
Sarah, d. 11 July 1887, age 83 yrs. (or 88 yrs), wife of Levi R.

Scottsville Cemetery, Westminster Township, Cemeteries in Middlesex County, film no. 6,050,409
21. Lewis (gray marble) (Lot 160 - Levi R. Lewis)
In memory of Levi R. Lewis, died Dec 10, 1884/ aged 85 yrs. 28 ds.
In memory of Sarah, wife of Levi R. Lewis, died July 17, 1887/ aged 83 yrs.
22.  Lewis (white marble, broken, had to dig, top missing)
Benjamin/son of Levi & Sarah Lewis, died 13th of Jun 1847/ in his 8th yr.(another record it's listed as 18th year)
20 Apr 1830
of Westminster, Middlesex, Ontario, Canada
28 Jul 1832
of Westminster, Middlesex, Ontario, Canada
Aft 1884
of London, Middlesex, Ontario, Canada
28 Nov 1855
London, Middlesex, Ontario, Ca 
                   mentioned in will of father

possible matches:
Ontario, Canada: Civil Marriage Registrations, 1869-73
Year of Record:		1871
Source Reference:		page 350
Comments:		Middlesex County - marriage
Event Description:		Marriage Registrations; Office of the Registrar General (RG 80-5); Archives of Ontario, Toronto: microfilm group MS932, reel 5, unit 80-5-0-18, volume 17

1871 census:  (Ontario Index) (FHC film no. 349,140, p. 10, Province of Ontario, District no. 9, East Middlesex, sub District 1 Sub-district: Westminster ( A ) Page:	10 	Microfilm reel:C-9904
Reference:RG31 - Statistics Canada
index:   Lewis, Levi R. 71, Que, WM, English, Farmer, Dist.009, sub-district A, Division 1, page 10
36/37, Lewis, Levi R., male, married 71, Quebec, farmer, American, Wesleyan Methodist
                         , Sarah, female, married, 67, Ontario, Irish, Wesleyan Meth.
                         , James, male, married, 38, Ontario, farmer. Canadian, W.M.
                         , Sarah E., female, married, 37, Ontairo, Canadian, WM
                         , Martha (Heard???), female, 17, Ontario, Canadian, WM
                         , Sarah C., female, 14, Ontario, Canadian, WM
                         , Jemima, female, 12,  U.S., Canadian, WM
                         , Elizabeth, female, 12, Ontario, Canadian, WM
                         , Sarah, female, 10, Ontario, Canadian, WM

ancestral file:
	Birth: 	Abt 1834
		Of Westminster, Middlesex, Ontario
	Spouse: 	Sarah Ellen MORDEN
	Marriage: 	28 Nov 1855
		London, Middlesex, Ontario

LEWIS 1861 census middlesex.ekfridLEWIS Elizabeth A.LEWIS JamesLEWIS Sarah E.LEWIS Sarah J.source: OGS London-Middlesex Branch <../../branches.htm> publication #210 1861 Census Middlesex - Ekfrid

LEWIS 1861 census middlesex.london_townshipLEWIS AnnLEWIS Cate B.LEWIS DavidLEWIS FrancisLEWIS JamesLEWIS JaneLEWIS JohnLEWIS Mary E.LEWIS MaryLEWIS RebeccaLEWIS SamuelLEWIS Sary JaneLEWIS Thomassource: OGS London-Middlesex Branch <../../branches.htm> publication #222 1861 Census Middlesex - London Township: Surnames A-L

Ontario, Canada Deaths, 1869-1932
Name:	James Lewis
Death Date:	26 Sep 1906
Death Location:	Middlesex
Gender:	Male
Estimated Birth Year:	abt 1833
73 years
523 Piccadilly
scissor sharpener
Birth Location:	Canada
strangulated hernia
Drs. Clint and Stevenson,
Return by:  N.Homer Black, M.D.
registered:  27 Sep 1906
30 Jul 1834
of Westminster, Middlesex, Ontario, Canada
Aft 1901
of Westminster, Middlesex East, Ontario, Canada
                   Ordinance Record FamilySearch International Genealogical Index v5.0
    North America
   Birth:  1836   Westminster, Middlesex, Ontario
LDS Ordinances:
     Baptism:  15 SEP 1993   PROVO
     Endowment:  30 NOV 1993   PROVO
     Sealing to Parents:  03 FEB 1994   PROVO

1861 census: Westminster, Middlesex, Ontario, Canada, Div., p. 96
Levi R. Lewis, farmer, Canada E. Methodist , 62, male, married
Sarah     "      , Canada W, W.Methodist, 58, female, married,
Samuel  "      , teacher, Canada W, W.Methodist, 23, male
Elizabeth  "   , Canada W, W.Methodist, 20, female
Martha     "    , Canada W, W.Methodist, 8, female
Levi Lewis, farmer, Canada W., W. Methodist, 25, male, married
Jane    "     , Canada W., W. Methodist, 24, female, married
Annie   "     , Canada W., W. Methodist, 1 or 2, female

Federal Census of 1871 (Ontario Index)
Sex:	Male
Age:	35
Birthplace:	ONTARIO
Religion:	Wesleyan Methodist
Occupation:	Farmer ( F )
District:	MIDDLESEX EAST ( 009 )
Sub-district:	Westminster ( A )
Division:	5
Page:	15
Microfilm reel:	C-9904
Reference:	RG31  Statistics Canada

1871 London-Middlesex index:
Lewis, Levi, 35, Ontario, Wesleyan Methodist, English, farmer, District 009, subdist. A, division 5, page 15

   1881 Canadian Census
   Name  Marital Status Gender Ethnic Origin Age Birthplace Occupation Religion
   Levi LEWIS   M   Male   English   45   O    Gentleman   C. Methodist
   Jane LEWIS   M   Female   German   45   O       C. Methodist
   Annie LEWIS      Female   English   21   O       C. Methodist
   Julia LEWIS      Female   English   19   O    School Teacher   C. Methodist
   Chapman LEWIS      Male   English   18   O    Clerk   C. Methodist
   Sarah LEWIS      Female   English   16   O       C. Methodist
   Anita LEWIS      Female   English   13   O       C. Methodist
   George LEWIS      Male   English   4   O       C. Methodist
Source Information:
    Census Place Westminster, Middlesex East, Ontario
    Family History Library Film   1375904
    NA Film Number   C-13268
    District   167
    Sub-district   A
    Division   2
    Page Number   61
    Household Number   311+

Ancestry World Trees:
Entries: 1042 Updated: Mon Apr 3 18:35:52 2000 Contact: Linda
ID: I0348 Name: Levi Lewis
Sex: M
Birth: ABT. 1836 in Westminster, Ontario, CanadaMarriage 1 Jane C Mudge
b: 18 AUG 1836 in Blenheim, Oxford Co, Ontario
Married: 9 MAR 1859 in London District, Ontario
George William Lewis
Anna Edith Lewis b: 20 NOV 1859
Julia Elizabeth Lewis  b: 9 OCT 1861
Levi C Lewis  b: 21 JAN 1863 in Westminster, Middlesex Co, Ontario, Canada
Sarah Augusta Lewis  b: 27 JAN 1865
Hannah Amita Lewis  b: 17 MAY 1867

Full Context of London City, Ontario Census, 1901
Place: London City/Westminster
Film: T-6482
Ward: 1
Div: 15
Page: 1
Entry: 8
Family: 2
Surname: Lewis
Given Name: Levi
Rel to Head: Head
Birthdate: July 30, 1835
Birthplace: Ontario

Place: London City/WestminsterFilm: T-6482Ward: 1Div: 15Page: 1Entry: 9Family: 2Surname: LewisGiven Name: JuliaRel to Head: WifeBirthdate: Nov 16, 1839Birthplace: OntarioImmigration: -

Place: London City/WestminsterFilm: T-6482Ward: 1Div: 15Page: 1Entry: 10Family: 2Surname: LewisGiven Name: Clarence GRel to Head: SonBirthdate: Sept 4, 1885Birthplace: OntarioImmigration: -

1911 Canada Census Record
Name:	Levi Lewis
Gender:	Male
Marital Status:	Married
Age:	75
Birth Date:	July 1835
Birthplace:	Ontario
Family Number:	114
Relation to Head of House:	Head
Tribal:	English
Province:	Ontario
District:	London City
District Number:	94
Sub-District Number:	10
Place of Habitation:	185 Wharncliff
Census Year:	1911
Page:	10
Levi Lewis head, July 1835 , 75, Ontario, English, Canadian, Methodist
Julia Lewis wife, Nov? 1839, 71, Ontario, Scotch, Canadian, Methodist
Samuel LEWIS
27 Sep 1837
of Westminster, Middlesex, Ontario, Canada
                   ?????Household Record  1880 United States Census
   Name  Relation Marital Status Gender Race Age Birthplace Occupation Father's Birthplace Mother's Birthplace
   Samuel LEWIS   Self   M   Male   W   46   CAN   Carpenter   CAN   NY
   Mary LEWIS   Wife   M   Female   W   44   NY   Keeping House   VT   VT
   Lilly LEWIS   Dau   S   Female   W   12   NY      ---   ---
   Frank LEWIS   Son   S   Male   W   9   NY   To School   ---   ---
   Emma LEWIS   Dau   S   Female   W   5   NY      ---   ---
Source Information:
    Census Place Rensselaer Falls, St. Lawrence, New York
    Family History Library Film   1254925
    NA Film Number   T9-0925
    Page Number   170C

mentioned in will of father
Caroline LEWIS
23 Apr 1839
of Westminster, Middlesex, Ontario, Canada
17 Dec 1840
of Westminster, Middlesex East, Ontario, Canada
Lambeth, Middlesex, Ontario, Canada
19 Jan 1869
Middlesex, Ontario, Canada 
                   mentioned in Levi Lewis' will as Elizabeth Harrison, wife of James Harrison.
Third I will and bequeath to my daughter Elizabeth Harrison the house and lot known as lot number twelve of William McClarys survey Lambeth being also part of lot number seventy one East of the North Branch of the Talbot Road in the said township of Westminster to be hers absolutely subject to the following proviso that is to say if the said Elizabeth Harrison should die before her husband James Harrison and leaving no children then said lot shall be sold and the proceeds equally divided among my before mentioned heirs Samuel Lewis Hannah Morden Jemima Carmichael and Marth Lewis Heard.

no children as of 1884?   or when will originally was written?   2 daughters in 1881 census.  they lived next door to Levi and Sarah Lewis.

possible match?
Ontario, Canada Deaths, 1869-1932
Name:	Elizabeth Harrison
Death Date:	23 Aug 1897
Death Location:	Middlesex
Gender:	Female
Estimated Birth Year:	abt 1840
Birth Location:	Canada
Harrison, Elizabeth, female, Aug. 23rd, 1897, 57 yrs., Lambeth, matron, Canada, Killed by runaway, Dr. Rutledge, Meth., Name of person making return:  John Ferguson
Abt 1853
Westminster Township, Middlesex, Ontario
20 Dec 1874
Middlesex, Ontario, Canada 
                   mentioned as adopted daughter of Levi R. Lewis in his will.
FamilyCentral Network
Levi R. Lewis - Sarah McGarvey

Levi R. Lewis was born at of Westminster, Middlesex, Ontario, Canada 20 Nov 1798.

He married Sarah McGarvey 3 Aug 1819 at Middlesex, Ontario, Canada . Sarah McGarvey was born at of Westminster, Middlesex, Ontario, Canada 12 Jun 1803 .

They were the parents of 12 children:
Charlotte Lewis born Abt 1821.
Anna or Alice Lewis born Abt 1822.
Hannah Lewis born 20 Apr 1824.
William Lewis born Abt 1826.
Benjamin Lewis born Abt 1829.
Jemimah Lewis born 20 Apr 1830.
James Lewis born 28 Jul 1832.
Levi Lewis born 30 Jul 1834.
Samuel Lewis born 27 Sep 1837.
Caroline Lewis born 23 Apr 1839.
Elizabeth C. Lewis born 17 Dec 1840.
Martha Ann Lewis born Abt 1853.

Levi R. Lewis died 10 Dec 1884 at Westminster, Middlesex, Ontario, Canada .

Sarah McGarvey died 11 Jul 1887 at Westminster Township, Middlesex, Ontario, Canada .