SSDI: Robert MORDEN Birth Date: 20 Mar 1914 Death Date: 12 Aug 1998 Social Security Number: 543-07-4617 State or Territory Where Number Was Issued: Oregon Death Residence Localities ZIP Code: 97201 Localities: Portland, Multnomah, Oregon Keith Morden Memorial Scholarship In addition to these two scholarships, PSU (Portland State University) offers a third award. In 1988, Burke and Alice Ann Morden established the Keith Morden Memorial Scholarship in memory of their son. (International Student Services) from Oregonian, The (Portland, OR) - August 16, 1998 Deceased Name: R. Burke Morden A memorial service will be at 2 p.m. Tuesday, Aug. 18, 1998, in St. Stephen's Episcopal Church in Portland for Robert Burke Morden, who died Aug. 12 of heart disease at age 84. Mr. Morden was born March 20, 1914, in Portland. His great-great-grandparents crossed the plains in a covered wagon in 1845. He graduated from the University of Oregon School of Architecture in 1936. He practiced in Portland except from 1941 to 1947, when he was with the ship joinery firm of Buckler-Chapman, and from 1947 to 1972, when he was president of Morden Machines Co. He was national chairman of the Industrial Affiliates of the Paper Industry Management Association and president of the International Brotherhood of Migratory Peddlers. Survivors include his wife, Alice Ann; son, Dale T. of Portland; and two grandchildren. The family suggests remembrances to the Boy Scouts of America, Cascade Pacific Council trust fund, 2145 S.W. Naito Parkway, Portland, Ore. 97201. Arrangements are by Killingsworth Little Chapel of the Chimes. Oregonian, The (Portland, OR) Date: August 16, 1998 Edition: SUNRISE Page: D12 Record Number: 9808160377 Copyright (c) 1998 Oregonian Publishing Co.
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