Robert G. ROBB

14 Oct 1833
Washington, Pennsylvania
6 Nov 1922
. Des Moines, Iowa
Sharon Reformed Presbyterian Church Cemetery, Yellow Springs Township, Des Moines, Iowa
13 Oct 1859
Washington, Pennsylvania
                   Biographical review of Des Moines County, Iowa : containing biographical and genealogical sketches of many of the prominent citizens of to-day and also of the past.Chicago: Hobart Pub. Co., 1905, 1101 pgs.
pp. 247-8, ROBERT G. ROBB
       Among the highly honored and respected farmers who claim Washington county, Pennsylvania, as their birthplace, one who has carefully noted all the vast changes in Burlington for over forty years, and now is quietly enjoying some of the results of the many hardships he was obliged to undergo in his younger days, is Robert G. Robb, whose life record we are pleased to place before the many readers of this review.
       Robert G. Robb is a son of George and Jane (George) Robb, and was born in Washington county, Pennsylvania, Oct. 14, 1832.   He received a good, substantial education in the district schools of his native township, after which he entered upon the farm duties that generally fall to the lot of a farmer's son.  He was a very industrious boy, and very handy with the saw and hammer; between times with his farm work he would practice using them, and soon became a carpenter of much ability.  He worked at both farming and building for many years.
       In 1874 he located in Des Moines county, and his earnings of the past enabled him to purchase one hundred and sixty acres of land, which is the farm he now resides on, and was formerly owned by Joseph McElhiney.  He later sold forty acres of this place to his son.  Besides engaging in general farming, with the best of results, he raises a number of pure Short Horn cattle.  He had one animal of this breed at the World's Fair, which took the fourth prize.  When Mr. Robb moved onto this farm it was in need of many improvements, and he at once began the erection of several necessary buildings.  He has also repaired and remodeled the house, and now his farm, with its substantial improvements, is considered one of the finest in the township.
       Oct. 13, 1859, Mr. Robb joined heart and hand with Miss Mary S. McLoughlin, who was a daughter of Samuel and Margaret (May) McLoughlin.  This union was blessed with six children, as follows:  George M., formerly located in New York, is a minister, now residing in Philadelphia, where he works with much success;  Samuel Edmund, a bright young man with many friends, departed this life at the early age of twenty-five years;  John J. is a prosperous farmer of Yellow Springs township;  Thomas C., also tills the soil to a large extent, in the same township with his brother John;  Jennie E., the beloved widow of Robert Edgar, married Robert M. McFarland, and will live on Mr. Robb's home place;  Margaret May is employed in one of the large millinery stores in the city of Des Moines.  After sharing the joys and sorrows of married life for some seventeen years, Mrs. Robb was called to the home beyond the skies July 30, 1876.
       Nov. 8, 1878, Mr. Robb married Miss Susan K. Kilpatrick, a daughter of Daniel and Mary Kilpatrick, and they are the parents of one son, William M., who has taken a theological course in Allegheny City, Pa., in preparation for the ministry, and is now at home.  Mrs. Robb was born in Monroe county, Indiana, March 2, 1845, and moved to Yellow Springs township with her parents many years ago. a sketch of John Kilpatrick will be found on another page in this review, which will speak more at length of Mrs. Robb's father.
       Mr. and Mrs. Robb are devoted and influential members of the Reform Presbyterian church, where he has been elder for many years; they also belong to the Reform Association.  Mr. Robb has led a busy life, his strenuous nature being utterly opposed to indolence and idleness, and through his perseverance and diligence, and his careful management of business affairs, he has won creditable success, being now one of the substantial and valued citizens of Yellow Springs township, where his family is accorded an enviable position in social circles.

Entries: 10733 Updated: Sat Apr 12 09:25:06 2003 Contact: Dorothea Thomas
ID: I09723 Name: George ROBB 1 Sex: M Birth: 1796  Death: WFT Est. 1845-1888
1  Father: James ROBB
   b: WFT Est. 1751-1776
Mother: Elizabeth KELSO
   b: WFT Est. 1754-1777
Marriage 1 Jane KELSO
   b: WFT Est. 1792-1812
Married: WFT Est. 1813-1846
Marriage 2 Jane GEORGE  b: WFT Est. 1791-1818
Married: WFT Est. 1814-1850
Children  Christiana G. ROBB b: 1830
James K. ROBB  b: 1832
Robert G. ROBB  b: 1833
Elizabeth K. ROBB  b: 1835
John C. ROBB b: 1838
Margaret S. ROBB  b: 1841
Thomas P. ROBB  b: 1843
Sources:   Title: Wilson-hill.ftw Repository:  Call Number:  Media: Other Text: Date of Import: Apr 26, 2002

1850 census
84, 84,
George Robb, 55, male, farmer, Pa
Jane        "      , 57, female, Pa
Christiana   "   , 20, female, Pa
James        "    , 18, male, Pa
Robert      "      , 17, male, Pa
Elizabeth   "      , 15, female, Pa
John         "       , 13, male, Pa
Margaret   "       ,  9, female, Pa
Thomas    "       ,  7, male, Pa
previous page:
74, Ebenezer Robb (40) and wife Elizabeth(34) and 2 children
75, James Robb (50) and wife Ellenor (35) and 5 children

1860 census:  Pennsylvania  WASHINGTON  CECIL TWP    
30 Aug 1835
Washington, Pennsylvania
30 Jul 1876
. Des Moines, Iowa
Sharon Reformed Presbyterian Church Cemetery in Yellow Springs Township, des Moines County, Iowa
21 Nov 1860
Venice, Washington, Pennsylvania
23 Sep 1933
Fresno, Fresno, California
17 Jun 1892
Washington, Washington, Iowa 
                   obituary in The Covenanter Witness, Nov. 15, 1933, Topeka, Kansas, "George M. Robb was born at Venice, Washington county, Pennsylvania, November 21, 1860, baptized in the Millers Run congregation in 1861, and united with the Reformed Presbyterian Church, Sharon, Iowa, September, 1876, at the age of 15.  ...schooling, Pennsylvania, Indiana and Iowa.  He attended Washington Academy, Geneva College, and National Normal University at Lebanon, Ohio.   From this last mentioned he graduated in 1888.

1870 census:  ROBB R G 36 M W PA PA WASHINGTON CECIL TWP M593 Roll: 1462 Page: 440
124, 128, Robb, R.G., 36, male, farmer, Pa
                             M.S.?, 35, female, keeping house, Pa
                             George, 11, male, Pa
                              Samuel, 9, male, Pa
                               John, 6, male, Pa
                                Thos., 4, male, Pa
                                Jennie, 2, female, Pa

1880	Census Place:	Yellow Springs, Des Moines, Iowa
	Source:	FHL Film 1254337  National Archives Film T9-0337     Page 21D
	Relation	Sex	Marr	Race	Age	Birthplace
Robert G. ROBB	Self	M	M	W	45	PENNSYLVANIA	Occ:	Farmer	Fa: PENN	Mo: PENN
Susan ROBB	Wife	F	M	W	35	INDIANA   Occ:	Keeps House	Fa: IRELAND	Mo: IRELAND
Thomas C. ROBB Son	M	S	W	13           PENNSYLVANIA  Fa: PENN   Mo: PENN
William ROBB	Son	M	S	W	11M	IOWA	Fa: PENN	Mo: IND

1900 Census:   NY,  ONONDAGA, 	19-WD SYRACUSE T623 Roll: 1138 Page: 172
204 La Fayette Ave. 90,100
Robb, George M., head, male, Nov 1860, 39, married 7 years, Pennsylvania, Pa, Pa, Clergyman
              Emma P., wife, female, Apr 1864, 36, married 7 years, 2 children, 1 living, Iowa, Ireland, Ireland
              Edmund R., son, Apr 1893, 7, single, Pa, Pa, Iowa, at school
              George R., son, July 1898, 1, single, NY, Pa, Iowa
Porter, Jane, Mother-in-law, female, May 1821, 79, Widow, 49 years married, 6 children, 4 living, Ireland, Ireland, Ireland, immigrated 1849, 50 years resident in U.S.

1905 - Philadelphia (history of father)

1920 census, Baker, Gove, Kansas
George M Robb Age: Estimated birth year: 1860 Birthplace: Pennsylvania Race: White Home in 1920: Baker, Gove, Kansas, Roll: T625_530 Page: 9A ED: 42 Image: 1047
6, Robb, George M., head, Own free, male, 59, married, Pennsylvania, Pa, Pa, Minister
                  Emma P., wife, female, 55, married, Iowa, Ireland, (Irish), Ireland (Irish)
                  George P., son, male, 21, single, NY, Penn, Iowa
                   Melville?, son, male, 18, single, NY, Penn, Iowa

1930 census:  George M Robb Age: 69 Estimated birth year: 1860 Birthplace: Pennsylvania Relation to Head-of-house: Head Race: White Home in 1930: Township 3, Fresno, California  Roll: T626_117; Page: 38A; Enumeration District: 8; Image: 0663.
3062 Tyler,  Robb, George M., head, O, 2500, male, 69, married age 31,   Pa, Pa, Pa, minister, Presbyterian
                   ,  Emma P., wife, female, 65, married age 28,  Iowa, Northern Ireland, Northern Ireland,
Samuel Edmond ROBB
12 Feb 1863
Washington, Pennsylvania
22 Nov 1888
Des Moines, Iowa
                   died age 25
6 Dec 1864
Washington Co., Pennsylvania
11 Aug 1952
Des Moines, Iowa
3 Jan 1889
Des Moines, Iowa 
                   Biographical review of Des Moines County, Iowa : containing biographical and genealogical sketches of many of the prominent citizens of to-day and also of the past.Chicago: Hobart Pub. Co., 1905, 1101 pgs.

       John James Robb owns and operates one hundred and seventeen acres of land in Sections 7 and 8, Yellow springs township, and is successfully engaged in the breeding of Shorthorn cattle and Poland China hogs, in which regard he has gained more than a local reputation as a stockdealer.
       A native of Pennsylvania, he was born in Washington county, Dec. 6, 1864, his parents being R.G. and Mary (McLaughlin) Robb. When the son, John J., was six years of age, the parents removed from Pennsylvania to Lafayette county, Indiana, where he had the privilege of attending school for three years.  They then started westward, establishing their home in Des Moines county, Iowa, and here he completed his education in the district schools and by study through a winter's term in the academy at Morning Sun.  He was reared to farm life, and has always followed that occupation, early gaining a knowledge of the best methods of tilling the soil and caring for the stock.  Ambitious to acquire a farm of his own, he saved his earnings in earlier years, and in 1888 he purchased one hundred and seventeen acres of land in Sections 7 and 8, Yellow Springs township. ...
       Jan. 3, 1889, Mr. Robb was united in marriage to Miss Elizabeth Reed, a daughter of Matthew and Mary (Walkinshaw) Reed, who was born Jan. 24, 1864, in Yellow Springs township.  Their marriage has been blessed with one daughter, Edna, whose birth occurred March 2, 1894.  The parents are members of the Reformed Presbyterian Church, and are interested in its work and in all progressive measures tending to benefit the county.  Mr. Robb, however, concentrates his labors and energies upon his business pursuits, and his persistency of purpose and well-directed efforts have brought to him gratifying success, so that he is now one of the substantial agriculturists of his community.

1895 Iowa census:
Name Age Birthplace Race County Town
John J. Robb  30 Pennsylvania W Des Moines Yellow Springs
Elisabeth N. Robb  30 Des Moines Co W Des Moines Yellow Springs
Robb  0 Des Moines Co W Des Moines Yellow Springs

1895 Iowa census:
Name Age Birthplace Race County Town
Robert G. Robb 60 Penn W Des Moines Yellow Springs
Susan K Robb  50 Des M W Des Moines Yellow Springs
Thomas C. Robb 28 Penn W Des Moines Yellow Springs
Gennie E. Robb 26 Penn W Des Moines Yellow Springs
a few doors down:
Thomas P. Robb  51 Pennsylvania W Des Moines Yellow Springs
Catherine M. Robb  48 Des Moines Co W Des Moines Yellow Springs
Robert W. Robb  18 Des Moines Co W Des Moines Yellow Springs
Mary L. Robb  15 Des Moines Co W Des Moines Yellow Springs
Edrena G. Robb  5 Des Moines Co W Des Moines Yellow Springs

1900 census: IA 	DES MOINES 	YELLOW SPRINGS TWP  T623 Roll: 429 Page: 359
97,100, Robb, Robert G., head, male, Oct?, 1833, 66, married 21, Pa, Pa, Pa, farmer
                Susie K., wife, female, March? 1845, 55, married 21, Indiana, Ireland, Ireland, farm laborer?
                William M., son, male, June? 1879?, 21?, single, too dark, too dark, Indiana, farm laborer
next page:
                Margaret M., daughter, Mch 1871, 29, single, Iowa, Pa, Indiana???

99, 101, ROBB, JOHN J 	head, male, Dec 1864?, 34, married 11 years, Pa, Pa, Pa, farmer
                  , Lizzie N., wife, female, Jun 1864, 35, married 11 years, l child, l living, Iowa,Ireland, Ohio	    , Mary, daughter, female, Mch 1895, 5, single, Iowa, Pa, Iowa
              Baxter, Clarinda, boarder, Sep 1891, 8, single, Iowa, Iowa, Iowa
100, 103, Robb, Thomas C., head, male, Jan 1867, 33, married 5 years, Pa, Pa, Pa, farmer
                  ,Anna E., wife, female, June 1870, 29, married 5 years, O children, Iowa, Iowa, Iowa

1910 census:  T624 Roll: 400 Page: 212 IA  DES MOINES 	YELLOW SPRINGS TWP
182/184, ROBB, 	JOHN J, head, male, 45, 1st marriage, married 21 years, PA, Pa, Pa, farmer
                        , Elizabeth N., wife, female, 45, 1st marriage, married 21 years, 1 child, 1 living, Iowa, Ireland, Ohio
                         , Edna, daughter, female, 15, single, Iowa, Pa, Iowa
183/185, Robb, Thomas C., head,   male, 43, 1st marriage, married   15 yrs., Pa, Pa, Pa, farmer
                         , Annie E., wife, 40, 1st marriage, married 15 yrs., 3 children, 3 living, Iowa, Pa, Iowa                     		        , Mary M., daughter, 9, Iowa, Penn, Iowa
                         , Robert W., son, 3, Iowa, Penn, Iowa
                         , Thomas P. son, 3/12, Iowa, Penn, Iowa
                Baxter, Clarence, laborer, male, 18, single, Iowa, Iowa, Iowa

1920 United States Federal Census
Name:    J J Robb  and Lizzie, both age 55,   farmer
Age:    55 years
Estimated birth year:    1864
Birthplace:    Pennsylvania
Race:    White
Home in 1920:    Yellow Springs, Des Moines, Iowa
Roll:    T625_487
Page:    3A
ED:    28
Image:    0545

1930 United States Federal Census
Name:    John J Robb
Age:    65
Estimated birth year:    1864
Birthplace:    Pennsylvania
Relation to Head-of-house:    Head
Race:    White
Home in 1930:    Yellow Springs, Des Moines, Iowa
Image Source:    Year: 1930; Census Place: Yellow Springs, Des Moines, Iowa; Roll: T626_652; Page: 4A; Enumeration District: 33; Image: 0977.
81,82,Robb, John J., head, male, 65, married age 24, Pa, Pa, Pa, farmer
                     , Elizabeth N., wife, female, 66, married age 25, Iowa, Ireland, Ohio

Iowa genweb:
SHARON REFORMED PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH CEMETERY You will find the SHARON REFORMED PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH CEMETERY in YELLOW SPRINGS TOWNSHIP, DES MOINES COUNTY, IOWA (Section 8). From the intersection of Mt. Pleasant and Roosevelt Avenue in Burlington, Iowa - take US 61 North for about fifteen (15) miles - turn West (left) on H28 and proceed for approximately 3 1/2 miles - turn North (right) for approximately 1/2 of a mile. The cemetery is North of the church.
ROBB, R. G.1833-1922
ROBB, MARY S. (MCLAUGHLIN) 1834-1976 WIFE  (should be 1876???)
ROBB, SUSAN (KILPATRICK) 1845-1925 WIFE (is this a second wife??)
ROBB, EDMUND 1863-1888
ROBB, REV. T. P. Born April 5, 1843 Died February 17, 1904 2nd PASTOR
ROBB, CATHERINE M. Born January 15, 15, 1846 Died November 24, 1918 WIFE
ROBB, CATHERINE LORENA Born January 14, 1887 DAU OF T.P. & C.M.
ROBB, SARAH JEANNETTE Died July 19, 1875 Age 1y 2m 28da DAU
ROBB, RALPH EWART Died February 22, 1887 Age 5y 3m 25da SON

ROBB, ELIZABETH N. Born January 24, 1864 Died April 24, 1951
ROBB, JOHN J. Born December 6, 1864 Died August 11, 1952
7 Jan 1867
Washington, Pennsylvania
27 Dec 1936
Morning Sun, Louisa, Iowa
12 Feb 1895
Des Moines, Iowa 
                   Biographical review of Des Moines County, Iowa : containing biographical and genealogical sketches of many of the prominent citizens of to-day and also of the past. Chicago: Hobart Pub. Co., 1905, 1101 pgs.
       Thomas Cargill Robb, a breeder of Shorthorn cattle, living in Yellow Springs township, was born in Washington county, Pa., Jan. 7, 1867, his parents being R.G. and Mary (McLaughlin) Robb. .....
       The home life of Mr. Robb is very pleasant.  He was married, Feb. 12, 1895, to Miss Anna E. McElhinney, a daughter of Robert A. and Margaret Jane (McClurkin) McElhinney.  She was born in Washington township, June 30, 1870, and there is one child by this marriage, Mary Margaret, whose birth occurred Nov. 14, 1901.  The parents are members of the Reformed Presbyterian church.  Mr. Robb hs long resided in Iowa, and has witnessed many changes here.  At the same time his business career has kept pace with the uniform growth, and he is today controlling extensive and profitable stock raising interests, while his property is the visible evidence of his life of well-directed labor and business discernment.

1895 Iowa census:
Name Age Birthplace Race County Town
John J. Robb  30 Pennsylvania W Des Moines Yellow Springs
Elisabeth N. Robb  30 Des Moines Co W Des Moines Yellow Springs
Robb  0 Des Moines Co W Des Moines Yellow Springs(baby)

1895 Iowa census:
Name Age Birthplace Race County Town
Robert G. Robb 60 Penn W Des Moines Yellow Springs
Susan K Robb  50 Des M W Des Moines Yellow Springs
Thomas C. Robb 28 Penn W Des Moines Yellow Springs
Gennie E. Robb 26 Penn W Des Moines Yellow Springs
a few doors down:
Thomas P. Robb  51 Pennsylvania W Des Moines Yellow Springs
Catherine M. Robb  48 Des Moines Co W Des Moines Yellow Springs
Robert W. Robb  18 Des Moines Co W Des Moines Yellow Springs
Mary L. Robb  15 Des Moines Co W Des Moines Yellow Springs
Edrena G. Robb  5 Des Moines Co W Des Moines Yellow Springs

1900 census: IA 	DES MOINES 	YELLOW SPRINGS TWP  T623 Roll: 429 Page: 359
97,100, Robb, Robert G., head, male, Oct?, 1833, 66, married 21, Pa, Pa, Pa, farmer
                Susie K., wife, female, March? 1845, 55, married 21, Indiana, Ireland, Ireland, farm laborer?
                William M., son, male, June? 1879?, 21?, single, too dark, too dark, Indiana, farm laborer
next page:
                Margaret M., daughter, Mch 1871, 29, single, Iowa, Pa, Indiana???
99, 101, ROBB, JOHN J 	head, male, Dec 1864?, 34, married 11 years, Pa, Pa, Pa, farmer
                  , Lizzie N., wife, female, Jun 1864, 35, married 11 years, l child, l living, Iowa,Ireland, Ohio	    , Mary, daughter, female, Mch 1895, 5, single, Iowa, Pa, Iowa
               Baxter, Clarinda, boarder, Sep 1891, 8, single, Iowa, Iowa, Iowa
100, 103, Robb, Thomas C., head, male, Jan 1867, 33, married 5 years, Pa, Pa, Pa, farmer
                  ,Anna E., wife, female, June 1870, 29, married 5 years, O children, Iowa, Iowa, Iowa

1910 census:  T624 Roll: 400 Page: 212 IA  DES MOINES 	YELLOW SPRINGS TWP
182/184, ROBB, 	JOHN J, head, male, 45, 1st marriage, married 21 years, PA, Pa, Pa, farmer
                        , Elizabeth N., wife, female, 45, 1st marriage, married 21 years, 1 child, 1 living, Iowa, Ireland, Ohio
                         , Edna, daughter, female, 15, single, Iowa, Pa, Iowa
183/185, Robb, Thomas C., head,   male, 43, 1st marriage, married   15 yrs., Pa, Pa, Pa, farmer
                       , Annie E., wife, 40, 1st marriage, married 15 yrs., 3 children, 3 living, Iowa, Pa, Iowa                     	         , Mary M., daughter, 9, Iowa, Penn, Iowa
                       , Robert W., son, 3, Iowa, Penn, Iowa
                       , Thomas P. son, 3/12, Iowa, Penn, Iowa
                Baxter, Clarence, laborer, male, 18, single, Iowa, Iowa, Iowa

1920 United States Federal Census
Name:    T C Robb
Age:    53 years
Estimated birth year:    1866
Birthplace:    Pennsylvania
Race:    White
Home in 1920:    Yellow Springs, Des Moines, Iowa
Roll:    T625_487
Page:    4B
ED:    28
Image:    0548
90, 93, Robb, T.C., head, male, 53, married, Pennsylvania, Pa, Pa, farmer
           , Annie, wife, female, 50, married, Iowa, Pa, Iowa
           , Margaret, daughter, female, 19, single, Iowa, Pa, Iowa
           , Wilferd, son, 13, single, Iowa, Pa, Iowa
           , Paul, son, male, 9, single, Iowa, Pa, Iowa

1930 United States Federal Census
Name:    Thomas C Robb
Age:    63
Estimated birth year:    1866
Birthplace:    Pennsylvania
Relation to Head-of-house:    Head
Race:    White
Home in 1930:    Yellow Springs, Des Moines, Iowa
Image Source:    Year: 1930; Census Place: Yellow Springs, Des Moines, Iowa; Roll: T626_652; Page: 3B; Enumeration District: 33; Image: 0976.
64, Robb, Thomas C., head, male, 63, married age 27, Pa, Pa, Pa, farmer
                 , Annie E., wife, female, 60, married age 24, Iowa, Pa, Iowa
                , Robert W., son, male, 23, single, Iowa, Pa, Iowa
                 , Thomas P., son, male, 20, single, Iowa, Pa, Iowa
       Noble, Richard C.?, servant, 19, single, Iowa, Iowa, Iowa, farm laborer

the same????
Ancestral File v4.19
Thomas C ROBB (AFN: FMN7-70)
	Sex: 	M
	Birth: 	7 Jan 1867
	Death: 	27 Dec 1936
		Morning Sun, , Iowa
	Spouse: 	Annie Eliza MCELHINNEY
	Marriage: 	12 Feb 1895
12 Feb 1869
Washington, Pennsylvania
18 Aug 1959
Pittsburgh, Allegheny, Pennsylvania
2 Aug 1905
                   letter from George M. Robb's son, Robert E. Robb (Ted) Christmas, 1957: he says that his Aunt Jennie is in the same rest home as his mother in Pittsburg, Pennsylvania and she is 89 years old.

1895 Iowa census:  with parents

the same???
Ancestral File v4.19
Jennie ROBB (AFN: FMNK-L8)
	Sex: 	F
	Birth: 	12 Feb 1869
	Death: 	18 Aug 1959
	Spouse: 	Robert Martin EDGAR
	Marriage: 	19 Jan 1899

1920 census: Kansas   
5 Mar 1871
Washington, Pennsylvania
23 Jun 1936
29 Dec 1909
                   the same????
U.S. Social Security Death Index
	Margaret ROBB
		Birth Date:		7 Nov 1870
		Death Date:		Jan 1968
		Social Security Number: 		530-38-6056
		State or Territory Where Number Was Issued: 		Nevada

		Death Residence Localities
			ZIP Code:	89101
			Localities: 	Federal, Clark, Nevada
				Las Vegas, Clark, Nevada

Margaret May is employed in one of the large millinery stores in the city of Des Moines.
FamilyCentral Network
Robert G. Robb - Mary S. McLaughlin

Robert G. Robb was born at Washington, Pennsylvania 14 Oct 1833. His parents were George Robb and Jane George.

He married Mary S. McLaughlin 13 Oct 1859 at Washington, Pennsylvania . Mary S. McLaughlin was born at Washington, Pennsylvania 30 Aug 1835 daughter of Samuel McLaughlin and Margaret May .

They were the parents of 6 children:
George M. Robb born 21 Nov 1860.
Samuel Edmond Robb born 12 Feb 1863.
John James Robb born 6 Dec 1864.
Thomas Cargill Robb born 7 Jan 1867.
Jennie Eva Robb born 12 Feb 1869.
Margaret May Robb born 5 Mar 1871.

Robert G. Robb died 6 Nov 1922 at . Des Moines, Iowa .

Mary S. McLaughlin died 30 Jul 1876 at . Des Moines, Iowa .