
User Submitted
30 Nov 1812
Mt. Nebo, Butler, Pennsylvania
19 Jan 1892
Glasco, Cloud, Kansas
Portersville, Butler, Pennsylv 
                   Bracken, - , , , Bracken, H.P. Bracken, Isaac Bracken, R.G. , Bracken, Reed P. , Bracken, Robert G. Bracken, Theodore 

-----Original Message-----From: Marla Westfall [] Sent: Monday, October 31, 2005 8:28 AMTo: ''Subject: Craig and Bracken Families
October 31, 2005
I found your posting in the Family Trees at RootsWeb. My GGGrandfather was Newton Bracken. Our line is from his first wife the sister of Jerusha Craig which was Pamela Craig. I would love to hear from you and find out how we are connected. I will be glad to share any information I might have.
Best personal regards.
Marla Bracken Westfall
Marla Westfall
(she sent group sheets for Rev Bracken's two families of sister/wives)

Cloud County History, Concordia, Kansas, 1992

1850 census:    Portersville, Butler, Pennsylvania Page: 270 Roll: M432_760
Rev. Newton Bracken, 37, male, OSP clergyman, PA,
Pamilla                        , 26, female, PA
Reed P.                       , 7, male, PA
Craig                            , 6, male, PA
Chas.                           , 4, male, PA
Theodore                    , 7/12, male, PA

1860 census:   Warren Township, Washington, Ohio, P.O. Constitution, p. 256 (16 Aug 1860)
Newton Bricken, 47, male, farmer, Pa
Jerusha              , 30, female, Pa
Reed P.              , 18, male, Pa
Craig                   , 15, male, Pa
Chas                   , 13, male, Pa
Thos                   , 11, male, Pa
R.I.                      , 9, male, Pa
Mary                   , 7, female, Pa
Emma                , 4, female, Pa
Benj.                   , 3, male Pa
Pamelia             , 1, female, Pa
not named         , 5/12, female, Pa

1870 census:  Fairfield, Washington, Ohio, P.O. Bartlett, p.20
Bracken, Newton, 57, male, Presbyterian Minister of the Gospel, Pennsylvania
                , Jerusha, 40, female, keeping house, Pennsylvania
                , Charles, 24, male, farmer, Pennsylvania
                , Theodore, 20, male, farm laborer, Penn
                , Robert, 18, male, farm laborer, Penn
                , Mary, 16, female, teaching school, Penn
                , Emma, 15, female, helps mother, Penn
                , Benjamin, 12, male, Helps on farm, Penn
                , Pamela, 11, female, attending school, Penn
                , Frank, 8, male, attending school, Ohio
                , Mary, 6, female, attending school, Ohio
                , John, 3, male, at home, Ohio

1880 census:
Newton BRACKEN   Self   M   Male   W   67   PA   Minister Of The Gospel   PA   VA
   Jerusha BRACKEN   Wife   M   Female   W   50   PA   Keeping House   PA   PA
   Robert G. BRACKEN   Son   S   Male   W   28   PA   Farmer   PA   PA
   Emma BRACKEN   Dau   S   Female   W   24   PA   Teacher   PA   PA
   Permelia BRACKEN   Dau   S   Female   W   21   PA   Teacher   PA   PA
   Frank F. BRACKEN   Son      Male   W   18   OH   Farmer   PA   PA
   John C. BRACKEN   Son   S   Male   W   13   OH   At Home   PA   PA
Source Information:
    Census Place Solomon, Cloud, Kansas
    Family History Library Film   1254377
    NA Film Number   T9-0377
    Page Number   246C

Kansas Council of Genealogical Societies P. O. Box 3858 Topeka, KS 66604-6858
ILLUSTRIANA - Biographical Sketches of Kansas Men and Women of Achievement who have been awarded Life Membership in Kansas Illustriana Society - 1933Information can be obtained by writing Topeka Genealogical Society, PO Box 4048, Topeka KS 66604-0048 or by email:  .
Surname	Given Name	City	County	Sketch/Picture
BRACKEN Benjamin Franklin Beloit Mitchell 0134 0137
BRACKEN Newton Craig Phillipsburg Phillips 0136 0139

Transcribed from E.F. Hollibaugh'sBiographical history of Cloud County, Kansas biographies of representative citizens. Illustrated with portraits of prominent people, cuts of homes, stock, etc. [n.p., 1903] 919p. illus., ports. 28 cm.
Historical Index  | Biographical Index  | New Name Index Previous Section  | Next Section 

Reverend Higgen preached the first sermon delivered by a minister of the Presbyterian denomination in Glasco, in the old log school house (with a dirt covering) in the summer of 1871. Reverend "Father" Bracken held services in the little village school house in the early winter of 1871, but the congregation was not organized until in June, 1872. The number of members was twelve. Reverend Bracken was assisted in the organization of the church by Reverend Timothy Hill, D.D. The first ruling elders were Thomas Dumars and John M. Gray, whose son, George F. Gray, is one of the present elders.
"Father" Bracken, as he was familiarly known, was a very strong and able preacher, much beloved by his congregation, friends, and people everywhere. He was pastor from the organization until 1884. The present church was built during his pastorate. Of the original members five are living, viz: Mr. and Mrs. H.P. Bracken, of Wallace, Kansas; George F. Gray, of Boulder, Colorado; Mrs. Amelia Blake and R.M. Gray, of Glasco, whose letters remain in the church. In 1878 they called a congregational meeting to discuss the building of a church, with the result of a charter, and five trustees were elected. Times were hard and nothing further was done until May 3, 1879, when a more permanent organization was effected, and it was decided to build the present house of worship.
On May 8, 1879, the first ground was broken by R.M. Gray. Mrs. Mary M. Palmer said she was going to be the first woman inside the foundation, and claims that distinction. On the 10th and 11th of August, 1879, lumber was placed on the ground and the work proceeded at once, and as rapidly as the means could be secured. The church was finished at a cost of twenty-two hundred dollars and dedicated early in June, 1880. The dedicatory sermon was delivered by Reverend W.A. Simkins, of Salina, Kansas. Reverend Pinkerton, D.D., offered the dedicatory prayer. The church began free of debt. The Presbyterian church being the first edifice, all the other denominations were made welcome and worshipped there.
In the autumn of 1884 Reverend Bracken retired on account of failing health and Reverend A. Glendenning succeeded him. "Father" Bracken is remembered as a good shepherd and gathered into the fold seventy-one members. He died a few years later, amid the closing scenes of his labors. Succeeding Mr. Glendenning Reverend J.C. Hench occupied the pulpit a short time in 1887, then followed Reverends J.A. Stayt, J.W. Funk, George McKay and elder J.H. Course, all of whom were licentiates but not ordained. Since June 1, 1897, the church has been supplied by Benjamin F. McMillan. The present membership is seventy-two, twenty of them received under the present pastorate.
The first chorister of this congregation was Robert G. Bracken, followed by Mrs. Maggie Hubbard, Reed P. Bracken, Mrs. C.M. White, Annie Olmstead, Mrs. Maud Haynes, Edgar Pratt and Miss Pamelia Bullock. The first child baptized was Theodore Bracken, son of Isaac Bracken. The entire membership received into the church is one hundred and fifty-nine.
The first trustees were H.H. Spaulding, John Hillhouse, W.H. Wright, Charles Sheffield and R.M. Gray. The present trustees are Mrs. Mary Bullock, Mrs. Hannah Butler, Mrs. Andy Franks, Mr. Best and Milton Gray. The Presbyterian congregation have a Sabbath school with an average attendance of fifty-eight. Mr. Best has been superintendent for the past year; an active and earnest worker.

Lincoln County Teachers in 1895
Schedule of Districts, Wages, Etc.From the Lincoln Beacon, Oct. 17, 1895(These teaching terms were for varying lengths, from as few as 4 months to as many as eight, which in part explains differing salaries. L&M means Lincoln and Mitchell counties; L&O Lincoln and Ottawa counties and L&E Lincoln and Ellsworth counties.) 84 Barnard, Miss Bracken, $45

Harper County marriages:
Goddord, Adam K. Bracken, Pamela April 18, 1906 E 84'.htm
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