James Shearer DIMMITT

1 Oct 1812
Hampshire, Virginia
29 Jul 1882
Clermont, Ohio
                   Portrait and Biographical Album of Otoe and Cass Counties
Chapman Brothers; (Chicago: 1889).
BEAL HARVEY DIMMITT is a prosperous farmer living in Elmwood Precinct. He was born in Clermont County, Ohio, Jan. 31. 1845. He has very faint recollections of that State, and of the journey by steamboat to Peoria, Ill. His educational advantages were those of the early schools of Illinois, before the admirable school system of that State was introduced. At the age of sixteen his name was enrolled as a volunteer among the defenders of his country, at the breaking out of the Civil War. Being too young he was rejected, but he is none the less deserving of the credit due any soldier, as it was not anything on his part that prevented him from taking an active part in the struggle that ensued.Mr. Dimmitt and Miss Mary Caroline Robbins were married Oct. 7, 1869. The lady was a native of Tazewell County, Ill., and is a daughter of Jacob and Harriet (Walker) Robbins. In 1877 they removed to Nebraska, where they settled on 160 acres of land on section 29, and have made the improvements which now surround them. Beginning on the wild land, he has by hard work and diligent application secured a farm which, in fertility and productiveness, is excelled by few in the county. He planted groves, and set out an orchard of choice fruit, of all varieties best adapted to the climate, thus securing to himself many comforts, as well as a source of some profit, and he has projected other improvements, which, when completed, will make his farm one of the most complete in the county.Eight children have been born to these worthy people -- Wilson E., Edward A., Bertha L., Charles A., William A. (now deceased), James Roy, Claudius and Louis. They are at home with their parents, and each and every one take a lively interest in the success and well being of the entire family. The father of our subject was James S.; the mother was Sarah Walker. The father was born in West Virginia, near the Potomac River; the mother's birthplace was Ohio. Our subject represents Scotch descent, received from the father, and German descent, received from the mother's side. His father settled in Highland County, Ohio, then removed to Clermont County, where he was married. In 1852 he came from Ohio to Tazewell County, Ill., removing thence to Woodford County, in the same State, where he purchased land and lived until 1877, when he came to Cass County, Elmwood Precinct, and purchased 320 acres of land from the Burlington & Missouri River Railroad, located on section 29, and 160 acres on section 30. He died, aged seventy years, in 1882. The mother is now seventy years old, and makes her home with our subject. A family of five children were born to the father and mother of our subject, namely: Edwin, Sarah L., Beal Harvey (our subject), Ezra and Henry.Mr. D. is a genial, whole-souled farmer, very sociable, a good conversationalist, quick to see the humorous side of life, and enjoying to the fullest extent listening to a good story, and in turn can relate one with equal relish and inimitable style. His wife is an excellent lady, good looking and hospitable, having a smile and a good word for all. She is certainly entitled to a first place among the many good wives and mothers of Nebraska. In politics Mr. D. is strongly Republican. He is highly esteemed by all the members of the community in which he lives. Up to this time he has filled no public office except that of Constable, the duties of which he discharged in a very highly creditable manner.

1880 census:
James DIMMETT   Self   M   Male   W   66   VA   Farmer   MD   VA
   Sarah DIMMETT   Wife   M   Female   W   61   OH   Keeping House   VA   VA
   Wm. Henry DIMMETT   Son   S   Male   W   22   IL   Farmer   VA   OH
   Edwin RICH   Nephew   S   Male   W   21   IL   Farmer   OH   OH
   Harden DIMMETT   Nephew   S   Male   W   22   IL   Farmer   VA   IL
Source Information:
    Census Place Elmwood, Cass, Nebraska
    Family History Library Film   1254744
    NA Film Number   T9-0744
    Page Number   261D
next door:
Edwin DIMMETT   Self   M   Male   W   41   OH   Farmer   VA   OH
   Minerva DIMMETT   Wife   M   Female   W   35   IL   Keeping House   NY   PA
   Lincoln DIMMETT   Son   S   Male   W   16   IL   Farmer   OH   IL
   Annie DIMMETT   Dau   S   Female   W   11   IL   At School   OH   IL
   Cora DIMMETT   Dau   S   Female   W   4   IL      OH   IL
   Jesse DIMMETT   Dau   S   Female   W   1   NE      OH   IL
Source Information:
    Census Place Elmwood, Cass, Nebraska
    Family History Library Film   1254744
    NA Film Number   T9-0744
    Page Number   261D
next page:
Harvy DIMMETT   Self   M   Male   W   32   OH   Farmer   VA   OH
   Mary DIMMETT   Wife   M   Female   W   29   IL   Keeping House   OH   OH
   Allen DIMMETT   Son   S   Male   W   7   IL   At School   OH   IL
   Willson DIMMETT   Son   S   Male   W   9   IL   At School   OH   IL
   Leota DIMMETT   Dau   S   Female   W   5   IL   At School   OH   IL
   Charles DIMMETT   Son   S   Male   W   3   NE      OH   IL
   Elbinus DIMMETT   Son   S   Male   W   1   NE      OH   IL
Source Information:
    Census Place Elmwood, Cass, Nebraska
    Family History Library Film   1254744
    NA Film Number   T9-0744
    Page Number   262A

1885 Nebraska Census:   Elmwood,Cass,Nebraska  05 Jun 1885
Enumeration District: 104  Page: 6  Midway Borough
W. H. Dimmitt 28  Illinois
L. L. Dimmitt 20  Nebraska
E. E. Dimmitt 2  Nebraska
L. C. Dimmitt 10/12  Nebraska
2 doors down:
S. Demmitt 46  Ohio
H. M. Demmitt 40  Illinois
A. L. Demmitt 21  Illinois
A. L. Demmitt 16  Illinois
J. M. Demmitt 9  Illinois
C. B. Demmitt 6  Nebraska

Cass County, Nebraska
DIMMITT J. S. SD 1882 (single date)
DIMMITT KENDALL G 1926 SD (Single Date on gravestone)
DIMMITT SARAH SD 1903 (single date)
                   Portrait and Biographical Album of Otoe and Cass Counties
Chapman Brothers; (Chicago: 1889).

DWIN DIMMITT is a progressive farmer of Elmwood Precinct, where he owns and operates a splendid farm of 360 acres of land. He was born in Clermont County, Ohio, where he lived with his parents until he was thirteen years old, when he came with them and settled in Tazewell County, Ill., working on the farm and attending the public schools of the neighborhood. His earliest recollections of life date back to the time he lived in the old Buckeye State, and he remembers distinctly when he attended the school at "Porter's Tavern," in that State.Mr. Dimmitt is the eldest of a family of five children born to his parents; Sarah L., Beal Harvey, Ezra and Henry, all being younger. In 1862 our subject and Hannah M. Skinner were united in the holy bonds of matrimony. This lady was one of a family of eight children -- John, Alfred, Sarah; Hannah M., the wife of our subject; Nora, Trumbull, Daniel and Harriet. Her parents removed to Peoria, County, Ill. A family of six interesting children have been born to our subject and his worthy wife. They are named Joseph Lincoln; Alfred who died in infancy; Anna L., Mary, Cora and Jessie. Those living are with their parents at home.Mr. Dimmitt says that his coming to Nebraska was the turning point in his life, that ever since he has been a resident of the State he has been very successful in all his undertakings. It is true he has borne his portion of the hardships and toils experienced by every pioneer, but the result has amply recompensed him for all the trouble that has come to him. Possessing an extremely sanguine temperament he has always been able to meet reverses with a hopeful heart. This ability to look on the bright side of things has been a source of great comfort to him. His good wife has borne her share of the trials and discomforts of frontier life with a happy and cheerful heart. When the days were darkest and the outlook most dreary, then never a murmur of repining or regret passed her lips, and now that the angel of peace and plenty has settled herself down and taken up her abode in the midst of this happy family the wife and mother feels that her life has not been in vain. Their eldest daughter, Anna L., is one of the social leaders of the neighborhood and is a most estimable young lady. Possessing the genial feelings inherited from her father, she is the life of every social gathering.The father of our subject was considered one of the pillars of the church of which he was a member, and took a lively and substantial interest in every institution for the advancement of knowledge and progress in Elmwood Precinct. Mr. Dimmitt has served the community in which he lives as Justice of the Peace, discharging his duties in a very efficient manner. In politics he is a Republican and is proud to say that he cast his first vote at the first election of Abraham Lincoln. For the genealogy of our subject's parents refer to the biography of Beal Harvey Dimmitt, upon another page of this work.
31 Jan 1845
Clermont, Ohio
7 Oct 1869
                   Portrait and Biographical Album of Otoe and Cass Counties
Chapman Brothers; (Chicago: 1889).
BEAL HARVEY DIMMITT is a prosperous farmer living in Elmwood Precinct. He was born in Clermont County, Ohio, Jan. 31. 1845. He has very faint recollections of that State, and of the journey by steamboat to Peoria, Ill. His educational advantages were those of the early schools of Illinois, before the admirable school system of that State was introduced. At the age of sixteen his name was enrolled as a volunteer among the defenders of his country, at the breaking out of the Civil War. Being too young he was rejected, but he is none the less deserving of the credit due any soldier, as it was not anything on his part that prevented him from taking an active part in the struggle that ensued.Mr. Dimmitt and Miss Mary Caroline Robbins were married Oct. 7, 1869. The lady was a native of Tazewell County, Ill., and is a daughter of Jacob and Harriet (Walker) Robbins. In 1877 they removed to Nebraska, where they settled on 160 acres of land on section 29, and have made the improvements which now surround them. Beginning on the wild land, he has by hard work and diligent application secured a farm which, in fertility and productiveness, is excelled by few in the county. He planted groves, and set out an orchard of choice fruit, of all varieties best adapted to the climate, thus securing to himself many comforts, as well as a source of some profit, and he has projected other improvements, which, when completed, will make his farm one of the most complete in the county.Eight children have been born to these worthy people -- Wilson E., Edward A., Bertha L., Charles A., William A. (now deceased), James Roy, Claudius and Louis. They are at home with their parents, and each and every one take a lively interest in the success and well being of the entire family. The father of our subject was James S.; the mother was Sarah Walker. The father was born in West Virginia, near the Potomac River; the mother's birthplace was Ohio. Our subject represents Scotch descent, received from the father, and German descent, received from the mother's side. His father settled in Highland County, Ohio, then removed to Clermont County, where he was married. In 1852 he came from Ohio to Tazewell County, Ill., removing thence to Woodford County, in the same State, where he purchased land and lived until 1877, when he came to Cass County, Elmwood Precinct, and purchased 320 acres of land from the Burlington & Missouri River Railroad, located on section 29, and 160 acres on section 30. He died, aged seventy years, in 1882. The mother is now seventy years old, and makes her home with our subject. A family of five children were born to the father and mother of our subject, namely: Edwin, Sarah L., Beal Harvey (our subject), Ezra and Henry.Mr. D. is a genial, whole-souled farmer, very sociable, a good conversationalist, quick to see the humorous side of life, and enjoying to the fullest extent listening to a good story, and in turn can relate one with equal relish and inimitable style. His wife is an excellent lady, good looking and hospitable, having a smile and a good word for all. She is certainly entitled to a first place among the many good wives and mothers of Nebraska. In politics Mr. D. is strongly Republican. He is highly esteemed by all the members of the community in which he lives. Up to this time he has filled no public office except that of Constable, the duties of which he discharged in a very highly creditable manner.

FamilyCentral Network
James Shearer Dimmitt - Blocked

James Shearer Dimmitt was born at Hampshire, Virginia 1 Oct 1812. His parents were Richard Beal Dimmitt and Sarah Eskridge.

He married Blocked at Clermont, Ohio .

They were the parents of 5 children:
Beal Harvey Dimmitt born 31 Jan 1845.

James Shearer Dimmitt died 29 Jul 1882 .