4 Feb 1739
Norfolk, Virginia
Bef 1822
Orange, Indiana
Valeene, Orange, Indiana
7 Dec 1760
Woodland, Northampton, North Carolina
Ancestral File, version 4.19
Ancestry World Tree
Internet IGI (Sep 2007)
Pedigree Resource File
                   Historical information included in notes.

SOURCE: Will of John Hollowell of Norfolk Co., VA, dated 24 Jan 1751, Proved 16 Apr 1752, Book 1, File 246, Vol. 7, p. 219.1760, 12, 1. Thomas Hollowell, Jr. requested certificate to MM in Northampton Co. to marry. (Encyclopedia of American Quaker Genealogy, Vol. 1, North Carolina, William Wade Hinshaw, Genealogical Publishing Co., Baltimore, MD, "Perquimans Monthly Meeting," p. 53). 1760, 12, 7. Thomas Hollowell produced certificate from Perquimans Co., to marry. (Encyclopedia of American Quaker Genealogy, Vol. 1, North Carolina, William Wade Hinshaw, Genealogical Publishing Co., Baltimore, MD, "Rich Square Monthly Meeting," p. 241).1760, 12, 7. Thomas Hollowell, of Perquimans Co., son of John & Sarah, Colony of VA, Co. of Norfolk, married Mary Peele, in Rich Square MH. (Encyclopedia of American Quaker Genealogy, Vol. 1, North Carolina, William Wade Hinshaw, Genealogical Publishing Co., Baltimore, MD, "Rich Square Monthly Meeting," p. 241). 1760, 12, 7. Mary Peele, dt. Robert, of Northampton Co. & Elizabeth, dec. married Thomas Hollowell in Rich Square Meeting House. (Hinshaw, William Wade. "Encyclopedia of American Quaker Genealogy", Vol. 1, p. 255).Whereas Thomas Hollowell of the county of Perquimans, son of John and Sarah Hollowell of the Colony of Virginia and County of Norfolk, and Mary Peele, daughter of Robert Peele of Northampton County, and Elizabeth, deceased, having publickly declaired their intentions of taking each other in marriage, before several monthly meetings of the people called Quakers in the County of Northampton, after a deliberate consideration thereof with regard unto the Righteous Law of God and Example of his people recorded in the Scriptures, according to the Good order used amongst them whose proceedings therein were approved by the said Meeting. They appearing clear of all other engagements, and having also consent of Parents and Relations concerned... Now these are to certify all whom it may concern, that for the accomplishment of their said intention, this Seventh day of the Twelfth month called December in the year one thousand seven hundred and sixty, they, the said Thomas Hollowell and Mary Peele, appearing in the county of Northampton in their public meeting place at Rich Square and in a solemn manner he, the said Thomas Hollowell, taking the said Mary Peel by the hand, did openly declare as followeth: "Friends, you are my witnesses that I do take this my friend Mary Peele to be my wife, promising through Divine assistance to be to her a true and loving husband 'till death separate us," or words to that effect, and then and there in the said assembly, she, the said Mary Peele, did in like manner declare as followeth: "Friends, you are my witnesses that I do take this my friend Thomas Hollowell to be my husband, promising through Divine assistance to be to him a true and loving wife 'till Death separates us," or words to that effect and the said Thomas Hollowell and Mary Hollowell, his now wife, as after the confirmation thereof, did then and there to these present set their hands, and we whose names are hereunto subscribed, being present among others at the Solemnization of the above said marriage and subscription in manner aforesaid, as witnesses thereunto have also to these presents subscribed our names the day and year above written. Thomas Hollowell, Mary Hollowell. Witnesses: Mary Knox, Charity Peele, Rachel Copeland, Mary Copeland, Milbry Veal, William Granberry, Samuel Cotton, William Copeland, Arthur Bryant, Elizabeth Bryant, Martha Baggett, Rachel Daughtry, Mary Peele, Moren Hollowell, Esther Hollowell, Bathsheba Duaghtry, Sarah Baggett, Sarah Hall, Sarah Hollowell, Robert Peele, Moses Hall, Sarah Duke, Elizabeth Hall, John Peele, Henry Copeland, Bryan Daughtry, Thomas Knox, Richard Vick, John Duke, Henry Horn, Robert Peele, Jr., James Ross, John Knox, and Mary Knox. (Cedar Grove Meeting House, Woodland, NC).This Indenture made this the 25th day of September in the Year of our Lord God 1762 in the Year of the Reign of our Sovereign Lord George the Third of Great Britain, Fra
nce and Ireland, King, Defender of the Faith &c Between Thomas Hollowell of Northampton County in the Province of North Carolina of the one Part, and John Hollowell of Norfolk County in Virginia the other Part. Witnesseth that the said Thomas Hollowell for and in Consideration of the Sum of Seventy five Pounds current Money of Virginia in hand paid by the said John Hollowell at or before the Ensealing and Delivery, the Receipt whereof he doth freely, clearly and absolutely acquit of every part and Parcell of one hundred and ten acres of Land unto the sd John Hollowell his heirs Executors Administrators &c by these presents and divers other good Causes and Considerations of the said Thomas Hollowell, Hath granted, bargained, sold, aliened, and confirmed unto the said John Hollowell his heirs and Assigns forever all my Right and Title of one hundred and ten acres of Land be it more or less lying and being on the Western Branch in Norfolk County the Land that was left to the said Thomas Hollowell by his Father John Hollowell Deceased which he purchased of Thomas Hollowell as by Deed bearing date the thirtieth day of April One Thousand Seven Hundred and Forty three with all Houses, Orchards, Pastures, Grounds & Mills & all other Improvements that is now on the said Land growing or shall ever here after Being bounded as followeth (viz) Joining bounded & is in ye Pattent of six hundred and thirty-four acres now in the Possession of said John Hollowell beginning on the East side at the Creek called Broad Creek Running along a Branch & by a line of Marked trees dividing the said Lande from the Land of the said John Hollowells to a Gum a Corner tree from thence along the said Hollowells line to a white oak, joining Joshua Nicholasons Land then along the said Nicholsons Line to a Red Oak joining Elizb. Bacons Land thence along the said Bacons Line to a Branch formerly known by the name of the Reedy Branch, thence along the Branch to the Creek thence down the Creek to the first Station which compleats the above piece of land before Mentioned & Intended to be hereby granted with their and every of their Appurtenances unto the said John Hollowell & his Heirs for ever and the said Thomas Hollowell for himself and his Heirs the said Tract of Land and all other the premises with their and every of them appurtenances unto the said John Hollowell his Heirs against him the said Thomas Hollowell his Heirs and Assigns shall and will at all time or times hereafter warrant and Defend unto the said John Hollowell his Heirs against him Thomas Hollowell and further that he the said Thomas Hollowell his Heirs Executors & Administrators shall and will warrant at all times hereafter within the space of seven years next ensuring the date of these presents upon the Reasonable Request & at the Cost and Charges, in Law of the said John Hollowell his Heirs and assigns make and doe suffer acknowledge and Execute or to be made done Acknowledged suffered Executed all and every such Lawfull & Reasonable Act or Acts Thing & Things device & devices & sure making of the Premises before mentioned bargained & sold and every parcel thereof unto the said John Hollowell and his Heirs and Assigns of the said Thomas Hollowell for ever. In Witness whereof I the said Thomas Hollowell have hereunto set my hand and affixed my seal the day and year first above Written. Thomas Hollowell. Signed Sealed & delivered In the presence of Richard Bacon, Samuel Ives, Henry Creech. Received September the 25th 1762 John Hollowell the sum of Seventy five Pounds being the within Contents Received to me. Thomas Hollowell. Norfolk County. At a Court held the 16th day of December 1762 Thomas Hollowells Deed of Bargain and Sale to John Hollowell also the Rec't thereon were this day acknowledged and ordered to be Recorded. (Norfolk County, VA, Deed Book 20, p. 184).Hollowell/Peele Family Bible, found 1931 in the attic of house in Paoli, IN, and was given to Joseph Hall, gggrandson of Thomas. In 1969 the Bible was in the hands of Albert R. Hall, son of Joseph A. Hall, Marion, Indiana. The B
ible was printed in London by C. Ware MDCCLVII (1757) at the Bible and Sun on Ludgate-bill. Mary w/o Thomas Hollowell late of NC and now of Indiana Terr. departed life 11th day 1st mo. 1813 at ca. 8/9 o'clock at night, aged 70 yrs. 9 mos. lacking 2 days. Mary d/o Robert and Elizabeth Peele b. 2nd day of 2nd mo. 1742 OS. They m. 7th day of 12th mo. 1760 NS. Thomas, s/o John and Sarah of Norfolk Co. VA b. 10th day 12th mo. 1739. Children: Abigail Hollowell the daughter of the above Thomas and Mary Hollowell was born the 26th day of the 12th month in the year 1761 - New Style. Sarah Hollowell the daughter of Thomas and Mary Hollowell was born the 24th day of the 12th month 1763 - New Style. John Hollowell the son of Thomas and Mary Hollowell was born the 11th day of 1st month in the year 1766 - New Style. Miriam Hollowell the daughter of Thomas and Mary Hollowell was born the 17th day of 12th month in year 1769 - New Style. Robert Hollowell the son of Thomas and Mary Hollowell was born the 13th day of the 9th month in the year of our present style 1772 at 1 o'clock in the morning. William Hollowell the son of Thomas and Mary his wife was born the 10th day of the 4th month in the year 1775 - New Style. Thomas Hollowell the son of Thomas Hollowell and Mary his wife, was born the 7th day of the 12th month in the year 1777. Josse Hollowell the son of Thomas Hollowell and Mary his wife, was born 16th day of the 8th month in the year 1780 - New Style.John Spivey, son of Aaron, and Abigail Hollowell, daughter of Thomas Hollowell were married the 9th day of the 5th month in the year 1764. Elizabeth Spivey was born the 17th day of 4th month 1785 at about 6 o'clock in the morning. Exum Spivey was born 5th day of 10th month 1787 about 6 o'clock in the morning. Miriam Spivey was born the 12th day of 4th month 1794 at about 5 o'clock in the morning. Charity Spivey was born the 27th day of 4th month 1794 at about 7 o'clock in the morning. Becca Spivey was born 5th day of 2nd month in the year 1797. Abbie Spivey was born the 4th day of 2nd month 1800. Ephraim Spivey was born 4th day of 4th month 1802.Ralph Fletcher, son of Joshua, and Sarah Hollowell, daughter of Thomas Hollowell were married 16th day of 2nd month 1785. Mary Fletcher was born the 25th day of 9th month in year 1787. Joshua Fletcher was born the 19th day of 5th month in year 1790 about 5 o'clock in the morning. Achsah Fletcher was born the 7th day of 4th month in the year 1793 at about 5 o'clock in the morning. Betty Fletcher was born the 2nd day of 12th month in the year 1796 about Noon. Jesse Fletcher was born 11th day of 4th month 1805 at 4 o'clock in the afternoon.John Hollowell, son of Thomas, and Miriam Overman, daughter of John Overman, were married 21st day of 12th month in the year 1786. Henry Hollowell was born the 28th of 9th month in the year 1787 at about 3 o'clock. Josse Hollowell was born the 18th day of the 4th month 1790. Mary Hollowell was born the 26th day of 2nd month in the year 1792 at about 10 o'clock in the morning. Mary Hollowell was born the 26th day of 2nd month in the year 1792 at about 10 o'clock in the morning. Sarah Hollowell was born 3rd day of 3rd month in year 1794. Jonathan Hollowell was born the 5th of 8th month 1796 at 7 o'clock in the morning. Eli Hollowell was born the 12th of 11th month 1798 about 3 o'clock. Above mentioned Eli died 5th day 11th month 1801. Aaron Hollowell was born 23rd of 8th month 1801. Aaron died 2nd of 11th month 1801. John Hollowell was born 4th day of 1st month 1803. Miriam Hollowell, daughter of Thomas, and John Hobson, son of William of Chatham County, were married 15th of 4th month 1804.Robert Hollowell, son of Thomas Hollowell, and Elizabeth Cox, daughter of Thomas Cox, deceased, were married 23rd day of 10th month 1794. The above said Elizabeth was born the 22nd day of 2nd month 1772. Smithson Hollowell was born 27th day of 8th month 1795 half hour after 4 o'clock in the morning. Their daughter Michal Hollowell was born the 25th day 6th month 1797 about 2 o'clock in the morning. Their son Nathan Hollowell 
was born 5th day of 4th month 1799 about one o'clock in the morning. Their daughter Peggy Hollowell was born 11th day of 12th month 1800 about 7 in the morning. Their son William Hollowell wa born 4th day of 9th month 1803 about 10 o'clock in the morning. Their daughter Polly Hollowell was born 28th of 2nd month 1806. Their daughter Abba Hollowell was born 3rd day of 9th month 1808.William Hollowell, son of Thomas and Phebe Cox, daughter of Thomas, were married 10th day of 9th month 1797. She died 24th day of 9th month 1806. Robert Hollowell wa born 4th day of 4th month 1802. He departed this life 17th day of 10th month 1804 - age 30 months and 13 days."Orange County History" by Goodspeed. 1820 Census Washington Co., IN, age 26-45.
2 Apr 1742
Rich Square, Perquimans, North Carolina
11 Jan 1813
Orange, Indiana
Valeene, Orange, Indiana
26 Dec 1761
Rich Square, Northampton, North Carolina
24 Dec 1763
Rich Square, Northampton, North Carolina
11 Jan 1766
Rich Square, Northampton, North Carolina
6 Feb 1855
Orange, Indiana
21 Dec 1786
Wayne, North Carolina 
                   First white Settler in Orange Co. IN. Lived in a cave while building his house. Was known as "caveman" John Hollowell.

Historical information included in notes.
John Hollowell and son, John Jr. laid out the town of Valeene, the only town in Orange Co, on April 10, 1837 and donated a lot to the public for school purposes. In 1830 they deeded land for a church to the Trustees of the Bluff Spring Meeting House of the Society of Friends Church. John is the first white settler in Orange Co, Indiana. John built the first grist mill in Orange Co and later a crude saw mill.FAMILY BIBLE OF JOHN AND MIRIAM HOLLOWELLJohn Hollowell, son of Thomas, and Miriam Overman, daughter of John Overman, were married 21st day of 12th month in the year 1786. Henry Hollowell was born the 28th of 9th month in the year 1787 at about 3 o'clock. Josse Hollowell was born the 18th day of the 4th month 1790. Mary Hollowell was born the 26th day of 2nd month in the year 1792 at about 10 o'clock in the morning. Mary Hollowell was born the 26th day of 2nd month in the year 1792 at about 10 o'clock in the morning. Sarah Hollowell was born 3rd day of 3rd month in year 1794. Jonathan Hollowell was born the 5th of 8th month 1796 at 7 o'clock in the morning. Eli Hollowell was born the 12th of 11th month 1798 about 3 o'clock. Above mentioned Eli died 5th day 11th month 1801. Aaron Hollowell was born 23rd of 8th month 1801. Aaron died 2nd of 11th month 1801. John Hollowell was born 4th day of 1st month 1803. Miriam Hollowell, daughter of Thomas, and John Hobson, son of William of ChathamCounty, were married 15th of 4th month 1804.
17 Dec 1769
Rich Square, Northampton, North Carolina
13 Mar 1772
Rich Square, Northampton, North Carolina
11 Apr 1775
Rich Square, Northampton, North Carolina
7 Dec 1777
Rich Square, Northampton, North Carolina
16 Aug 1780
Rich Square, Northampton, North Carolina
FamilyCentral Network
Thomas Hollowell - Mary Peele

Thomas Hollowell was born at Norfolk, Virginia 4 Feb 1739. His parents were John Hollowell and Sarah Rountree.

He married Mary Peele 7 Dec 1760 at Woodland, Northampton, North Carolina . Mary Peele was born at Rich Square, Perquimans, North Carolina 2 Apr 1742 daughter of Robert Peele, IV and Elizabeth Edgerson .

They were the parents of 8 children:
Abigail Hollowell born 26 Dec 1761.
Sarah Hollowell born 24 Dec 1763.
John Hollowell born 11 Jan 1766.
Miriam Hollowell born 17 Dec 1769.
Robert Hollowell born 13 Mar 1772.
William Hollowell born 11 Apr 1775.
Thomas Hollowell born 7 Dec 1777.
Jesse Hollowell born 16 Aug 1780.

Thomas Hollowell died Bef 1822 at Orange, Indiana .

Mary Peele died 11 Jan 1813 at Orange, Indiana .