George Max Curt REIM

18 Mar 1866
Leisnig, Saxony, Germany
31 Dec 1906
Camorong, Mindoro, Phillipines
1 Jan 1907
Camorong, Mindoro, Phillipines
                   Mr. Max Reim, Ithaca, Neb. was notified by telegram and letter January 3, 1907 by War Department, Bureau of Insular Affairs, Washington, "that Charles Reim met death by drowning on December 31st" in the Philippines.

In letter from CONSTABULARY OF MINDORO, OFFICE OF THE SENIOR INSPECTOR, Naujan, Mindoro, January 8th, 1907, to Executive Secretary, Manila, "Sir: In compliance with instructions contained in Executive Order No. 101 series 1902 I have the honor to report the death, by drowning, of Charles Reim Lineman Bureau of posts.  (par.) On Dec. 28th, Reim went to Camorong in banca with two native linemen.  The two natives were sent back to Calapan along the telephone wire to do repairing and Reim was invited by Mr. C. Pulson to return to Calapan on small sailing vessel.  On Dec. 31st at about 5 P. M. they proceeded to embark, Mr. Pulson going out first and sending back for Mr. Reim.  On going out through high breakers the boat upset and Reim and two native boatmen were throw into sea.  The two natives reached the vessel at anchor but Reim encumbered by shoes and clothing was drowned.  (par.) The body was washed ashore some hours later and was recovered and embarked on vessel for Calapan but having head winds the vessel was obliged after fifteen hour sailing to put back in Camorong where the body was put ashore and buried in same place Mr. C. P. Foote was buried in Nov. last.  (par.)  Mr. Reim's home was given on cedula as Ithaca, Nebraska but no address or name of any relative could be found among his effects.  (par.) Mr. Reim has lived publicaly with a native woman Francisca Sangalan for nearly three years and his intention was well known to marry this woman in the near future.  The woman in now heavy with child and is in charge of effects of Reim including an unindorsed check for Nov. Salary and bank account deposit book, of Postal Savings Bank.  This book shows P900.00 in Postal Savings Bank. Very respectfully, (Signed) HARRISON O. FLETCHER, Senior Inspector, Mindoro."

In settlement of Charles Reim's estate, disburesment of cash was P (peso) 600.00 paid June 27, 1907 to Francisca Singalong for support of infant child of which deceased was the father; and P613.12 paid Jan. 8, 1908 to Mrs. Johanne Chistiane Reim, Lommatsch, Saxony, Germany.

REFERENCE: REIM, Herman A., 1954-1972: genalogical file. RUDIGER, family tree; refers to "Kurt Reim, Captain, died 1908 abroad (Southsea)".

From available records, it was interperted by Kenneth M. Reim, that Charles Reim was the brother of Max Reim, and son of Johanna Christiana Reim; and his birth name was George Max Curt Reim.
                   Reported to have lived together unmarried for about three years when Charles
Reim drowned 31 Dec 1906, with child having been born prior to 27 Jun 1907,
however after 31 Dec 1906.  In 8 Jan 1907 document, name spelt Francisca
Sangalan.  Singalong is spelling used in the disbursement of Reim's estate 27
Jun 1907.
FamilyCentral Network
George Max Curt Reim - Blocked

George Max Curt Reim was born at Leisnig, Saxony, Germany 18 Mar 1866. His parents were Heinrich Herman Reim and Johanna Christiana Guenther.

He married Blocked .

They were the parents of 1 child:

George Max Curt Reim died 31 Dec 1906 at Camorong, Mindoro, Phillipines .