May 1633
Lancaster, Lancashire, England
Dorchester, Suffolk, Massachusetts
12 Sep 1718
Dorchester, Suffolk, Massachuetts
Sep 1718
Upham's Corner, Dorchester, Suffolk, Massachusetts
4 Nov 1664
Lynn, Essex, Massachusetts
                      Vital Records of Lynn, Essex, MA:
Vital Records of Dorchester, Suffolk, MA:
Cemetery Inscriptions of the Upham's Corner's Cemetery in Dorchester;

Thomas Tolman 1633-1718; He came to America with hhis parents in 1635. He served in King Phillips War of 1675 in the Infantry Troops, under Quartermaster Thomas Swift of Milton, 16 September 1675; Freeman 1678; He was a Wheelwright; His house stood about 11 feet from Ashmont Street, in Tolman Lane.
       In the Dorchester church records, p.184,185, his name appears with others "to be catechized in the town of Dorchester 1676, thomas Tolman." "13 May 1714, dismissed to Milton, the wife of thomas Tolman, Jr."
       I have a gravestone rubbing of his grave in the Upham's Corner's cemetery in Dorchester, Suffolk, MA., by L.Glen Tonge when he went to Boston, October 1996.

#145-Documentation by Loa Don Glade.
Husband: Thomas TOLMAN
Birth: MA, Plymouth, Bridgewater Vital Records p.317 Tolman, Thomas [dup. Jr] h. Elizabeth (Johnson) s. Thomas and Sarah, born ____1633 (in Dorchester)* [FHL f#164691)
   Note******: Thomas was born in England.  His parents did not emigrate to America until 1635 or 1636 at the earliest.  His age of 85 yrs. at the time of death coincides with the birth record. *Typewritten on a piece of paper pasted in the town book.
Marriage: Vital Records of Lynn, MA To The End of The Year 1849 Vol. 2 Marriages & Deaths, Pub. By Essex Institute in Salem, MA 1906, p.365 Talmun, Tho[mas] and Eliza[beth] Johnson 4:9m: 1664.  Ct. R. (Court Rec.) (FHL f#547549 Itm 2).
Death: Dorchester Deaths 1684 to 1744, p.181-1718 Sep. 12 Thomas Tolman Male White Dorchester age 85. (FHL f#0740996) Another record=Deaths of Bridgewater, MA p.565- Tolman, Thomas [dup Jr.] h. Elizabeth (Johnson), s. Thomas and Sarah Sep 12, 1718 [in Dorchester].* (FHL f#164692).
Wife: Elizabeth JOHNSON
Birth: 1638 (figured from age at death) "Here lies ye body of Elizabeth Tolman, widow of Thomas Tolman, aged 82 yrs, died Dec. 14th, 1720." (Dorchester Inscriptions - NEHGR Jan 1851)
Marriage: Vital Records of Lynn, MA to The End Of The Year 1849 Vol. 2 Marriages & Deaths. Pub. By Essex Institute in Salem, MA 1906, p.365-Talmun, Tho[mas] and Eliza[beth] Johnson 4:9m:1664. Ct. R. (Court Record) (Recorded again on p.209 under Johnson.) (FHL f3547544 Itm 2).
Death: See Birth.  Another record of her death is in the MA, Suffolk Co., Boston City Hall Registrars Office.  Dorchester Township Record Births, Marriages and Deaths 1631 - 1844 p.187- 1726 Dec. 15 Elizabeth Tolman female white married wife of Thomas. (FHL f#0740996).  Note: This record has been alphabetized and interpreted and is therefore subjected to errors.
Child 1 Thomas Tolman
Birth: Thomas's birth record has been overlooked by other genealogists in the past because of the spelling of his surname.  The record: Vital Records of Lynn, MA Births Vol 1 ?-1849. Pub. By Essex Institute, Salem, MA 1905.  Tolly, Thomas s. Tho[mas] 3:6 mo: 1665 Ct. R. (court record) (FHL f#039771).  However, this error is certainly comparable to the spelling of his father's surname (Talmun) in his parents marriage record.
Marriage: There is no marriage record of Thomas Tolman junr and his wife, Experience.  Nor is there a birth record of their first son, Thomas.  Therefore we have estimated the marriage of Thomas & Experience and the birth of the first son, Thomas, from the birth date of the second son, Nathaniel.  We have been able to do this because of two records.
1.  The first Church of Dorchester record p.206 is as follows:
                Nathaniel     {Thes: 3 ye sonns of Thomas Tolman
                Timothy         were baptised ye same Daye 12 August 94.) 2.  Dorchester Births, Marriages and Deaths To The End of 1825 p.35- Nathaniel Tolman s/o Thomas Tolman and Expearence his wife, b. 3 Jan 1691/2.  Also, p.132 Deaths 1724 Thomas Tolman, eldest son of Thomas Tolman and Experience Tolman d. 3 Feb. 1724/5. (FHL f#014748).
Death: Canton Records Births, Marriages and Deaths 1715-1845 p.37 Deaths - Mr. Thomas Tolman deceased November ye 6, 1738. (FHL bk#974.47 V2e).
Child 2 Daniel TOLMAN
Birth: There is no vital record of this child's existence.  However, Deacon Samuel Tolman, a great grandson of Thomas (3rd), wrote a history of this family the 20 of May 1830 and told of Daniel and the other four children.  The history was published in the Stoughton Sentinel the 16th of March 1836.  Daniel was born and died in Lynn and the proof of his existence disappeared when the Lynn records were burned.  (Arlene K. Tolman research).
Child 3 Mary TOLMAN
Birth: Dorchester Births, Marriages and Deaths To The End of 1825 p.12- Mary d/o Thomas Toleman b. 26 (9) 1671. (FHL f#014748).
Marriage: Milton Vital Records p.180-TOLMAN Mary Tolman of Dorchester and Ebenezer Craine of Milton married 13 Dec 1689.  (FHL bk#974.47/m4 V2m).
Death: Ibid. P.214-Deaths-CRANE Crane, Mary died 8 March 1749 age 90 yr. Ebenezer died 3 July 1725.
Child 4 Samuel TOLMAN
Birth: Bridgewater, Plymouth, MA Vital Records pp 74, 316.  Births p.316 Tolman, Samuel h. Experience (Clapp), s. Thomas and Elizabeth (Johnson), born June 11, 1676. (FHL f#164691).
Marriage: Dorchester Births, Marriages and Deaths To The End of 1825 p.104 Marriages- 1704 Samuel Tolman md Experience Clap 21 Nov 1704.   Second Marriage: p.113 Samuel Tolman md Patience Humfrey 13 Mar 1727/8. (FHL f3012748).
Death: Bridgewater, Plymouth, MA.  Deaths p.565- Tolman, Samuel h. Experience (Clapp), s. Thomas and Elizabeth (Johnson), May 18, 1738 in Dorchester.  Tolman, Experience (Clapp), w. Samuel, Apr. 9, 1726 (in Dorchester)* (FHL f3164692).
*Typewritten on piece of paper pasted in town book.
Other Marriages:
Marr:   13 MAR1727    Wife: Patience Humfry
Child 5 Daniel TOLMAN
Birth: Dorchester Births, Marriages and Deaths to The End of 1825 p.16- Daniel s/o Thomas Tolman b. 1 May 1679. (FHL f3014748).
Marriage: Ibid.  Marriages p.105 Daniel Tolman and Sarah Humfrys 16 Apr. 1708. Death: Ibid.  Deaths p.255 Daniel Tolman d. 30 Apr 1761 age 82.
145-At Boston, Suffolk MA
                                             Thomas Tolman Will 1634-1718
        "Thomas Tolman Sr., now dwelling in the town of Dorchester, Wheelwright, in consideration of the love and affection that I bear to my dutiful and well beloved son, Thomas Tolman, living in the above town," deeds him land in the 10th lott and that which was my Honored father, Thomas Tolman, 107 acres."  Reserved privilege for his sons Samuel and Daniel to get rail timber.  Dated 5 Feb 1710/11.  Signed, sealed and delivered 24 Nov 1716, Signed by Thomas and Elizabeth Tolman. (Suffolk deeds, v.38, p.127).
       The last will and testament of Thomas Tolman, Sr., of Dorchester, in the county of Suffolk, in her Majesties Territories of New England, Wheelwright, made the first day of June anno domino 1711.  And I do hereby revoke all former wills whatsoever.  First I commit my soul unto God my maker, and to Jesus Christ my redeemer by whom I hope to be saved and my body I commit to the earth from whence it was taken to be decently buried by my two sons herein after named.  And as for my worldly estate which God had graciously lent me I dispose of them in manner and form as followist.  Imprints I give and bequeath unto my son Thomas Tolman or to his heirs, 30 pounds to be paid him by his 2 brothers, Samuel and Daniel Tolman, within 3 years after my decease; Also I give unto him six score acres lying beyond Punkapog, being the 11th lott, as it is recorded in the town book, besides 35 pounds, which he has already received.  I give him a share in the outland that is undivided, that I have in Dorchester.  Also unto my son Thomas 7 children, 10 shillings apiece, excepting only Thomas, the eldest of them, to whom I give 20 shillings to be paid 3 years after myself and my wifes decease.  I give unto my son Samuel Tolman, my house, barn, and orchard and land thereto adjoining, that is bounded on the east, with a stone wall, on the north with the land of Samuel Jones, southerly with widow Trotted's land, on the west and northwest with the land of Isaac Royals.  I give unto him also, 9 acres of land lying in a place called the first division, which land was formerly Captain Forastero, bounded easterly with widow Trotted's land, westerly with land of Major Robert Spur's, northerly with land of James Trotted's and southerly with land that was Nathaniel Wiots.  Also I give unto him, half that piece of pasture land lying adjoining to the stone wall on the east of my home lot, already mentioned, on the east bounded with his brother Daniels house, northerly with Samuel Jones land, southerly with widow Trotted's land.  I give unto him 4 acres of land, lying in a place called the Great Lots, which lot was formerly Burches, bounded easterly with Thomas Pearce's land, westerly by his brother Daniel's orchard, on the north with John Tolman's land, on the south with a fence that stands against his brother Daniel's land.  I give unto my son Daniel Tolman, the other half of the pasture land which belongs to and lyeth with the same that I have given his brother Samuel, bounded with the above said stone wall, on the north, which wall is the bounds between the aforesaid Samuel Jone's land and my 2 sons, Samuel and Daniel, and also the aforesaid widow Trotted's land on the south, and on the east with the house and land that I have given to my son Daniel, which pasture land, Samuel and Daniel, shall have between them.  I give also unto my son Daniel, the land lying on the east side of his dwelling house, being bounded on the east with the town highway, on the south and part of the north with the land of Thomas Pierce and partly on the north with the land mentioned above that I have given to my son Samuel, and on the west partly with the widow Trotted's land.  I give unto my son Daniel, also, the orchard that was my father Tolman's, lying partly on the west side of said land, adjoining to an orchard also on the north and east, on the west with the house, barn, and land which I have given to him already, in a deed of gift, as aforesaid.  I give also unto my 2 sons, Samuel and Daniel, 10 acres of upland lying near a Salt Creek and a Neck called Pine Neck and also adjoining to a piece of Salt Meadow on the east belonging to Edward Forster and Isaac Humphrey's Meadow, on the north, northeast, and westerly against the upland of John Pearce, on the south with Samuel Jone's meadow, my son Daniel's meadow, and Daniel Allen's meadow.  I give unto Samuel and Daniel, 4 acres of Salt Meadow, be it more or less, lying in the town of Milton, which meadow I bought of Anthony Culiver, bounded westerly and southerly with a Salt Creek, on the north and east with the meado
       w that is partly my son Samuel's and partly Josiah Puffers, or that was formerly Crain's meadow.  I give unto Samuel and Daniel 4 acres of Salt Meadow in Dorchester, adjoining to John Minot's land, or to a fence that now stands in the south part of it and Isaac Howe's meadow, on the west and Daniel Allen's meadow on the same.  The 10 acres of upland above mentioned, that I have given them already and the meadow that was Mr. Stoughton's on the east, also unto my 2 sons, Samuel and Daniel, a share with their brother Thomas, in all the undivided land I have in or belonging to the township of Dorchester.  Unto my daughter Mary Crane's children; first I give unto her eldest son, 20 shillings; and to the rest of her children 10 shillings apiece, which shall be paid them by my sons, Samuel and Daniel, 3 years after mine and my wifes decease, each of them paying 2 pounds 10 shillings apiece in money or country pay.  I give unto my daughter Mary Crane, 10 pounds, besides the 50 pounds she has already received, which 10 pounds shall be paid within 2 years after my decease, paying 5 pounds a year.  I give unto my wife, all my movable estate, viz., my household stuff and cattle and also my Negro man.  My will is, that after my decease, 2 of my sons Samuel and Daniel, shall see that all debts and legacies above mentioned and also my funeral charges or expenses be cleared and discharged.  My will is, that if my wife have not sufficient and comfortable livelyhood out of all I have given her of my movable estate, she then shall have full powers to sell any part of the land that I have given to my sons Samuel and Daniel.  My will is, that the work that my sons, Samuel and Daniel, have done about fencing the land above named, before my decease, shall be acquitted.  Also, that my son Samuel, shall repair the house and barn for his mother, if there be need, after my decease.  My will is, that Samuel and Daniel, shall not hinder each other from a free passage over their lands with a cart, in the way that I have been want to go in.  Also, that Samuel shall have a free passage to his lot, commonly called Burches lot with a cart, if need be; also, they shall carefully shut or put up bars or gates after them, so that they do no damage to each other.  In this will I have endeavored, according to my capacity, to do that which is right among my children, but if any of them dislike what I have given them, so far as to make difference and contention among the rest of them, that any of them that shall so offend shall forfeit onehalf of all that I have given them, which shall be equally divided amongst the rest of my children.  My will is, that my wife be sole executrix of this, my last will and testament.
                                                                             Thomas Tolman
Signed, sealed, and delivered in presence of us, Samuel Jones, John Pierce, James Trotted;
Addition to the above will; I, Thomas Tolman, bequeath to my wife (beloved) Elizabeth, my mansion house and barn, gardens and orchard adjoining, the meadow land by the well, 4 acres of Salt Meadow by Daniel Allen's, sufficient pasture for 3 cows, and an house in the pasture of Thomas Pearce's to her sole use and improvement during her widowhood.  My cattle I intend and comprehend in the moveableres given her, and power to dispose of the same, and of my man servant, either by sale, testament or deed of gift to whom she will.  Whereas I have given a share to my son Thomas, in undivided lands my intent is, that it be a single share only.  8 Sept 1718
                                                                               Thomas Tolman, Sr.
In presence of witnesses above mentioned.
Inventory of the estate of Thomas Tolman prized 22 May 1725 by Joseph Hewins, John Nixon, William Crane.  Amount 497 pounds, 11 shillings, 6 pence.
Mary Tolman, administrator, deposed.

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DEATH: At time of death age 85 years.
Elizabeth JOHNSON
Lynn, Essex, Massaschusetts
17 May 1674
Dorchester, Suffolk, Massachusetts
14 Dec 1726
Dorchester, Suffolk, Massachusetts
Upham's Corner's, Cemetery
                   DEATH: Dorchester, Suffolk, MA, a.82y.
birthdate also 1638 and death also 15 Dec.
3 Aug 1665
Lynn, Essex, Massachusetts
6 Nov 1738
Dorchester, Suffolk, Massachusetts
Abt 1688
Boston, Suffolk, Massachusetts 
                      US #974.47/V2e/P.37,125; US #878649 #2 Lynn, Essex, MA.; V.R. Boston #974,47/B1/H2b/P.9,305;
First Church of Dorchester, US # 856,696;
V.R. Dorchester # 3547 P.132;
Probate letter #493,866, p. 165;
Vital Records and cemetery records of Canton, Stoughton, and Sharon, MA;  Thomas Tolman 1672-1738;
Extracts of Suffolk County Registry of Deeds at Boston, MA;
      19 February  1711-1712; (Liber 38, Folio 127)
         "Thomas Tolman of Dorchester, yeoman, for the natural affection i bear unto Bliss Tolman, my beloved son," conveys 36 acres in Dorchester. "In the 10th lot in the 12 divisions in the new Grant, bounded on Timothy Jones, Joseph Hartwell, and William Stone."
      8 July 1715; (Liber 30, Folio,219;
          Thomas Tolman and wife Experience of Dorchester, to son Timothy, deed of gift of 18 acres in the 10th lot, "bounding on my son Thomas, on Captain Tileston, Obadiah Hames, and John Mazfield."
      13 January 1719-1720; (Liber 39, Folio 211)
          Thomas Tolman, Jr., of Dorchester, yeoman, and his wife Experience, "For the love and affection they bear to their beloved and dutiful son Thomas Tolman, a part of the 10th lot in the 12 divisions, containing all the part or share that was my grandfather Tolman's share or right on said lot, with the house or building on said lot, bounded on by Richard Hixon, on myself, on Henry Leadbetter's, according to our divisional agreement 15 June 1714."
       22 March 1730-1731; (Liber 77, Folio 126)
          Thomas Tolman and wife Experience of Dorchester. deed of gift, "to well beloved son Nathaniel, now living in Needham, Tanner, one half of all my right or share in 117th lot in 25 divisions, lyong in partnership with my brothers, Samuel, and Daniel."
       17 November 1733; (Liber 48, Folio, 190)
          Thomas Tolman of Stoughton, unto his son Timothy of the same place, deed of gift, " In part of his share and portion of my estate, all the land that was laid out by the proprietors of Dorchester and Stoughton unto me in my own name (by then distinguished by the name Thomas Tolman, Jr.) being 37 1/2 acres in the settlement in the 17th lot in the 25 divisions so called, lying in common and undivided with rights of Thomas Tolman, died. Thomas Tolman, Sr., and widow Smith, which together with the right of Samuel Tolman, which was laid out by itself, constituted and makes up the said 17th lot of which the above granted premises are a part."
      Thomas died 6 November 1738 at age of 66 years at Stoughton and is buried in the Canton Cemetery. This makes him born about 1672 at Dorchester. The date of 1665 at Lynn could be a misprint. He was christened 5 August 1672. Experience died at the age of 99 years at Stoughton and is buried at Canton. Fred & Arlene visited the Canton Cemetery but did not find any stones in 1965 and at later dates.
     He settled as early as 1713 in the Dorchester New Grant , which in 1726 became the town of Stoughton. His farm was in that part of the New Grant which is now the town of Canton. The town records of Stoughton show that all of his children came to his new home, except Nathaniel.
       Thomas and his wife were members of Mr.Dunbar's Church, called :The Church,"and afterwards the "First Church in Stoughton,"now in Canton. He was received in full communion 5 August 1722. Mr.Dunbar wrote in the original church records that,"6 november 1738, Thomas Tolman, our aged brother, fell down dead at his work." And again, 14 March 1746, the aged widow Tolman gave 5 pounds to the church.
      He had inherited his father's land and second lot in the 12th didision of 60 acres in Canton, deeded to Thomas, 1695. He left no will but divided his estate among his children while living.
Abt 1668
Lynn, Essex, Massachusetts
Bef 1670
Lynn, Essex, Massachusetts
Dorchester, Suffolk, Massachusetts
6 Nov 1738
Lynn, Essex, Masssachusetts
26 Nov 1671
Dorchester, Suffolk, Massachusetts
8 Mar 1759
Milton, Norfolk, Massachusetts
13 Dec 1689
Dorchester, Norfolk, Massachus 
22 Dec 1716
11 Jun 1676
Dorchester, Suffolk, Massachusetts
18 May 1738
Dorchester, Suffolk, Massachusettes
13 Mar 1728
Dorchester, Suffolk, Massachus 
                   Vital Records of Bridgewateer, Plymouth, MA;Vital Records of Dorchester, Suffolk, MA;First church of Dorchester, Suffolk, MA; MA, Genealogies, V.3, p.1989-1991; Boston and Eastern MA, by Cutter, p.886;

Samuel Tolman 1676-1738:  About 1695 his father built for him the house, now standing, in Tolman's Lane, near Washington Street, Dorchester, where he resided until his death.  This house descended to his son Aquilla, and to his grandson , Increase. It is now owned by Miss Abigail Baker.

PICTURE OF THE HOUSE:  Built for him by his father and probably the oldest house of any Tolman.  It stood within 100 feet of Pine Neck Creek on the west and 200 feet on the north, where the creek formed an Elbow.

PICTURES OF GRAVESTONES OF SAMUEL & ELIZABETH:  Taken by L.Glen Tonge at the Old Dorchester Cemetery, formerly called the Upham's Corner's Burying Ground, in October 1996 when he and some of his family were there.

1- Vital Records of Bridgewater, Plymouth, Massachusetts, p.74,316. FHL film# 164691.
2- Vital Records of Dorchester, FHL film #014748, p.20 Desire Clad, p. 24 Sarah Pond. Children 1-12,  p.50,51,53,55,56,58,60,63,64,69,71. Parents marriage p.104. Husbands 2nd marriage P.113. Marriages: Aquilla p.116; Desire, NOTE* His marriage is a wrong one as Sarah Howe married his Nephew Desire:::: Johnson p.225; Elizabeth p.119; Deaths: Aquilla p.261; Samuel (1706) & Samuel (1707) p.126; Priscilla p.127; Elizabeth (1714) p.128; Elizabeth (1723) p.271.
3-Vital Records of Bridgewater, FHL film #164692, p. 565.
4-First Church of Dorchester Vital Record, FHL film #856696, p.53.
5-Boston Marriages 1700-1751, FHL bk 974.46/B1/H2b, p.264.
6-Ministers Records of Second Parish of Stoughton, Rev. Phillip Curtis 1742-1797; now found in the Sharon Historical Society, Sharon Town Hall, FHL film #940507, p. 5, 6.
7-Marriages od Bridgewater, FHL bk #974.48, V.25b, p.124.
8-Logan Temple date on FGS at sealing,FHL Archives.
9-International Genmealogical Index, IGI FHL.
10- Stoughton Old Cemetery Inscriptions, FHL film #861510, p.28, "Johnson Tolman died Oct 1796, a.80y." "Elizabeth, widow of Johnson d. Feb 1803 age 81years.  Temple work has been done many times for all the people on this sheet.
1 May 1679
Dorchester, Suffolk, Massachusetts
30 Apr 1761
Dorchester, Suffolk, Massachusetts
16 Apr 1708
Dorchester, Suffolk, Massachus 
                      Vital Records of Dorchester, Suffolk, MA, 974.461/M26, V.21, p.105, US #856696; Vital Records of Bridgewater,Plymouth, MA;First Church of Dorchester Records;Humphrey Family in America, pub. 1883; TIB,1263033, 1263468; IGI, No335;

Daniel Tolman 1679-1761;
       Daniel owned 4 houses as appears by his inventory. One was at the waterside, on land now owned by heirs of Joseph Tolman. He gave another to his son,Daniel,on the corner of Ashmount Street and Dorchester Avenue. The old well still remains in front of this house. He gave a 3rd to son Jonas and a 4th to son Ebenezer and it still stands on Adams Street.
FamilyCentral Network
Thomas Tolman - Elizabeth Johnson

Thomas Tolman was born at Lancaster, Lancashire, England May 1633. His parents were Thomas Tolman and Sarah Tolman.

He married Elizabeth Johnson 4 Nov 1664 at Lynn, Essex, Massachusetts . Elizabeth Johnson was born at Lynn, Essex, Massaschusetts 1644 daughter of Richard Johnson and Alice Johnson, Mrs. .

They were the parents of 7 children:
Thomas Tolman born 3 Aug 1665.
Daniel Tolman born Abt 1668.
Thomas Tolman born 1668.
Mary Tolman born 26 Nov 1671.
Thomas Tolman born 1673.
Samuel Tolman born 11 Jun 1676.
Daniel Tolman born 1 May 1679.

Thomas Tolman died 12 Sep 1718 at Dorchester, Suffolk, Massachuetts .

Elizabeth Johnson died 14 Dec 1726 at Dorchester, Suffolk, Massachusetts .