Jakob Friedrich (Fritz) (Fred) SCHEIHING

28 Nov 1863
Untertürkheim, Oberamt Cannstatt, Württemberg
14 Oct 1929
Latty, Benton Township, Des Moines Co, Iowa
16 Oct 1929
Zion Evangelical Church Cemetery, Latty, Benton Township, Des Moines Co, near Sperry IA
30 Oct 1888
Burlington, Des Moines Co, Iowa
                   Elizabeth Roemer was sister of Eleanora Roemer.

His granddaughter, Viola McAllister, daughter of Ray McAllister and Julia Ann Scheihing, is buried also in Latty Church Cemetery near Sperry, IA.

Iowa State Census 1895, Des Moines Co
Dwelling 41, Fam 49
Fred Scheihing, age 31, born in Germany, Farmer, Lutheran
Elisebeth Scheihing, age 31, born in Germany, Keeping house, Lutheran
Albert Scheihing, age 5, born in Des Moines Co, Ia
Bertha Scheihing, age 4, born in Des Moines Co, Ia
Anna Scheihing, age 0, born in Des Moines Co, Ia

FHC Film #1055966
Taufen 1801-1875
1863, No. 83
Jacob Friederich, son of Johann Gottlieb Scheÿhing, citizen and vintner, and Christiana Dorothea geb. Munk, born 28 Nov 1863 between ten and eleven in the evening; baptized 6 Dec 1863. Tauf-Zeugen: (1) Jonathan Scheÿhing, vintner; (3) Christiana Elisabetha Scheÿhing.

Birth and Death year taken from Cemetery Records, Benton Township, Des Moines County, IA, Latty Church Cemetery, Sec. 31. Also in the Latty Church Sterbfälle record. However,  Marjorie Ann Walker Schnedler and Helen Selma Heckenberg Burroughs are of the opinion that he died on 23 Oct 1929.

Matthew Warren Latty

	Matthew Warren Latty came to Des Moines County in 1838, and staked his claim in Benton Township. He purchased 3320 acres at $1.25 per acre. He then returned to Kentucky for his wife, Sara Rice Latty and their five children. During the long trip by wagon from Kentucky, all five children died, the last one near Quincy, Illinois. Their first child born in Iowa, John, born in 1834, is said to have been the first white child born in Benton Township and one of the first in Des Moines county. They had four more children,, Joseph, James, Sara and Mary. Matthew was a member of Iowa's first grand jury. Joseph eventually took over the farm. Sara married Luther Vannice and they were pioneers in the state of Washington. James was a soldier in the Civil War and a sheriff in Des Moines County from 1867-1872.

	In 1867, Matthew Latty sold, for $1.00, a strip of land to the Cedar Rapids and Burlington Rail-Way Company. A station was built there and called Latty Station. It included a post office and general store. Latty School was built nearby and also Latty Church. The community was known as "Latty". The station is now a garage in Sperry and the school is closed. The church still has a small congregation. The Lattys attended the school but never have been members of the church. It was at one time a German speaking church and the Lattys were Irish.

In the Kirchenbuch, the funeral text is John 14:1.

Des Moines County Probate Records

Scheihing, Fred Jacob. Probate filed 21 Oct 1929, case 4509, Box K-142

Ev. St. Lucas Gemeinde
13 & South
Burlington, Iowa
Kirchenbuch I, 150
Am Palmsontag 21 Marz 1880
No. 5, Jacob Friedrich Scheihing, Sohn Gottlieb Scheihing, geb. 28 Nov 1863.
Elisabeth RÖMER
8 Nov 1864
Climbach, Londorf, Großherzogtum Hessen-Darmstadt
Des Moines Co, Iowa
Zion Evangelical Church Cemetery, Latty, Benton Township, Des Moines Co, near Sperry IA
                   In the Zion Burlington Church Register, her birth date is given as 1865.

However, in the Londorf/Climbach Geburts Protocoll No. 62, 1864 p. 595:
Elisabeth, Tochter von Balthasar Römer und Barbara geb. Weller, den dritte Kind geb. 8 Nov Morgens um ein Uhr, getauft 30 Nov. Zeuge: Elisabeth Betz, Heinrich Römer

Death year taken from Cemetery Records, Benton Township, Des Moines County, IA, Latty Church Cemetery, Sec. 31.

Londorf (Climbach) Geburts Protocoll  (Birth and Baptism)
Microfilm #1201525
Geburts Protocol 1858-1867
1864, No. 62, page 595 - Elisabeth Römer
In the year of Christ one thousand eight hundred sixty four, on the eighth of November in the morning around one o'clock, after credible notification presented here (or "after proper banns"- nach geschehener glaubhafter Anzeige) in Climbach, a branch (filial, affiliated church/chapel) belonging to the (combined, joint) parish here,of Balthaser Römer, Citizen(Ortsbürger) and innkeeper (Wirth), himself with his legal wife (Ehefrau) Barbara neé Weller, the third child, the third daughter was born, and was baptized the eighteenth of the same month and given the name
1) Elisabeth Betz, (daughter) of Jost Betz, Citizen and woodworker (Schreiner) of Climbach, legitimate unmarried daughter; and
2) Heinrich Römer, (son) of Johannes Römer the third, Citizen of Climbach and presently a golddigger in California (gegenwärtig Geldgräber in California), legitimate unmarried son, following the Protocoll with the father of the child and I, the pastor (Pfarrer), have signed our names.

Germans to America
V54, p. 61
Ship Aller, Bremen to New York
Arr. 5 Mar 1887
Roemer, Elisabetha    23    F
             , Cath.           15    F

FHC Film# 1027372
No. 230
SS Aller, Bremen to New York
H. Christoffer, Master
Arr. 5 Mar 1887

No.   Name                 Age  Sex  Calling  Country of Origin Destination  Space    Baggage
298  Elisabeth Römer  23     F      none     Germany U.S.A.         Steerage II        2 pieces
299   Catha     "         15     "        "             " "                   "

The ages correspond to those of Elisabetha and Eleanora in 1887. The record is also clear that they are travelling together, and have 2 pieces of baggage together. Since names were often variable and ship's lists not always precise. it is reasonable to conclude that this is the record of their emigration.
5 Apr 1887
Latty, Benton Township, Des Moines Co, Iowa
6 Jul 1960
Latty, Benton Township, Des Moines Co, Iowa
                   Had no children of their own, but raised the three Neil children. May have been nieces and a nephew.

Latty Kirchenbuch, Sterbfälle, 333
John Scheihing, age 73, died 6 Jul 1960, buried 9 Jul 1960 in Latty Church cemetery.

Mary Jane Dotson Scheihing "always heard that he was adopted." The parents seemed to favor John over Albert.
24 Aug 1889
Burlington Township, Des Moines Co, Iowa
5 Jun 1968
Wapello, Louisa Co, Iowa
16 Feb 1916
                          Name: Albert F. Scheihing
       Sex: M
       Born: 1889
       Died: 1968
       Age: 79
       Buried: Wapello (township = Wapello)
       Military Service: none
       Book: LCC ©1990 - page W-90
       Notes: 1889-1968

Evangelische St. Lucas Gemeinde
14th & South, Burlington, Iowa
Kirchenbuch I, 18
No. 33, 1889
Albert Friedrich, sohn v. F. Scheihing u. dessen Gattin Elisab. geb. Roemer, geboren 24 Aug 1889 in Burlington Township, getauft 19 Oct 1889 im Pfarrhaus der Ev. St. Luk. Gemeinde. Pathe: Karl W. Scheihing.
30 Jan 1891
Latty, Benton Township, Des Moines Co, Iowa
12 Apr 1922
Zion Evangelical Church Cemete 
                   Had no children.

Baptismal sponsors are Barbara Römer and Elisa Römer. Barbara Römer is probably her grandmother Barbara Weller Römer. Elisa is probably her aunt Elise Römer,
14 Mar 1894
Latty, Benton Township, Des Moines Co, Iowa
28 Sep 1921
Zion Evangelical Church Cemete 
                   Her Confirmation on Palm Sunday was by Pastor Johann Georg Herrlinger.
12 Feb 1897
Latty, Benton Township, Des Moines Co, Iowa
23 Nov 1968
Burlington, Des Moines Co, Iowa
Mathilda Finke

Mrs. Mathilda Pauline Finke, 71, West Burlington (IA), Rt. 1, was dead on arrival at Mercy hospital Saturday, Nov. 23.

She was born Feb. 12, 1897, at Latty, IA, the daughter of Fred and Elizabeth Remmer (Roemer) Scheihing. Jan. 3, 1950, at Hubbard, she married Lawrence Finke.

Mrs. Finke was a member of Grace Lutheran Church.

Surviving: The husband; two daughters, Mrs. Robert (Dorothy) Hoscheck, Burlington, Mrs. Leslie (Virginia) Gerling, Mediapolis, and Paul and Eugene Luttenegger, both of Burlington.; two step-sons, Willett Finke, Danville, Clifford Finke, Columbus Junction; one step-daughter, Mrs. Carl (Pauline) De Fosse, Burlington; 26 grandchildren; two great grandchildren; two sisters, MRs. Russell (Emma) Walker, Burlington, Mrs. Ray (Julia) McAllister, Whitten.

Services: 2 p.m. Tuesday, Elliott-Lunning chapel, Rev. arno Frerichs; Prairie Grove cemetery.

In the Kirchenbuch is the notation that she was confirmed "Deutsch," meaning in the German language, as were five others on that Palm Sunday, while two were confirmed "English."

In Zion's Centennial: Zion Evangelical and Reformed Church, Latty Iowa, 1853-1953 is the following description of the language tension in the Zion Church:

"1906 - Membership reached 135 and then began to wane. It was a time of transition from German and its attendant customs. Up to now the pastor had acted as Sunday School Superintendent. The Church Council sat in a group near the pulpit. The men sat on one side of the aisle and the women on the other. The transition was far too slow. The Sunday bSchool was reorganized in English except for one class."
                   Information the descendants of Emma Marie Elisabeth Scheihing and John Russell Walker comes from Penny Schnedler-Huston.

Penny Schnedler-Huston says the place of birth was Tama Co, IA.

In the Kirchenbuch is the notation that she was confirmed "Deutsch," meaning in the German language, as were two others on that Palm Sunday, while five were confirmed "English."

In Zion's Centennial: Zion Evangelical and Reformed Church, Latty Iowa, 1853-1953 is the following description of the language tension in the Zion Church:

"1906 - Membership reached 135 and then began to wane. It was a time of transition from German and its attendant customs. Up to now the pastor had acted as Sunday School Superintendent. The Church Council sat in a group near the pulpit. The men sat on one side of the aisle and the women on the other. The transition was far too slow. The Sunday School was reorganized in English except for one class."
                   Or in Whitten Iowa

In the Kirchenbuch is the notation that she was confirmed "English," meaning in the German language, as were two others on that Palm Sunday.

1917 was the first year in which none of the Confirmands were confirmed "Deutsch."

In Zion's Centennial: Zion Evangelical and Reformed Church, Latty Iowa, 1853-1953 is the following description of the language tension in the Zion Church:

"1906 - Membership reached 135 and then began to wane. It was a time of transition from German and its attendant customs. Up to now the pastor had acted as Sunday School Superintendent. The Church Council sat in a group near the pulpit. The men sat on one side of the aisle and the women on the other. The transition was far too slow. The Sunday School was reorganized in English except for one class."

"1916 - Brought Rev. Abele direct from the seminary without German accent and interest increased. A young peoples' society flourished for a time.  The Rebecca Class with about 22 young ladies as membbers with Carrie Pitcher as their leader was formed. It was a valued organizatino for a number of years."
FamilyCentral Network
Jakob Friedrich (Fritz) (Fred) Scheihing - Elisabeth Römer

Jakob Friedrich (Fritz) (Fred) Scheihing was born at Untertürkheim, Oberamt Cannstatt, Württemberg 28 Nov 1863.

He married Elisabeth Römer 30 Oct 1888 at Burlington, Des Moines Co, Iowa . Elisabeth Römer was born at Climbach, Londorf, Großherzogtum Hessen-Darmstadt 8 Nov 1864 daughter of Johann Balser (Balthasar) Römer and Barbara Weller .

They were the parents of 7 children:
John Scheihing born 5 Apr 1887.
Albert Friedrich (Albert Fred) Scheihing born 24 Aug 1889.
Bertha Elisabeth Scheihing born 30 Jan 1891.
Anna Luise Scheihing born 14 Mar 1894.
Mathilda Pauline (Tillie) Scheihing born 12 Feb 1897.

Jakob Friedrich (Fritz) (Fred) Scheihing died 14 Oct 1929 at Latty, Benton Township, Des Moines Co, Iowa .

Elisabeth Römer died 1931 at Des Moines Co, Iowa .