Hans Heinrich (Henry H.) WESTPHALEN

25 Mar 1860
New Holstein, Calumet Co, Wisconsin
13 Jul 1930
Ridgeley Township, Scribner, Dodge Co, Nebraska
St. John's Lutheran Cemetery, Ridgeley, Dodge Co, Nebraska
4 Feb 1892
Hooper, Dodge Co, Nebraska
                   Dodge and Washington Counties, p. 913 (date unknown)
Henry Westphalen is able to record a residence in Dodge County of forty years, and those have been the most productive and successful years of his life. He is one of the leading farmers of Ridgeley Township, his home being in section 26.

He was born in Wisconsin in 1860. His father, John Westphalen, was a native of Germany and an early settler of Wisconsin, where he lived a number of years. About 1880 he came to Dodge County, Nebraska, and bought eighty acres near Scribner. At the time of his death he owned 200 acres.

Henry Westphalen was twenty years of age when he came to Nebraska, had a common school education and some knowledge of farming, and has turned those advantages to good account in his work as an agriculturist and his varied relations with the community. He owns a farm of  200 acres, and has put its improvements among the very best. He is a republican voter and a member of the Lutheran Church.

His first wife was a Miss Roemer, who at her death left two children. For his second wife he married Alice  Roemer, and they have five children.

Hans Henry Westphalen
25 Mar 1860 - 13 Jul 1930

Ridgeley Lutheran Cemetery 8C

Geburts- und Tauf-Schein
Den beiden Ehegatten als: Herrn Johann Jacob Westphalen und seiner ehelichen Hausfrau Antje Chrisitina eine geboren Moeller wurde am 27 März in Jahre unseres Herrn 1860 ein Sohn geboren in New Holstein, Calumet County, Wis, und am 4 December 1870 durch den Ehrw. C. A. C. Pinchert getauft und Hans Heinrich Westlphalen genannt. Die Taufpathen waren Hans Jacob Westphalen, Peter Westphalen, Catharina Westphalen. Verzeugt von C. A. C. Pinchert, Pastor der  deutschen evangelischen Gemeinde zu New Holstein, Wis.

[Birth and Baptismal Certificate
Both the married couple Mr. Johann Jacob Westphalen and his legitimate wife Antje Christina gebb. Moeller to whom a Son was born in New Holstein, Calumet Co, WI, on 27 March in the year of our Lord 1860, was baptized the 4th of December 1870 by C. A. C. Pinchert and named Hans Heinrich Westphalen. Baptismal sponsors were: Hans Jacob Westphalen, Peter Westphalen, Catharina Westphalen. Certified by C. A. C. Pinchert, Pastor of the German Evangelical Church of New Holstein, WI.]

This certificate is in the possession of Barry Hempstead, grandson of Hans Heinrich  Westphalen and Elise Roemer Westphalen.
Elise (Alice) (Leisa) RÖMER
15 Feb 1870
La Villette, Paris, France
13 Jan 1937
Scribner, Dodge Co, Nebraska
16 Jan 1937
St. John's Lutheran Cemetery, Ridgeley, Dodge Co, Nebraska
                   She was a witness at the marriage of Elisabeth Roemer and Jacob Friedrich Scheihing, at which C. W. Scheihing was also a witness:

Evangelische St. Lucas Gemeinde
Kirchenbuch I, 211
1888, No. 10
Fried. Scheihing, gebürtig aus Wuertenberg, Deutschland, & Frl. Elis. Roemer, gebürtig aus Hessen, 30 Oct 1888 in Pfarrhause der Ev. St. Lukas Kirche zu Burlington, Iowa. Zeuge: Mr. C. W. Scheihing u. Frl. Elise Roemer.

She was a witness/Godparent for Maria Elisa Hillgaertner, daughter of Wilhelm Hillgaertner and Luisa nee Römer:

1889, page 128, No. 13
On 8 June Maria Elisa Hillgaertner was baptized. Born 2 Mar 1889, daughter of Wilhelm Hillgaertner and Luisa Römer. Sponsor: Miss Elise Römer.

She was a witness/Godparent (Pathen), along with her mother Barbara Römer, for Bertha Elisabeth Scheihing, daughter of Fritz Scheihing and Elisabetha nee Römer:

1891, page 139, No. 18
On 16 May Bertha Elisabeth Scheihing was baptized. Born 30 Jan 1891, daughter of Fritz Scheihing and Elisabeth geb. Römer. Sponsors: Barbara (Weller) Römer, Elisa Römer.

Church records of St. John's Lutheran Church, Ridgeley Twp, Dodge Co, NE:
Elise Roemer Westphalen, b. 15 Feb 1870, died 13 Jan 1937.

Nat Anderson, great-grandson of Luisa Römer Hillgärtner, relates the oral tradition that a daughter of Balthasar and Barbara Weller Römer moved to Scribner, NE, where she married Henry Westphalen. There were at least two children: a boy, Louis, and a girl, Martha. Louis is thought to have married a Burlington native, or at least the story was that he went to Burlington to get his bride to take back to Nebraska around 1910.

Like so many stories in family oral tradition, this one is partly correct, partly confused. Henry Westphalen's first wife, Barbara Römer, was a god-child of Barbara Weller Römer, as well as a niece of Balthasar Römer. When she died in 1889, Henry was left with three small children, ages 14 months through 4. It was a impossible situation for a farmer in those days. While it is speculation, it is not reasonable to think that Henry knew Barbara's god-mother in Burlington had a young, still unmarried daughter.

At the time, Elise was the only unmarried daughter of Balthasar and Barbara Weller Römer. Elise's younger sister, Eleanora, had married C. W. Scheihing in 1890. At 21, going on 22, Elise was on the verge of being an "old maid" in those days.

Probable place of birth: according to the record of her death and burial in St. John's Lutheran Church, Ridgley, Dodge Co, NE, she was born in Paris, France. La Villette, Paris, is the place where her younger sister, Eleonora, was confirmed in 1887, and where her Great-Grandfather Henri (Heinrich) Commelin was from.

St. John's Lutheran Church, Ridgley Twp, Dodge Co, NE:
Deaths 1937
Eliza Westphalen, born 15 Feb 1870 at Paris, France, died 13 Jan 1937. Buried 16 Jan 1937 at the Ridgeley Cemetery.

Plot 8D, in the same plot with Anna C. Westphalen, first born of Henry and Barbara (Betty) Roemer Westphalen.
Elise Westphalen
15 Feb 1870 - 13 Jan 1937

Germans to America
V58, p. 202
Trave, Bremen and Southampton to New York
arr 18 Oct 1889
Roemer, Elise   22  F Occupation unknown

FHC Film #1027776
No. 1429
German Steamer Trave
W. Willigerod, Master
arr. 18 Oct 1889

Passengers taken on board at Bremen
Number      Name      Age   Sex    Occupation   Origin    Destination Date/Cause Death  Space                       Pieces of Baggage
No. 236  Elise Römer 22     F                          Germany U.S. 23-25                     Steerage II Cabin 3a   1

Although Elise was just 19 in 1889 when the Trave arrived in New York, not 22 as stated on the Ship's List, it was common for travelers to overstate their age. The issue more questionable is the "23-25" in the Date and Cause of Death column. What does it mean?
Martha Christine WESTPHALEN
9 Jan 1893
Scribner, Dodge Co, Nebraska
2 Aug 1953
Ridgeley Township, Scribner, Dodge Co, Nebraska
                   Plot 8H
Martha C. Westphalen
9 Jan 1893 - 2 Aug 1953

Martha Christine geb. den 9ten Januar 1893 in Ridgeley, Nebr., Tochter von Heinrich Westphalen und seiner Ehefrau Elise geb. Roemer ist am 12ten März 1893 in der Ev. Luth. St. John. Gemeinde zu Ridgeley, Dodge Co, Nebr. in Namen des Dreieinigen Gottes getauft worden. Taufpathen waren: Frau Christine Westphalen, sen.; Fritz Marquardt. Ludwig Frank, Ev. Luth. Pastor, Ridgeley, Nebr.

[Baptism Certificate: Martha Christine, born the 9th of January 1893 in Ridgeley, NE, daughter of Heinrich Westphalen and his wife Elise geb. Roemer was baptized the 12th of March 1893 in the Evangelical Lutheran St. John's Church of Ridgeley, Dodge Co, NE, in the name of the Triune God. Baptismal sponsors were:  Mrs. Christine Westphalen, senior; Fritz Marquardt. Ludwig Frank, Evangelical Lutheran Pastor, Ridgeley, NE.]

The certificate is in the possession of Barry Hempstead, grandson of Heinrich and Elise Roemer Westphalen.
Adolph Theodor WESTPHALEN
8 Apr 1896
Scribner, Dodge Co, Nebraska
5 Mar 1959
Ridgeley Township, Scribner, Dodge Co, Nebraska
                   Sylvia Egelston Schroeder remembers her family going to Nebraska and the Black Hills in 1949. In Scribner, NE, they visited "Uncle Adolph," who lived with a maiden sister. This was undoubtedly Adolph Theodore and his sister Meta Westphalen who never married and lived together on the Westphalen family farm.

Adolph T. Westphalen
Born April 8, 1896
Departed this life March 5, 1959

Services from the Ridgeley Lutheran Church
Clergyman: Rev. Harlan Brei

Pallbearers: B. Havekost, H. Roemer, G. Lamberty, J. J. Lamberty, H. Porter, O. Koester

Laid to rest Ridgeley Lutheran Cemetery
March 9, 1959
Arrangements by the Spear Funeral Home

Plot 8F
Adolph T. Westphalen
8 Apr 1896 - 5 Mar 1959

St. John's Lutheran Church, Ridgeley, Dodge Co, NE
Taufen 1896
Pathen: Adolph Kurth, Louise Roemer, George Theodor Meister
Charles Henry WESTPHALEN
5 Nov 1899
Scribner, Dodge Co, Nebraska
1 Jun 1974
Ridgeley Township, Scribner, Dodge Co, Nebraska
                   An old bachelor, Charles Henry lived with his sister Meta in the family home throughout his life. At time he took an angus calf to the basement of the house to bottle feed. Unfortunately, he kept the calf in the basement too long, until, having grow into a yearling, the calf was too big to get up the basement stairs. Consider also the aroma of a calf living in the basement for over a year The dilemma was resolved when Charles Henry butchered the young steer in the basement.

Plot 8G
Charles H. Westphalen
8 Nov 1899 - 1 June 1974
                   Meta D. Westphalen

Funeral services for Meta D. Westphalen, 91, of 450 W. 10th St., Fremont,, will be 1:30 p.m. Monday at Moser Memorial Chapel in Fremont.

Ms. Westphalen died Thursday, Feb. 20, 1992, at Hooper Care Center.

She was born Jan. 28, 1901, near Scribneer and attended school at Ridgeley.

Ms. Westphalen lived on a farm near Ridgeley until 1986 when she moved to Fremont. She recently moved to the Hooper Care Center.

She waas a member of St. John Lutheran Church at Ridgeley.

Survivors include a brother-in-law, George Hempstead of Fremont; two nephews, Barry Hempsteead and Dewey Stiver of Fremont; and one niece, Ramona Stiver of Omaha.

Ms. Westphalen was precedeed in death by her parents, Henry and Leisa (Roemer) Westphalen, two brothers and two sisters.

The Rev. Dana Markk of St. Timothy Lutheran Church will officiate at Monday's services.

Burial is at St. John's Lutheran Cemetery at Ridgeley.

Fremont Funeral for Meta Westphalen, 91

Meta D. Westphalen, 92, of Fremont died Thursday, Feb. 20, 1992 at the Hooper Care Center in Hooper.

She was born Jan. 28, 1901 southwest of Scribner, Nebr. to Henry and Leisa (Roemer) Westphalen. She attended school at Ridgeley near Scribner and lived on a farm near Ridgeley until 1986 when she moved to Fremont. She was a homemaker. She moved to the Hooper Care Center last week. She was a member of St. John's Ridgeley Lutheran Church near Scribner.

She is survived by a brother-in-law, George Hempstead of Fremont; nephews, Barry Hempstead and Dewey Stiver of Fremont; and niece, Ramona Stiver of Omaha.

She was preceded in death by her parents; brothers, Charles and Adolph Westphalen; sisters, Martha Westphalen and Nora Hempstead.

Services were held Monday, Feb. 24, 1992 at 1:30 -.m. at Moser Memorial Chapel, Fremont. The Rev. Dana Mark of St. Timothy Lutheran Church officiated. Burial was in St. John's Lutheran Cemetery at Ridgeley with arrangements by Moser Memorial Chapel, Fremont.

She is buried in Westplalen plot 8E. There is no gravestone, only a flush metal marker which may be covered by grass.

St. John's Lutheran Church, Ridgeley, Dodge Co, NE:
Taufen 1901
Pathen: Matthes Lamberty, Mary Thomsen, Dora Dearinger
Nora Hempstead

Services for Nora Hempstead, 67, of 450 W. 10th St., will be 2 p.m. Monday at Salem Lutheran Church. The Rev. J. W. Berry will officiate.

Mrs. Hempstead died Thursday morning in the Fremont hospital.

She was born April 13, 1911, in Scribner. She had lived in Fremont since 1953. She had formerly lived in Hooper and Scribner.

She married George Hempstead Dec. 24, 1952, in Tekamah. He survives.

Other survivors include husband, George; sons, Dewey Stiver of Ames and Barry Hempstead of Fremont; daughter, Ramona Stiver of Omaha; sister, Meta Westphalen of Scribner; and five grandchildren.

Burial will be in Memorial Cemetery.

St. John's Lutheran Church, Ridgeley, Dodge Co, NE:
Taufen 1906
Pathen: Carl Westphalen, Mrs. Anna Westphalen, Mrs. Lizzie Schomshor
FamilyCentral Network
Hans Heinrich (Henry H.) Westphalen - Elise (Alice) (Leisa) Römer

Hans Heinrich (Henry H.) Westphalen was born at New Holstein, Calumet Co, Wisconsin 25 Mar 1860.

He married Elise (Alice) (Leisa) Römer 4 Feb 1892 at Hooper, Dodge Co, Nebraska . Elise (Alice) (Leisa) Römer was born at La Villette, Paris, France 15 Feb 1870 daughter of Johann Balser (Balthasar) Römer and Barbara Weller .

They were the parents of 5 children:
Martha Christine Westphalen born 9 Jan 1893.
Adolph Theodor Westphalen born 8 Apr 1896.
Charles Henry Westphalen born 5 Nov 1899.

Hans Heinrich (Henry H.) Westphalen died 13 Jul 1930 at Ridgeley Township, Scribner, Dodge Co, Nebraska .

Elise (Alice) (Leisa) Römer died 13 Jan 1937 at Scribner, Dodge Co, Nebraska .