Johannes RÖMER, I

16 Jul 1768
Climbach, Londorf, Großherzogtum Hessen-Darmstadt
17 Mar 1844
Climbach, Londorf, Großherzogtum Hessen-Darmstadt
4 Feb 1791
Climbach, Londorf, Großherzogtum Hessen-Darmstadt
                   In the Marriage Record, his birth date is recorded as 16 Aug 1768 in

Londorf (Climbach)
Microfilm #1201529
Sterb Protocoll (Death)  1834-1849
1844, No. 19, page 292 - Johannes Römer I
Johannes Römer I died 17 Mar 1844 about seven in the evening. Citizen and farmer in Climbach., age 75 years, 9 months and 4 days (born 16 Aug 1768). Buried 20 Mar 1844 about four in the afternoon in the presence of Adam Lotz, citizen, and Heinrich Hestelbach, day laborer, both of Climbach.

Londorf (Climbach) Geburts Register
Microfilm #1195985
Geburts Protocol 1673-1786
1768, p. 200, no. 50 - Johannes Römer, a young son of Joh. Heinrich
Römer and his wife of Glimbach, baptized 18 Jul 1768, born 16 Jul
1768. Godparent: Johannes Carl of the same place
Added note: + (died) 17 Mar 1844

This child could also be the son of Johann Heinrich bapt 21 Nov 1723,
grandson of Johann Jost bapt 25 Nov 1679, if he also married a
Anna Margaretha MAGEL
8 Dec 1771
Climbach, Londorf, Großherzogtum Hessen-Darmstadt
24 May 1847
Climbach, Londorf, Großherzogtum Hessen-Darmstadt
                   Londorf (Climbach)
Microfilm #1201529
Sterb Protocoll (Death)  1834-1849
1847, No. 35, page 358 - Anna Margaretha Römer neé Magel
Anna Margaretha Römer neé Magel died in Climbach 24 May 1847 about eleven in the morning, the widow of Johannes Römer I, citizen and farmer in Climbach, age 75 years, 5 months and 16 days (born 8 Dec 1771). Buried 26 May 1847 about three in the afternoon in the presence of Kaspar Hilgärtner, farmer, and Adam Lotz, farmer.
1 Apr 1791
Climbach, Londorf, Großherzogtum Hessen-Darmstadt
14 Dec 1863
Climbach, Londorf, Großherzogtum Hessen-Darmstadt
27 Dec 1818
Climbach, Londorf, Großherzogt 
                   Londorf (Climbach)
Microfilm #1201530
Sterb Protocoll (Death)  1850-1871
1863, No. 32, page 438 - Johann Jacob Römer
Johann Jacob Römer, citizen and farmer of Climbach, a widower, died 14 Dec 1863 about one in the afternoon of a stroke (Schlagfluß), age 72 years, 8 months, and 12 days. Buried 16 Dec 1863 about two in the afternoon in the presence of the gravedigger (Todtengräber) Heinrich Wißner II and  citizen Ludwig Leÿeres, both of Climbach.

Londorf (Climbach) Geburts Protocoll  (Birth and Baptism)
Microfilm #1195986
Geburts Protocol 1786-1807
1791, page 26 - Johann Jakob Römer
Johann Jakob Römer, born 1 April 1791. Son of Johannes Römer and his wife Margaretha Magelin. Baptized 2 April 1791. Godparent (Gottaltern): (1) the mother's brother Jakob, son of Peter Magel; (2) Helena, Joh. Heinrich Römer's daughter.
Added note: Died 14 Dec 1863.
25 Apr 1796
Climbach, Londorf, Großherzogtum Hessen-Darmstadt
6 Feb 1856
Climbach, Londorf, Großherzogtum Hessen-Darmstadt
                   Londorf (Climbach)
Microfilm #1201530
Sterb Protocoll (Death)  1850-1871
1856, No. 10, page 604 - Anna Maria Römer
Anna Maria Römer died 6 Feb 1856 about nine in the morning, daughter of the late Johannes Römer I, citizen and farmer in Climbach, and his wife the late Anna Margaretha neé Magel, age 59 years, 9 months and 11 days (born 15 Apr 1796). Buried 8 Feb 1856 about two in the afternoon in the presence of citizen and farmer of Heinrich Wißner II and Johannes Wißner, both of Climbach.

Londorf (Climbach) Geburts Protocoll  (Birth and Baptism)
Microfilm #1195986
Geburts Protocol 1786-1807
1796, page 31 - Anna Maria Römer
Anna Maria Römer, born 25 April 1796. Daughter of Johann Römer and his
wife Anna Margaretha neé Magel of Glimbach. Baptized 27 April 1796.
Godparents (Gottaltern): (1) Anna Maria, wife of Wilhelm Frd. Mann;
(2) Wilhelm Stein; both of Glimbach.
Added note: Died 6 Feb 1856.

Londorf (Climbach)
Confirmanden Register (Confirmation) 1808-1875
Microfilm #1201531
1810, p. 12, Glimbach - Anna Maria Römer, Johannes Römer und Margaretha, geboren Magel.
6 Feb 1805
Climbach, Londorf, Großherzogtum Hessen-Darmstadt
15 Feb 1889
2 Nov 1836
Climbach, Londorf, Großherzogt 
                   Londorf (Climbach) Geburts Protocoll  (Birth and Baptism)
Microfilm #1195986
Geburts Protocol 1786-1807
1805, page 41 - Helena Römer
Helena Römer, born 6 Feb 1805. Daughter of Johannes Römer and his wife
Margaretha neé Magel of Glimbach. Baptized 10 Feb 1805. Godparents
(Gottaltern): (1) the mother's sister, Helena, wife of Johannes
Conrad; (2) Gotthard Schmdt.
Added note: + (died) 15 Feb 1889 in Wirteck.

Londorf (Climbach)
Confirmanden Register (Confirmation) 1808-1875
Microfilm #1201531
1819, p. 60, Glimbach - Helena Römer, Johannes Römer und Margaretha, geboren Magel
21 Feb 1807
Climbach, Londorf, Großherzogtum Hessen-Darmstadt
28 Oct 1855
Climbach, Londorf, Großherzogtum Hessen-Darmstadt
11 Apr 1835
Climbach, Londorf, Großherzogt 
                   Londorf (Climbach)
Microfilm #1201530
Sterb Protocoll (Death)  1850-1871
1855, No. 121, page 578 - Johannes Römer II
Johannes Römer II died 28 Oct 1855 about ten in the morning, citizen and farmer of Climbach. Age 48 years, 8 months and 7 days (born 21 Feb 1807). Buried 30 Oct 1855 about two in the afternoon in the presence of Heinrich Stein and Jacob Conrad II, citizens and farmers of Climbach.

Londorf (Climbach) Geburts Protocoll  (Birth and Baptism)
Microfilm #1195986
Geburts Protocol 1786-1807
1807, page 43 - Johannes Römer
Johannes Römer, born 21 Feb 1807. Son of Johannes Römer and his wife
Anna Catharina neé Magel of Glimbach. Baptized 23 Feb 1807. Godparents
(Gottaltern): the current church elder (Kirchen Senior) Johannes
Hastmann of Allertshausen.
Added note: Died 28 Oct 1855.

Londorf (Climbach)
Confirmanden Register (Confirmation) 1808-1875
Microfilm #1201531
1821, p. 69, Glimbach - Johannes Römer, Johannes Römer und Anna Cath. geb. Magel
Johann Heinrich RÖMER
18 Feb 1810
Climbach, Londorf, Großherzogtum Hessen-Darmstadt
26 Sep 1820
Climbach, Londorf, Großherzogtum Hessen-Darmstadt
                   Londorf (Climbach) Geburts Protocoll  (Birth and Baptism)
Microfilm #1195986
Geburts Protocol 1808-1815
1810, No. 20, page 176 - Johann Heinrich Römer
Johann Heinrich Römer, born 18 Feb 1810 in Glimbach about eight in the evening. Son of Johannes Römer, citizen and farmer of Glimbach, and Anna Margaretha nee Magelin, the fifth child, third son. Baptized 20 Feb 1810. Sponsors: (1) Johann Heinrich Heuß, citizen, farmer and town clerk (Gemeindesschreiber) from Beuern; (2) Anna Margaretha, wife of the current judge of the court of Glimbach , Herrn Jacob Dietzen.

Londorf (Climbach)
Microfilm #1201528
Sterb Protocoll (Death)  1808-1834
1820, No. 57, page 569 - Johann Heinrich Römer
Johann Heinrich Römer died in Glimbach 26 September 1820 about ten in the evening at peace. Son of citizen and farmer, also customs officer, Johannes Römer and his wife Anna Margaretha neé Magel, age 10 years, 7 months, and 8 days. [Calculated *18 Feb 1810] Buried on 28 Sep 1820 about three in the afternoon in the presence of Peter Schafer, Johannes Schafer and Johannes Katz (Lutz), all of Glimbach.

Londorf (Climbach) Geburts Protocoll  (Birth and Baptism)
Microfilm #1195986
Geburts Protocol 1808-1815

1810, No. 20, page 176 - Johann Heinrich Römer
Johann Heinrich Römer, born 18 Feb 1810 in Glimbach about eight in the
evening. Son of Johannes Römer, citizen and farmer of Glimbach, and
his wife Anna Margaretha neé Magelin, the fifth child, third son.
Baptized 20 Feb 1810. Sponsors: (1) Johann Heinrich Heuß, citizen,
farmer and town clerk (Gemeindesschreiber) from Beuern; (2) Anna
Margaretha, wife of the current judge of the court of Glimbach, Herrn
Jacob Dietzen.
25 May 1812
Climbach, Londorf, Großherzogtum Hessen-Darmstadt
27 Jan 1884
Climbach, Londorf, Großherzogtum Hessen-Darmstadt
19 Apr 1838
Allertßhausen, Londorf, Großhe 
                   Londorf (Climbach) Geburts Protocoll  (Birth and Baptism)
Microfilm #1195986
Geburts Protocol 1808-1815
1812, No. 48 & 49, page 334 - Margaretha and Eleonora Römer
Margaretha and Eleonora Römer, born 25 May 1812 in Glimbach between
six and seven in the morning. Twin daughters (Zwilling) of Johannes
Römer, citizen and farmer, also toll collector (Zöllner) of Glimbach,
and his wife Margaretha neé Magelin. Baptized 26 May 1812, the older
daughter named Margaretha and the younger named Eleonora. Sponsors:
(1) Margaretha Steinin, legitimate unmarried daughter of citizen and
farmer, also hog trader (Schweinehändler), Wilhelm Stein, of Glimbach;
(2) Eleonora Römer, legitimate unmarried daughter of the late
(weyland) Johann Heinrich Römer.
Added note: "The younger of the two died 1 April 1813."
Added note in another hand indicates the death date of Margaretha was
27 Jan 1884.

Londorf (Climbach)
Confirmanden Register (Confirmation) 1808-1875
Microfilm #1201531
1826, p. 90, Glimbach - Eleanora Römer, geb. 25 Mar, Johannes Römer, Margaretha geb. Magel.

This is probably Margaretha, the twin of Eleanora; other records says Eleanora died in infancy, but Margaretha lived until 1884.
Eleonora RÖMER
25 May 1812
Climbach, Londorf, Großherzogtum Hessen-Darmstadt
1 Apr 1813
Climbach, Londorf, Großherzogtum Hessen-Darmstadt
                   Londorf (Climbach)
Microfilm #1201528
Sterb Protocoll (Death)  1808-1834
1813, No. 17, page 215 - Eleonora Römer (twin of Mararetha)
Eleonora Römer died in Glimbach 1 April 1813 between eight and ten in the evening, twin daughter of Johannes Römer, citizen and farmer of Glimbach, also customs officer, and his wife Margaretha neé Magel, age 10 months, and 12 days. Buried on 3 April 1813 about two in the afternoon in the presence of Wilhelm Mühli of Glimbach.

Londorf (Climbach) Geburts Protocoll  (Birth and Baptism)
Microfilm #1195986
Geburts Protocol 1808-1815
1812, No. 48 & 49, page 334 - Margaretha and Eleonora Römer
Margaretha and Eleonora Römer, born 25 May 1812 in Glimbach between
six and seven in the morning. Twin daughters (Zwilling) of Johannes
Römer, citizen and farmer, also toll collector (Zöllner) of Glimbach,
and his wife Margaretha neé Magelin. Baptized 26 May 1812, the older
daughter named Margaretha and the younger named Eleonora. Sponsors:
(1) Margaretha Steinin, legitimate unmarried daughter of citizen and
farmer, also hog trader (Schweinehändler), Wilhelm Stein, of Glimbach;
(2) Eleonora Römer, legitimate unmarried daughter of the late
(weyland) Johann Heinrich Römer.
Added note: "The younger of the two died 1 April 1813."
Added note in another hand indicates the death date of Margaretha was
27 Jan 1884.
FamilyCentral Network
Johannes Römer, I - Anna Margaretha Magel

Johannes Römer, I was born at Climbach, Londorf, Großherzogtum Hessen-Darmstadt 16 Jul 1768. His parents were Johann Heinrich Römer and Magdalena .

He married Anna Margaretha Magel 4 Feb 1791 at Climbach, Londorf, Großherzogtum Hessen-Darmstadt . Anna Margaretha Magel was born at Climbach, Londorf, Großherzogtum Hessen-Darmstadt 8 Dec 1771 .

They were the parents of 7 children:
Johann Jakob Römer born 1 Apr 1791.
Anna Maria Römer born 25 Apr 1796.
Helena Römer born 6 Feb 1805.
Johannes Römer, II born 21 Feb 1807.
Johann Heinrich Römer born 18 Feb 1810.
Margaretha Römer born 25 May 1812.
Eleonora Römer born 25 May 1812.

Johannes Römer, I died 17 Mar 1844 at Climbach, Londorf, Großherzogtum Hessen-Darmstadt .

Anna Margaretha Magel died 24 May 1847 at Climbach, Londorf, Großherzogtum Hessen-Darmstadt .